Inchcock Today – Thursday 2nd August 2018: Had a smashing Tenant’s Social Hour today!


Thursday 2nd August 2018

Latvian: Ceturtdiena, 2018. Gada 2. Augusts

0330hrs: Woke with a rare unsettling to me, clarity of mind. I knew the laundry needed doing and that the Morrison delivery was due twixt 0730 > 0830hrs. So I decided to do the washing first, and I should still have time to get things ready for the arrival of the fodder, get the Social Hour accoutrements, Health Checks, and ablutions, etc. done.

Out of the coming-to-the-end-of-it’s life rickety £300 second-hand recliner and had a wee-wee.

I took the medications.

Put the camera, mobile, and lobby-door swipe into my pockets, and down to the laundry room.

I got the washing into the machine and started it, then nipped outside to take some photographicalisation of the morning scene.

The first one here, I accidentally took as I stood on Chestnut Walk adjusting the settings on the DMZ-1070 Lumix camera.

Might I be able to use it later in a graphic?

The mechanicalisationed scaffolding, hoist supports, etc. made for a half decent shot, in the lighting and darkness of the day, I thought.

As I moved back out onto the road to take a picture from the bottom of the block of flats, my right shoulder came into contact with one of the upright support poles.

I believe I may have uttered something along the lines of; “Oh, bother!”

Looking in the viewfinder, I could not see any light on in my room window; I felt sure I’d left it on when I came down?

This photographic effort didn’t come out very well, did it? I wonder what I did wrong?

Health Checks carried out, and the medications are taken.

I sorted the medication dosage pots out for the week.

Off for another wee-wee.

No signs of any Porcelain Throne requirements yet. Worrying, this!

Back down again to move the laundry from washer to the dryer. Cleaned the drum of the washer.

Back up to the apartment again, and yet one more wee-wee.

I sorted out the photographicalisations taken so far, ready to use in this post.

Started this diary off on WordPress.

Had a wee-wee (How surprising, Hehe!)

The time flew, and I was soon down in the lift again, to collect the clothing from the dryer.

I extracted the gear and folded it ready to go in the bag.

I’d like to mention that in today’s laundry room activities, there were no odd-socks, no Whoopsiedangleplops whatsoever, and no toe-stubbings either. Smug-Mode-Adopted!

The day was getting lighter quickly now.

So I popped out to take this picture of all three buildings.

Woodthorpe Court on the left, the new Extra-Care residential unit and staff premises in the middle, and Winchester Court behind the magnificent trees on the right.

Back inside, I collected the laundry bag and up in the lift, and in need of another wee-wee!

A note on the notice board from Jenny informed us that the Saturday, August 18th day trip to Skegness, departs at 0930hrs from outside the building. Thanks, Jenny.

Got in the apartment and had the wee-wee, a close-call this time. Oh, dear!

I got the airing cupboard filled with the washed clothes and pressed on with updating this blog.

Then began to update and post off yesterday’s diary.

Went to get the ablutions done before the arrival of the Morrison fodder.

I’d left some face cloths soaking in antiseptic disinfectant and liquid soapflakes in the sink. I now had a dirty great big gigantic meat fly and a little midge in the water.

They both seemed to be dead on their backs. As I went to remove them, the large one took off as fast as lightning. Never to be seen again! Must he have been taking a bath? Hehehe!

The ablutionisationing all finished at 0730hrs. Five minutes later the groceries were delivered.

I got the stuff sorted out and stored away.

There didn’t seem to be anywhere near so much stuff as last week, but the cost was the same.

I didn’t realise that I had ordered three of the fresh ready-made lamb hotpots. At only £6 for three.

I decided to have one of these ready-made meals today. I intend to do some of the seasoned potato slices to add to it in the oven at the same time.

I hope these are the same brand of hotpot I got last month, cause they were excellently flavoured if I remember rightly.

Once again, the fridge and the freezer was cram-packed full.

The enormous 250g bag of Balsamic vinegar of Modena and Sea salt flavoured crisps had arrived. I ordered this as a thank you for Jenny’s work she does for us all. I know that her other half, Frank is very taken with these crisps. Best of all, they were down on offer from £2.50 to £1.50!

There was a bottle of fresh orange juice short delivered, though. Shlemiels!

I shall use Iceland next week for my grocery delivery. I set about doing the order straight away. Done it, being delivered next Tuesday twixt 0800 > 100hrs.

Got the nibble box topped up, raffle prizes and freebies in the bag. Set out to the social hour, taking a bag of rubbish to the chute on the way out, and a cleaned empty Basalmic vinegar bottle to go in the recycling bin.

Got out of the foyer and put the glass in the bin.

Manoeuvred around a plant vehicle and made my way along to the Nottingham City Homes, Winwood Heights, Hauptsturmführeress Wardens Temporary HQ, Willmott-Dixon workers breakfast and tea-break room, Sarcasm & Insult distribution area. Tenants Socialisation Shed, Tenant Gals singing arena, Telling Inchcock off Zone, Things like crockery and pottery to be stolen from, and somewhere to rest while waiting for the bus, shed.

Where a decent turnout of residents had attended.

I gave Jenny the crisps and had a chinwag with her. I asked her if I could take her photo later with her dress on she was wearing. So I could post it on the TFZer gals page. To as see if they agree with me about my thinking it is so gorgeous. Then I put the raffle prizes on the trolley. And took the nibble-box around and got me a few mini-natters in.

I think we had a good laugh today. The gals, Cyndy and Margaret, were in good form, and I experienced a few good laughs.

Got my raffle tickets and handed them out.

T’was indeed a most enjoyable hour for me, anyway.

After many residents had left or caught the bus, I got around to taking the photograph of Jenny’s dress. She forbade me from taking her face in the picture. She thought her face was too drawn, and her hair too fizzy, I think.

Being Jenny, she came up with an original, amusing solution. She put a cloth over her face! Hehehe!

I love the pattern on this dress. Jenny told me where she bought it, but I’m not sure I remember correctly. Malaysia, I think, for £3! I bet it’s lovely and fresh to wear in this heat we are having.

I said my farewells to the few remaining members of the gang and made my way back to the flat.

I took this photographicalisation on the left. Catching all of the three buildings in the picture.

The new extra-care flats and staff offices block is coming on well now.

Back up to the apartment and in the wet room for a much-needed wee-wee. The urinalisationalistic repetitions today, decided me not to go out after all. I would not like to get caught short; So as to speak. Oh no!

I washed up and went to make a brew of tea in the kitchen.

I saw that some new additions to the window defacing pattern had appeared.

I’m getting quite a collection now. Black, greys and now some suspicious brown splashes of whatever they are made of. Haha!

I updated this diary to here. Then went on Facebook to add these photos to the albums, and post a few to the TFZwe site.

Got the potatoes and lamb hotpot in the oven, and sliced the mushrooms into balsamic vinegar flavoured water in the saucepan simmering.

I must say, although smaller portions, this nosh looked and smelt gorgeous.

Taste-Rating: 9.1/10.

I’m glad I bought the three min-meals for £6 now.

Did the Health Checks and took the medications.

Settled down to watch some TV. Stayed awake until gone 2200hrs! No nodding-offs, until I turned off the telly and then I was soon in the land of bliss – asleep!

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