Inchcock – Monday 9th March 2020: City Centre Photos taken.

2020 Mar 09

2020 tttMar09

Monday 9th March 2020

Telugu: సోమవారం 9 మార్చి 2020

000 Mar 09a

GM06b01:58hrs: I woke several times during the night, but soon nodded off again. This time, I removed my cumbersomely over-stomached body from the £300, second-hand recliner almost straight away. I caught my balance and got the stick, and as I made my way to the kitchen, I stopped part-way… Where were my ailments? Was I still dreaming? Of the wide selection of issues available to me, only Saccades Sandra and Back-Pain-Brenda was of any bother? Duodenal Donald, Dizzy Dennis and the others seem to have abandoned me! Had I snuffed it during the night?  I was confused, but oh, so pleased, even if it was only going to be a temporary situation, I took a weak wee-wee in the GPWWB (Grey-Plastic-Wee-Wee-Bucket), and started to sing to myself as I got in the kitchen!

WDP 002bWD 0.0.0 (1) As I got the kettle on, Nicodemus’s Neurotransmitters started failed and continuously returned and did so for ages. This meant the following medication sorting (From the mixed-up tablet’s in the falling-apart PilBox. Thanks to Carrington Pharmacy, 343-345 Mansfield Rd, Nottingham NG5 2DA), the taking and transportation into the computer, were ridden with annoyances, spilt tea, dropped tablets etc., but still no hassle from even Arthur Itis! So things medically speaking were in fine form! Yeehaa! The state of my mentality had yet to be tested and assessed. Haha!

As I got back to the computer desk, the borborygmic gurgling from the innards, meant a visit to the Porcelain Throne was required, so off to the wet room. Well, this session was different from how they have been of late. Down on the throne, instant movement (but this was within my control for once), not a lot evacuated, but it was very messy and needed a lot of cleaning up and medicating as Harold’s Haemorrhoids bled a bit. And the pain was no more than a little discomfort. Washed and returned to the computer.

WDP 20193AWD 0.0.0 (1) Getting Coreldraw opened to load the photo of last nights nosh first. Then to WordPress, and oh, dearie me! I discovered the Dedicated photo I’d made up yesterday, had the wrong Month on it! Humph! (Glad I spotted it thought). I had to remove it and make another one with March on it, not February. What a Putz!

1Mon01Responded to WordPress comments (2), then started this blog off. I got as far as here.

Then fetched another pot of the olive oil, because I could not find the one I thought I’d put in the computer drawer yesterday? I do so annoy myself at times! A proper search around, and I still could not find it! So, I got another one. I ordered some more from Amazon, and a wax remover kit, for delivery tomorrow.

Then I made a start on updating the Sunday post. It didn’t take too long, despite Nicodemus’s Neurotransmitters and Shaking-Shoulder-Shirley’s (she is persistent this morning!) best efforts to hold me up! Saccades-Sandra eased off well, and focussing became more comfortable for me. Arthur Itis, Anne Gyna and Duodenal Donald were all of little if any bother! Smug, yet worried Mode Engaged?

I got the updating finished by 06:00hrs. Next, I put some things on Pinterest. Then did some more work on this blog. Later I changed to the TFZer Facebooking. Thank took a long but enjoyable time!

1Mon02On to graphicalisationing now for a while, before getting the wash & brush-up done. Brilliant ablutions session. Didn’t bother snapping the legs, they are all but normal nowadays! A few dropsies and a finger-end trapped in the sock-glide, but no complaints at all.

Readied to go out to town. Made up the black bags, and went to put them outside the door, and was greeted by five busy workmen (two electricians in Malcolms flat) and a pile of tools, wires etc. and it was impossible to get out into the flat lobby.

A chap approached me and asked if I was going out. I told him that after the bags are done, but I need to go back in “Cause I’m a dithering double-checker and need to make sure no lights, electrics and taps are left on!” He laughed, and took the bags to the chute for me, thanking him very much! I did the checks, and after some shilly-shallying, and cavilling, I was ready to flee the flat.


The way through to the lift lobby had been cleared for me. I got to the elevators without any bother. A good set of blokes working here, imagine starting a job and having to move everything away to let me out, then get it all back in again. Thanks, lads. And they must have hundreds of flats to do!

I made my way through to the Winchester Court lobby and had an enjoyable natter. Then outside and had another chinwag with a crowd waiting in the bus shelter. I took a few photographs while I was waiting.

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Mary was on the bus, she was of to Lidl for her shopping on Woodborough Road. I got the crossword book out, but it was an almost total failure this morning. I was more interested I think, in keeping my comically rotund wobbly body from being tipped out of the side-saddle seat at each corner and bend the bus went round!

1Mon06I alighted the bus last as usual to avoid the stampede for the door, and stood a moment or two, to search for my shopping list. I knew I was only going to Tesco to get fresh fruit & veg, then the Bargain shop. But there were other items that I could not recall. No luck in finding it anywhere, searched every pocket and the trolley bag?

1Mon06CI hobbled on a few yards and stopped for another search of the jacket and trolley bag. I was getting slightly annoyed with myself again. I was sure I’d put the list in my coat pocket earlier on.

Another failed search.

I did spot a piece of Nottinghamian Street art, though. And the Nottinghamians playing their usual game of, ‘Let’s walk-out in front of the buses at the crossings!’

As I limped over the crossing myself to the Boot’s store, the right Arthur Itis knee twanged into stinging and stabbing pain-filled mini-session. That lasted no longer than 30-seconds or so. Then went back into ‘sleep-mode’?

I naughtily walked through the Boot’s shop and into the Victoria Centre (Mall). As I plodded on along the ground floor towards the end and the Tesco shop, I had to be a little weary of many folks who seemed to have adopted as their Monday-Mission, ‘Let’s walk into some old chap, today and try to knock the senile git over!’ By the time I’d got to Tesco, with all the twisting and bending to avoid collisions with so many people, Back-Pain-Brenda had started to go into one of her ‘Aching’ modes.

The moment I got to get a basket for my shopping, the silence, well not that, the lack of noise rather, hit me. The place was crowded, but no one seemed to be talking to each other? I checked the hearing aids, they were working, I could hear the tills going?

Anyway, I got the shopping done, remembering some items I couldn’t earlier on. I ended up at the checkout with; Fresh Polish hot dogs, mini carrots, bacon strips, mushrooms, sugar snap peas, and onion and tomatoes. The things I remembered were; Seaweed & Wheat crispies, Sourdough nibbles. To my pleasant surprise, I found on the shelves with foreign goods, Glengettie Teabags! I grabbed a packet. All for £21.66!

1Mon08As I paid and left, then walked down and out onto Milton Street, I had a rest, as Shaking-Shoulder-Shirley had joined in with Back-Pain-Brenda, in giving me some stick. The Pavement was covered in chewing gum. But the most exciting thing I came across while standing there, as people wearing face-masks. More than I expected. Most of them were Asian students, I believe.

1Mon09aAs I started moving again, with little bother from Arthur Itis I might add, I spotted this chap across the road?

I went over the pedestrian crossing to the other side of Milton Street, and into the Bargain Store. I knew what I was seeking there, alright. The Pakistani Bread Biscuits, and the cheapo Woolite Black washing liquid. Unfortunately, they didn’t have either in stock. Humph! However, they did have some small tins of Garden peas and red beans! I bought several of the peas and two of the beans. Just a handy size for someone on their own.

WDP 11eLWD 0.0.0 (1)I made my way to Queen Street to catch the L9 bus. Bit of a disastrous farce this was! I was in plenty of time and had about ten minutes until the bus was due in. But a lorry parked on the other side of the road was blocking buses getting by! My EQ told me straight out; ‘You will not catch this bus!’ He was right, but failed to warn me of the consequences that I would suffer!

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WDP11LWD 0.0.0 (1) When I looked at the photos on the camera screen, I realised that I had been so involved in taking the pictures of the traffic jam, I had missed the L9 at the stop, I even took a picture of it, and it didn’t dawn on me! My self-esteem, low as it already was, sank down further! What an absolute Schmuck of the Highest Order! Self-contempt, denigration, loathing, disgust and loathing, like never before flowed!

How the hell I did I manage to do that!

1Mon13Now, in Depression Defcon Two, I was in a right morbid mood. I moved down the hill, to catch the next 40 bus (15 minutes to wait for it) – already dreading the walk from the 40 bus stop on Mapperley Rise back to the flats. I think I might have still been muttering insults at myself? Cholericalisations!

The 40 bus arrived and was abandoned by the driver. Along with other passengers, we waited patiently of the relief-driver to come from the clutch of drivers smoking and chinwagging near the Red’s True Barbecue restaurant window. I was not bothered, I was so low, it didn’t matter after my morale-devastating debacle over missing the L9 bus.

The side-saddle seats on these buses are smaller and with fewer things to grab onto, to help yourself keep in the chair. (The thought that next month we will have to use these buses as the L9 route is being abandoned, did not help my spirits!) At least when they start, it is hoped they will go to the flats in April.

And, the drop-off stop, must be one of the most dangerous ever. I took the snip below from Google Maps to show you how dodgy it can be dropping off the bus on Mapperley Rise.


WD 0.0.0 (1) Crossing the road needs constant attention. With a stick, or the wheeler-guide and shopping bags, one needs to keep an eye out left and right for the blind bends all the time. Not being able to get a move-on in the event of a car coming around the bend, has had me frit a few times. Ah, well! The next danger was not far away.

WD 0.0.0 (1) WD 0.0.0 (1) WD 0.0.0 (1) 1Mon15

Yes, three of them! Tsk! On the decline towards Chestnut Walk, a Nottingham City Homes van forced me to go out on the road to get by, the gap left did not allow enough room for the three-wheeler to get through. Then the same again further on with a car. And in the complex, another vehicle on the pavement had me in the roadway.

I got a call on the mobile phone en route, I was in the middle of the road at the time, so hastened to the relative safety of the pavement and answered it in time, for once. It was the Phlebotomy Nurse, telling me she would be with me in the morning twixt 10:00 > 12:00hrs. So it’s just as well I got the fresh-food shopping done today. I’ve got an order coming in the morning from Morrisons with the non-fresh food (If I remember correctly), 06:30 > 07:30hrs.

1Mon16I walked through the Winwood Court entrance and along the link-passage to the Woodthorpe Court lift lobby. Not a soul in sight. Up to the 12th-floor and out to the flat hall. The fire door was wedged open, again no one around, I think the worker lads must have been on a break.

1Mon17I fumbled about a bit getting into the flat with the trolley-guide. Much to the displeasure of Back-Pain-Brenda. She’s not been in a good mood with me at all, today. My first job, I got the fodder unloaded. Then put away, all bag the veg for tonight’s nosh that is.

Then, I got the food prepped and cooking.


1Mon19Mushrooms, sugar snap, leeks and peas in the saucepan. Parsnips, turnips, carrots and sweet potatoes in the oven, sprayed with olive oil and roasting. Then put some of the Polish Hot Dog sausages in the big pan to warm up. I’ve taken to this vegetable lark.

I intend to stick with having potatoes just twice a week. Probably beans or tinned tomato-based noshes in between? Especially with the arrogant, uncaring, antisocial sounding Ingeus Diabetic people from Birmingham returning my Doctors referral letter. I should hear from Dr Vindla before long about it. What a company! They tell me they will never phone-out; personally, it is always a pre-recorded message? They certainly don’t take into consideration anyone’s other ailments, injuries or complaints. The fact that I told them about my hearing problem with recorded messages more than people, and my limited mobility, drifted over their heads.

I’m waffling again, sorry.

1Mon20I added some of the seaweed nibbles to the plate of so many different vegetables and sausage. I must say it tasted marvellous! A Taste-Rating of 8.8/10!

It helped with my getting the roast comestibles cooked betterer this time. But, it’s a new thing for me, roasting fresh parsnips, turnips, carrots and sweet potatoes from scratch. When the pod peas come in season, it will get almost exciting for me. Hehehe! That is of course, if Carrington Pharmacy, 343-345 Mansfield Rd, Nottingham NG5 2DA, or Ingeus Europe Ltd (Subsidiaries: Ingeus UK Ltd., Invisage Limited, Ingeus Investments Limited) haven’t killed me by then.

I got the washing up done and considered doing the hand washing, but the weariness was descending on me quickly now!

I viewed what was available on the TV. Lots of good stuff!



4 thoughts on “Inchcock – Monday 9th March 2020: City Centre Photos taken.

  1. That was quite an outing, bus fiascos and all. Nice lot of street photos. Good looking pile of food you put together.

  2. Glad to know I’m not the only one who gets miffed to the gills upon missing a bus —L9 and Bus 40 equivalents. We don’t see many face masks in these parts because they’ve all been grabbed up by “shoppers” who would take a face mask off a baby, so to speak. The drivers who nearly drove you off the road just might have been hurrying to join those “shoppers.” Chop-chop, shop, chop-chop…
    Accifauxpas this morning with my bottle of ear oil, not much lost but it did get me miffed to the gills of course.
    Splendid photographicalisations, kind Sir.
    And I wish you a wonderful Wednesday!!

    • Merci Mon Ami.
      That flipping oil is a bugger to clean up innit?
      I’ve just got notification from Iceland (shop) about my order – No toilet rolls or kitchen towels available! Humph!
      A tale is going round in Nottingham, about a Chinese family who sent their student daughter 2000 face-masks? They may appear on the black-market?
      Hope you’ve got enopuigh stuff to keep Lisa and you going?
      Cheerio, thanks again and taketh care!

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