Inchcock Today – Thurs 28 Nov 2019: Health Centre Cancellation – when I was at the Centre! Humph! Phlebotomy nurse arrived, Cor!

1 Nov 28

Thursday 28th November 2019

Hungarian: 2019. November 28., Csütörtök

01:25hrs: I stirred and seemed to be fidgeting, tossing and turning in the £300, second-hand recliner. So much that I thought I might tip the things over, or fall out of it? I stopped the moving about and felt the aches and pains around the body-mass, torso and limbs. The headache was much easier, but Duodenal Donald had replaced it! I pondered on what, if anything, I was dreaming of that may have bought on the nocturnal-moving about-session. But I couldn’t remember even dreaming at all.

As I fought my way out of the chair and grabbed the walking stick, the thoughts of the correctional needs that had to be done came into my feeble, yet tortured mind. No wee-weeing, no Throne visit, no tea, and no medicationalisationing. I went on the computer to check the Google calendar.

There’s no chance of any rest or respite showing. With the ailments, hearing problems, Peripheral Neuralgia, Dizzies, Tumbles, etc. and lack of mobility ensuring everything is taking far longer to get done nowadays, life is harder now than it has ever been. Peace and Quiet has a new understanding now – there is none! Peace-of-mind is an unattainable hypothetical, fallacy! ‘Mind-Mentality-Condition-Monitor to Defcon Three’

I put the computer into sleep mode, as the need for the Porcelain Throne arrived, and off to the wet room. A little bleeding, but expect it is only from Harold’s Haemorrhoids. The following wee-wee was of the USBUWSS (Ultra-Slow-But-Uncontrollable-Weak-Sprinkly) variety. Washed contact surfaces and the hands, and off to the kitchen.

I noticed I had not done the handwashing last night. ‘Mind-Mentality-Condition-Monitor to Defcon Two-and-a-half’. No time to get it done today I reckon, too many medical needs to be carried out. I had a generous gulp or two of the pathetically ineffective Peptac antacid medicine, not expecting it do any good for Duodenal Donald (It didn’t!) The stabbing pains continued just as bad!

Got the kettle on and took the medications. For some reason, while making the brew, I thought I’d be able to take some photos on Woodthorpe Grange Park, providing I give myself plenty of time and go out early enough. This walk up the hill to the park, through the twitchel and down and right to the end of Elmswood Gardens and into the Sherwood Health Centre. It used to take me around fifteen minutes walking. The last time, with the trolley-walker, it was 35-minutes! So, for the 08:30hrs appointment, I must leave here by 07:45hrs, then I should be able to take some snaps along the way. Gawd, blimey, I’m making plans, I must be feeling in a better frame of mind then?

Back on the computer, and got the Wednesday blog updated. Not much bother today, so few photos, with my being stuck inside for none-arriving medical people and the Rice-cooker leads to come.

I got it finished and sent off to WordPress. Made a start on this post, as far as here, and then went on the TFZer Facebooking to catch-up. A couple very mild, short Dizzy Dennis visits while doing so.

Then onto WordPress Reader. Dare not be late for the Health Centre, a little time left, so I’ll make a brew and have some biscuits before the showerless-ablution session. (Too early, shower too noisy)

I set out, taking the glass jars for the recycling bin. As I got out of the lift (elevator), I snapped this shot of the electronic notice board as I checked the right time, and judged if I’d have enough time to take some photographs en route to the 08:00hrs appointment on Elmswood Gardens

I tried a few times to take a picture of the bottles in the bin, but they were all too dark. But the next shot came out fairly decent, I suppose. Considering the bad lighting. Chestnut Walk in front of the flats, towards Winchester Court. When I saw this on and how it looked on the viewer, I almost cheered up. But an immediate warning of perils to come, from the EQ, sank me back down again. It’s rarely wrong. As I crossed the road (Chestnut Walk), and int the dark of the trees, the slippery leaves and wet mud, the rain started coming a little, not a lot. (As Paul Daniels used to quip). Is this the warning from my EQ, I thought? Will I slip or trip, lose control of the trolley-walker? Mmm! I took extreme care in climbing the wet soil covered gravel path hill up into Woodthorpe Grange Park. By the time I’d reached the top, after a couple of mini-breaks on the way up, the drizzle had stopped altogether.

I stopped at the top, and had a pleasant experience, when a dog being early morning walked, trotted over to me, and stuck his nose into the three-wheeler bag in search of a nibble no doubt! Hehehe! Well, he had to made do with a little fussing, which he shook his tail at, which also cheered me up. But the EQ message remained in my mind. It was quickly getting lighter now the rain had stopped and I turned around to take a shot of Winwood Court down the hill. I had to take about five shots before I got this one that was not smudged so much, the finger-end nerves were playing up a bit.

I cut down through the twitchel, taking care not to have the trolley over, in one of the many ruts in the tarmac from the tree roots. Along the Rise and right into Elmswood Gardens. I admired the plants in every garden I passed, even though many were now at the end of their flowering season, and a lack of insects was somehow sad. (Silly old fool ain’t I?)

I even considered carrying the trolley up the step on the corner, while it was almost empty. But when I saw the second set of stairs at the top, along with the wet leaves, I thought better of it, and walked around the corner and used the ramp.

I got inside, and the receptionist window was barred and shut. Ah, had I got the time wrong, I felt sure that the nurse who phoned for me said 08:00hrs? Not to worry, plenty of time to get back for the beautiful twinkly-eyed, highly-desirable Phlebotomy nurse. I had a look around the racks of pamphlets and leaflets, and had a wander around and saw a nurse, who told me to wait at the phlebotomist, no that’s wrong… the Podiatrist area, someone should come to collect you! 

I wandered down to it, and they had racks of leaflets and posters on the wall for me to peruse. Then I spotted a sign that read: “You must register with the receptionist on arrival before waiting here, or you may miss your appointment!” Mmm, not easy to do when the reception is locked up! So, I went back to the big hall, but the office was still closed, so I viewed some more leaflets (there were plenty to pick from). During which, the mobile phone came to life, by the time I had got it out it had stopped ringing, of course, I noticed only the time of the call, 08:10hrs. Obviously, I must have got the appointment time wrong. I saw another district nurse and asked her if she recognised the number, she did not.

The receptionist opened up, but a young chap beat me to it. Not his or her fault, but I had a ten-minute wait until he was sorted. I gave my name and number to the young lady, and she checked on a list and asked me: “Have you not had an email or text telling you it has been cancelled?” in questioning and surprised voice! “I just had something come through on my mobile, at 08:10hrs, that must be it.” So, it seems the now cancelled session was for eight o’clock, and I have been informed by text at 08:10hrs. That was a lot of help! I sarcastically as I could manage, thanked her, and walked out!

I took a parting photograph of the Health Centre, as I gobsmackingly made my way home along Elmswood Gardens.

Another cock-up! Let-down! How long can my current run of being shat-on and being disappointed go on for!

I took a zoomed-in shot of Woodthorpe Court as I meandered along.

Somehow, despite the lack of rain, the leaves and mud seemed to have grown. Once I got up to the park, using the three-wheeler got more difficult to control. I imagine this was due to the bitter disappointment at being let-down again by the medical people. So many changes to appointments lately.

Going down the gravel hill to the flats was a dodgy exercise, but I managed to keep control, just! And avoided any topples or tumbles. I was in a right stew when I got to the flats, made worse by my having to free the wheels of leaves and detritus before going inside.

Without seeing a soul, I got up to the flat, and in a right downer-mood too! There was tap-tapping and the howling droning noise was loud… but, then again, it might have been more noticeable due to the swine at the Health Centre messing me about again! Oh, I was so annoyed!

I started to update this diary, and an hour and a half later, the Beautiful-One arrived to take my blood (The Phlebotomy Nurse). She gave her time to look at the week’s calamities (Below) and had a laugh with me. She cheered me up, no doubt about that. Thank you, petal! ♥

Getting late now, but I had to get some advance graphics done again, only two day’s worth left to use. I don’t know if the Medicine lady will make the appointment or what time she will come tomorrow, if at all.

So, on with CorelDawing. But not for long, fatigue and weariness came, so I got the nosh cooking.

The rain came really heavy now, and I tried to take a snap through the balcony window, of a lady bravely almost skiing down the gravel hill path from the park, in the torrential downpour.

Soon the roast vegetable risotto was cooked and then served up.

Nice as it was, I almost fell asleep eating it.

I added some caramelised red onion chutney and turkey off-cuts to the dish. A taste-rating of 7/10, but I was so suddenly so tired, I could not finish the meal. I put it down and drifted off to sleep.

I woke with a clattering noise that could still be heard. But I knew not where it came from. So had a search around all the flat, but could find nothing that might have caused the noise, so I don’t know where it came from.

I got down in the xyrophobia-suffering Brother-in-Law Pete damaged, while he was flat-sitting, when I was in the Stroke Ward, and he fitted new CCTC cameras, and searched for my valuables, which he found and took, (I still haven’t got them back yet six-months later), £300, second-hand, recliner, and Zzzz!

TTFNski, Go forth and may your foibles and festivities flow with fun. Inchcock.

  • Mon: I had to go down to beg the ILC Deana to phone the Police for me about the Pegasus form, then sort the envelope out for me.
  • And she phoned the Medication Mangement people for me, about a double-booking. Well looked after I was.
  • Then I nipped out to post the police letter.
  • I forgot to mention the leaking tap in the kitchen sink. Grumph!
  • Back to the flat, and I’d missed the Phlebotomy nurse, who according to the note called at 09:30hrs, and it was then 0934hrs, talk about bad luck! The letter said I have to ring the surgery for an appointment.
  • So, after many attempts, I got through to them. I was told I had to go to the surgery for the blood test on Thursday at 11:40hrs.
  • The phlebotomy team called later on and said they would make an appointment again and will come Wednesday (today). I asked if she knew what time, so I could make sure I was in. She said: ‘I’ve no idea, the nurse will ring you before coming’. She didn’t! Crabs and Grobblecrap!
  • Tuesday: Worra day. Got up and collapsed in a heap, landing entangled with the walking stick and swivel chair! Dizzy Dennis.
  • Got soaked in the rain going to town. Nearly fell off the bus getting off.
  • Had a Dizzy Dennis attack in Tesco.
  • Then I found myself on the floor in the shopping mall as I was leaving, people all around me, and no idea how or what happened. Crabs and Grobblecrap!
  • Trod on a loose paving slab on Goldsmith Street, and got the foot and socks drenched! Crabs and Grobblecrap!
  • This made the After-Stroke session hard physically and mentally, and I have many blank spots about what happened in the Physio hall? Crabs and Grobblecrap!
  • Got up this morning, no nurse arrived. I was bewildered, had the tumble.
  • Wednesday: Accifauxpa with losing grip and dropping the bowl of handwashing.
  • The Morrison order gave unwanted substitutes, and the apples were all bruised.
  • Morrison did not take off the Voucher for £10 saving.
  • I rang the Phlebotomy to check that a nurse was coming, told she should be here by 13:00hrs, it is now 13:25hrs, no show.
  • So, with the last INR reading of only 1.6. Point .01away from the Red level. Christ, that is so close to having to use the Anoxaprin injections, but what can I do?
  • I then lost the internet again. Crabs and Grobblecrap!
  • A headache and toothaches have been with me all day.
  • And I’ve just hit my knee of the sock glide when I went for a wee-wee!
  • I’ve felt cold all day, although the thermometer reads 20°.
  • Following on later: The nurse rang, she’s not coming today, but (supposedly anyway) in the morning, well not morning, twixt 10:30 to 12:30hrs. Crabs and Grobblecrap!
  • I must remember Thursday’s much-rearranged arrangements: 08:30hrs: Podiatrist st Sherwood Health Centre – City Care. Leoni Mee has been Cancelled! Rearranged for Wed 4th @ 09:30>12:00hrs – Phlebotomy Nurse sometime after 10:30hrs.
  • Thursday: As I fought my way out of the chair and grabbed the walking stick, the thoughts of the correctional needs that had to be done came into my feeble, yet tortured mind. It was hell!
  • Off to the Sherwood Health Centre Podiatrist. Fought through the wet leaves, mud,  and rain and got there for 08:00hrs. No one on reception. Saw nurse, who said sit in the waiting room, someone should fetch you, so I did.
  • At 08:30hrs I went to see the receptionist; who asked me if had received an email or text, telling me it had been cancelled? Crabs and Grobblecrap! I found the text, which had been sent at… 08:10hrs! So I was stood at the reception when it was sent! Crabs and Grobblecrap!
  • I thanked her with a sideways smirk and left to hobble back to the flat.
  • I ended up at the flat with half of the leaves and mud from Woodthorpe Grange Park on the trolley wheels and my shoes. Which took me near enough an hour to clean off before I dare go inside the building! Crabs and Grobblecrap!

By Inchie

73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!


  1. Timothy Price – I specialize in daily art, documentary and promotional photography. If you have a special event such as a musical production, play, concert, etc. or have a product or fashion that you need photographed, or you are a performer, musician and artist in need of promotional photos please email me or call.
    Timothy Price says:

    That was quite a whoopsiedangleploppy start to the week. Nice you got a break from the whoopsies with your lovely vampire coming to bleed you and cheer you up. Looks cold and wet to be out making your way to a cancelled appointment. Too bad they waited until you were there to send you the cancellation notice. Even if you drove, that’s not a timely cancellation. It’s worth a dozen “Crabs and Grobblecraps” and a few “Motha F**kers” thrown in. Decent looking meal. That’s sad you were too worn out to finish it.

    1. Inchie – Nottingham. UK. – 73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Now awaiting Cataract & Glaucoma operations. Tsk! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!
      Inchcock says:

      Oh, dear, the Angel of Bloodtaking got me through, tigt enough. Even for this expert Whoopsiedangleploppist, it’s been too many, a coup;e or three more on Friday!
      Enough of my moaning!
      Hope your snow is clearing.
      Not up to much, miles behind with the graphics… Tsk, moaning again. Sorry.
      Cheers. Tim.

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