Inchcock Today – Sun 10 Mar 2019: Roll on Monday. Hehe!


2019 Mar 11

Sunday 10th March 2019

Moari: Rātapu 10 o Maehe 2019

2016-06-14 11.28.2301:05hrs. When I woke, I found it hard to believe how long I had slept for, considering all the hours I nodded off for yesterday. At least I was in a slightly better mood with myself this morning. The self-depreciation had eased off a bit, and I thought today might bring forth a better frame of mind and less anguish. My thoughts were still Farmisht, but for some reason, I was living with them more comfortably? Probably, most likely, due to my defeatist relinquishing and renouncing of any hopes of improvement in my sepulchral, bleak existence.

WD128.0.0 I fear that the Grumps, Kvetching and Curmudgeoning modes will take-over later, from my usual acceptingly-placid, go-with-the-flow style. My EQ tells me this. But I pray it is wrong for once.

After my few minutes mournful, morning-musings, I extracted my most abdominous, overheavy, bloated legs and stomached body from the second-hand, £300, ci 1968 rickety recliner, and gained a semi-perpendicular stance. I’m glad to report that the nocturnal-activities had not involved any nibbling or dropping, scattering items on the carpet for me to tread on this time.

Over to the EGPWWB (Emergency Grey Plastic Wee-wee Bucket). The release was just a trickle, and the bucket had not been used overnight. I thought I’d be able to safely empty and clean it and then store it away now.

7Sun03Especially after I checked the legs. The gnarling of the knees had lessened, they were both of the sameish colour, though they had moved positions again. Ha-ha!

I thought I could see an outline of a chicken on one of the knees after taking this photo, The right one as you look at the picture) I can’t find it now. Tsk!

Cleaned and stored the EGPWWB handily in the kitchen, in plain unobstructed view, just in case.

Got the hemadynamometer and thermometer out, to carry out the Health Checks. But was side-tracked by the call to the Porcelain Throne.

WD128.0.0 I was caught out with the amount of bleeding from Hammorhoid Harold. The evacuation went well, and I read a page or two of the Victoria Wood biography. I cleansed and applied some Germoloid Cream, gently. Hehe! Put some new PPs on, and wrapped the used ones in the bag supplied.

WD128.0.0 Back to the Health Checks. Again I was surprised, at the readings all round really. Sys up, Dia down, and pulse up! I wish I could fathom out why this is.


I made a brew of the deliciously-strong Glenghettie Assam tea and swallowed the medications, tablets, capsules, and medicines. No injections this morning, and no Furesomide needed (I hope).

On to the computer, to update the Saturday post. This lasted for only a few minutes, and a second-demand for the Porcelain Throne interjected. A bit soon after the first one? 

WD128.0.0 As I stood up to make my way to the wet room, I knew from the wet-warm sensations from the front and back of the PPs, I was in trouble! And I was right, I’m afraid. The evacuation itself was fine, but Haemorrhoid Harold’s and Little Inchies fungal lesion had been ensanguining worse than I can remember for a long time. There followed a marathon, painful and worrying ten-minutes or more, of cleaning and medicationalisationing to the tender areas included applying; Dakacort nitrate hydrocortisone and Allantoin, Lidocaine Hydrochloride. (All right, blood stopper and pile cream, Hehehe!). Changed the PPs again. Good job my mate Michael helps me out with these!

Back to my blogging. I got the diary finished and sent off to WordPress. During doing this, I needed only one wee-wee. That was again, a drip-drip affair. Why have things changed so quickly on the wee-weeing side? I was beginning to let myself get uptight again, with all these irregular ailments kicking off and bleeding so much, and my not understanding why.

To the kitchen to make another brew, and could see many emergency vehicle blue lights nearby. By the time I’d fetched the camera, they had all gone or been turned off. So I took these shots of the general view.


Back on the computer and made a start on this blog. Checked the Emails and a weather warning was received… Snow in Nottingham! Warning in place Between 3 am, and 11 am on Sunday 10th March. Snow Warning Nottinghamshire The Post put this picture up of the same day last year.


Dizzy Dennis and Shaking Shaun overcame me, quite suddenly. I sat down in the £300 second-hand rickety recliner and fell asleep.

Sister Jane rang, it was a terrible connection, that cut-off after a couple of minutes. Jane rang back, still a bad line, but we struggled through for a few minutes, then I lost her again.

Went to make a brew, feeling more in line with things now that the ailments have cleared.

Did the Health Checks, and suddenly felt so tired? Confusing me today. The wee-wee’s being so few and of no power, just a trickle? Dennis and Shaun, the bleeding, my feeling so weary as such a decent sleep as well? My not feeling hungry as well, all doing my confidence no benefit. But still, hey-ho, I’m still here.

JPIceskateI rang Jane back and although still a struggle to hear everything she commanded and lambasted me for, at least we didn’t lose the connection this time. During this telephone-chinwag, I discovered I was overeating, too much bread and must cut-it-out. The buses being cut-back will make me walk further and be good for me. And… oh, I’ve forgotten the last telling off subject… Hahaha!

I put this photo in to cheer them up and make up for my bending of Jane’s words. Hehe! A dashing looking couple!

I thought of something I can usually eat easily for the not-felt-like-eating meal. Thought I do some oven chips tomatoes and a slice or two of the small milk roll bread, I should manage to eat it if made only a few chips.

Off to the kitchen, and Oh boy, was it snowing out there. I took some photographs.

I decided I could not face anything to eat yet, so I made a brew and watched some TV instead. Naturally, I fell asleep once more. Woke up needing the Porcelain Throne. An easier evacuation this time. Washed and got the Health Checks done, then I took two more weather pictures. They stick out don’t they, the last two? I’ve put them all together here. These later ones were taken with the newer camera.


7Sun25Got the nosh served up, such as it was.

Took the evening medications with the fodder. 

I had planned, to make a list of the medications ready for the leg ulcer clinic, and do the ablutions to save time in the morning before I go to the blood test at the surgery.

But, I fell asleep – yet once more! This old age is a drag. Now it seems I’m licenced to fall asleep anywhere, anytime! Grumph!



2 thoughts on “Inchcock Today – Sun 10 Mar 2019: Roll on Monday. Hehe!

  1. I can see a faint chicken in your knee. About half its head is at the top of the photo. That’s a great sequence of snow photos. We’ve had warm, windy weather the last few days, but it’s forecast the rain for the next few days. We’ll see. Meager, but well arranged dinner.

    • Thanks Tim.
      I can’t find the head again, Tim. Tsk! Hehe!
      Turned to rain here this morning, but froecast says a bit more none-settling snow may arrive. It may do as well, I’m off to the blood-test for 0900hrs.
      Hope all is well your end, and the river brings forth wildlife for you to photographicalise.

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