Inchcock – Sat 28 Sept 2019: It started so well, as well today, then the Whoopsiedangleplops took charge!

2019 Sept 28

2019 Sept 28

Saturday 28th September 2019

Norwegian: Lørdag 28 September 2019


Aha, at last! Sleep, I got in six-hours of it, not a lot, but much-needed and most welcome.

02:15hrs: I woke  in need of a wee-wee, disentangled my blubbery stomached body from the Brother-in-Law Pete damaged while he was flat-robbing, when I was in the Stroke Ward, as he fitted new CCTC cameras, and searched for my valuables, which he found and took, (I still haven’t got them back yet four-months later), £300, second-hand, near-dilapidated, gungy-beige coloured, c1968, recliner, to the almost full GPEB (Grey-Plastic-Emergency Bucket), and had yet another of the nervous-making, worrying, tic-making, LHBLS (Long-Hosepipe-Blasting-Like-Splashback) mode, wee-wee.

6Sat02aWD 125.0.0.a Taking care as I did so, but still needed to visit the wet room, for a wash, and change my sprayed-on pyjama bottoms. Humphski! More hand washing to do! Ah, Well!

The pins (legs) were looking better this morning, much so. But the Peripheral Neuralgia ridden right leg, was a little too active, with its Neuropathic Schuhplattler dances, all were of short duration, but more frequent than ever before. Mmm! But even so, at the wrong time, they can still have me over. Must be careful, the EQ told me to as well!

Washed the dandies, and went to the kitchen. Moved last night’s not yet dried washing. The socks above the radiator on a hanger, the shirt onto the stand-up airer. Then got the pantaloons washed and hanging.

Another wee-wee was called for, this time I was prepared for the deluge! Hehe! So I avoided any mess or accifauxpas.

6Sat04Got out the medications and made a brew of tea.

Took a picture of the morning view, through the light & view-blocking, thick-framed, new kitchen window with the panes of glass that cannot be reached for cleaning. Which reminded me, I must as Jenny about the window cleaner chap, who said he would call on me and didn’t. Perhaps he is just full up with requests at the moment, from so many tenants?

6Sat03aI took the tea and tablets with me to the computer and made a start on the updating of the Friday post. This took me longer than it has ever done before! Not due to Mr Fries internet going down for once (Although it being weekend, I anticipate that it will at some time fail me), instead, the finger-ends losing sense-of-touch, needing so much correcting and rewriting!

6Sat03Midway through doing the blog, I remembered to put one of the large potatoes into the crockpot, left it on high for an hour or two, then later turned it to low. When I make cheesy potatoes this way, they are much easier to mix with the cheese. Which is likely to be fun but dangerous with the right hand and leg playing up so much today!

I pressed on, frustrated at the slow pace, but got the blog finished, it was gone 07:00hrs by then! And, of concern, was the fact that I had to have eight wee-wees during that time! All of the LHBLS (Long-Hosepipe-Blasting-Like-Splashback) variety. Where is it all coming from? Tsk!

6Sat05Another mug of Glengettie this time, made. It is so much tastier and robust than Morrison’s Assam blend.

The morning was lightening up now. I took a photograph of the clouds and spent a few moments playing my nephelococcygia game. Finding some eyes and rivers. Hehe!

Back to the computer, and sent off the Friday post. Went on the WordPress Reader. Then I sent photos to the Pinterest site. Next, my much-looked forward to the chance of catching up on the TFZer Facebooking. (In between several more LHBLS (Long-Hosepipe-Blasting-Like-Splashback) variety wee-wees were taken. How it flows suddenly so much today, is a mystery to me! But flow, it continues to do! Grumph!

Made another cuppa. Ate a puff party finger, had yet another LHBLS wee-wee and got on CorelDraw to make up some ‘Thoughts’ and Graphic tops for future use.

09:20hrs: The banging and grinding from Herbert above, didn’t bother me too much. And it had stopped by 10:50hrs. Which is when I began the graphicalisationing.

WD 125.0.0 13:50hrs: Had a hell of a Dizzy Dennis attack, that left me staggering each I walked for thirty minutes or so. I did manage to get some graphics done but had to pack up. The dizzies, with the fingertips going unsensing again, and I just had an imitation Neuropathic Schuhplattler dance from the right leg. A shame that, I was doing well as well.

I turned off this computer, lowered the heat to Low on the crock-pot, and with shaking hands and fingers, got down in the recliner, with a fresh mug of tea. Hopefully to bring myself around a bit. Not the best feeling when this happens, but fortunately it’s not often. I’ll try to nod-off as well, ah! I’ll put the TV on, that usually sends me off, but only of course when there is something on I want to watch. Haha! I might be back later, or in the morning. I’d better take the medication while I think of it. TTFNski.

Morning now: Updated this blog.

WD 125.0.0.a When it came to taking the medications, it was a bit fraught I have to say. I dropped the Duodenal Donald bottle, had tablets shooting off out of the insensitive fingers, and squirted a stream of pile cream across the room and down the wall! Things had deteriorated somewhat, Hehe!

Doing the cooking was another struggle. I gave up trying to make the cheesy potatoes unlumpy and ate them as they were. I still enjoyed them, though.


As you can see, I made short work of the Taste-Rated at 8/10 meal.

Washed the pots, had a BOBSL (Blasting-Out-But-Short-Lived) wee-wee, and started to do the physio exercises, but gave up, due to lack of control of my right side. Then did the handwashing, and hung them up to dry.

At last, I settled in the recliner, and put the TV on. I think that within minutes, I was deep in the much-needed land of Nod! Ah!

WD 125.0.0 The door chime and knocking that woke me sounded urgent. I got a shirt on, grabbed the stick, stubbed the toe, and went to the door.

6Sat07It was Josie. She had just got back from holiday, and had found that the Royal Mailman had delivered two items to her flat, meant for me, and handed them over. I was half-asleep and rudely forgot to ask how her holiday had gone.

The items were, the Warfarin Alert band, that I complained about not receiving from Amazon, and the Warfarin INR test results. Which when I told the surgery, I had not received it last week, and they did not believe me… And all this hassle could have been avoided if the postman had not delivered to the wrong flat! Especially with Josie being away on holiday, made it worse, cause I had to wait another week before I eventually got the things… Oh, Globbleblobs!

WD 125.0.0 I checked the contents and found only one Warfarin band in it, not the two I had paid for! Not doing very well, am I? My deteriorating confidence, and spirits, were plunging, degenerating even faster now!

WD 125.0.0 To round-off the series of late Whoopsies, when I’d had another wee-wee and got back down again in the £300, second-hand, rickety recliner, sleep would not come! I suppose the being woke up again, and getting annoyed at my bad luck in the deliveries being missed etc. is the cause.

Morphius sweet Morpheus, has thee abandoned me? As, or similar to a sentence spoken on the radio by the much-missed Tony Hancock, in 1959.

Fed-up? Me? Yes!

4 thoughts on “Inchcock – Sat 28 Sept 2019: It started so well, as well today, then the Whoopsiedangleplops took charge!

  1. Speaking of blubber, we could make two movies: “The Absent Minded Inchcock” with a sequel “Son of Blubber”. Do you remember Fred McMurray in “The Absent Minded Professor” and sequel “Son for Flubber”? 1960’s movies I believe. I see your mail carriers are a bit incompetent like ours. I don’t know how much stuff of mine gets delivered to the wrong PO box, but I get a lot of other people’s mail in my PO box. There are always several letters hanging from various PO boxes, with their corners stuck in the cracks between the cases and box doors, waiting for their rightful recipients. I generally just stick them back in the general mailbox. Those cheesy potatoes look great, and it looks like you enjoyed the meal very much.

    • Ah, yes, Tim, I remember the basketball farce with Fred Murray, well. I don’t recall a Son of Blubber, though. I’ll look it up. “Beleaguered professor Ned Brainard (Fred MacMurray) has already run into a pile of misfortunes with his discovery of the super-elastic substance “Flubber.” Now he hopes to have better luck with a gravity-busting derivative he’s dubbed “Flubbergas.” Sounds fun.
      We both suffer from the mailmen then! Tsk! I often get other peoples mail, but it is easier for me to take them to the flat they were meant for. Not good is it?
      Now, I’ve got to make another cheesy potato meal today, for Josie. Despite her not getting the message about me going to bed early and waking me again, last night! Bless her, she forgets things, just like what I do! Hehe!
      I could still taste the cheese when I woke up this morning.
      Cheers Sir, take care and a cuddle through the ether for the furries, please. TTFNski

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