Inchcock – Fri 18 Jan 2019: My downward spiral, physically and mentally fallibility, pettifogging and shucking seem to be relenting. So, thankfully they are not aeviternal. Oh, Joy!


jan19 2019

Friday 18th January 2019

Danish: Fredag den 18. Januar 2019

23:25hrs. I woke, after falling asleep about five-hours earlier. I knew I’d been dreaming and that they were not pleasant ones, but could not remember any details and I had not made any notes on the pad on the Ottoman this time.

No mind wandering this morning, just a determination (Well, a weak one I admit, Hehe) to make a start on sorting out the spare room later. The call to the Porcelain Throne arrived. Escaping the £300 second-hand rickety, rusty recliner was done with almost ease. Apart from the left thighs mystery bruise pain when I moved, no Duodenal Donald or Dizzy Dennis hassle at all!

5fri003aAvoiding any toe stubbing, I made my way to the wet room with haste, arriving in time to avert any repeats of yesterdays messy embarrassment.

Sadly, I found a dead spider on the floor. I fetched the Sony to photograph it. Is this an indication of a Weevil-Counter attack and their murdering of this innocent creature? Or, is it that the spider was out to eat them, and walked over the sprayed Weevil killer? I said a few words over the body and gave him or her a burial in the toilet bowl. R.I.P.

WD 0.0.255c The evacuation went well, only a tiny bit of bleeding. I washed and was returning to the computer when I realised I had left the camera in the wet room. On reentering the room, the pungency of the stifling malodour, made me want to throw-up! Cor blimey, did that bit of salad on last nights nosh cause this noisomeness?

To the computer and got yesterdays post updated and sent off to WordPress. The concentration seemed a little better now. I have to say, I thought my recent ailments had gained the upper hand, and I had begun a downward spiral physically and mentally! Although I felt that this months mind-fallibility, misbehaving, pettifogging and shucking were going to be aeviternal.

Made a brew, and got the Health Checks done.


5fri001All sections seem to be on the rise again a smidge. Due to the reduction in the Furesomide as I wean myself off of them, I expect. 

I took this photo from the kitchen window and went on CorelDraw to use it as a background as I made up the Thoughts for today graphic.

5fri002I’d received an Email from Morrisons about yesterdays order.

They kept to their word and kindly knocked off a fiver from the cast, for the delivery being so late.

I got a pot if the Morrisons pot porridge.

WD 0.0.255c The light in the kitchen was flashing all the time. I tried turning it on and off a few times, but no luck. I bet the poor souls in their beds opposite the complex will get annoyed by this non-stop on-off flashing of the light, while it is dark anyway.

Pouring the boiled water into the pot was dodgy in the coruscating phosphorence. I poted some water onto my finger, Humph! So I walked into the lit room and filled the tub in there.

WD 0.0.255c The real shame is that the lights have brought on the dizzies now! Oy Vey!

However, I did take eight shots from the same place near the kitchen door. And got a light-flashing and light-off pictures in order first time. Smug Mode Adopted

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 I went onto the WordPress Reader.

Then I got the ablutions done. Made up some black bags and took them to the waste chute. I took a big bag of recyclable waste and took it down with me as I made way to the Nottingham City Homes, Winwood Heights, Hauptbereitschaftsleiteress Warden’s Temporary HQ. Sarcasm & Insult distribution area. Tenants Socialisationistical Meeting Shed. Telling Inchcock off Zone. Where things like crockery and pottery get stolen from, Rumour-mongering Clinic, and somewhere to rest while waiting for the bus, Portakabin. Where I asked Ballerina and Leutnant Untersturmführeress Warden Julie if she would be kind enough to ring the maintenance to inform them of my kitchen lighting problem. Which she kindly did. The bloke told her that all lighting was now the responsibility of the tenants.

2019 18 janI struggle but either manage with the step ladder to change the ordinary bulbs when I get someone to hold the steps for me; or ask a younger tenant for help usually. But this light fitting is a neon one. I don’t know how it fits on anyway. After Julie explained about me being at risk tenant, the man said he would have to make an appointment then. So he did when prompted by Julie. Monday next twixt 08:00 > 12:00hrs. I thought fair enough, it is Friday already, so I’ll have to do anything needed in the kitchen in daylight for three days. I’m sure I’ll cope. Hehehe! I thanked Gruppenführeress Julie and set out on my mini-hobble into Sherwood to get some Polish bread and freshener granules.


5fri11I met Welsh William as I got out of the hut, he was on his way to Sherwood too, but much to fast for me to keep up with him. We exchanged a few words.

Towards the end of Chestnut Walk, I turned back to take this picture. Still showing Winchester Court on the new signage as being WI__ HESTER COUR_, Hehe!

5fri12I had a leisurely, laggardly amble down Winchester Street hill into Sherwood.

It was pleasant to take this route without having to rush, as I usually do when walking to the Doctors, Nurse or the Clinic.

I thought the traffic looked light. Then realised it was later than I would typically have been hobbling down the hill. 

5fri013 I crossed over the road and slowly made my way to the Middle Eastern food store with the Post Office in it, to buy some Highland Shorties and sliced Polish Bread.

WD 0.0.255c Alackaday! There was no Polish Sourdough bread available today! Ah-well! The chap said when I asked him, that some should be in stock by tomorrow, he hoped. So did I. I also wish I’ll be feeling as good as did at the time, in the morning so I can leg it down to get some. At least I got some Scottish biscuits. I paid the gentleman and departed crossing over the road at the Pelican Lights.

5fri014I called into the Wilko store and bought some washing fragrance and a bottle of lemon scented bleach. Paid the lady, and continued up the hill.

I stopped to look in the shop windows on my way. I spotted that the Card Shop had some thick, sturdy Notebooks on sale at half-price! I investigated and found them to be most suitable. I think that Lynne mentioned she needed something, so she didn’t have to keep using loose paper. So I got a few of the notebooks. At that price, it would be criminal not to treat her! Haha! Buying them proved to be along job, though. I picked up the books and went into the checkout. I got the right money out ready, and by the time someone came to serve me, I had a long line of customers behind me. Still, I was in no rush, and it looked like the gal helping was on her own. Poor thing!

5fri015When I was crossing the end of Trevose Gardens, I found out that the Winwood Heights Winchester Court flats could be seen from where I was.

So I limped down to get a decent picture.

I pressed on and walked up through the Woodthorpe Grange Park.

5fri016 At first, there were very few about.

By the time I’d gone up the hill a few hundred yards, people and dogs seemed to appear from nowhere. And many of the dogs made a beeline for my bag to have a sniff and a nosey inside.

I never did work out what it was they smelt that attracted so many to me and my carrier? But I did enjoy fussing and chatting to a few of them. Included in the ‘bag-visiting’ dogs, where a group of three German Shepherds, a Chihuahua, Cairn Terrier a Scottie, two separate Labradors and a Lurcher type dog! I was enjoying myself! Most of the owners spoke to me, many showing surprises at their animal showing interest in me. Great fifteen-minutes walk!

5fri017WD 0.0.255c Apart from a dangerous, ignorant, scumbag, knuckleheaded git of a Nottinghamian Pavement Cyclist when I entered the park, this was one of the most contented few minutes with the canines, I’ve had in ages.

As I turned the corner at the top of the hill, I made for the Tree Copse, with the intention of walking down through it and getting some camera shots.

5fri018But, I noticed two people walking up through the trees, and they were slipping all over the place – so I decided against taking that route.

As I started to walk directly down the gravel path, I took this picture of the complex. Which I thought turned out a half-decent effort. Sometimes this old Sony camera takes better shots than the much newer Lumix, I believe.

When I got inside the lobby. May was sat there, and we had a nattering session, a few laughs as well. During our conversations, many other folks walked through who we greeted and a few we chatted and had a joke with. As it turned out, Lynne came through, and I gave Lynne and May one of the bargain-priced notebooks.

It was a while until I forced myself away, and up to the flat.

It tried the light in the kitchen, I don’t know why, cause it not going to work was it? Haha!

I did the Health Checks and the last of the enoxaparin injections for now anyway, unless the Warfarin level drops again. I updated this blog, then put some of today’s photographs on the Facebook Albums.

5fri20Health Checks were done, and the nosh was prepared.

I made far too much for me to eat. Much of it was left uneaten and thrown away I’m afraid.

However, what I did eat I enjoyed.

Did the Health Checks and made up a mix of spring water and orange cordial and settled in the £300 second-hand recliner to watch an episode of the A-Team, then there were three episodes of Law & Order and two of Hustle all on after each other.

I didn’t get to the end of the first A-Team episode before I’d nodded off! Tsk!

3 thoughts on “Inchcock – Fri 18 Jan 2019: My downward spiral, physically and mentally fallibility, pettifogging and shucking seem to be relenting. So, thankfully they are not aeviternal. Oh, Joy!

  1. That numbskull pavement cyclist nearly gave you some skull doggery. Bad smelly food? Doesn’t sound pleasant in the least. That looks like a pretty good circular hobble for a mini hobble. No canine photos? That’s a full plate of food.

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