Wed 24th/Thur 25th May 2017: CorelDraw, Computer and Duodenal Donald giving me hassle – Laundry done, Horrible Nosh! Hehe!


Wednesday 24th May 2017

Malayalam: ബുധൻ 24 മെയ് 2017

Stirred 0445hrs: Bits of the dreams in the brain soon dissipated. Still felt so weary. Duodenal Donald still giving bother. Tried to get back to sleep without any luck, the mind was fermenting and losing its battle to gain any logicality or calmness. The thoughts were almost aphotic and melancholic in nature.

No disarray around the chair area this morning.

I dislodged myself from the £300 second-hand recliner and off to the Porcelain Throne. No problems in there today. Although, the skin looked almost aeneous in the mirror? Innards were gently rumbling away.

3Wed01Out and got the kettle on and did the Health Checks.Took the medications.

Took the drugs. I had an extra Omeprazole and Codeine Phosphate to help me to counter Duodenal Donald and Anne Gyna’s persistent pestering pains this morning. Along with some large gulps of the antacid liquid imbibed.

The view from the kitchen 3Wed03window was quite beautiful with the sun spreading over from behind and the clear skies.

It was a tad windy with it mind, so I closed the windows in there and the main room.

The mind still seemed a little confused to me – as if when I come out of the Donald Dizzy spell. But I had not had one of these? Peculiar I thought.

Got the computer on, hard to concentrate, but I persisted, and things became a lot clearer after an hour or so. Still taking me ages to get anything down the screen, due to my chronically bad typing, grammar, and spelling. It was almost as if Arthur Itis is when he visits the hands and fingers, but he was not visiting?

Singularly odd the feeling as if I’d just come out of a dizzy, and the fingers were freezing but weren’t really?

0558hrs: Google Chrome Started Going Unresponsive again! Clicked Wait button and made another mug of tea. Did some WordPressing when it came back on while I could.

6Sat07Checked the emails amid several more ‘Unresponsive’ attacks.As Sandie and Sam suggested, I disabled some more of the Extensions and updated this then rebooted with fingers crossed.

As Sandie and Sam suggested, I disabled some more of the Extensions, and I updated this then restarted with fingers crossed. Here goes…

Finished the yesterday diary and got it posted off. There were no Unresponsive occurrences yet. Fingers crossed!

Got a sudden sharp pain in the fight rear neck and head area? Took another extra Codeine 30g. Only lasted maybe ten minutes or so, then it returned half an hour or so later?

Made another mug of tea to replace the one that had gone cold and tried out Facebooking: If the ‘Unresponsiveness’ from Chrome are going to carry on, they will affect me on Facebook as they have been doing for ages.

95 Notifications to reply to. It’s looking good, been back on the web on Chrome for about an hour since rebooting without any hassle – Oh I hope and pray I don’t regret saying that!

I regret saying that!

Back to the regular freezing again. I disabled the WOT extension, thought this might help the situation, but no! Freezing again!

Sent information Email to Tech Sam.

Obergrupenfurgeress Warden Deana called to test the wrist alarm. She is very busy.

Mentioned Olive.

Feeling so depressed again.

Turned everything off and did the ablutions.

Got the washing and took it down to the laundry room and got it in the machine on a short cycle.

30 minutes late, down to move the clothes into the dryer. Someone had left a quilt in the dryer, so I cleaned the top of the dryer and folded the quilt and placed it on top.

Back up to the flat, having a chinwag with some resident who had arrived on the bus after their shopping expeditions.

P1170752Restarted the computer to see if the sticking freezing and going unresponsive on Google might have improved – no, still there. Humph!

50 minute later, down again to collect the hopefully now dried attire.P1170755

The morning was misty and yet bright with it.

Got the clothing out and folded then into the big bag.

Cleaned the filter and machine out.

P1170754Up to the apartment and got the togs stored away. Sorted the nibble box and raffle prizes ready for tomorrow’s Tenants Social Hour.

Tried once more to get Chrome to work correctly. No luck.

Then disaster… CorelDraw was not working. Spent hours and hours trying to sort it and find out what has gone wrong. In the end, I realised that I had changed the bank account and not informed Corel!

Sent an email to Tech Sam, asking for help in restoring it. Corel did let me change the details though. Waiting now to see if it will come back or I’ll have to order from scratch again?

Abandoned the computer altogether, really depressed now!

P1170756Got the fodder done.

Morrison’s very costly ‘Best’ smoked salmon fishcake, potato farl, apple, mushrooms, beetroot, surimi sticks, extra sharp Stilton cheese and few Jersy potatoes.

It was awful! Tasteless fishcakes, farls soggy, potatoes sour… Eurgh!

Really down in the mouth now.

Tried again to work on the computer, but no CorelDraw and Chrome were playing up brought me to a new depth of despondency.

TV on (How desperate was that?)


Thursday 25th May 2017

Maltese: Il-Ħamis Mejju 25, 2017

This update was finally done on Friday after thankfully the CorelDraw 2017 returned to action!

Up around 0630hrs: Recalled bits of dreaming about being in a giant sewer with biped yellow-haired rats chasing me?

Off to the Porcelain room, Little Inchy well swollen sore and tender for some reason, but thank heavens no bleeding – so things still on for the surgery I hope. Haemorrhoid Harold had been bleeding copiously but not at the moment.

Did the health checks, made a mug of tea and verified that all the things were in the bag for the Tenant’s Social Hour Meeting.

Really depressed about the CorelDraw and Chrome situation. No replies from Tech Sam yet.

Had a go at changing the payment details for the CorelDraw account. Took me hours to find out how to get in to update them, in the hope that the new bank account might be belatedly accepted. (Account Suspended – Non-payment. Due to my forgetting to change the details) Fingers crossed this works, I’m lost without my CorelDraw, and with the Chrome problems, I’ve become a sad figure of self-pity and morbidity.

Decided to get the ablutions tended to. Do you recall when I hit my head on the corner tray in the shower last week? I’d lowered it right down after the Whoopsiedangleplop thinking how cunning I was? I now have a lesion on my leg where I caught against the sharp edges of the wires and scratched the skin. Just thought I’d mention it like. Hehe! I moved the tray back up, at least if I only hit my head there will be less damage.

Tried to get the old laptop going to see if I could fare better with that. No, got in a right pickle of confusion and gave up.

Technology and me, Not compatible you see.

Set off with the empty jars for the recycling bin, raffle prizes, and nibbles and to the Winwood Hut via the bins.

A lot more folk than usual there today. BJ arrived, and there were many relatives of the tenants too.

The worry over the computer problems prevented me waffling on, although I did mention them a bit. BJ confirmed Sunday around 1200hrs for the trip to Papplewick Pumping Station after asking if I really still wanted to go.

Bill (William on Sundays), Jack and his five family members visiting, and Eddy all seemed to have a good time, glad to report.

I left a bit earlier than I would normally, to get ready to catch the L9 into Nottingham, to try and get some fresh pod peas.

Got some potatoes in the saucepan ready for the meat pie meal later. Changed and off with my valued Free Pensioners Bus pass to get the bus. Nice chinwag at the shelter.

4Thur02Dropped off on Upper Parliament Street and crossed over into the Victoria Centre (Mall) and up to the fruit & veg market.

The many Nottinghamians about, all looking very summery today.

I got to the stall and was overjoyed to see some Fresh Garden Peas on display. They looked so good and fresh, too.

I asked the lady for a pound and a half. But she did not go anywhere near the peas on display but got some that were behind the counter out of view. 

I asked her, “Are those the same as these English ones on display?” She muttered “Yer, they’re all the same” and continued to put them in a bag and weigh them. Handed them to me and I gave her a £10 note: “Ain’t yer got owt less?” she inquired. I said not, and she added: “Hang on them, I’ll ‘ave to get some change” and grumpily disappeared. Which was good… Cause that gave me time to investigate the peas in the bag. They were horrible Italian one’s not English, different size pods, some mouldy, some wet, terrible! When she returned I’d selected a few of the going rotten pods from the bag and showed them to her, saying: “Have you seen these? They are not the same produce…” I was going to add that I don’t want them, but she stopped me as she said “They are all the same, grabbed the bag off of me and served me with some of the fresh ones from the display, with a sneer on her face that really ought to have reduced me to jelly! Oh, dearie me.

I left with a bitter taste in my mouth and went down to the Tesco store. Where I had a walk around getting only a loaf of Sourdough Bread and some English tomatoes.

Out and over the road on the way into town, As I passed the Little Waitrose store, popped in to see if they had and Surimi in stock, and they had. So I got a couple of packets after foraging to the back of them to find some with a longer life date on them.

4Thur03Poddled to the bus stop.

The two photographicalisations I took in town, I had the selector set on the wrong choice, so they came out somewhat greenish?


To Queen Street and waited for the L9 bus. There was another passenger chap waiting, and we both got a little concerned when the bus was ten minutes overdue? 

Had a go at the Crossword book en route. 

Back at the flat, after a visit to the Porcelain Throne and a clean up in Haemorrhoid Harold’s area of the flobby-body, I got the meal going properly like. 

Put the goggle-box on to watch while I waited for the stuff to cook.

4Thur04Served it up in a partition plate.

Quorn sausages very nice, tomatoes okay, potatoes nice, apple good, mushrooms very good, fresh pod peas excellent and the beef pie with extra caramelised gravy Great!

Feeling a lot depressed and had no interest in trying to sort out the computer problems at all, I fell asleep watching the Law & Order episode on the TV.

Woke thinking it was morning, got out of the £300 second-hand recliner and to the Porcelain Throne, Duodenal Donald bleeding again. Sorted out the mess and cleaned me up, got some protection pants on and took the morning medications. Then realised it was not morning, but afternoon! What a Plonker! So I then took the evening medications. Tsk!

Did the health checks, pulse very high. And back to the watching the TV… fell asleep…


6 thoughts on “Wed 24th/Thur 25th May 2017: CorelDraw, Computer and Duodenal Donald giving me hassle – Laundry done, Horrible Nosh! Hehe!

  1. You’ve certainly had a couple of rough days. So the old lady tried the old bait and switch and pea on you eh? You gotta watch them type. It’s interesting that in our grocery stores, the veggies are out in bins and we have to choose what we want and bag them ourselves. They only people that stand behind displays and take your order are the butchers at the fresh and cured meat counters, or Deli’s. You tell them what you want, how much you want, and how you want them to slice, dice and package your order.

    Good you got Corel Draw working. That’s the pits when it gets down to nothing working. I’ve been there, and there is nothing more frustrating that your computer leaving you sitting on your hands while all the creative ideas slip away through the various dings, dents and cuts from banging your head over computer problems. I think you might want to get some old wishbones, a bottle of 4-way nasal spray, a vile of monkey blood, some pigeon feathers, and a couple of moldy Italian peas from the veg villainess, and do a little voodoo, magical incantations and good old exorcism on your computers, peripherals and software.

    Thursday’s food looked to be decent enough. Oh! I almost forgot. I did an honest to goodness whoopsydangleplop the other morning. I started up the swamp cooler last week, and it’s aways a challenge getting the float set high enough so there is enough water coming in to keep the pads wet on hot, dry days, but not too high to make it overflow and leak in the house when it’s not running, especially at night. It was dripping inside the house the other morning. At 6:00 am, before sunrise, I checked the outside temperature, and the thermometer I have mounted 6 feet off the ground in the middle of the property read 41ºF — a good 9 degrees above freezing. I climbed up on the roof to adjust the float in the swamp cooler, as I approached the cooler, I was surprised when my feet started slipping about, my arms started flailing and I went “whoopsie”, “dangled” for a moment, suspended in the air about 3 feet above the roof when my feet went up and out from under me, and then “plop!” I landed on my side on a thin sheet of ice that had formed on the roof from the cooler overflowing. While the thermometer read 41ºF 6 feet off the ground, apparently it was below freezing at 12 feet above ground level, given the fact I was lying on a slick sheet of ice on the roof. The ice was so slick, I couldn’t get back on my feet. I was close enough to the cooler to pull myself over, and adjust the float, but then I had to sit back down on the ice, push off the cooler and slide to the edge of frozen wetness, where I could stand up on dry roof, walk over to the ladder and climb down.

    I hope you get your computer in order soon, and maybe the temps will stay above freezing for awhile as we get into June.

    • Her attitude is what got to me Sir. Muttering they are all the same – when this was obviously not so. I shan’t calling there again. It’s only on the open markets where this happens nowadays Tim. Otherwise it’s pretty much like over there.
      Your’e right. Boy was I glad to get CorelDraw back again! So much things to get caught up with now, mind. A day in today (Saturday) hoping gt up to date with everything. (Hard work innit? Hehe)
      ‘Get some old wishbones, a bottle of 4-way nasal spray, a vile of monkey blood, some pigeon feathers, and a couple of moldy Italian peas from the veg villainess, and do a little voodoo, magical incantations and good old exorcism on your computers, peripherals and software.’ Best bit of advice I’ve had in years mate! Hehehe!
      Real surprised at the low temperature out there Tim. Your superior Whoopsiedangleplop has earned you an Honourary Membership of the Nottingham Accifauxpa & Whoopsiedangleplop Sufferers Membership!
      Spent hours and hours this morning on sorting things on the computer, and managed to get Firefox on the system at last. Looking okay at the moment? He says with a prayer! Humph! TTFN

      • A worthy society to be a member of! I’m honored. Sounds like you will be busy virtualacualizationing today.

      • I’m off to get some photographs, weather permitting, at the WW1 Memorial show at Papplewick Pumping Station this afternoon Sir.
        Got the sniffles this morning, our weather has turned a lot colder suddenly. Brrr!
        Cheers Sir.

    • Thanks petal.
      Hopes are high now, after several hours not knowing what I was doing with the computer and downloading Firefox this morning – crossed fingers is right. Praying as well. Hehehe! XXX
      To soon to celebrate victory yet, mind. Tsk!
      Have a hug in thanks and a good day please.

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