He Talks to himself, you know!

Insanity is his guiding light – Sad I know, but there you are!

I talk to and chastise myself,

How did I lose all of my wealth?

However, did I get like this, pale, achromaticity?

Memory has gone to pot, it’s such a pity,

I’ve lost my guile, drive and stealth.

_ _ _

My once slim body, now a flobby monstrosity,

Sometimes I find it hard to breathe,

At times I think it best if I pass-on with fugacity

I’d have liked to learn how to sew and weave,

I’ve always had too much sensuosity.

_ _ _

Life is getting filled with struggles and tortuosity,

I’ve never had sufficient tenacity or ferocity,

Now I’m losing my logic and synchronicity,

To be a good man, I have ever striven,

Passionate about nothing, never driven,

Alway tended towards showing sequacity.

_ _ _

Fell in love and lost her, a crying shame,

Heartbroken, but who should I blame,

Never again for me, the romance game,

Anyway, the ailment stopped that in its tracks,

Even tried fishing, but just caught sticklebacks,

Nothing left now to set me aflame!

_ _ _

That’s another thing, setting the cooker on fire,

Lifes desires are sinking into the Grimpen Mire,

Ah, Sherlock Holmes, his books were good,

I suppose I’ve become a Stuck-in-the-mud?

Ever since poor health and I did retire?

_ _ _

Even my thoughts confuse me, so much now,

Leaving me frustrated, baffled somehow,

Depression I used to disallow and disavow,

But not anymore, and that’s for sure,

No desire for wealth or pleasure to store,

But I still like my mug of tea and chow.

Now the blank spells have taken a grip,

Nae doubt for me it’ll soon be Toodle-pip,

Still, it’ll free me from the pains in the hip,

Arthur Itis, Anne Gyna, and the Enoxaparin,

I’ll no worry about me being fat and flabby, not thin,

Yes, I welcome the end, not to worry about losing my grip,

No fretting over the level of heparin!

_ _ _

Oh, hang on though, the A-Teams on telly tonight,

Now that’s put my mind in a plight,

I’d better take me tablets after all, whatever,

I love it when a plan comes together!

_ _ _

Hehehe! Cheers all!


9 thoughts on “He Talks to himself, you know!

  1. Your featured photo really got me tickled this morning! You are a treasure and a tonic! Thank you, my friend!👍👍
    ^^ Buffalo Tom
    One of the free benefits of owning a cat is you always look like you’re talking to someone.

    • Thanks, so much Sir.
      Makes my day making someone smile.
      I think my much missed beloved Cyril (He of the Heavy Metal Purr) was a talker. Amazing cat.
      TTFN taketh care.

  2. Great poem. Very Inchy. Talking to oneself is not so much a problem. Now talking to your alter ego, an it talks back might raise some concerns.

      • You can choose whichever. A simple case is like Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, or you can go with multiple personalities and party on!

  3. Pretty dark musings there. I agree, really like the A-Team, doesn’t matter that many of the situations where no one dies are rather improbable, lol <3

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