Inchcock – Sunday 17th February 2019: Oddlimost day!


2019 Feb 17

Sunday 17th February 2019

Zulu: NgeSonto 17 Febhuwari 2019

01:40. The waking thoughts were confused and flooding into the brain at an impossibly rapid rate for me to diagnose, absorb or clarify. However, they soon evanesced into the ether, as soon as the need for a wee-wee made itself known.

I extracted my inconveniently wobbly-jelly-mould-like overweight stomached body from the £300 second-hand mechanically life-threatening recliner. I got to the Emergency Grey Plastic Bin in plenty of time and relieved myself via a wee-wee of the SPSHPLWW (Short-Painfull-Semi-Hose-Pipe-like Wee-wee) variety. (After which most of the subsequent fluid evacuations were of the SNSWW (Short-No-Sensation-Wee-wees again) mode.

WD 51.2.51 The leg wound was throbbing away like an old Gardner 150 LX diesel engine turns over. A closer inspection revealed that whatever the thing is, is swelling and spreading around the lower leg now, and will soon link up with the original wound. With the sole of the other foot still hurting to walk on, and now this, getting about may prove to be a struggle later. I hope that the Medical Centre, wherever it is, will contact me soon rather than later to have it looked at properly.

I remember Nurse Oberstgruppenführeress Ann telling me when she put on the ointment and plaster; “That’s it, all your problem now, I shan’t be doing any more for this…” She did add, “The sample taken will be analysed and a Medical Centre will get in touch with you!”


Let me try and work out how long it will take, bearing in mind it took seven days before I could see the Doctor in the first place.

So, Thursday it was when I got the plaster put on, that means most likely this unknown Medical Centre will not be informed before Monday at the earliest, or later by the time they get the results of the testing. Then they will have to fit me in and have to get the Compression Hosiery and plan medicationalistical needs to be sorted out… Hmm… I estimate six days. I might hear from them by next Friday, for an appointment possibly for the next week sometime. Thursday at the earliest, then, any appointment is likely to take them a few more days, which means the following week after that one. I’ve lost my plot here! Hehehe! This morning for the first time, it is as tender as it looks.

I always feel like I am a nuisance when I go to see the Doctor. If things carry on like this and get much worse, I might find myself having to ask for a move into one of the new Winwood Court Extra Care flats. Hehehe!

Hello, the sensation of wriggling worms has joined stinging, and itching has started getting stronger in the leg now. Ah-well, you can’t win em all!

On with the Health Checks.


WD 51.2.51 The Sys had gone up to the highest of the week. On the bright side, the absence of hassle from Anne Gyna, Back-Pain-Brenda, Hernia Harry, Arthur Itis, Reflux Roger and Haemorrhoid Harold is very welcome. The only bothers are Kidney-Aching-Kevin and Duodenal Donald. I can cope with these after yesterdays Dizzy Dennis spells and Shaking Shaun. The leg wound still concerns me, though.

I set about updating the Saturday daymare diary. It took me a long time, but eventually, I got it finished and sent off to WordPress. Then I went on the WP reader section.

7Sun10All these things were in-between the many persistent SNSWWs of course.

Made a mug of tea and had some cornflakes for brekkers.

Ablutions all sorted, and down to the laundry room. Malcolm from number 70 was doing his washing. Little chinwag enjoyed.

7Sun11I got the washing in the machine and then took the recycling bag out to the caretaker’s doorway.

Back up to the flat and refilled the pots with pods and freshener. 

Got the veg in the crock-pot on the high setting. I only used onion salt as seasoning.

7Sun12Mushrooms, parsnips, leeks, carrot and turnips used.

Back down and moved the clothes to the dryer. Washed the drum and casings. Tons dried of dried soap powder in the drawers. Cleared them as best I could. Tsk!

Up to do a little more updating on the post. But, I was not sure how long I needed before having 7Sun15to collect them again.

This was due to my taking off the new-to-me £2 wristwatch, that I spent £10 on getting a new strap. I did this cause I was getting red marks on the wrist that looked like the ones on the ankle did when they first appeared.

So I went down earlier than I normally would have to collect the dry clothing, and I found that the washing still not dry 7Sun16enough.

So, I nipped outside, to take this photograph. It wasn’t too cold out there, with little wind.

When I came back inside the lobby, I espied some giveaways on the coffee table in the foyer.

I had a nosey.

7Sun11aI imagine these were from the poor chap who had passed away.

I went into the laundry room and was unaware that I was singing to myself as I emptied the clothes from the dryer machine. A chap who I often chinwag with was passing the doorway. He came over and with a smile, said to me. “That’s what I like to hear, a chap working away and singing to himself!” I laughed and thanked home very much!

7Sun19I got the togs sorted, folded and into the laundry bag.

There were far less clothing, with my being flat-bound by the Furesomide prompted wee-wees and the new wound too painful for a lot of walking. Humph!

So that the not getting dressed for three days had saved me a bit of time. Hahaha!

7Sun18WD 51.2.51 As I left the laundry room to go back up to the flat with the bag, I noticed this note on the Fire-Alarm panel. But the green light was on on the right, so things must be alright and safe.

Only one elevator was working today. Yet I managed to get it each time I needed to use it. Amazing really!

7Sun20In our ostentatious, extravagantly, decorated, homely, warmth-giving, welcoming lift lobby, at the far end of it, they had sealed up the new tunnel entrance they are erecting, that will lead to the new Extra Care Winwood Court and the Generalfeldmarschalless Warden’s holding-cells and offices, doorway.

I made my way back up to the apartment, had a wee-wee, washed the hands and got the laundry stored away in the airing cupboard.

I finished off the funny graphic post about the leg wound. (Or whatever it is!) Posted it off.

Sister Jane rang, bless her, and we had a chat for a while. It was a very educational chinwag for me. At least I learnt that I am eating the wrong type of porridge, I am far too heavy, and she will get to visit me after the Brexit negotiations are all sorted if she is not shopping at Morrisons, going out for a meal or Nottingham Forest are playing on that day. Hehehe!

Oh, I must remember the INR Warfarin blood test is on Monday, tomorrow this week cause they could not fit me in before midnight on my usual day, Tuesday. Well, with my odd sleeping patterns, 12:00hrs is midnight for me! I decided to make a large reminder card and stick it up so I cannot miss it in the morning. Better safe than sorry!

Did the Health Checks.

7Sun38Got the nosh sorted. Mushrooms, tomatoes, apple, parsnips, turnips, carrot, leeks, Marmite cheese, mash with onion, and two mini pork & pickle pies. Lemon mousse to follow.

Taste Rating of 8.9/10 given, and, I ate it all!

Put the pots in the washing-up bowl to soak, and back to the recliner to settle and watch some TV.

7Sun35aWhich was when I realised I had written the wrong time for the appointment in the morning on the reminder note hanging over the computer screen! Schlemiel! It should have read 0945hrs!

I soon drifted off into dreamland. Where I remained for six hours, and not a single waking for a wee-wee!

12 thoughts on “Inchcock – Sunday 17th February 2019: Oddlimost day!

  1. Make a note to show your leg to whoever does your blood work. It’s sad that the doctor sees you as a nuisance and doesn’t seem to want to address your issues. Good work on eating all of your good looking meal.

  2. Wow! That leg business certainly took off. It’s looking pretty alarming to me. I can imagine you are very anxious to have the doctor look after it, if nothing else to get relief from the strange sensations in it. Best wishes for that!

      • Still waiting to hear from them, Doug.
        Ah-well, at least the wound seems to be getting less stingy and drying up today.
        I think thats a good sign?
        You watch mate, by the time I get to see someone it will have gone!

      • I think that is one reason guys lots of times never make that initial appointment to see the doctor! (I have to fight that urge when it comes to things bothering my cats, too. Dougy’s recent eye infection probably got me moving faster because he had an infection like it when he was a few year younger. Otherwise, I probably would have thought it would clear up if I just waitedf!)

  3. What a nasty looking leg wound. That needs attention. I wish our laundry room (1 room with 4 washers and 4 dryers for 100 apartments) was open 24 hours. They close at 9 PM and open at 7 AM. Not much time for all these people. I keep a lot of clothes and wait til the end of the month when most people are already broke to do mine. Once a month for me unless I want to do the bedding. I stay away from the 1st of the month as there is a stampede once the government checks come out. I am awake in the middle of the night, but can’t make use of it since they lock it up at 9 PM. Ridiculous! Our living areas are similar, but we have no ones with medical care or such. I personally live in a subsidized apartment for the poor. Although compared to some of the places I can’t complain too much. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I was told to come for a walkthrough to decide if I wanted the apartment. One weird thing is the security is not 24 hours. Monday to Friday from 8 to 5 PM we have a manager on duty who does work around the building.

    • Hello, gal. I’ll just have to wait until the appointment arrives. Tsk!
      We have two washers and dryers for 168 tenants, but as you know, accessible 24/7 (When they are not broken down) Hehe!
      I’m proud of how you have worked it all out, Tessa, to get the best out of the situation as you can, well done!
      Our Wardens or often Warden, are 0830hrs to 0430hrs Mon to Friday. Buy, we do have wrist alarms in case we collapse or otherwise, and a pull alarm in the laundry room. Also a direct line to the control room. So we do well in being looked after compared to some.
      The new Winwood block being built now is for new extra care tenants. I’m not sure what facilities they will have yet.
      Taketh care gal. ♥

      • It seems to me there should be more washers and dryers with so many people and the break downs. Off hours there is usually a guard in the control room as you call it, but during the week days no one is around most of the time. What good is a call bell where no one is at to hear it. We should have 24 hour coverage in that area. This is a senior housing unit. When the medical emergency is called they have to call a number to get the code to get in unless someone happens to be there.

      • Not well planned is it, Tessa.
        I think money motivates the cut-backs and failure to supply enough cover.
        If I win the lottery, we’ll be alright then. Hehe!

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