Inchcockski – Monday 2nd December 2019: Failure, is part of my psyche, I’ve never known any alternative!

1 Dec 02

Well, I copied it from Wikipedia!

Monday 2nd December 2019

Welsh: Dydd Llun 2il Rhagfyr 2019

23:15hrs: I woke, coughed, passed wind, and struggled out of the £300 second-hand, horrendously stained-mucky beige-coloured, c 1968 recliner! The Porcelain Throne being my main point of concentration. I grabbed the four-pronged walking stick and manoeuvred my way around the clothes airer and bits of either nocturnal nibbling or some overnight disaster, to the wet room. With seconds to spare, I got seated as the evacuation began. Quick and painful, but not in the least messy, but the after-haemorrhaging was extravasate-like. Which may point to the internal haemorrhoids bleeding (which I can cope with and understand), or some other new problem? Oh, dear!

Well, by Jiiminee, the pins (legs) had most certainly changed since yesterday! I wonder if the increase in the INR level affects the legs veins? I sure have a mess of assorted Clopidogrel grooves and ridges, varicose and spider veins, thrombosis (phlebitis). Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), spots, bruises, welts, contusions, blemishes, dapples and maculations. All showing through this morning! And RAI (Rheumatoid Arthur Itis) and BPB (Back-Pain-Brenda) joining in as well. Cor Blimus! What a state! I’m eager to see how they will look in the morning, probably back to the calm state, I hope so anyway. This photo is one for the Tate Gallery. Hehehe!

I washed, medicated and contact points were antisepticated, and back to investigate the mess on the carpet near the recliner.

Lucky for me, the detritus was only from my nocturnal nibbling, which I have no memory of again? But a right feasting session I must have had. Crumbs from noshing some puff-pastry fingers and a few scattered chocolate peanuts were cleaned up. Leaving me with Back-Pain-Brenda and AIR (Arthur Itis Rheumatoid) giving me some hassle and discomfort. As I got upright, I spotted an empty salt & vinegar rice-pops bag as well, so collected it, dropped it in the waste bin and went to the kitchen, initially to take the medications.

Boing! Again I had missed taking the evening medications. I took them and decided to take the mornings later on. Moved the handwashing on the airers. Made a brew, and got on the computer to make a start on the updating of the Sunday blog.

As I was setting things up, an idea for a funny (at least I thought so) poem came into my mind. I abandoned starting the post updating and got on with writing, no, creating the humorous ode. It just flowed! I title it Random, waffling thoughts from Inchcock!

Got it all finished, made a graphic and sent got off to WordPress.

Did the updating. With a horrendously unsatisfying stuck indoors day, only a couple of photos were taken, so it didn’t take too long to do.

Then another cuppa (the wee-wees were all SGSS [Short-Gently-Sprinkling-Spraying] ones), and adjusted the handwashing again, and took three photographs of the view from the unwanted, unliked, impossible to reach to clean, light & view-blocking, thick-frames new windows. All in Night Panorama mode.

Nothing like as good as they looked on the camera viewer, Tsk!

I made a start on this post. Then went on the WordPress reader.

Bikkies dunked in a mug of tea, before the ablutionalisationalistic session.

Which was a stand-up-at-the-sink style, as it was a little too early to use the noisy shower! But it went well. Dropsies were again pestering, the toothpaste tube and brush (2), carbolic soap (getting less often now the bar is wearing down in size), flannel, and spectacles. The sock-glide battle was a draw.

I made up some black bags and took them to the waste chute. Got the nibbles in the bag, all dressed warmly and set off to the Winwood Court located ILC Sturmscharfhreress Warden’s Interview room and holding cell. Down in the lift, and along the link-passage. Swiped the door, and into the amazingly-warm welcoming walkway in Winwood Court. To the Sheriff’s office, and handed out the nibbles and Christmas treats and had a mini-natter. Then, into the big Winwood Social Room, had a chinwag with John and Welsh William then I moved along the second link passage to Winchester Court. Their foyer was being done-up, so we had to walk around the lift lobby and through links to the caretaker’s room, and out into the bright heatless sunshine and shiver-making cold!

I took a moody shot of the flats, with Woodthorpe Court being highlighted my heatless sunshine, showing the L9 bus stop sign.

A decent ganglet of Winwoodonians had gathered at the bus stop, with a group waiting behind in the Winchester Rubbish cover, trying to keep warm. Angela, Chrissie, Roy with his deadly-to-others, shopping trolley. And the young very-well-off, fit, good-looking, everybody-loves-him, educated, gambling-mad, Nottingham Forest supporter, and family man Malcolm. Who resides two flats away from where I do (in comparative poverty). But it doesn’t bother me! Hahaha! Grand chap.

We were soon in town. Dropped off on Parliament Street, and hobbled to the Wilko Store. I went straight to where I found the kettle I liked the other day. But could not locate any on the shelves.  I eventually found an assistant to ask for help. She told me they had sold out, but she thinks some more should be arriving soon. What a shame! I pondered and made a decision. (It does happen, not very often I admit) As the Tuesday’s current After-Stroke Sessions have now ended, I would take a long hobble into Arnold in the morning, get some exercise, and call at Asda (Walmart), to get a kettle and some headphones from there! 

So, I thanked her and departed, along the road and into the Poundland Store. Where I arrived at the self-serve checkout and got a bit flustered! It was hectic, and I had a struggle with the Autonomic nerves causing me to drop so many items, it was embarrassing! I lost a bottle of disinfectant, then later a bag of sliced wholemeal cobs, and the most annoying one, the bag of Sherbert Saucers, or rather my efforts to pick it up! The nerve-ends were not responding to touch, and I kept on dropping it repeatedly! I tried with the left hand, but the Peripheral neuralgia-affected right side, would not support my weight as I leant against the checkout to get down. All-in-all, a farce! I could sense the impatience from the poor shoppers behind me in the queue. The area was in pandemonium, with everyone seemingly in a mad rush? Oh, dearie me!

No good Samaritan to help or rescue this time, but in the end, I did retrieve the bag of Sherbert Saucers, paid and scuttled wobblingly out of the shop with a reddened face. Out on to Parliament Street, and into a mob of Nottinghamians, milling, rushing, threateningly around. I decided I’d had enough of this hassle, and made my way towards the Slab Square, on my way to the L9 bus stop, to retreat.

The Poundland Store escapade had left me feeling a tad unconfident and nervous.

I limped around the Slab Square for a few minutes, avoiding the market and many game stall crowds. I took this photographicalisation of a tram leaving the City Centre. There was a Nottinghamian Pavement Cyclist in there when I took the shot, but he’s not there now. At least, I can’t find him. Hehe!

Up to the bus stop, and Louis from the Winchester Court flats was at the bus stop, and we had a natter waiting for the bus to arrive, late, which had us both a bit worried. It came late, and I sat in a different side-saddle seat, so I could chinwag with Louis. Which proved to be a mistake. There was no corner-back support to snuggle into on this seat, and I spent a harrowing journey back to the flats, struggling to stay in the position! Tsk!

Many other tenants joined us en route. Back at the flats, they all alighted, and I followed. But there was no chance of my catching them for a natter.

I got through the Winchester round-about route, to the walk-through to the Winwood Social Room, empty, and then through the lobby into the Winwood-Woodthorpe link walkway. I met Riechsfhreress and Catwalk Model Warden Deana going in the opposite direction, we shared a few words and a smile. Which was nice!

Into the coldness of Woodthorpe Court, goose-pimples! I turned to take a picture of the new mobility-scooter storage and charging room.

Then turned back, to take a shot of Woodthorpe lift lobby, and Christmas tree at the end. It looked to me as if the caretaker Steve, had been busy cleaning it up, while I’d been out galavanting. I reckon the lighting had been worked on as well, it was beautiful and bright in here today.

In the elevator, the, whatever it was, that the Wilmott-Dixon lads had scraped the polished steel with, had done an excellent job on it. Luckily, it masked my reflection when I took the snap, so it isn’t all bad. Hahaha!

Up to the flat, got in and reflected on the altercations I’d had at the Poundland tills. If the nerves keep playing up like this, I could be in trouble and might need some assistant or help soon?

Josie called to return the plate, cutlery and tray from her Sunday nosh. She mentioned how much she enjoyed it. She handed me some salad and tomatoes, bless her. I’d just bought some ham trimmings from the Poundland shop, and will have lettuce, Dagwood style, later, I thanked her.

I got some battered onions in the oven, and while they cooked, I got the plate of salad and Dogwood style wholemeal mini-cob sarnies made up. Added the onions, and with one of the Morrison substituted crap, flavourless, bruised apples, and a lemon mousse, completed the meal. It was good. 6/10 for taste-rating, it would have been higher, but for the lousy Morrison delivered pathetically insipid bashed about damaged, unwanted, horrible Braeburn apple!

I got the washing-up done. The handwashing was done, wrung and hung!

I got settled to watch a DVD – James Bond’s Moonraker. And what bits I stayed awake for, were better than I remembered them. The rewinding was regular. Hehe!

I had a DAAOJ (Drip-And-All-Over-Job) wee-wee. Back in the recliner that xyrophobia-suffering Brother-in-Law Pete damaged, while he was flat-sitting when I was in the Stroke Ward. And he fitted new CCTC camera and searched for my valuables, which he found and took. (I still haven’t got them back yet six-months later)

Where the mind-storming got out of hand. Worries, fears, inequalities, unfairness, Government and politician shenanigans, my ailments, global-warming. Even aliens living amongst us, murderers and terrorists freed to kill again. Brexit and the coming end of the world. All had a share of the waffle and confusion pinging and bouncing about in my mind.

I must have got to sleep eventually, cause I woke up later.

By Inchie

73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!


  1. Timothy Price – I specialize in daily art, documentary and promotional photography. If you have a special event such as a musical production, play, concert, etc. or have a product or fashion that you need photographed, or you are a performer, musician and artist in need of promotional photos please email me or call.
    Timothy Price says:

    Your legs are getting that artsy flare to them. Maybe it’s time to become a live exhibit at the Tate?

    You know what? If people aren’t nice enough to help you when you are having trouble at the checkout, screw them and just let them be annoyed. You shouldn’t have to feel bad about things you can’t help. Those sorry, shitty, selfish shoppers should feel bad for not helping you.

    There was a young black man standing in line several people behind me at Walmart the other day. He didn’t have a cart and there was nothing in his hands. I asked him if he was buying cigarettes. He said yes, so I let him cut the line in front of me. The other people in line looked doubly disgusted with me over that stunt. The gaul of me to allow cuts for someone to buy cigarettes, and a black man at that!!! I told them not to pee themselves. “I don’t have any Gaul anyway… I’m Welsh!”

    That’s just your sad state of being for Roger Wilko to be be sold out of the kettle you wanted. I hope Asda will have one to your liking. So the sad sacks of Siberian sheep shit cyclists are becoming fantoms in your photos? All better to run over you if they can be phantom-like.

    Too bad your great looking Dagwood sandwiches and onion rings got a low score.

    1. Inchie – Nottingham. UK. – 73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Now awaiting Cataract & Glaucoma operations. Tsk! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!
      Inchcock says:

      Live exhibit at the Tate? Great idea, mate! ‘The changing signs of senility’ or maybe ‘A live Spotty Muldoon!’ for a title? Hehe!
      Your’e right about the shoppers, but at the time, I was embarrassed at keeping folk waiting. f it happens again, I’ll adopt what you suggest! It’s bound to reoccure. Thanks.
      You naughty boy! Allowing a black man to go in front! People like those moaners get to me, too! Well done and said, Sir!
      The Asda plan might have to go on hold yet again, Tim, I’ve got a food delivery and an Arterial Thrombosis nurse visiting me today, how I forgot about them coming surpises even me! Huh!
      Your S’s led descriptions are good! The cyclists are getting cunning, the c….’s I’ll leave that there. Hahaha!
      The Dagwoods were perfect, the other food let the meal down. As for Morrisons, they’ve screwed me out of money-off vouchers, cancelled an order altogether, send broken bottles of wine, and send crap substitute bruised apples to me! N more Morrisons for me, I’ll cancel my payment for the deliveries, and never use them again! Mind you, Iceland, Asda and Tesco have all done similar to me, so, I don’t know now… Decision making, one of my weaker points nowadays. Hehe!
      Cheers and taketh care. Hope the snow keeps off too!

      1. Timothy Price – I specialize in daily art, documentary and promotional photography. If you have a special event such as a musical production, play, concert, etc. or have a product or fashion that you need photographed, or you are a performer, musician and artist in need of promotional photos please email me or call.
        Timothy Price says:

        That’s a problem when all the stores screw you. One way to look at it is if you cancel enough of the offending food services, you will save a lot of many, and probably lose a little weight.

      2. Inchie – Nottingham. UK. – 73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Now awaiting Cataract & Glaucoma operations. Tsk! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!
        Inchcock says:

        Not a bad idea, Tim!
        Starting next week, I shall make an effort to stuff them back then! (Manic laughter emanating)

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