Inchcock Today – Thursday 22nd October 2020: Back on the Enoxaparin Injections, so anticipate losing mind-control for a while. (Any excuse, Hehe!)

TFZer Thomas Hahaha!

Thursday 22nd October 2020

Spanish: Jueves 22 de Octubre de 2020

02:10hrs: When I eventually got to sleep, I enjoyed 4½ uninterrupted hours of dream-free, bliss! Heavenly!

The regular wee-wee was needed by myself, and it was another dribbling a few drops and gently spraying it around. Tsk! However, on testing the colour, it had gone a shade lighter, at last! I’m not going to get too hopeful though, cause the antibacterial capsule have finished now, antibacterial? No, that’s wrong, antibiotics, I meant. So, after 12 days of taking them, and finishing the course, things improve?

My mind was not too sharp this morning (Not that ever is, Hehe!). I got a wash, and then fumbled and bumbled my to the kitchenette, and took two snaps of the morning skyline view. (Later, I doctored them as best I could on CorelDraw, to make this picture below. Not too bad.

Got the kettle on, and did the Health Checks. I opened the wrong medical drawer and got the Boots machine out, instead of the new one. I decided to try it anyway, and blow-me-down, it worked!?!? I’ll keep using this while it lasts, it’s quicker than the new tin-covered one.

The SYS was a bit high again. I thought I’d push my luck and try the old thermometer, but it wasn’t playing, so I got the new laser one, but was disappointed in the low reading. Still, I don’t think that 32.4°c is too bad. I’m sure it has been lower than that at times.

I got the computer on, and found this graphic I’d taken off the screen yesterday, and forgot to publish it. It’s the latest figures for Nottingham for Coronavirus. The ‘Your Area’ E-newsletter arrived, and I had a quick perusal of it. And in the comments section at the bottom of the page, I came across this contribution: I don’t know if it’s right or not, but if it is, I’m not happy about it:

I got carried away again there, sorry.

As I was about to take the second Dioctyl of the day, then a summoning to the Porcelain Throne arrived. So, l was off to the wet room again.

Well, such a pleasant surprise there, mate. Even less pain, no bleeding or mess, and from start to finish, took only a couple of minute! Mind you; the tank had to be flushed three times to rid the evacuated matter! Hey-ho!

Back to the computer, I plodded. To find that Liberty-Global Virgin Media internet, kept clonking out and coming back on. Grrr! So the updating of yesterdays blog took much longer than it should have. Thank you, Mr Fries!

I made a start on this blog. And shortly, the Vampire Angel Nurse Hristina arrived, and in a hurry, got me sorted out, and still managed to have little gossip as well, which was nice. She asked what the noise was, and I explained it was just ‘Herbert’ making his train models. I do love that gal, nothing naughty in it, she’s just a beautiful, caring person.

I tried to do an Iceland order for next week. Got on alright, did the ordering, okay, but, the system would not take my PayPal payment, I was getting sent all over the place to get back on, but it was no use, I gave up in the end, and, frustrated, and a little worried in case I’d been high-jacked? I cancelled the order manually and had to do a Sainsbury one instead.

I was concerned that after I got the order done, they might not take my payment – Worried? Me? – Yes!

The Morrison order is due today, and I was slowly moving into a Defcon-2 panic mode. I got the Sainsbury order finished, and there was no problem with the payment? But the usual confirmation via email has not come in? Glibblebonks! Always summat to worry about! Hello, it’s just come in, Phew!

I looked at the E-Magazine again and came across this item about the Nottingham City Homes flat complex in Clifton. It was about the garages being demolished. Blimey, that’s a high block! Saccades Sandra is stopping me counting at the moment, but it must be 24 storeys or so high. Impressive

I had a look for any Coronavirus updates when the new Email came in. But none in there.

Then the Morrison delivery arrived. I got them took through to the kitchenette post haste.

Got the bits put away, and set to getting the Jenny stuff in a separate carrier bag, to take down to her apartment. I’d ordered some things for Jen, Doris and Frank to nibble as a thank you.

But, it turned out I’d got substitutes that I cannot eat, or don’t like. Also… I may have made an error, thinking that the strawberry and cream dessert was an individual one; it turned out to be a massive bowlful! Ah, well, at least they can eat them up.

No refuse sacks, Bramley apple pie, or soft sandwich thins delivered. And as for the 2 x 3oz, Zoflora orange disinfectant, none of that either – they sent 3 x Cheapo Pibne disinfectant, and they were ¾ pint jobs! Why do they make substitutes like that, Grrr! The apple pie was subbed with apple & blackcurrant ones, which I don’t like (Blackcurrants). Add to the misery with my pwn cock-up in ordering a mammoth dessert for a tiny individual one, and it was a bit of disaster today with shopping all around.

I got the waste bags on the trolley to go out with me to the chute, and two carrier bags, one inside the other, with Doris and Jenny’s treats in, there was more than I had planned, but it’s lovely to think that a pair of lovely ladies can have a treat!

Off to the waste chute room, dropped down the bags, and returned to the lift, down to Jenny’s, rang the bell, I was struggling to open the door and get the trolley through, and Jen appeared and thanked me. Lif back up and in the flat. Struggling even more getting the trolley back inside, I fear, well, I know, that Peripheral Neuropathy Pete, was readying himself, and building up to launch into one of his involuntary right-leg Neuropathic Schuhplattler dances. It’s the tingling and wobbly knee-cap that gives him away. Hahaha!

Got the oven on and put the fish in to cook, and updated as far as here on the blog. Had enough now, time to eat and collapse, before the leg-dancing starts, I hope.

By Gawd, that was such a tasty meal, not a lot, but it went down a right treat! Mmm! A Taste-Rating of 8.5/10! Got the pots in the sink to soak, had a swig of the pathetic Peptac antacid, washed, and made my way back to the recliner to take the medications and get my head down.

As I had just got down on the £300, c1968, second-hand recliner, Peripheral Neuropathy Pete, launched the half-anticipated right-leg Neuropathic Schuhplattler dance routines. It honestly couldn’t have been better timed for once! I was snug and safe from falling over onto the floor as well! The leg offered up its version of a faltering, single-legged cross between the Cha-cha-cha and the Rumba!

Had it not been for the clouting of the toes, ankle and knee against the recliner and ottoman, I would have enjoyed it! I anticipated finding a couple of new bruises in the morning methinks.

I got the TV on and kept taking swigs of the spring water, as the Doctor ordered, to help get the bacterial infection and colour of the affected wee-wee down. But not for long, within about an hour, I found I was battling against the drooping eyelids to watch the TV, and that was good enough for me.

I turned off the gogglebox, and was in a deep sleep, dreaming about a black and a tabby cat, who were adoring each others company, and in the dream, I got a cream cake out to eat… the cats went berserk, and all hell was let loose as they fought each other to get to the cream first! Much more happened, I think, but this is all I could remember at the time of writing this. I found the photo to use, on Google, it is just like they were, all lovey-dubby before the cream came to disturb their bliss. Hehehe!

Immediately after, or it may have been during the dream, I woke up with a start, and could hear a grinding noise, that was loud, but died away quickly. I’ve no idea what it was or where it came from. But this did not bother me, and somehow I was soon back off in the land of nod again!

Deep in slumber once again, and the Landline flashed away, and I fought my way out of the recliner, clouting my elbow en route to the phone.

It was the lady from the QMC (Queens Medical Centre) Warfarin Anticoagulation, and DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis), INR Assessment Clinic, with the semi-panic-creating blood-test results. 

I knew what was coming. The first thing the lady said was: ‘Have I woke you up?’, I replied, ‘Yes, thank-you’ and offered a laugh with it. Getting a giggle back from her, assured me she was a good one to talk to. The lady informed me that the INR result was only 1.3 (Target being 3.2). If I go below 1.2, it means hospitalisation for me.  I knew what was coming, time to go on the Enoxaparin injections again, I was right. She asked if I had any in stock, and I stumbled to the kitchen to have a look at what was there; I’d got two 40ml, and three 80ml hypodermics in the drawer. “Oh, good, then you’ll last until Monday, 80ml a day. Another blood test will be done then. ‘I’ll ring your Doctor and tell her of the urgent need for the Enoxaparin needles’. I asked, does this mean I’ll have to go to Carrington to collect them?’ – ‘Yes!’ I was losing my sense of humour now!

I wrote down the new Warfarin dosages, for up to Monday, and the dates etc. I hope, looking at my half-asleep writing, that I can read and understand them in the morning. The Warfarin doses were plain enough, I think—3 tablets tonight, and 2½ daily in the evenings until Monday. I mentioned to the nurse, the Dioctyl and MacBid tablets I’ve been on and why. She thinks these may have had some effect on the Warfarin level. I, on the other hand, knew what the problems had been that caused this emergency.

Obviously, with the Coronavirus, things are so much harder for the staff, and some have been moved to help deal with the virus. So, in their wisdom, the NHS has decided to investigate and free-up more staff for the Covid-19 wards, by not doing any home calls for Warfarin takers, but tell them to go to the hospital for their blood tests! Christ, I hope they never do that to me!

The other thing they have been doing is; if any patient gets three in-range INR results on the trot, they will leave it three weeks until the next one, which has just happened to me, hence, now my at risk grading has gone up. I can look forward to the agony of fetching my medications, giving myself injections, and am now all in a muddle in what needs doing, when and why! Flibblegonkackles! Still, it’s not nice to complain.

I thanked the lady, and set about sorting the medications, and will leave them out on the clothes airer, so I don’t forget to take them. I felt a positive fool when I found a couple more Enoxaparin hypos!

Well, I didn’t know fully where I was or supposed to be doing by then. Oh, yes, the needle! I got the injectionalisationing done. There is a lot more flobby-blubber around the boing-boing overweight stomach to pick a spot to puncture nowadays. Humph! Haha!

Not having done any injecting for a few weeks, it made me jump a bit. I think that Nicolas’s Neurotransmitters let me down, and I pushed the needle in a little too hard, but the message did not get to the brain in time? A lot of that is happening lately, Hahaha! Hey-ho!

Worran ‘orrible end to the day!

And ask for sleep, huh!