Inchcock – Sat 8th Dec 2018: Lonely, but a fair day, cherry angiomas appeared on hand, chronically lousy night… Hey-Ho!

Lucky Willmott-Dixon lads. Hehe!

Saturday 8th December 2018

Telugu: శనివారం 8 డిసెంబర్ 2018

00:25hrs: I awoke abruptly, to find the grey-cells were battling with emotions, fear, worries, etc., all at the same time. Some thoughts were critical, others of absolute nihility. I tried to gain some control over the mishmash of twisted, illogical input to the brain, without much success,

Not that this mattered much after I glanced at my second-hand bought from the charity shop £2 watch, now attached to its new £10 strap, to check the time. Klutz!

The back of my left hand,  had nocturnally developed many tiny blood spots?

Many ideas and silly thoughts flowed into my mind, as I pondered on what might have caused this. Had the cunning Weevils increased the strength of their jaws, and we now capable of penetrating the skin? Later, I looked them up on the web, and found:

  • They might be called Red moles, or cherry angiomas.
  • Red moles, or cherry angiomas, are common skin growths that can develop on most areas of your body. They’re also known as senile angiomas or Campbell de Morgan spots. They’re often found on people aged 70 and older, sometimes younger. The collection of small blood vessels inside a cherry angioma give them a reddish appearance.
  • However, it may be a sign of abnormal growth of blood vessels into a skin cancer. Red is a colour of concern within a mole, as it is not usually found in normal moles. There are of course red spots such as “haemangioma”, which are not moles but benign cancerous growth of blood vessels.
  • Cherry hemangioma. Cherry angiomas, also known as Campbell De Morgan spots or senile angiomas, are cherry red papules on the skin.
  • Warfarin users should have no concerns, as long as the papules do no start to itch. If itching or irritation does begin, consult your Cardiac Medical Practitioner immediately.

I have no itching, so nothing to fret about after all. I think? Hehe!

Off to the Porcelain Throne. I’m reluctant to go into too much detail about this evacuation. But feel I must this time, to link things to some rationalisation of why it was like it was. Does that make sense? However, the funny side being that rock-hard mini-rugby ball shaped things painfully parted presence with the pancreas, to the Porcelain. Nice to be able to report there was no bleeding, though. I perused a full chapter of the Clarkson Unofficial Biography book for the proceedings were completed.

I considered that perhaps the Soya lumps I ate last night in my homemade stew or whatever it is called that I brewed up, may have an effect on my Porcelain Throne evacuation?

I cleaned up and found just one dead EIBWBBB (Evil Ironclad Boll-Weevil black biting beetle) in the wet room.

Having been often fooled often before by the perspicacious, fiendish Weevils, into thinking they were losing the battle, I still used up some more Bug Killer Spray.

Into the spare room for a Weevil reconnoitring patrol. 

I found about six EIBWBBBs in the spare room! Gathered around the hole in the sealant that they left me when they put in the new windows.

This increased EIBWBBBs liveliness and movement in the spare room resulted in my using up a full can of the Sanmex bug killer in one go. The usual coughing session followed.

Rinsed up and got the Health Checks done. Took the medications, the made a brew of Yorkshire Tea.

A second summoning to the Porcelain Throne arrived. Back to the wet room. One more EIBWBBB spotted as I settled on the Porcelain. Amazingly, the evacuation was back to the sloppy but full-bodied variety! The nugget shaped things had gone? I was a little doubtful as to why the sudden change?

At last, I got around to updating the Friday Diary, and…

It was hard work for hours, getting the blog finished off. I had to redo a lot of stuff thanks to Virgin Media not allowing me to save work I’d just done. Perseverance won the day finally, and the internet became a little faster… No, that’s not right, I meant a little less slow. Fehl!

I got the mushrooms in the pan with some balsamic vinegar, light soy sauce, and distilled vinegar.

Went on Facebooking, adding photos and on the TFZer site.

Then on WordPress Reader.

I did some CorelDraw prep work and the weariness dawned?

So I did the Health Checks and took this photo of the view from the kitchen window.

Took the medications and had a look to see if anything worth watching was on the gogglebox.

Got the fodder prepped and served up.

As I eating this meal, I felt the weariness getting worse. I didn’t even eat it all up, and there was not a lot to consume.

I managed to get the last Health Checks done and wash the pots. By which time, I was feeling shattered, zonked, and ready to drop.

Got down in the £300 second-hand recliner and things got worse for me.

For six hours, all I did was shake, shiver and kept waking up every ten-minutes… well it felt like that. Then the SSWWs started, and over the following four hours or so, I lost count of the trips to the Porcelain, for both activities. The rear end evacuations were back to the messy liquid stomach unsettling kind. After the last visit to the Throne, I got back down again to tried desperately to get some sleep. Humph! Not Good!

By Inchie

73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!


  1. cindy knoke – I have stopped counting, which is a very good thing, but thank you sincerely for being here. Last count there were 1,110,870 internet views and visits. 125,268 wordpress comments and growing. Thank you & join us! I retired early after 27 years as a psychotherapist/mental health director (Cindy Barton LCSW) and moved to the outer limits of no-wheres-ville to a home I call "The Holler." My closest neighbors are coyotes (packs and packs of them and they are HUNGRY), rattlers (lots and lots of them and they are MEAN), and free range cows/bulls (the bulls aren't too friendly either!) Forget cell phones. They don't work out here. Forget GPS, it misdirects. It's best not to wander too much out here, the people (and their dogs) are kinda twitchy. To reach The Holler you turn right at the reeking chicken farm, down a bunch of pot-holed semi-streets/dirt roads, past the abandoned refrigerators and occupied old RV’s and then things get kinda dicey. My friends usual reaction to the trip to The Holler is, “You’ve got to be kidding!” Or, “Next time let’s meet half way.” This is our little bit of heavenly Appalachia right here in rural California. I blog about traveling, photography, Holler happenings, and anything else that strikes my fancy. Stop by the blog and take a peek. It’s safe. I promise. Cheers, Cindy~ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
    cindy knoke says:

    “00:25hrs: I awoke abruptly, to find the grey-cells were battling with emotions, fear, worries, etc., all at the same time. Some thoughts were critical, others of absolute nihility. I tried to gain some control over the mishmash of twisted, illogical input to the brain, without much success,”
    I so sorry to read you are just like me.

    1. Inchie – Nottingham. UK. – 73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Now awaiting Cataract & Glaucoma operations. Tsk! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!
      Inchcock says:

      Thanks, Cindy. I think O found a possible reason, though no solutions.
      I read that people with a high EQ suffer more than others.
      I don’t think this helps you or me though. Sorry petal. ♥

  2. Timothy Price – I specialize in daily art, documentary and promotional photography. If you have a special event such as a musical production, play, concert, etc. or have a product or fashion that you need photographed, or you are a performer, musician and artist in need of promotional photos please email me or call.
    Timothy Price says:

    Your blood spots might be Petechiae, which can be caused by a number of things including warfarin. Red moles are normally on the surface of the skin, whereas, Petechiae is blood spots under the skin. Sunspots on the skin look similar to the spots on your hand in your photo, but you don’t get much sunshine in your part of the world.

    Troublesome Internet services as the world moves more and more to the IOT (Internet of things) gets to be very frustrating. I run out of patience with the slowness, and issues with image processing Zenfolio engineers can’t seem to solve on my photo site, so I haven’t been posting as much lately. I’ve also been busy with other things. And now WordPress keeps warning me about a “new user experience” they are about to spring on me. I’m dreading it. I expect it will be fubar when I’m finally forced to experience the “new experience”. It’s like “We just stopped by to fubar your user experience with a new user experience again”.

    Good looking meal. Too bad you were feeling shattered and zonked. I think I’m feeling a bit shattered and zonked thinking about how everything is slowly getting fubar on the IOT. Hmmm! “It’s FUBAR on the IOT” my be a good song title.

    1. Inchie – Nottingham. UK. – 73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Now awaiting Cataract & Glaucoma operations. Tsk! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!
      Inchcock says:

      I’ll have to tell the Nurse about Petrchiae om Tuesday. Which of course will mean booking an appoitnment wit the doctor which may take another week. MAybe they will have gone by then? Still, I’ve got the photos to show them.
      WordPress: “We just stopped by to fubar your user experience with a new user experience again…” I couldn’t have put it any more distincly Tim. Everytime I get the message, dread, fills my heart!
      How my head is at the moment, I’m struggling to concentrate on things I know of. New learnings are not welcome.
      Best of luck with your IOT Fubar!

      1. Timothy Price – I specialize in daily art, documentary and promotional photography. If you have a special event such as a musical production, play, concert, etc. or have a product or fashion that you need photographed, or you are a performer, musician and artist in need of promotional photos please email me or call.
        Timothy Price says:

        As far as new user experiences are concerned, we suffer from DOO DOO (dread of our doing other options).

      2. Inchie – Nottingham. UK. – 73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Now awaiting Cataract & Glaucoma operations. Tsk! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!
        Inchcock says:

        Dead right too!
        I’m deading it, mate.
        Feeling better this morning though, healthwise, and humming Winchester Cathedral to myself. Hehe!

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