Inchcock Today – Fri 29 Mar 2019: Despite constipation continuing, Jane & Pete visited me. Super!

Wilmott Dixon
I wish I had a job like this Willmott Dixon chap! Hehe!

Friday 29th March 2019

Croatian: Petak, 29. ožujka 2019

23:45hrs. I stirred reluctantly. I remain irked about how things have been going, or not going, whichever way one looks at it. The being messed around with the leg ulcer for nine-weeks before getting it looked at, then the absurd mess over the leg-glide and socks, all my walking to the chemists, clinic, and Doctors, only to be told different things from all of them… I’m waffling again ain’t I? Sorry!

No signs of wee-weeing or Porcelain Throne duties being needed yet. Very odd! Even stranger, I dismounted the £300 ci1968 second-hand recliner within a minute, gained balance without any dizzies or shakes, and I made my to the kitchen to do the Health Checks without any toe-stubbing or knocking into or anything over! The sphygmomanometer readings varied again, with the temperature at 35.1°.

I got the bowl filled with hot water to soak the plate from last night’s meal. Then, begun computerisationalising, remembering to sort out what went wrong with my failing (I’m getting good at this nowadays) to send an Inchcock link to Jane and Pete. Then got on with updating yesterdays blog, and sent it off to WordPress.

Then I made the first mug of tea of the day around 0130hrs. I took the medications.

Then I spotted that I had left the hot water tap (faucet) running, stone cold now! I silently swore at myself and ground my teeth (and I don’t have many of them left, hehe!), I went into Self-Contempt-Defcon-Three status!

As I started to create this page, a wee-wee was needed, and by the time I got in the wet room, the Porcelain Throne had to be utilised. At least I thought it did! The wee-wee was of the unsatisfactory DTAAO (Dribble, tinkle, and all over) style. Constipation Conrad ensured the rear evacuation contained only wind and pith, no matter how obnixely I tried to move things along.

Back to the diary. Twenty-minutes further on, and back to the Porcelain Throne. The anticipated movement was still showing a great reluctance to activate, so I got the camera and took a shot of the knees. Which I think, were slowly transmogrifying back towards the mangled warped days of last week. A new blood papsule or two were coming on the shins. A little more fluid retention this morning, I reckon. The Arthur Itis affected knees remain very stiff, but only painful when I try to bend them. Getting the socks and PP’s on later should be interesting. Hehe!

I had to get hastily back on the throne in response to a rather sudden movement from within! Nope, must have been wind again, another non-starter! Strange this, as I usually would have had two successful Throne visits by now as a rule?

I went on Facebook to update the photo albums and visit the TFZ site.

I checked the hot water tap, it was warming up a bit now. Enough to get the ablutions done at last.

The wires holding the sink plug fell apart. I searched for the pliers, and in my own schlemiel-like fumbling fashion, got the sink plug reattached in a Heath Robinson, style, so I could have a shave and do the teggies. The showering went okay. When it was all finished, once again I was assured by my innards the I needed the Porcelain Throne – and for I think the fifth time. Nothing happened! Mmm, not good, this!

Took bags to the rubbish chute on the way out and a white sack of recyclables. As I meandered along Chestnut Way, I took some photos of the complex.

I plodded on to the Nottingham City Homes, Winwood Flats, Oberstgruppenführer Wardens Temporary HQ, Toilet, Sarcasm & Insult distribution area, Rumourmongering Clinic. Tenants Socialisation Shed. Plotting conspiracy and intrigue creation studio, Telling Inchcock off Zone. Things like china, mugs and pottery to be stolen from, and residents escape committee cabin.

Where in their office I found Hip-Hop-Dance-Instructor and Oberstess Warden Julie, and Highland Dancing Teacher and Scharführeress Warden Deana, busy working away, conscientiously.

There was an undercurrent/atmosphere of habrobaniacalness that lingered for some reason and brought a suspiration from my lungs? Hehehe! I exchanged a few words with the gals and withdrew to a safe distance.

As I left by the end door, I spotted a letter that had been hand-written by Obersturmbannführeress Deana. It made me feel a little disconsolate when I read it. Sad and pathetic at the same time. Especially when the cup was taken from someone who spends her time looking after others! Not very reassuring is it?

Slightly dispirited, I made my way back to Woodthorpe Court.

Mary was coming the opposite way, and we stopped for a natter. Cyndy passed by and had a few words with Mary, then they both abandoned me. Well, you can’t blame them! Hehehe!

I took a snap of the far end of Woodthorpe Court, at the front corner. I can’t recall why I took this photo, now. Oy Vey!

Notice on the wall spotted. For tomorrow morning, from the Winwood Heights Community Group. They had arranged for some cheap food for us. That was kind of them!

I got back up to the flat. Called at the Porcelain Throne – No, another failure, not even any wind this time!

I saw this labrador dog through the unwanted light and view-blocking kitchen window, near the tree copse. He or she was sniffing around wagging the tail at such speed and vigour. I didn’t see anyone with him/her, it was just that I was so happy to see the canine so contented, so I took this photograph of the joyful moment. It was a fair way off, but it came out alrightish I think. Mind you, it might have been a different type of dog, now I look closely at the print.

Brother-in-law Pete (I think it was) rang on the landline. The line was awful, and I lost the signal after a few moments. I was ringing Pete to check if it had indeed been him calling, and the landline light lit up again. It was Sister Jane, the same reception, I lost connection. A few moments later it chirped into life once more. This time I could hear what Jane was saying. They would be arriving in ten-fifteen minutes.

Convinced it was needed this time, I trotted to the Porcelain Throne, only to be disappointed again – no activity or movement! Constipation Conrad wins again! Hahaha!

I got the camera and trotted down and outside to await their arrival. I caught them both on camera as they walked towards me.

We plodded up to the flat chinwagging as we went. Into the flat and more chatting ensued. Made them a brew with some biscuits (chocolate coated, of course!). Pete did a tour of the flat, investigating anything mechanical he could find. Hehe!

Jane showed me some graphs from the doctors on the procedure she is to have on her mangled toes (At last!) They are to put metal pins in her big, and something to try and force her other bent toe back in place. They told her when she returns home, she must not move at all for four days! Well, I hope things work out, and she can get a rest for a change. It can’t be easy for them going to football matches, cinemas, restaurants, night clubs, theatres and opening nights all the time. Hahaha!  I can only recall her telling-me-off or to do something three-times! I hope she is alright! Hahaha!

They left with their bag of nibbles and treats, and kindly didn’t mind me not going all the way down with them to see them out, I left them at the lift. Bless em. Despite not feeling on top form and ready for bed, I really enjoyed their visitation. Thanks Jane and Pete ♥

I was going to go to the window to take their photo as they left, but again, I was more convinced than ever that I needed the Porcelain Throne. I got stuck on the throne because something was trying to escape, but no matter how long I waited and pushed… it was another No-Go scenario! Constipation Conrad wins again! So, they were long gone by the time I’d got to the kitchen window. Tsk!

I updated this blog for a couple of hours, then got the nosh on. I’m having the vegetable chilli with aded black bean sauce again. In the hope that this will encourage some movement from the rear-end.

I took the medications, with another Senna, in support of the meal. Haha! Will this help me defeat Constipation Conrad?

The vegetarain chilli, looked, smelt and tasted delicious, but for some reason I left most of it, just could’t eat any more.

I imagine that not having had a Porcelain Throne evacuation for so long, there just wasn’t room for it? Hehe! Note that the wonderful Aldi part-baked sourdough baguette did get fully consumed? Haha!

My plans to watch some TV, came to end within five-minutes of starting to watch ‘Pie in the Sky’.


By Inchie

73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!


  1. Timothy Price – I specialize in daily art, documentary and promotional photography. If you have a special event such as a musical production, play, concert, etc. or have a product or fashion that you need photographed, or you are a performer, musician and artist in need of promotional photos please email me or call.
    Timothy Price says:

    That chilli should help with the constipationalization. I eat hot green and red chiles every day. They are a good source of vitamins, burn out most things that might make me ill, and they keep me regular. I wouldn’t put it past some of the spirits slipping out of your flat and pilfering Deana’s cup. But a lot of people are around your buildings, it’s not as easy to blame it on the ghosts. I hope they can fix Jane’s toes.

    1. Inchie – Nottingham. UK. – 73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Now awaiting Cataract & Glaucoma operations. Tsk! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!
      Inchcock says:

      Cheers, Tim.
      I reckon I had eight fruitful visits to the Throne on Saturday.
      Talk about reversal!
      I reckon my ghosts must be alien ones. Hehe!
      TTFN Sir.

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