Inchy: Thur 21 Dec: The Psychotherapist Appointment – that wasn’t!

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Nocturnal pouch, lighter this morning.

Rain and howling wind when I opened the kitchenette window. Caught a few refreshing drops of cold rain in the mush. I did laugh!

: I struggled to get the diabetic socks off of my legs. Causing a mini  , which cost me a lot of time and pain cleaning up, before I trod it all over the floor. Which didn’t work cause I trod it all over the floor and then the hallway as I fetched the vacuum!  
I didn’t actually spit, but came close!
I only had one cut shaving, but it was a fairly decent one, requiring the application of the Brut aftershave a few times before I stemmed the flow.
For once, and this is very rare indeed, I only had one short . Which barely lasted for about three seconds! Great! I’m anticipating some follow-up sessions, though.
The Red Eye was hardly noticeable! But as the carer mentioned later, it is above the eye that he can see it?


I sorted the waste bags.
Then got onto the computer to try to get some blogging done while I had the time.

. arrived. He’s got a lot on today, but he didn’t mind. The new ankle socks were looked at, but we continued with the diabetic long socks, which after creaming the lesions were put on, then the ankle straps. Then the leg straps… then repeated on the left leg. He did a good job of them today, and I was able to get the inside-outside slippers on easily enough, bless him. I was going to ask him to help me get the trousers on, but decided against this, differed that I am, when I recognised that I would not be able to empty the day catheter while the trews was on, so didn’t. I’ll get them on later. Hopefully, without any s.
 Then empty the pouch just before the battle to get the trousers on. But feel sure it’ll go alright.

was bleeding, and I had some red skin on the leg near the top of one of the straps. So they got a bit of medicationing from me.

I did a bit of work on this blog after finishing off yesterday’s. Then started to collate the things needed for the hospital visit.

Being the idiot I am. I set of down in the lift to get to the foyer on the ground floor, the elevator doors opened… and I realised I’d left the camera and hearing aids up in the flat – Wot a Burk! So, back up to the apartment. (It sounds classier than the flat, Hehehe) Could I find the hearing aids that I know I’d left on the ottoman? No! Well, not for ages, eventually finding them in the kitchen on the window ledge. I shot down so as not to miss the lift from Easy Link.
The driver was the pleasant lady who took me to the hospital. Lovely gal. She had two other passengers on the bus, I tried talking to them in greeting, but the two were not responsive, poor things, still I tried to give them the odd nod and smile en route. I was dropped off first at the Audio Clinic. I got a little confused when I got out, but the lady made a joke of it, she is sweet. I asked if she would be picking me up to go back, and she said no. So I insisted she take a drinkie and nibbles from the . Why she asked me. I said ’cause it’s Christmas, and I’ll sulk if you don’t take some. She laughed and obliged me.
I thought there was time to take some photographs of the front of the building…
In my earlier semi-panic to find the hearing aids, I’d forgot all about getting . Boy, I was getting weed off with myself!
Into the Psychotherapist Appointment…
That wasn’t a Psychotherapist Appointment!
I’d looked forward to it so much as well. A chance to explain all my difficulties and problems to someone at long last. But No! I should be so lucky! The lady on reception casual said, “Oh, we put the wrong department on the letter, did we?” As she was reading it! That and the earlier cock-ups lessened my spirits.
I took a seat as instructed and waited for my name to come up on the new panel on the wall. It seemed ages before my turn came, but I was in no rush.
I thought I’d have a go at the crossword book at least I’d remembered to take that and a pen…
But not my reading glasses!
Some days are destined to go wrong… well, in my case, every day is, and does! 
My name came up and a young lady came to fetch me to her room. I was there not for the mental condition, but to have new hearing aids tested and supplied!
I fear I could not resist telling her and showing her the letter, and of my disappointment and followed up with all the hassle with the computer, the landlines, the new TV, and the Emergency Alarms all going down. She wasn’t interested at first, but by the time I stopped the moaning and groaning, I’d converted her to show sympathy for me at least. Hahaha!
She did a magnificent job of testing my ears, and the new aids are working brilliantly. She was told earlier of my inability to replace the tubing nowadays and told me to ring for an appointment and come in and they will do it when needed for me. She also gave me some batteries to take with me. Lovely-jubbly!
When I got out to the waiting, reception area, ~I knew there would be another cock, I’d made five and these tend to come in threes – I’d forgotten what time the bus was picking me up. I could not see the front door from the seating area. The thought of going out in the terrible winds that were blowing was not good. On the way in, we saw many rows of dustbins that had been blown all over the place in Sherwood, City Centre and the college area. In fact, when I went out to see if the bus had arrived, the hearing aids were nearly blown out of my tab holes. Also, I could feel the pressure of the filling-up catheter bag in the trousers, most uncomfortable. I dare not go to empty it, in case I missed the lift…
Then a receptionist man came to me, I must have been showing signs of concern or something, and asked if he could help with whatever the problem was. bless him.
He then fetched a high chair and put it in their foyer, so I could watch for the minibus arriving. Which it did an hour & ten minutes later. Steve, I think the driver’s name was. He’d looked after me before. So I insisted he have some treats as well. When we got back to the flats… erm, apartments (Haha!) How I got those hundred yards to the foyer door without being blown over, losing a hearing aid, or being hit by the twigs, empty bottles and bags in the wind, I don’t know. 

I was so glad when I got inside.

Home photos taken. I think they are in chronological order, as they came on Kodak Tim. Here they are:

First photo when I got in.
Drizzling starting.
The pouch just emptied.
Excellent colour!
Drizzling still…
As it was an hour later…
Aha, stopping at last.
returned the laundry for me.

Very nice nosh. Flavour: 8.3/10.
Wobble on here, so tried again.
Ah, this was a better effort!

I hope so! Cheers!

I’m still miffed at not seeing someone about my neurological problems today. 
Since getting home, I had a and a few . AGAIN! I left the hot tap running and the water ran cold. Then also, yet again , while trying to get the heavy large quilt folded. A landing on the knees affair, so it could have been far worse… still painful mind, with &  
the main victims of the incident.  on his next and last call, folded the quilt for me.

Best of Luck, each!

Inchy: Tuesday 21 November 2023

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This had to have been taken, between my leaving the hovel, and getting back a day or two later from the Clinic. It felt like it to me; there were that many happenings and a few Accifauxpas to boot today.
I will have to stop telling of these Whoopsiedangleplops that plague me every day – No one believes them.
I have to live with them.
Little clandestine plea for sympathy there, Sorry.
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Kitchen views
Why the difference?

The Iceland order, that I put in for a delivery next Tuesday, arrived today. Thus the incogitable, never-ending, for this lucky young lad, (Hehe!) Cock-Ups began!

Most of the cost went on drink rather than food.
Still, the nurses and Carers will be right for treats over the year’s end.
No, I was wrong; I meant Sainsbury’s, not Iceland.
Helpers & Carers bubble box refilled. They like these treats.

Drizzling this morning. I’ll try to keep my eye out for any of the seagulls that go on the hunt today.

The rain persisted as I went to get the ablutions done.
What a change! Constipation Conrad gets the upper hand after the six-day reign of Trotsky Terence!
The Cock-Ups Continue!

The ablutionings took me well over 2 hours again. All the usual pains and hassles, which you must be sick of hearing about by now, so I’ll not list them. Just mention that the leg’s water geysers were leaking thin blood today?

I got everything needed after a ten-minute search to find the list I’d made and had to rush a bit to get down to the lobby, for the Easy Link bus due in ten minutes. Thoughtfully taking the crossword book with me in case there would be any long waits at the clinic.
The Cock-Ups Continue!

The gal was late arriving, so I got the crossword book out.
But I forgot to take a pen with me! Humph!
The Cock-Ups Continue!

Carole arrived, and we had a natter, as she took the money from my pocket to pay for the trip and got me belt-buckled. And off we started…
But only got about 200 yards, when I realised that I had not taken the hearing aids with me! So, she turned around at the mini-island and back to the flat for me to get up and retrieve the aids, back down and out to the bus again.
The Cock-Ups Continue!

On the ride to the hospital, .
I was taking a photo through the bus window, as we went over the speed bumps on Woodborough Road a little too fast…and started bleeding in response to my bum lifting off the seat for each of the eleven-speed bumps, and thudding back down on the hard seat. Obviously, this did not bother me, an ex-Boys Brigade member, and acne sufferer. Hahaha!
I did manage one more photo.

We arrived just in time for the appointment after all that, but with the currently stinging state of , and , I was now having to put with joining in, so was a little late by the time I’d got into the clinic waiting hall.
The Cock-Ups Continue!

I went to the reception desk and was told, in a voice that threatened no mercy, and little like Clint Eastwood’s through the teeth, ‘Go ahead, make my day!’ So I took a seat. I got the crossword book from the walker… but could I find the pen? No! The Cock-Ups Continue!

I was called in and followed the man through a maze of Victorian passages to his toilet-sized room. He vacuumed out the ear wax; it took him a while. Told me to book an appointment for the hearing test to be done. Thanked him and nervously approached the reception. Then I had a bit of a session, and am not sure how, but I ended up with a letter appointment, for two days time at the clinic… but not for the hearing test, but with a Dementia Team Supervisor? What! I know I was not feeling up too much and at the same time as talking to the receptionist, . But what the hell went on to get me this appointment? Puzzled, I sat down to have a think. While it suddenly dawned on me, I have an appointment with the Doctor on the same day and time as in the appointment letter, and would surely not be able to get a lift with such short notice anyway.
The Cock-Ups Continue!
I gave up, and thought it best to ask the driver of the bus; if they could get me a lift, and then I could cancel, or rebook the doctor’s visit, I’d forgotten why I was going anyway. Then I realised it was time for her to collect me, and made my way outside, taking some photos whilst waiting. She was half an hour late arriving.
Outside the Ropewalk clinic.
As it was a little cold and damp out there, I turned to go back inside to continue the wait…
The Cock-Ups Continue!
As I went through the waiting room door; .
I felt the catheter pouch dropping down my leg, trapping itself in between the trousers and  The Cock-Ups Continue!
It was unknown to me, whether the bag had leaked or the valve come open on my or not, cause I wouldn’t have left the urine if it had… not until I saw it running out on the floor. !
I tried to look casual, as I limped with the three-wheeled walker to the back of the room, then went right, along another Victorian-style passage, and found the sign for the gents. No one was in, and I had a devil-of-job getting the trousers down to get at the  to find no damage or leaks, Phew! I distinctly recall thinking at that time, as I was getting my leg up to release the nearly full bag into the WC… precariously, that not everything I do is doomed. and I very nearly went into a … but cancelled it!
The Cock-Ups Continue!
While emptying the catheter bag, gave way, and there was no avoiding it, I fell sideways… in between two Victorian-styled hand basins, which were sturdy enough for me to use to keep my elephantine body from ending up procumbent. However, and Chloe & Carol were all rather annoyed at my landing on the knees. Showing this in their usual painful style. Then I had to clean up the WC and floor, using up the closet’s entire stock of hand towelling. I cleanedp up the bleeding as best I could, and told a lady I’d used up all the hand towels.
The Cock-Ups Continue!

Red-faced and feeling guilty and a pillock, I went out to the front of the clinic again. The lift had not yet arrived.

Took this shot of the basement from the entrance.

Then the one above & below of the signage.

Interested in seeing the yellow message: NUH Glaucoma Service? I’ll look up NUH…
Ah, Nottingham University Hospitals!

The gal arrived. I was still partly in a… what can I say? Erm, A corroboree, confusion, mayhap even a semi-panic over the visitations calamities that left me a dithering mental wreck. I asked her, stutteringly and rambling if she would please use my mobile to ring to see if they could fit me in for two days time for a lift. It was obvious by her facial reaction that I had no chance, but bless her, she rang them anyway ♥. No-Go!
The Cock-Ups Continue!
She went in with me to explain to the reception chappie about no lift being available. The man was not happy, and I was getting more agitated with things, and so angry that I could not recall what happened during my two unwanted, and prayed I’d not missed anything important, that I need to remember later.

The Cock-Ups Continue!

I shall have to stop here.
May not get back on again.
Firefox playing up AGAIN!

Kara gave me 15 minutes today, I was so confused, I can’t recall anything she said, but know she’s tried to help ♥.
I do recall these oven-cooked Cumberland sausages.
 With caramelised onion! Taste: 9/10!.


That should have been neither.

But Grammarly has fone down too!


Inchy: Mon 2 Oct 2023 – Audio Clinic Visited

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AUDIO CLINIC TECHNICIAN VISITEDIt is nice to escape the confines of the apartment.

The night Catheter Pouch was far too dark!
Fancy that? Inchy having lousy luck!

Before leaving to get the lift to the clinic, I suffered three of these types of visits. Hey-Ho!.
Then, the problematic stand-up ablutioning session!
Couldn’t put the papule leaking let in water to wash it; it was a solo job with the left foot.
The shaving seemed to go pretty well.
Getting dressed was farcical.

Put some spuds in the crock pot.
I try to remember to turn on the low setting as I leave later… I then proceeded… to do the waste bags and the one I was putting the others into split open! Huh! A right mess to clean up and , and all joined in with the right toe nail and spoilt the day!

Carer Richard was not his usual self. Tired out, I’ll be bound.

I did get the Sunday blog finished & posted off. Because I stayed up so late working on it. Many mistakes!

A final call to the Porcelain Throne.

Then, off downstairs to await my lift.

Had a go at the crossword in the lobby. But it was hard work with these terrible new glasses.

Kept looking outside in case the minibus arrived.
Not here yet, so I took this snap of the local weeds.
Yet they look beautiful to me!

A selection of nub-ends caught my attention
in the end car parking area.

The minibus arrived, and I got belted up and grabbed from my pocket. Taking snaps through the window en route to town and the Audio Clinic.

Up The hill to Mapperley.

Mapperley Road.

New student accommodation is being built.

Town and Parliament Street.
Multi-screened cinema on the left.

Up Derby Road and down onto…

The Ropewalk from the top end. Many years ago, there were all posh houses with servants and butlers. Lawyers, private detectives, and many shops and offices have been converted into student apartments.

The driver dropped me off in front of the building.
I hobbled limpingly and painfully into the big hall.
The receptionist recognised me and indicated by pointing for me to sit down. So, I did! After a while, I got the crossword book out. A chap behind me mentioned, some 15 minutes or so later: “I talk to myself when doing crosswords, as well!” Haha! I didn’t realise I was nattering away, but the lady to my right said: “I understand!” Hehehe!

THE RIDE HOME: I was called in to see the Technician. Who at first was patient with me stuttering and forgetting things. She got the hearing aids off me and gave them some routine maintenance. She looked in my earholes, declaring she had never seen so much compacted wax before, as she checked the left lughole. She’ll make an appointment to have the wax eased and removed where safe, then another meeting for an Audiologist to test my hearing. She thinks they will not be on the same day, though. She was laughing when she was talking to the receptionists, and they both looked at me as I returned to the waiting area with the refurbished aids in situ. I could hear a muffled noise of talking.

Excellent job the lady technician did on the hearing aids! Not good on the phone, though.

I did sneak a photo of the waiting area. But it was not on the SD card when I got home. Snagknangles!

As I walked out of the clinic, the man was arriving at the optimum time. Getting settled in the seat, out came my beloved , for more window shots on the way back.

Up along the Ropewalk.

Down towards the City.

Right onto Woodborough Road.

As we stopped near a bus stop, next to the recently built student flat complex.
Bottom of the hill…
To the top and down towards the flats.
This shot of the flats came out decently.
I paid the man, gave him a choice of nibbles, and got myself inside the Woodthorpe Court lobby.
I walked through the link passage to Winwood Court and informed Warden Deana and Julie of my arrival home.

On my way back, I took a few photos of the shrubbery at the back, through the windows. Can you see the buried sitting bench on the right, below?

It took a wider shot showing both benches.

I may try to have a kip out there?

Thought to the lift, and in and up…
I took this sad selfie!

I could feel , the pain from the nearly full Catheter, and blood trickling down my inner legs from poor .

Got in and rang Meridian to advise them I had returned. But still had the hearing aids in… I could hear nothing, I didn’t even know if anyone had answered my call? I gave up.

Had a look at the leg.

Looks like some blood has gotten mixed with the water?
Still, the nurse is coming in the morning.

I got on with this blog update start.

came, I didn’t realise how late it was.
By the time he’s gone, I had suddenly sunk in a weariness.

I got the spuds out of the slow cooker, halved some and got them in the oven. Turned off the computer. So tired!

Got the nosh made earlier than usual, partly due to me feeling so drained after my little trip out to the clinic.
I dined well! A vegetable hotpot (ready-made) with the extra boiled and baked potatoes added. Nice!
Taste-Rating: 8.5/10.

Arrived for the last visit of the evening.
Eye drops medications, and I took his BP. And it came out just fine! SYS 123, DIA 70, Pulse 77, Temp 36.6°f Fit lad!
He took a snap of . The nurse in the morning. It’d been leaking again, of course, and occasionally stinging like mad. The Community Nurse may have to stick more of the padding back on.

I fell asleep the moment that departed.

But it only hasted for about 4 hours; I woke, rose, and took off the pouch automatically, thinking it must be gone by 07:00hrs at least… I was wrong, it was 02:45hrs. Tsk!

Farewell, friends, and have a festively fun future!

Inchcock’s Visit to Specsavers

What comes into your mind when you see the logo above?

I’d like to explain the two things that come into my mind, if you’ll bear with me, please… Thank you. Both with equal venom and hatred as the bearers of the sign.


First: Dominic Cummings. Who cheated all justice in not being prosecuted and sentenced for his stupid strip to Barnard Castle – but mainly his weak, pathetic, schoolboy excuse he came up with. That he expected us to believe. Or possibly his friends who know too much in the Government came up with? I hate the man! Well, his ridiculous actions anyway. Just thought I’d like to mention it!

On with the Tale Of Woe…

2: Two Specsavers

The NHS hearing aids had both broken for the same reason. The lady at the NHS audio clinic advised me that the tubes had not been cleaned properly. I pointed out my problems with Shaking Shaun, the Peripheral Neuropathy and Saccades affecting my sight. And asked if there are other models available that might be easier for me to disassemble, clean and reassemble?  A concrete No was the answer to that question. But I could see my Doctor, to see if anything was available…

At this point, I could not hold back my laughter at the thought of actually seeing my Doctor. “I’d love to see her, I thought!” The Audiologist told me that it would be about three weeks, at the earliest, before the aids were repaired. I thanked her and deafly made my way without the hearing aids, out into the rain; at least I couldn’t now hear the heavy raindrops hitting the hearing aids… well, I wouldn’t, would I? Haha!

Then, as I wobbled with the walker down the steep hill I’d climbed to get to the clinic, I had an epiphany… of sorts. Dang, I’ll not go on suffering and go to the nearest hearing aid place and get a cheap pair to get me over the waiting time for the repairs to be done. Not exactly one of betterer ideas at all!

Although I didn’t know it at the time, and, even more, the costly and frustrating choice was made… I know, I’ll go to Specsavers for them. Ay, aye, aye!

By the time I’d innocently battled m way to the store on Wheeler Gate, I was not in a sound condition. Out of puff, and with Dizzy Dennis giving a pasting, as I entered the store.

So, my concentration was not good, but unfortunately, it was ripe for me to be lied to, conned and overcharged.

The Greeting From The Snotbag on the Reception

As she turned from talking to a staff member behind her, her top lip curled as she saw me approaching. She gave me a look done and up before she spoke. Then, “Yes, can I help you?” emphasising you!

Me: “I wanted to talk with someone about buying some hearing aids?”

Snotbag: “For yourself, or someone else, I see you are not wearing any aids yourself; we cannot do tests unless…

Me, interrupting: “Yes, they are for me; not having any hearing aids in is why I’m here to spend my money on a new pair!” I think she was taken aback by a smidgeon with the curtness of my voice… She hesitated in answering, and I jumped in again, driving home my determination before it melted, with; “They are both broken and will take a while to get repaired, so if you cannot see me today, I’ll not bother you any more” Brave or what?

Snotbag: Now full covered, countered with showing a semi-smile and disgust at having to do so simultaneously: “I’ll contact the technician to see if he can make himself free to give you some time. If you’d like to look at spectacles frames while you wait?…” Spectacle frames? She’s already trying to sell me some new glasses?

She back in a few minutes, the hatred for me, had moulded into her beautiful face. Take a seat over there, waving her arm around. As I manoeuvred the trolley away, making sure not to knock into anything, her voice rang out in an admonishing, “Not there, at the end seats!” I think my smiling back at her got on her goat!

A few minutes later, a young chap, who was the Audiologist, came to me, and was very kind and patient with me, led me into a bit of room, got me sat down and said he had to go some treatment room but would be back shortly. My EQ told me to leave now… but, like the idiot I am, I didn’t listen to him!

While I waited for his return, l read and copied the Hearing Aid Prices from a poster on the wall:

Specsavers Advance Star: £495
No rechargeable option

Specsavers Advance Standard: $899
Rechargeable +£100

Signia Active: £995
Rechargeable (Standard)

Specsavers Advance Plus: $1,095
Rechargeable +£150

Specsavers Advance Premium: £1,395
Rechargeable +£100

Specsavers Advance Super: £1,695
Rechargeable +£100

Specsavers Advance Elite £1,995
Rechargeable +£300/+ £400

Signia Styletto 3X, AX £,995 (Rechargeable option only)
Phonak Paradise 70: £1,995
Phonak Marvel: £1,995
Signia 3 Xperience: £1,995
Signia 3 AX: £1,995

Rechargeable +£100/+ £200 Signia Styletto 7X, AX
Phonak Marvel 70
Phonak Paradise 70: £2.395 (includes titanium)
Phonak Paradise 70: £2.395
5 Xperience: £2.395

Phonak Marvel 90 (includes titanium)
Rechargeable +£100/+ £200 Signia Styletto, AX
Rechargeable +£100/+ £200 Signia Styletto 7X, AX
Phonak Paradise 90: £2,695
Signia 7 Xperience: £2,695
Signia 7 AX: £2,695

Rechargeable +£100/+ £200
Signia Styletto, AX: £2,895
Signia Active Pro: £2,895

I was thinking of an escape plan for when the Audiologist returned. But he arrived sooner than I anticipated; I git in quickly with: “The aids start at £495 on this list, is that the cheapest?” As he was looking at my NHS hearing report record. “Oh, no, they are some cheaper they do not advertise. He had a look in the earholes and said that the right one had the most compacted wax he’d ever seen before! I replied calmly, “Yes, all the first time audiologists say something like that each time”. He had a heck of a job in getting it out; it took him ages. Then he just had to leave the room to show a dollop of wax he’d got out to his colleagues, and two of them came back in the room with him to look into my right earhole???

Then, the great decision on which aids to buy. I asked which were the cheapest? £49.95, in the ear ones. “But they would not suffice for your needs!” And they have no volume control on them. “Oh!” That was my response. “What’s the next ones up?” £99.99, he said. “Would they suit me?” “Well, not really, but the next ones are the £499 ones.

“Oh, I see!” How long would they be getting made for me?” “The Specsavers Advance Star would take about three days!” I pondered a few seconds, thinking Star ones were the £99.99 ones, and thinking that was for the pair, agreed on then. Paperwork done, aids paid for, I returned to Snotbag on the desk.

Where I found that the £99.99 was for each aid. Also, they would take three weeks, not days, to arrive! What a farce! Conned Again! I’m very good at that, getting duped.

By the time the NHS aids were repaired, about five weeks later, I had gone to collect them and pick up the Specsavers ones afterwards.

Snotbag was not there that day, but she was amply substituted by Haughty-Hilda. The aids were tinny sounding, ill-fitting, unreliable, rubbish, junk, crap, ineffectual, impractical, and shoddy!

The moral of this little tale is, I think:

If you are naive, trusting, ingenuous, innocent, credulous, unworldly, deceivable, and childlike, you will be broke financially, vulnerable, exploitable, malleable, gullible, or mouldable. Also, half-witted, stupid, brainless, dense, or Inchcock-like… Do Not Go Anywhere Near Specsavers!

Part of the Inchcock’s Tips & Advice Series

Inchcock Today – Thurs 27 June 2019: A petulant, ill-natured, grouchy, cantankerous day! Humph!

2019 26 June

2019 June 25

Thursday 27th June 2019

Italian: Mercoledì 27 Giugno 2019

4Thu00102:00hrs. I woke with the mind filled with, what’s the most suitable word? Dread, I think! Fear of the long haul to town on the £2.30 bus trip and slog through town and up the fearsomely steep Standard Hill to the Audio Clinic, I think. Ah well! The note I’d left to remind me on the TV screen helped!

I was soon out of the £300, second-hand, c1968, grotty-beige, rickety-recliner. Intent on getting the updating done to the diary before having to go out. The thought of the medications being delivered while I was not in, with my only having one beta-blocker tablet left! Meaning I will have to go to the doctors after the Audio Clinic, to find out what’s what. This didn’t help me get much peace of mind.

I got the hand-washing done, just a t-shirt and a pair of bamboo socks. Took the medications, did the health checks, and made a brew.

Straight on with the updating. The axonotmesis-driven electricityfied-dancing in the fingers, hands, arm, and shoulder, were not too bad first thing, Phew! So progress was reasonable this time with the blog. I got the job done and posted.

Made a start on this blog (between wee-weeing). Checked the bus times on Google, then got the ablutions tended to, as it was now gone 06:00hrs! All done and dusted, cutlessly, too!

I made up two waste sacks and took them down and out with me to the caretaker’s door, as it was only 07:12hrs, and too early to sue the chute yet. There was no time for photographicalisationing this morning, or I might miss the number 40 bus. I’d got it all planned out (I think I might have thought this before, Humph). The right bus fare in my pocket knew the times of the bus, I had 14 minutes to get to the stop. I arrived with for minutes to spare. Smug-Mode-Adopted.

4Thu02WD 200.0.0 It was a struggle on this bus to town. So many people were getting on, the trolly in the way, folks treading on and into me. I was so glad when we got into town, and I could get off of the bus last, as usual. I hobbled down Queen Street into Slab Square. I avoided a collision with a Nottinghamian Pavement cyclist as I got there.  I was just about to take a photo of the two coffee robbers across the square. Came out a bit blurred, though.

4Thu03 Crossing the square to get to the Poundland Store (surely this time they will have some large Pork Farms pies or Payne’s chocolate Brazil misshapes in stock?). But no, they didn’t. However, I invested in: black bags, bleach, drain unblocker, cans of chilli-con-carne, an egg & bacon sandwich, and some more Ginsters beef pasty’s. The lady at the self-serve tills put them through for me and packed my bags. 4Thu04What an angel! As I left the store, some pigeons came down, the instant I dropped some nuts on the floor as I was taking the bag out of my pocket. There were not many left, but I lost them all! Still, the dickies benefited. Maybe they have learned that the bags can be dodgy from the Poundland shop, and other people have done the same? Haha!

4Thu05I then carried out the plan, being as I had time if I didn’t take too long over it, to walk along and up Hounds Gate, and taking pictures along the way up.

I plan to make a post of these, with some funny comments, and get it posted off later, before updating this blog. Which I did! Which I did.

Hounds Gate Humour I hope you like it.

4Thu07I turned right at the end of Hounds Gate, up Maid Marion way, previously known, when I worked at Tesco on the road, as Granby Street.

WD 200.0.0 Getting over the traffic light crossing, at the junction with Friar Lane had its moments, I can tell you! I wasn’t (not that I ever do nowadays, going quickly) and needed time set the three-wheeled trolley guide down on a different level, the moved… the cross-lights were on green, and a naughty taxi shot around the corner! Tsk! Naughty!

I walked an alternate way to the Audio Clinic today, up Friar Lane, then Standard Hill, so I could take some photos of the Castle. I was amazed to see they were still working on it.

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4Thu10WD 200.0.0 Then I hobbled up Standard Hil, again, I was threatened by an ignorant, uncaring, supercilious, cyclist. A self-asserting, insolent, toploftical, mocking, unlawful, sneering, huffish, nasty, overweening, pompous, discourteous and unhospitable, none-tax paying and uninsured, but handsome looking young Nottinghamian Pavement cyclist.

Near St James Terrace, I looked down at the view of the town and recalled this was where the last series of Boon was made. Just a thought!


4Thu06To the end of Postern Street and left up to the top of Park Row, and on to the Ropewalk. A builder’s vehicle at the top, had me beat as to what it could be? Caterpillar tracks it had on it? Perhaps it is to get the wax out of me right ear-hole? Don’t know why I said that; it isn’t even funny. Am I losing it again?

I got in the clinic, and the chap who spoke to me about the appointment yesterday greeted me a shake come nod of the head, no words, mind. It dawned on later him that he’d seen me before. I gave him my appointment book, and he spoke (Yes!) He said; “I thought I recognised your limp!” I had to smile! Hehehe!

Within minutes a nurse, no, an audiologist, came and collected me and took me in her treatment room. A pleasant lady. She rechecked my ears for wax. And asked if I thought the ears (hearing) had got any worse since the stroke? I said not. The test was carried out, and there was no need for any changes. I mentioned the other lady who told me I need new inserts to stop the shrill-squealing. She said not so, all it required was the wax removing. If it builds up again, please call us and arrange for it be removed.

I departed after thanking her4Thu13.

Now the new replacement worry was the medications and having only one beta-blocker left at home. So off to the Doctors again to beg and plead for some help (again).

Down Standard Hill, across Maid Marion Way and along Upper Parliament Street to the bus stops where I can catch a bus to the surgery.

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I caught a number 58 bus, and boy was that packed with passengers as well! (although compared the one I got later on, from Carrington to Sherwood, it was almost empty!)

I alighted in Carrington and limped over the road and up to the Sherringham Park Medical Surgery, and spoke with the receptionist, hoping she could advise me. She got a list of my medications out from a draw and was confused herself as to why I had had them delivered from the chemist yet. They had the date of Monday 1 July as the next delivery date? But I was short on supplies. And only the one Bisoprolol beta-blocker left. For the first time in my life, I lost it a little!

WD 200.0.0 I suppose I’d got myself all worked up and said just what I felt.  I moaned about why it is a secret what day my medications when to be delivered? Told them I am fed up with not getting any help from the chemist and the surgery! Not the ladies fault I know, she did the best she could, and asked if I wanted to see the Doctor? It would be a long wait, but… I thanked her and accepted.

WD 200.0.0 Now, I even more fuming, I sat in the other waiting room. By the time the Doctor got the time to see me, I was still concerned about things, but was back to my regular timid, shy, self! When Dr Vindla called me in, I explained my frustrations and confusions, plus the beta-blocker situation, and she called the chemist and spoke with someone. She said go home, and the prescriptions will be delivered this afternoon.

WD 200.0.0 4Thu17My EQ warned me that this may not be the case! However, I thanked her and left to go home as instructed.

I walked down the road and over at the Pelican lights and waited for a bus back to Sherwood. When it arrived, on the journey, I was battered and bruised from the mauling I had taken from cram-packed passengers on the short trip. Now I was all niggly again!

4Thu18I walked down to the crossing and over the road, almost spitting with frustration! (If only I’d known what was to come yet, I wouldn’t have bothered!)

I went in the Co-op store and got a pod peas and some tomatoes.

4Thu19I got up to the Wilko store and got some clothes-freshener and granules. And liquid soap flakes, plus a bag.

WD 200.0.0 When I got to the bus stop at the top of the hill, Jenny’s Frank joined me in the shelter. We were having a great chinwag. As the bus arrived, I could not find the bus pass! This really irked me, I had it earlier. Frank said he saw it in my hand before, Tsk! Niggly-time again!

WD 200.0.0 I kept looking en route without any luck! At the bus stop, when I arrived at the flats, going through the pockets. No luck!

I got in the apartment, what a mood I was in! Searched for ages, before I found the bus pass – I was so relieved! Phew!

I put the things away, and got on with doing the extra blog about ‘Hounds Gate’. Of course, the fingers and shoulder started dancing. Life be right codswallop at times!

Then, I updated this post. It took me ages, as the fingers were worse than ever now! It got to well before my usual head down time. But as the medications might be coming, I pressed on with the blogging, to make sure I stayed awake and did not nod-off!

WD 200.0.0 I got evening med’s ready and made about the fifth mug of tea, and the landline rang (This being about 1830hrs!) It was the chemist checking on where I lived and how to get in the flats! He knows I go to sleep early, I’ve told him often enough. Niggle-Time again! Told him, and carried on with the updating. He’s on his way at last.

WD 200.0.0 I thought I’d do the hand washing, but there was no hot water again! I must remember to report it in the morning.

Ah, the prescription pots and medicines arrived! The owner of Carrington Pharmacy, Deepak, brought the goods. I wish he would have shown me how the packs work, 4Thu25though. 1855hrs: I thanked him, he’s a decent chap.

I put away the medications and got with sorting the belated meal. I was all in now, so tired. But wanted to stay awake for the England Ladies match against Norway.

By the time the meal was ready for consumption, the match was starting on the TV. So, down in the £300 second-hand, rickety, c1968, tatty gungy-beige recliner, tray on my lap and a feast of fodder and fine football followed!

WD 200.0.0 Although some of the food did get spilt into my naked lap, which made me jump at tad when England scored after three minutes!


Of course, I was tickled pink. But if they are to get to and win the final, it means taking on not only the gifted French girls; but FIFA, the crooked, bent VAR controllers, back-hander referees and European hatred and jealousy for Brexiting England!

In the unlikely event that they meet in the final, despite all of untrustworthy, amoral, cheating, lying, guileful, dishonourable, recreant, sneaky, unctuous, Pecksniffian, unjust, and Janus-Faced, FIFA’s efforts (Just ask any Croatian for proof), and England win. Would someone be kind enough to call the 999 number for me and send someone to help me with the shock-induced heart-attack and second stroke I will be having, thank you? Hehehe!

But I still live in hope, although possibly vain hope – but fear that FIFA will fluff and f____ up any possible festivites for anyone but the freebooting foul French fiddlers. The American team now have to face the fiddling bent French tomorrow. I fear that FIFA will again find a way to ensure victory for France. Just you watch, for VAR cons, yellow cards and false penalties. If America does win, and I would love them too, then they will meet England, and I don’t think I could stand to watch that match. I’d be torn apart.

At least I stayed awake for all of the match… well, I say all, there was a couple of two-minute nod-offs. When the game ended, I remember thinking that the excitement was going to keep me from nodding-off… as I fell asleep!

Inchcock Today – Wed 27 June 2019: A day to forget – but can I? Tsk!

2019 26a June

Spit, fume, and jealousy!


Maybe the most dangerous of the two choices?

Wednesday 27th June 2019

Scots Gaelic: Diardaoin 27 Ògmhios 2019

3Wed0102:05hrs. After yesterday evenings nodding offs, I was not exactly surprised when I woke up with a bit of energy, after only four hours of proper sleep.

Off course, seeing the reminder note on the TV screen, for the Audio Clinic appointment, stirred me into an almost semi-lifelike mode. Of sorts, anyway.

As mind began to try and sort-out the talks ahead for the day and decided that getting the Tuesday post updated as far as possible, and as quickly as possible was the primary demand, the need of a wee-wee became apparent. So, I extracted my short, plump, wobbly bellied lumbering short body out of the £300, second-hand, near-dilapidated, rickety, gungy-beige coloured, c1968, tatty recliner. The stubbed toe was of little bother, as I stood, gained my balance, got the stick and hobbled over to the EGPWWB (Emergency Grey Plastic Wee-wee Bucket) and had an RWPSWW (Reluctant-Weak-Painful-Spraying-Wee-Wee). Not a very pleasant experience. I prayed that the following wee-wees would be more comfortable.

3Wed001Being as yesterday, idle-Tuesday, I had not even got dressed or shaved, there was no hand-washing to be done. Guilty-Mode-Engaged!

So, to the kitchen and got the kettle on, and the sphygmomanometer and medications out. The health check results were Sys, 137, Dia 56, Pulse 91, and Temperature 34.1°c. These readings looked fair to me. Took the medications, and left taking the Furesomide water tablets, being as I was going to the clinic. Don’t want to get caught out.

I checked that the Audio appointment book was in the jacket pocket with the bus pass. Then got on with updating the Tuesday blog. The fingers, thankfully were not too bad, dancing-wise at the moment, so I got the diary completed by 04:30hrs, and sent off. And, only two RWPSWWs needed while doing it! Smug-Mode-Adopted!

I made another brew and got started on this post. The wee-wees increased in frequency (so much for not taking the Furesomide, that helped didn’t it? Huh!) They were now of the ELDOPWW (Extra-long-Drawn-Out-Persistent-Wee-Wee) mode. Ever changing again!

3Wed01aI was going to take a photo from the unwanted light & view-blocking new balcony with the tons of glass to clean that cannot be accessed, and I spotted the new INR result sheet on the floor between the c1968 recliner and the c1950 easy-chair. I put in where it should be kept.

3Wed01bIt was raining a little, lightly, and the mist had cleared, apart from in the distance. I managed to open the side window with the metal spring clip opener failing in its efforts to again take a chunk of flesh out of the hand or finger, this time. Swank-Mode-Adopted! 

The light coloured paint on the cladding of the flats brightened this picture nicely.

I was doing better than I thought I would, with the fingers behaving for once. (This can’t last, of course!) I must not get over-confident, and still take the stick with me when I walk anywhere, so as not get in a picklement when they kick-off again. An amazingly rare Logical-Inchcock-Mode-Adopted!

I made a Morrison order for next week, Wednesday I think, good and early.

Got the ablutions tended to. Bit of a rush job and the shower cut off once? Which frit me, cause I had just sprayed some antifungal on the tiles when it stopped – thank heavens it started again!

Mor hurrying and scurrying, got things ready, and black bags to the chute.

3Wed01cOff to the shed.

The rain had stopped as I hobbled, being overtaken, en route to the Nottingham City Homes, Winwood Flats, Oberstgruppenführer Wardens Temporary HQ, Toilet, Sarcasm & Insult distribution area, Rumourmongering Clinic. Tenants Socialisation Shed. Telling Inchcock off Zone. Things like china and 3Wed01dpottery to be stolen from, and residents room.

I explained my worries to Deana about Josie, she said Josie had attended the free meal yesterday. So at least she must be feeling a bit better?

I took a shot of Winwood and Winchester Street flats as I went out to the bus stop. Where a gang of residents had huddled in the bus shelter, with lurkers surrounding it, stood on the road and scattered having chinwags. Haha!

3Wed01eThe bus arrived, and I caught the L9 to town. Not feeling very good at the time. I suppose my EQ told me that things were not going to go well at the clinic… it was right!

I got off the bus on Upper Parliament Street, and sto0d and took this photograph, catching the ladies pink reflections in the bus shelter plastic windows, without realising it.

3Wed01fI made my way down Clumber Street street to the City Centre. Where I took a couple of pictures of the Council House from Slab Square, on my way to the Poundland Shop to see if they had any of the large Pork Farm pork pies in stock.

They hadn’t, but I got a ready-made BLT sandwich, steak pasties, and some handing 3Wed01gout nibbles. I paid at the self-serve checkout without any cock-ups for once.

Then made my hobblingly up to Standard Hill and the high climb to the Audio Centre.

The feet were already aching and stinging. By the time I had manoeuvered my way up… Oh dear! The climb wasn’t really that bad – oh yes it was! Hehehe!

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The simple, organised, smooth running Audi Centre visit: Huh!

  • I got in, booked in with the receptionist and was told to take a seat, so I did.
  • A lady came out and called my name. We trotted to a service room.
  • What was the problem? She asked. I replied, the audiologist (that impresses her, I think) on my last visit, told me to make this appointment, to have new ear-inserts made, as the current ones had either cracked or bent somehow.
  • She had a look, and told me that dewaxing must be done immediately and asked why I had let them ears get so bad and not been earlier to have them seen to?
  • I explained about the peripheral neurosis being diagnosed, and the Stroke and nine weeks in hospital and then a residential home had caused me to forget about putting in the daily olive oil. No response as such, not even an ‘Erm’ or ‘I see!’ 
  • You must have them seen to immediately, the was looks so bad and tight, it may have some effect on your stroke?
  • She left the room and returned having found out the nurse could fit me in for a channel vacuuming.
  • She led me out to the waiting hall and told me to take a seat, so I did.
  • After a while, not long at all, the nurse came out and called my name. She took me to her treatment room.
  • I really wish I had asked her if I could photograph the lump of wax she had removed from the right earhole. She said she’d been doing this job for fourteen years, and had never seen so much compacted wax removed before.
  • I will have to have another hearing test, and I must book an appointment again later. (The heart sank once more at the thought of more waiting)!
  • She told me to go out to the waiting area, and someone would call me. So I did.
  • A receptionist bloke called my name out, and I went to the desk. It seems the nurse had kindly told him of my problems and all the waiting time. plus difficulties in getting the clinic (I saw a bit of the note the Angel had written on my paperwork ♥)
  • He explained that usually, it would take two-three weeks for an appointment… My heart sank! However, if I could get in tomorrow morning for 09:00hrs, I could get in a just-cancelled slot! I jumped at the chance! The man made the appointment and wrote it in my attendance book for me, mentioning that it was the first time he’s seen one of these, they had been stopped over seventeen years ago. Haha! 

Now the mind was racing as I left the building. Today will tire me out, then I will have to get ready to leave the flat by 07:10hrs in the morning to pay for and catch the number 40 bus to town… I must make sure I have the right change, £2-30 bus fare.

Audi visit

Another stop to catch my breath…

Then on Friday, I have the Podiatrist visit to go to, at the Sherwood Health Cente.

I was having a little brain-churning-fretting session! And somewhat confused. Humph!

Down Standard hill and into the City Centre, where the timing worked out poorly, as I had just missed the L9 bus, and had another hour to wait for the next one. Never mind! I had a hobble around taking some photographs.

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Made my way back to the bus stop, and decided to catch a 40 bus instead – a bad mistake this turned out to be! Almost a tale in itself:

  • Three stops along and a woman with a chap in a wheelchair got on, and utilised all three side-saddle seats opposite me, to get her patient’s chair in.
  • Next stop, a lady with a pushchair and her baby got on. She had to cram herself next to me, but for the few stops they were on the bus, I enjoyed smiling and swapping pulled-faces with the youngster. Hehe!
  • As the young lady got up to move her pushchair, she gave my right toe a jolly-good stubbing with the wheel – Twice!
  • At my bus stop, a chap got up early, and as the bus braked, he fell forward onto me! Standing on my right foot and toe! I was getting irritated with things now!
  • As the bus stopped, I asked him if he was alright, and got no reply.

The man, rather dangerously I thought, walked down the hill and crossed the road on the bend. I had walked up the incline to where the centre-rest was, to cross over. A car swerved to avoid him, and came a bit to close to me for comfort!

The bloke moved swiftly out of view, so I was pleased he had not hurt himself on the bus as he trod on my foot and fell on me!

3Wed01RBy the time I had reached the flats and got inside, seeing no one at all en route, I was not in good condition.

I got the nosh sorted out and ate it all without any effort.

I washed the pots, and settled down in the c1968 recliner, and started to watch a Rumpole of the Bailey episode.


Inchcock Today – Monday 13th May 2019: Farcical Scramble to the Audio Clinic, then the Hospital, then home; and boy was I tired-out. Ah-well. Amazing memory prompters today!

May 13

2019 May 13

Monday 13th May 2019

Italian: Lunedì 13 Maggio 2019

00:50hrs. Woke up for a wee-wee, of the SWSWW (Short-Weak-Sprinkly-Wee-wee)  variety. Passed it in the EGPWWB Emergency Grey Plastic Wee-wee bucket, and back to sleep.

01:10hrs. Woke up for another wee-wee, of the SWSWW (Short-Weak-Sprinkly-Wee-wee)  variety. Passed it in the EGPWWB Emergency Grey Plastic Wee-wee bucket, and back to sleep.

03:25hrs. Stirred and very reluctantly got up, for another wee-wee, of the SWSWW (Short-Weak-Sprinkly-Wee-wee)  variety. Passed it in the EGPWWB Emergency Grey Plastic Wee-wee bucket. Forced myself to go and take the morning medications. Made a mug of tea, which proved a tad risky with the thumb cumbersomely wrapped and soaked in blood. But I made one.

Got the audio centre and then the NHS Drop-in centre to visit today. I also have to replace the bandages, pads, and plasters used yesterday. These three tasks will take up most of the day, and leave no time to get anything else done. Oy Vey!

The computer turned on, and updating of the Sunday blog finished and sent off. Not comfortable or accurate, typing with a dirty-great plaster and bandage on my thumb! Even more mistakes than usual were being made. Grumph! Went on the WordPress Reader section.

I made a grocery order and sent it off.

Tried to have a wash and shave. Not very good, though. Trying to avoid getting the thumb wet. To early to have a shower. I was in a Fed-Up Mode, I couldn’t help it.

1Mon01aI did notice when I got pt the long sleeve shirt: the labels had the prices in Euros?

I was just about to set out, and the intercom rang out. It was the carer, which I thought I had cancelled. I tried to rush him to put the Ankle-Support on – which was a mistake because it was fitted very loose, and not much use. His boss called; said he was on his way as he had to see me urgently. I explained about my having to go to the Audio Clinic, and Drop-In Centre and the bus was due in fifteen minutes! We went down together out of the foyer, but we could not see the man. So, I made my way to the bus stop, getting there with- a couple of minutes to spare. I caught the 40 bus and was knocked about by the school kids as they massed on the vehicle at every stop en route to town. Hehe!

1Mon02I alighted the bus on Queen Street. I walked down to the Slab Square and began to make my way to the Audio Clinic, avoiding the Nottinghamian Pavement Cyclists as I sped along.

I say speed, not really. But despite the danger of the ankle going over, I was impressed with my rate of knots, although, I regretted it later.

1Mon06I stopped and turned back to take a picture on Little John’s bell housing. Pleased at the time showing. I don’t know how the busy bus got through so early but was grateful that he had done so.

I crossed over Market Street, and over to the other side of Beastmarket Hill, and up to Angel Row. The memories flooded back when I saw the Bell Public House. One of the haunts of my youth and drinking days was looking a little moth-eaten. But a sign said they still had four bars with four different atmospheres. I love the foot-tappers Jazz band that used to appear there, as well as other venues.


The weather was fine, just as well because with the mayhem when I left the flat, I’d forgot to take my hat with me! Hehe!

1Mon07cThe closed down Odeon Cinema is now a Nandos, with its three big and two small waste bins out ready for collection.

I’m not sure why, but I was pleased with this picture, how it came out. The shadows from the scaffolding, and sunshine from behind help, giving it some texture, perhaps. Not that know what I’m saying, but it sounds clever. Hehe!

Turned left and over what used to be Granby Street. It’s Maid Marion Way now, also known as Brian Clough Way to some folks. At least in 1962, it was Granby, when I started working at the Tesco store, which they had bought from Adsega, a South African company, who also sold their Derby store to Tesco, in Duckworth Square, where I worked later. Isn’t it amazing how the long-term memory can still work, and the short term dissolves? Well, at times it just doesn’t seem to take things in, in the first place! Haha!

1Mon07dI made my way to Park Row, the same place I visited on Friday.

This time things, walking etc. seemed to go much easier, and I surprised myself at how soon I got to the top of the hill.

And, without anyone asking if I was alright, or telling me I looked very pale! Hahaha!

To the top of the hill and around the corner, to the Audio clinic. Where the signs told me they were had Proud & Caring staff.

01 Header Inch

The Proud & Caring receptionist shook her head in response to my good morning. Adding verbally, “What do you want?” I was fumbling to get out the appointment card when she asked my name and date of birth. “Where is your appointment card?” I smiled as I fluffed getting it out of my pocket and said; “It’s coming…” and handed it to her. A smile almost came on her face as she told me to take a seat. Which I humbly did, and got the crossword book out. Although my efforts on the puzzles were abysmal.

A young man appeared and called out my name, and I followed him into a room. I explained the problems with the hearing aids and the lady in the room checked them out for me. The mould on the right one had become distorted, and I was instructed to make 1Mon08an appointment within two weeks to have a new one made. She changed the tubing for me.

I was all sorted and out in ten minutes or so; walking down Park Row, on the Marathon hobble to the NHS Drop-In Centre.

As I turned right in Postern Street, I could ee roadworks blocking the way. It was a bit dangerous making my way down the road with 1Mon08athe Trolley-Walker. But it got worse a little later!

Work was taking place in Nottingham Castle; it was all boarded up.

Nottinghamian Pavement Cyclists were all over the place, and coming from all directions it seemed.

WD153.41.102 A few yards further on, and the roadway was hob-cobbled and most uncomfortable as the trolley shook and rolled, and several times, the locking-grip opened, and 1Mon09the thing started to collapse! Once the roadway became better, things settled down – but the ankle went over just before the smooth bit of road, and I uttered a few well-chosen expletives out loud! Good job I had got the medicines earlier on.

WD153.41.102 Took a shot of the Robin Hood statue, that is endlessly being vandalised by the local yobbery!

WD153.41.102 I poddled with ever getting more rattly walker down onto Canal Street. Taking this photo of the oldest pub in England.

1Mon09aAfter a visit to Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem, you’ll soon understand why this pub has survived the centuries to become a treasure of Nottingham past and present.

As England’s oldest inn, the pub is nestled beneath the cliff on which Nottingham’s historic castle stands, and was once a well-known pit stop for crusader knights. It is said that King Richard the Lionheart and his men are more than likely to have gathered at this historic royal dwelling before journeying to Jerusalem in 1189AD, thus giving the pub its unusual name. Something of a cross between an inn and a museum, the pub features several bars, cosy nooks and snug lounges filled with curiosities and relics of Nottingham’s history. You can enjoy a delicious pub meal every day between 11: am and 10: pm in the Rock Bar, where you can warm up next to the fire in Yorkie’s Lounge, or enjoy the expansive garden area when the weather is pleasant. Beneath the pub, cave cellars root deep into the sandstone cliff and, like many of Nottingham’s 800+ caves, have for centuries been used for storage of ale. Also located in the cellars is an old cockfighting pit and part of the Castle Gaol was said to be housed in the cellars at one time. This included the condemned cell, a small cell with a very low ceiling with small holes drilled to allow a little air to flow through. The Gaoler would have sat just outside the cells on the ‘Gaoler’s Chair’ which was etched out of the rock and can still be seen today.

1Mon10A little detail, to show what you are missing, folks.

WD153.41.102 As I passed the Nottingham Post building, another of the countless Nottinghamian Pavement Cyclists shot by. A shame, but he managed to avoid the work sign on the pavement. Damn and tarnation!

1Mon11Part of the works taking place was centred around the Broad March Centre, the tram station and the Magistrates Court.

I gave up on picturing the Nottinghamian Pavement Cyclists; there were so many of the ignorant, dangerous, toploftical, supercilious, arrogant animals about. 

1Mon12WD153.41.102 But this dogbreath came so close to hitting me as I neared London Road to cross over near the new BBC centre. Well, it is for me. Hehe!

The draft he made as he belted by me from behind, nearly had me over.

WD153.41.102 Then the damned trolley-walker almost had me over! I was intent on 1Mon14picturing the nasty, uncaring, insensible, unaware, nescient and unconscious of his own bullying actions cyclist, I pushed the trolley over a crack in the concrete! Oh, I did feel a fool!

I risked life an limb getting over London Road to the BBC building.

1Mon23The Drop-In Centre, now named the Urgent Care Centre as I discovered, was a few hundred yards behind the BBC.

I got inside and wet to the reception. Where the young lady sneered contemptuously and me and offered me an elongated “Yyyyes?” by way of a welcome. I gave her details, showing my bloodied thumb. Utterly uninterested, she told me to take a seat, and someone will call me later.

I got sat down, with the crossword book out. Had a fruitless attempt at doing some part-done puzzles. An hour or so later, a nurse came out and summoned me into a room. I told of my Whoopsiedangleplop with the thumb. She took off the bloodied homemade dressing and took a look at the wound. This happening, brought some interest to the proceedings, and she said; “Gum, you made a right good mess of that, haven’t you?” she put a wet pad on the thumb and told to go out and take a seat, and someone will call you for treatment. As I was going out, the trolley lock jumped open again. “You must not use that, it’s too dangerous!” she quipped as I departed to the waiting hall.

A nurse called me into a room half-an-hour or so later. She asked how I did it, very embarrassing. Two stitches and some holding tape later, she gave me some self-sticking plasters with pad to use to renew the wound if needed. “If it goes any blacker or bleeds again, you must see your GP! See my GP? Who is my GP?… oh yes, I remember, just! Hehehe! The one who needs a week at minimum to give me an appointment.

1Mon15I thanked the nurse and departed. Planning on going to Wilko’s to get some replacement plasters for the ones used and blood-soaked last night.

Over London Road, up Bellar Gate, Belward Street, along Cranbrook Street. Left on Lower Parliament Street and along to Upper Parliament Street and the Wilko Store. Where I over-did the spending a little: I came out with Graze plasters, Lint, Sterile Adhesive Pads, Blue extra strong adhesive tape, fabric strapping and bandage crepe. Could have been worse, £7.90 spent.

A good 40 minute before the L9 was due, as I left the shop. So I called into the Poundland store and had decker at their medical offerings. Came out bearing Elastoplast fabric plasters, Porous tape, Adherent dressings, Waterproof plasters and crepe bandage. Much cheaper, at £6. Paid at the self-serve checkout, and out over the road to the bus stop. The feet, legs and ankle were all giving some grief now.

I took some photographs while I waited for the bus.


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The bus was well crowded on the way home. When I got to the Winwood Heights, I helped Charlie off the bus and called in the Nottingham City Homes, Winwood Heights, Generaloberstesses Wardens Temporary HQ. WC, Holding cells. Rumourmongering Clinic. Sarcasm & Insult distribution area. Tenants Socialisationalistic Area. Telling Inchcock off Zone. Crockery and pottery to be stolen from location, and residents porta-cabin. Oberscharführeress Warden and Hustle Model Julie was in working, and we had a laugh as I told her the days events. Said my farewells, and walked to the flats with along with Elizabeth, Cyndy and Eric. We managed a laugh or two, and Eric offered to sort out the sink plug for me, when I get one of the right size. Hahaha! Kind of him.

Got in the flat, and the SWWWs (Short-Weak-Wee-Wees) started again. Yet no signs while I was out and about? Odd that?

Took the medications and started to update this blog… for hours and hours… Oh dearie me! In between SWWWs of course. Well, it’s been a busy, messy day! Tsk!

1Mon33Got the oven on and started to do the sausages and part-baked cobs.

WD153.41.102 I knew I would not be hungry, too much tiredness for that. So I made only a small portion. But I was amazed to find I couldn’t eat all of it, nowhere near. The sourdough baguette only had two bites taken out of it. I was even too tired to make the sausage sarnies.

Soon settled down, very late for me. Full of aches and pains, seemingly coming from everywhere. With the mind muddled as it considered Tuesdays appointment, now increased to five!

WD153.41.102 Bad enough, but then just when I drifted off, the dreaded Colin Cramps started off! Legs and feet mostly. They woke me with such surprise, I knocked over the bottle of spring water, and the left foot shot out sending swivel chair into balcony windows, hitting the carers box and distributing the folders and paperwork over the carpet.

Life, eh?

Inchcock Today – Part 1 of 2: Wednesday 21st March 2018


Wednesday 21st March 2018

German: Mittwoch, 21. März 2018

0310hrs: Woke having enjoyed three-hours of dream-filled nonsense toying with my mind, leaving me even more confused, disturbed and discouraged than ever with life’s current situation.

I felt (Rare for me) I just wanted to go back to sleep. But all the current hassles, tasks and disasters, forced me to evacuate the £300 second-hand recliner and get up and sorting things. Hopefully, the workers to do the balcony door will be arriving at 0800hrs, then out sharpishly to hobble to Carrington for the Blood Test with Nurse Ann 0905hrs. Bus to City Hospital and the GUM clinic for 1100hrs. Having been stuck indoors and unable to get out since last Thursday. Thanks to the snow and ice, and every appointment being rearranged by Nottingham City Homes or the Willmott-Brown team. I must get some fresh food in as well. Oh, and not get carried away on this computer either. Essential I start my ablutions at the latest at 0645hrs, giving me time scrub-up, medicate the lesion and piles in time for the arrival of the blokes to do the upgrading, then I can go off for the blood test, then to the clinic.

I hope things will be all right when I get back later.

Off to the kitchen and got the sphygmomanometer in use to do the Health Checks.


3Wed00b2Sys and pulse well up again. But I shouldn’t be surprised should I? All the hassle of late, and with more to come today with the inside balcony doors being installed.

Tomorrow the dentist appointment at 0930hrs, so I just hope I can get back for some of the Social Hour in time.

I’m feeling pretty low at the moment. Ah, well!

When it came to taking the medications, I realised I’d missed two doses so far this week, they were still in their pots. Tsk!

Off to the Porcelain Throne, more blood than ever from the Haemorrhoids this morning, splattered the bowl before I even passed anything. I put this down to all the enforced sitting around (on the computer mostly, thanks to Virgin, rearranged appointments and the weather) while I’ve been incarcerated inside this flat for days on end.

Got the computer on and finished off the Tuesday post.

Started this one off up to here, then posted the last one to Facebook and email friends. Did WordPress reading, some brilliant stuff on again today. Then sorted comments and replied.

I must get the ablutions and medicationalisationing of some regions of my obese-wobbly-body done now. Can’t use the noisy shower this early, so a stand-up scrub-up will have to suffice this morning. At least it is not like in the 1950’s. When I stood at the kitchen sink (No bath or shower or hot water, central heating, electricity or unemployment, in those days. Hehehe!) with ice forming on the windows, saucepans and kettles on the gas stove, carbolic soap, cut-throat razor… Enough! I can’t stand to think about it now. How the heck did I manage back then?

I’ll get back ASAP folks.

I’m back, all smelling nice with a less painful Haemorrhoids now they have been tended to, showered and shaved without any Whoopsiedangleplops too. But still not my old self.

Went to make a mug of tea to have before the workman arrives.

I found the new windows were obstructing the view and light in the room. With the bottom of the frames so high, and the new ledge below the window sticking out so far: This means I will not be able to take any photographicalisation straight down of Chestnut Walk, the car park, the bottom field, or in Panorama, etc. Because the window is set far further out, and with the new thicker heater as well, it is impossible for me to reach out enough.


Still, in a few weeks when I can get out onto the new balcony, it might be easier to take them from there? Fingers crossed.

Got the nibbles for the nurses in the bag, updated this tosh to here, and awaited the arrival of the Nottingham City Homes man with his clipboard.

Who did not arrive? So, I got the things needed and set off out into the cold sunshine of the day, to start my mini-marathon hobble. I thought I needed a good blow-out after being stuck indoors for so long, and oh boy, did I give myself one! About 2.8 miles I reckon after checking on the Google map.


3Wed0001bHad to take care, because there were patches of ice on the higher ground.

Took this photograph as I went along Chestnut Way to Winchester Street.

There were no signs of life in the Obergruppenfruheresses Wardens and Social Hut as I hobbled by it. Well, there wouldn’t be at 0815hrs.

3Wed0001cTook this photograph half way down Winchester Street.

The weather fooling everyone into thinking it was a warm sunny morning. I can assure you it wasn’t in the slightest. Although it did warm-up later on.

But I was well wrapped up in my new coat, titfer and the PPs helped keep out Jack Frost.

The shadow in the picture made it look as if I was on a plinth.

3Wed0001dPutting back on my fingerless gloves, I was surprised to see the nail thumbnail, which I cut last night seemed to be leaking puss? It had the texture of toothpaste.

Odd that? Mind you, it is the thumb that as a young whipper-snapper I had crushed and decapitated the top half of it. No problems afterwards as such, but when it was stitched back on, the nail grew triple thickness for some reason. Just thought I’d mention it. Hehe!

3Wed0001f I proceeded in an Easterly direction (Haha!) and turned left on Mansfield Road.

Not much traffic about this morning.

No ice down here either, it was only lurking in the higher laying areas, you know, up the hills.

Up the hill and down into Carrington.

3Wed0001gaArriving at the surgery with a few minutes to spare for the appointment with Nurse Ann to take my blood.

Registered with the two not seen receptionists previously eventually. Both of them were on the phones, and I waited patiently, before logging in.

Called in by Nurse Ann, who was in a good mood. It felt quaint not being told-off. She got me done, and I gave her the nibbles, 3Wed0001hthanked her and was out. Left a bag of bites on the reception desk, and set off on the trek into town.

Plodded along the A60 through the strangely quiet hamlet of Carrington. Boy, I’m so glad I got out of there! Mind you, with all the hassle at the flats going on, I may be a little less-glad now. Hehe!

3Wed0001iHobbled along at a steady pace, no rush today. The sooner I get back to the apartment, the sooner I will have to face what will obviously be a right mess from the balcony window installation. That is if it has been done.

With Mr Clipboard not arriving, at o8oohrs as he had promised to earlier, I was in a pickle decision-wise as to what to do? If I locked the door, would they be able to gain admission? So I’d left it unlocked so they could. Not the best of situations, but I thought I had no choice.

3Wed0001J The plates-of-meat were beginning to hurt, but, I expected this to be the case, what with me not getting any walks in for ages.

As I struggled up the incline near the Rock Cemetary and the Forest, this Nottingham Pavement cyclist came close to clouting me as he passed me from behind. Unprecedentedly, this did not bother me much?

I assumed this was due to my having enough to worry about with the hassle of the flat?

3Wed001Up to the lights and over down the hill towards the City Centre.

A really strange never been seen before view when I took this photographicalisation of Mansfield Road.

Usually, lines of traffic would queue up at this spot from the traffic lights. But, all I could see in view was one bus coming up the hill!

3Wed01Always a sad sight or two to be spotted on this stretch of road.

Mostly reports of crime, and closed retail businesses.

I recall my beloved Auntie Kath was bothered by this many, many years ago, and wrote to the Council and local paper about it. Nothing has changed here then, apart from so many more 3Wed01ashops and pubs have closed down.

In the blocks behind these shops, are thousands of student flats of all types. I’d have thought they would have made use of some of the food retailers that have endlessly gone out of business, other poor souls and bought or rented and reopened so many, but to no avail, they have gone under too! I’m waffling again, sorry.

I meandered down the road and into the Victoria Shopping Centre (Mall) via the bus station and entered into the top floor. Walked the length and into the Boots Store, near the Optical Department, and searched for someone to speak with about my broken spectacles. A lady approached me. The unfortunate thing was obviously woebegone underneath her bravely displayed signs of mock interest. I explained about the fractured nose thingy on the glasses, handed them to her, and she told me to wait while she got them sorted for me. Returning a few minutes later, she returned the spectacles to me, and I inquired about the cost of getting a new pair with reading lenses. The lady told me to view the frames while she went to get someone to deal with me.

I meandered over to the wall of frames. Walked up and down them, but could not see an that appealed to me, at a decent price, and there were none with the large lens area which I wanted. Well, there was one, but that would cost me £299. I did another walk up and down in case I’d missed any… then realised that no one had come to deal with me yet. I walked out.

3Wed02I exited the centre onto Upper Parliament Street.

It was still nippy, and the sun tried to fool us. But as you can see, the Nottinghamians were like me, all wrapped up well.

Shadowy photo this one.

I legged it to the end of the road and over Maid Marion Way and up the dreaded Standard Hill to the Audio clinic. I took what I thought was a super picture of the skyline when I was half-way up. But mysteriously yet again, this one dissipated into the ether, never to be found on the SD card?

Into the clinic and to the reception desk. I made my needs known to the lady, who seemed to spend an inordinately long time giving me her inquiring up and down looks. After what seemed like minutes, but would have been a few seconds, she put her hand out and sternly spoke: “Record Log!” I really wanted to reply, “No, Gerald Chambers!” But was too scared of her practised expression and eyes raised momentarily, saying unspeakingly; “Come on you old fart, snap to it, move!” It really cheered her up when the zip on the inside pocket where I’d put Audio Log got stuck. I kerfuffled a bit in getting it open. I pictured a cartoon in my head, of this receptionist having an explosion coming out of the top of her head and me laying on the floor bleeding where the pencils had been stabbed into my chest. I left ten minutes later along with the batteries and tubes, but having forgotten to book the next test.

3Wed04I departed and hobbled down into the slab square. Sometime before the L9 bus was due, so I had a wander around and took some photographs while I was waiting.

The first one shown here. The other three had joined the Standard Hill photo in the ether and have never been found since? Not in the camera memory, not on the SD card either. I wonder just what I’m doing wrong here? I thought the slab square shot reminded me of some of the Alberquery shots that Tim Price does so well. Weather-wise I mean.

Caught the bus and had a chinwag with a lady tenant.

Back at the flats, I went into the Obergruppenfureress Temporary Social Hut. I needed to find out it the apartment had been done or not. I inquired of the Warden, but she had no idea, and suggested I got up and found out. I explained about Mr Clipboard not arriving on time as promised, but got no response at all.

3-2Wed 01So I did go up to the flat to find out what was going on if anything.

I could hear the noise and knew some of the lads were working in there. I part-opened the door, and the dust encouraged me to close it.

So, then back to the Obergruppenfureress Wardens Temporary Social Hut. Confident that a cup of tea and biscuits would welcome me, and I could rest there while the working continued.

I bumped into one of the lads and asked him how long it would be before I could get back in. About an hour I was told. Thanked the lad and made my way back to the Obergruppenfureress Wardens Temporary Social Hut, with hopes of enjoying a brew of tea and nibbles.


I met Mr Clipboard on the way to the shed.

Fair enough, he apologised3-2Wed 01a for not being on time.

Got into the hut.

A solitary figure was I.


Ah, well, at least I got a plastic cup of water!

Part Two of Wednesday’s Inchcock Today, to follow.

Back to the flat – maelstrom encountered!


Inchcock Today – Monday 20th November 2017: Got wet again, but it was a much better day for me!

Monday 20th November 2017

Finnish: Maanantai 20. Marraskuuta 2017

0040hrs: Woke and was out of the £300 second-hand recliner immediately, and without any ailments (other than Duodenal Donald) hassling me, unbelievable!

I stood almost upright, no Dizzy Dennis, the hips and Arthur Itis was well behaved.

When I got into the kitchen, I was nequient in recalling why I had got up and gone into the kitchen. Marvellous, the physicals improve beyond belief, and the mental deterioration shows itself their place. Tsk! I gave up trying, hoping this intention would return to me later.

I checked the weekly medication pots with the idea of making new ones and thought I’d made a right cock-up, then it dawned on me it was not Sunday, but Monday and it all came right again.

I sorted the black bags in the bins and put two new rubbish-bags in, one orange for the recycling one black. The set of doing the two weeks dosages. Took this mornings doses.

Carefully making sure that the cardboard and foil were kept separate as I emptied them making up the pots. I’d started on the latest prescription packets this time, and the flaming tablets had changed colour again! Especially the evening doses, there were many all white ones now, which does not help me to check that I’ve done the right ones… if that makes sense?

0127hrs: Noticed that the temperature in the kitchen was much higher this morning at 54°f.

At this point in time, an urgent and almost immediate call for my utilisation of the Porcelain Throne arrived. I hastily responded and made my way to the wet room facilities. Where proceedings were long and messy. Another chapter of the Leningrad book was perused, followed by another cleaning up session.

I got the nibble bags made up, for the staff at the surgery and those at the Audio Clinic. It’s going to be close getting to the Clinic on time. I intend to go to the Sherrington surgery early for the Warfarin level blood test, hoping they might get me done earlier, and this will give me a chance to get to the City Centre and my Hearin Aid follow up appointment in time. I hope, else I’ll have to get a taxi if I can get one.

I opened the window to take a view of the morning skyline without reflections from the glass.

It doesn’t show in the photo, but when I closed the window, the rain splattered into the kitchen and me! Tsk!

Did the Health Checks, and chart-totals to take with me to the surgery for the motto be looked at again.

It all looks much a sameness to me. Although, this morning the weight had gone over the 15St mark!

Got the computer going and started this post off to here, then updated yesterdays. The grey-cells often pondering on why I had gone into the kitchen when I woke up. Tsk!

Finished off yesterdays and got it posted.

On to WordPress Reading and messages. Facebooked and then Email checks. Then did a graphic to use as a Diary topper for Wednesday and later Thursday and saved them.

Got the ablutions tended to.

Made sure the paperwork and nibbles for the surgery and audio clinic staff were in my shopping bag. Sorted three rubbish-bags for the rubbish chute and took them out with me on the way down to the foyer.

The meal framework for the new build flats was coming on.

It looks like it will be far further forward towards the road than I thought it would be.

A little drizzling this morning, the very fine drizzle that you hardly notice.

I walked along Chestnut Way, and I felt a bit of compassion for the car owners. Hehehe!

Passing the bus stop and turned right down Winchester Street Hill, the bags already making me struggle a bit, with the weight of the nibbles.

Down onto Mansfield road, and right up and over the incline, and down into Carrington. Where a Nottingham Pavement Cyclist all but hit me.

When I arrived at the Sherrington Medical Practice and went through the outer door, he coat squelched, and it dawned on me just how wet I was! I booked in and sat somewhat uncomfortably in a chair as the rain dripped off of me.

Gratifyingly, it was Nurse Nichole who came out to collect me. We managed a priceless to me, little gossip too because the blood did not want to stop coming and we had a long wait before it congealed. Handed her the bags of nibbles, one for herself and the other for the receptionists.

I thanked her, inwardly slobbered over her and departed. Farewells to the receptionist staff as I left. Out and very belatedly put up the brolly as I hobbled to the bus stop. The short journey into town was another cramped disagreeable journey for me. Kids screaming, the bus full up, people shouting down their mobile phones, everyone wet, the floor slippy… but I did not worry about this until it came to getting off the bus at the Victoria Shopping Centre (Mall). The stampede to get off meant I was last getting up out of my seat and being a little slower than most, by the time I got to the front of the bus, the driver had closed the doors and was pulling away… Tsk! Still, he let me off. Hehe!

To keep out of the rain, I walked through the House of Fraser store near the bus stop, and up their elevator and into the mall that way. It’s the first time I’ve been in this store and got myself a little lost but got out eventually. Went the Poundworld in there to see if they had any chocolate nougat in stock. They didn’t. But I got some nibbles and two pairs of the fingerless gloves.

I limped along in the centre to the end and down the escalator and foolishly had a look in the Thorntons shop and asked a lady if they had any chocolate nougat. “Yes,” she said. Fetched a cubed box and asked if I’d like it gift-wrapped, no charge for this. My mind was finding it hard to connect to voice box or logicality as she bent down, revealing more than I could handle of her buxom cleavage, and came back up with a box already done. She added, while putting another box of chocolates on the counter, “You get these free when you buy the nougat selection”. She bent down again for some unknown reason as I got my card out to pay.

My attention was again distracted. I got the two boxes into the bag and made my way to the exit doors. I thought I’d better try to make sure the chocolates don’t get wet, so stopped under cover of the canopy to rearrange my bag. During which I came across the receipt for the nougat… £20!

I hope that the person destined to get this present, are not reading this.

That made sure there would be no Morrison delivery this week. Thinking about it, that is not a bad thing. I can get to use up some of the tinned and frozen stuff this week, and I have some pies, cheese etc. in the fridge anyway.

I crossed over the road, and along Upper Parliament Street towards Derby Road.

Oddly, the Nottingamians did not seem so depressed as of late.

Crossed over the double-pelican lights on Maid Marion Way, and up Standard Hill. Stopping part way, to allow Anne Gyna to calm down.

This is one of the most deceptive looking hills in Nottingham. A slow incline that takes it out of us old folk who are unfortunate enough to have to climb it on foot. The feet and knees started giving me bother shortly after this. Hehe!

As I crossed over East Circus Street, I took another rest and this photo. Bad as the feet were, I hobbled to the for sale sign to get the details. Just out of curiosity, to get to find out later what the rent or price is.

I went on the web in the morning and found out that is was a Two-bedroomed flat, for sale at only £232,500.

I’m thinking of buying it, so I have somewhere to sit-down when I pay a visit to town and the ailments play-up. Ahem!

Despite the rain and Anne Gyna and the feet, I was in a better mood, thanks to Nurse Nichole who had cheered me up and for once had time for a natter with me. And, I suppose, the pleasant but far too late in life flashes of cleavage may have temporarily given me a lift, but the realisation that I could no longer enjoy such things from the past got me down again. Hehehe! A glow inside installed bu Nurse Nichole was sensed.

I got up to the top of the hill and into the Audio Clinic. The receptionist was patient with me as I fumbled getting the record card out and dropped it. A young lady nearby came and picked it up for me, I thanked her. (I was doing well today, with people being friendly to me… I hope it lasts, I like it!)

I took my seat and got the crossword book out. Which was on second thoughts, was not a good idea. Because I missed it when they called out my name and showed it on the board! However, the lady Audiologist who approached me was very nice about it. (Am I dreaming, how come people are so kind to me today? Not that I’m complaining, just confused at the lack of sneers and my being ignored?)

We walked through a maze of corridors to her treatment room. The girl asked me if I was feeling alright, and I told her yes, thank you. Seems that I was looking very pale and drawn, as were her words? Which was a bit of a surprise, because I was feeling better than I have done for ages. The test was carried out which took about an hour overall. She took off the E facility after asking if I used it, and made sure the sound control of either hearing aid, would change both at the same time. Very tolerant of my questions and did not rush me at all, bless her. Thanked her, gave her the nibbles and she led me back through the corridors to the main hall.

Outside, the rain had stopped altogether now.

Limping along I got to the bus stop on Queen Street.

Took this photo from the top. I can’t remember why I did now though.

Across the road and down to the terminus.

I spotted this capsule on the floor near the seating. Wondered what it was?

An L9 arrived at the stop, but it was Not in Service. The driver was going on his her lunch-break.

I got this picture of the Little John dome and clock as it arrived.

A few minutes later the replacement bus came, and I was off on the way back to the flats.

Feeling good, needing a wee-wee and the feet stinging!

Took this photographicalisation of the bottom end of Trinity Walk, on Upper Parliament Street en route.

Fell asleep for a big part of the journey.

As  I alighted the bus on Chestnut Way, a few words were exchanged with those tenants that were getting on the bus. Bill ‘William on Sundays’ said; Come on dodo, get a move one, some of us need to gerron the bus! Fred (I think); Out of the way you old fart! I felt like I was arriving back home to a family.

I was glad not to see any workmen up on the platform hoists on the building in the rain.

Met Welsh Bill on the walk down to the complex. He was back on the liquid Morphine. I think he said in 24 hours he should be having the pins removed from his left knee. He was obviously suffering. I like this lad.

A wagon delivering some machinery passed by us.

This picture show just how narrow that Chestnut Walk is, and the difficulties with ingress and exiting this presents to the building contractors daily.

I know I’m unacquainted with building practices, but I think it is marvellous how this company is coping and seem to be safety conscious at the same time.

As Bill and I entered the foyer, he pointed out a new poster on the wall. We both agreed that the sign was not there at 0900hrs when I left the flats, nor 1000hrs when Bill departed. Tsk! Both of hoped we would not be deprived of our mugs of tea! Hehe!

Up in the lift, farewells to Bill and got in the flat and had the much-needed wee-wee. Another marathon session, but eventually it stopped. Haha!

I got the pressies and nibbles stowed away and started to sort the meal out. I knew I’d soon fall asleep, I could sense it.

I cut two small cobs in half. Buttered them, added some sharp cheddar cheese and topped them with sliced tomatoes with balsamic vinaigrette. Min-franks as well. A banana and lemon mousse to follow.

The planned watching of the TV was not achieved. I’d nodded off before I ate the banana!

Woke a few hours later. Washed the pots, had a wee-wee and back down in the recliner to watch a DVD.

Nodded off once again.

Inchcock Today – Monday 16th October 2017

Monday 16th October 2017

Macedonian: Недела 15 октомври 2017 година

Woke with a start at 0210hrs. Some mild pandiculation and the brain eventually engaged with the body. The innards were beginning to bubble and brew, signs of later happenings in the wet-room indicated.

As I dismounted the £300 second-hand recliner the reminder note on the mini-pad, I’d written last night, fell to the floor.

I’m glad it did, else I may well have forgotten about the Audio Clinic Appointment at 1130hrs this morning.

I opened the curtains and waved at myself in the reflection. This too was good – now I know I am alive. Hehehe! Wandered into the kitchen and did the Health Checks, made a mug of tea and took the medications. Then, a rarity for me, I felt a little hungry. Had a Pot-Noodle.

Opened the window and had a look down at the residents parking spaces. I hope the red car on the left doesn’t need to get out first today?

The wind had died down, and it didn’t appear too cold.  I noticed later on the web that rain and showers were expected for Nottingham.

Bet I get a soaking when I get out and about in a while. Huh!

Got yesterdays diary done, then got another two graphicalisations done for the TFZer site, on CorelDraw.

The top one is for Mary, and the lower one is for Joyce.

I slipped myself into the Mary one, and Meritt, Thomas and me in the other one for Joyce.

Then the call to the Porcelain Throne arrived a little urgently as I was making another brew of tea.

I read a few pages of the Lenigrad book as I painfully waited for the evacuation to begin. The blood flowed freely from Harold’s internal Haemorrhoids. This got me thinking about the dentist. On Tuesday I have to go for the INR Warfarin Blood Test, wait for the results and if they are in range, then go to the dentist and beg for another appointment to get the teeth sorted out. The problems with this are: 1) If the field is too low or high I’ll have to start the whole procedure over again, if in range. 2) Will the Dentist be able to fit me in? Because they will not do any work on me later than 48 hours after the last Deep Vein Thrombosis test! 3) I’m fed-up and depressed. Six weeks now I’ve been trying to get the teeth done. They are getting more and more painful the longer it goes on. No wonder I get confused so easily is it? Poor old thing. Hehe!

Looked at the Chronological needs for the morning, as on the note I wrote. Ablutions 0920hrs, catch bus 1030hrs to town, the appointment at clinic 1130hrs.

So, I did the weeks total for the Health Checks.

Then started on some more work on the next TFZer graphic.

A different one this time. It was for TFZ’s beloved Head-Honcho Sandie, with Clint Eastwood joining her for a picnic with an old American Car advert and plenty of nibbles added for them to have too. Oh, and me sweeping up the Autumn leaves Hehe!

No rain as I had expected, just mist and the winds getting ever, so l sightly up a bit.

Carried out the ablutions and made sure the paperwork, record book etc. for the Audio Centre were all in the bag.

Set off to the bus stop. Plenty of folks to talk to there, but only one interested. The lady from the High-Care Home at the end of the road. She was worried about her weight going down, and she may lose her free holiday to Greece and Africa if she has no gained sufficient to please her medical assessors. Did my best to listen and respond in a fashion to try and give her encouragement, bless her. The others seemed a little reluctant to get into any a laughs or chinwags this morning. They each have their own worries, it is essential for me to remember this, and keep on doing my bit of cheering them up.

I got on the bus and got the crossword book out. When we got onto Carlton Road en route to town, it dawned on me that the seat next to me was free, unoccupied, and yet people were still standing? Did my confidence no favours, you know. I wondered if the Citrus Body Spray I use, wasn’t making it? Hehe!

Arrived in town. The sunshine that had come up was not fooling the Nottinghamian Shoplifters… sorry! Citizens, at all. Most had their winter woollies and coats on. Good idea, sage move too!

I legged it down into the City Centre Slab Square.

Where a multitude of Nottingham Pavement Cyclists was belting about between the pedestrians, but on this occasion, they did not threaten me and kept their distances from yours-truly. Thankfully.

I took the shortest route with the least steep hills to walk up to the Audio Centre. Hippy Hilda, Anne Gyna (Bad now) and twinging stabbing Arthur Itis, ensured that the trip was a painful one.

I hobbled slowly so as not to get Anne Gyna upset any more than she was.

Arriving near the Centre at the top of the steepest bit of hill, I had to stop and put the bag down for a few moments to regain my composure before going into the grand old building. My hands and fingers were well blotched-up?

As I entered and took my place in the queue at the receptions desk, I spotted the time on the wall clock. I had arrived in good time and had about 25 minutes to spare. The very kind lady at the desk patiently took my details and asked, yes asked me to take a seat. Got the crossword book out and was shortly summoned by a luscious plump young lady audiologist, and led through a maze of corridors to her treatment room. Her thick-thighs in her short tight dress deflected my attention from her words for a while, as she sat there next to me, explaining the procedure and asking questions.

If I had been younger by 50 years or so, things would undoubtedly have throbbed. Gorgeous Audiologist!

She took me through the set-up on the machine in front of me. She nipped out during the testing and setting up to get something, and I sneaked out the camera to take this shot of the whatever it is a machine I had to sit in front of and not move.

Her IT system stopped her doing some part of the test, and she said I’d have to make an appointment for another visit so this part of the test could be completed later. The cards on the back wall in the photo gave prices for the replacement of anything lost or damaged. I’m afraid I didn’t pick-up on everything explained to me because she kept moving her luscious thighs in her tight skirt and pulling it down. Ahem!

She was very patient with me, though. She set-up the pieces so they could both have volume control, which would work by on both ears from using either control-button. Then she set-up the Loop system.

She got me to sign a form Accepting that the hearing aids are the property of Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust, and I accept that in the event of my damaging or losing the same, I’d pay £2000 for each replacement needed.

I explained about my memory and losing things problems and asked if I could hang onto the old hearing aids, just in case I misplaced the new ones. Initially a blank “No, that can’t be done!” answer was received. After a little more begging, creeping and pestering, the gal conceded and said: “Oh, I shouldn’t, but, alright then!” This cheered me up more than she could have known. Bless and thank her.

She even came with me back to the reception area and asked the lady to set up an appointment for the amendments needed. Monday 20th November 2017 @ 1130hrs.

Off out of the building, still no rain arrived and the promised high winds again absent. (I’m not complaining, though).

I hobbled down the hill, Anne Gyna now calmed again, although Hippy Hilda was not in a good mood.

I took this photographicalisation of the top of Angel Row.

It amazes me how these posh restaurants make it pay. Every time I pass by, the Al-Fresco seats are empty of customers, whatever the weather is like at the time.

Along Upper Parliament Street, more closed-down businesses to be seen.

So sad, and even worrying somewhat, for the future of Nottingham City Centre.

I was fortunate in the timing when I arrived at the bus stop on Queen Street. Ten minutes before the bus was due. It came twenty minutes later.

On the route back, in Mapperley Tops area, I took this effort from the inside the bus. Not a good picture at all, I know. But it looked a little different, so I put it in the diary.

By the short time, it took to get to the flats and off of the bus, it had gone ominously dark.

Entering the apartment, it looked a little eerie in the hallway. Well, I call it a hall, as you can see, it is somewhat higgledy-piggledy and small, but it’s home. Hehe!

Into the kitchen, put the kettle on.

Did the Health Checks, took the medications and made a mug of Thompson’s tasty tea.

Took it into the main room.

The darkness so early in the day, convinced me that rain must have been on the way.

But, none arrived?

Puzzled by this I was. Then again, a lot of things baffle me. Haha!

I sat down and got the paperwork looked at that I’d  brought home with me.

I placed them near the computer to be sorted and added to the Google Diary and written one in the morning.then

I felt complete and utterly drained and weary now.

I looked out of the window and noticed how fast the clouds were going across the horizon and took a photo. Minutes later, I made another one. In those few minutes, the smaller clouds had gone altogether, and the hew had changed entirely.

I opened the window to take another picture down below, and boy did the wind shoot in! My Patti Beckert paintings blew off of the fridge, kitchen towels flew across the room, the foil trays scattered around… I hastily shut the window. Boy, was it blowing! And yet all the time I was out and about the winds were light today?

I retrieved Patti’s paintings first. They were the most valuable of all the things blown over to me. Luckily, they were unharmed.

Got the meal cooking, not that it needed much in the way of preparation today.

Because I’d had the Pot-Noodle of brekkies, I consciously made less to eat tonight.

Very tasty all the same. That tiny bit of smoked haddock was nibbled in small pieces to make it last longer and seem more substantial. Haha!

Scrawled a sign to remind me of the INR Warfarin Blood Test in the morning and put it on the computer screen, then I got the TV turned on.

The noise from the winds was getting more and more persistent and louder all the night.

I have to admit to getting a little concerned about it.

Looked out of the window and the old trees were swaying about something awful.

Watching the TV became impossible again, as usual, cause the nodding-offs and waking sequence started again.

The winds stopped me getting to sleep at all, so loud they are!

I gave up trying at 0105hrs and got up.