What are your daily habits? – My Daily Habits are…

Stir back into imitation life. Remove the night catheter bag from the day one.

Check on the state of the bloated legs. They tend to change daily; one day, the left is gigantic, and the next, it can often be the left one that hogs all the stored fluid.

Work out what time and day it is. (This information is usually gone off into the ether within minutes.

To the wet room for the medicationalisationing: Check the fungal lesion, and check for bleeding – Put olive oil in the earholes – eye drops in the cataracted right eye, eyedrops in the same eye, then some in left eye. Next, check that needs any ointment to be applied. Then check on the ever-changing Warfarin dosages.

Remove the ankle ulcer pad, and clean up any seepages; if so, put a new pad on.

Then to tackle the painful task of using the .

Then the high-risk, due to the s habit of bringing on an involuntary . Which has had me over on many occasions. Shaving the next job. Which I’m afraid that often causes the odd nick or two.

Decoking the hearing aids and checking the batteries have to be done. It’s easier when I remember to put the olive oil in beforehand… which is not very often.

Check with , to make sure that in the event of my remembering, I’ve got another hospital or clinic appointment; and have booked a lift there and back.

Consult the medical log to make sure I’m got them right. I should do this first, but always seem to forget all about it until after.  This fault is helped along by

Go around not forgetting either or checking the boll-weevil traps, in case any need emptying and replacing. I’ve got an interesting intriguing infestation.

By now, it’s generally time for my late breakfast. Occasionally, I have the one mug of Glengettie tea allowed me per day, by the kind doctors at the , and some biscuits with them. Not with the doctors, the mug of tea.

The carer makes their third call of the day… which I greatly appreciate, although the dwindling bank account and manager do not agree with me.

Notwithstanding any trips, falls or tumbles, that’s me up until around noon, daily.

By then I’m on the wain and am unsure what happens then.

Loosely, this is true, but, I’m beginning to resign myself to it now. Hehehe!

Anyone wishing to adopt a 77-year-old mind-wandering chap, I’m here as long as you are a female! Hahaha!

Owt for laugh, even the truth!
