Inchcock Today – Saturday 8th June 2019: Health ended up taking a turn for the worse. Never mind.

2019 8 June

2019 June 7

Saturday 8th June 2019

Hebrew: 2019 יום שישי 7 ביוני

After making such a mental-mess and getting all confused with things last night, I eventually got some sleep in, a good six hours of peaceful and dreamless peace! Ahh!

WD 0.0.128a 05:20hrs. I woke with the most considerable reluctance and taciturnity, then I had to struggle through a short period of uncommunicativeness between my thoughts and brain, that was out of my control. I listened to the confusion reining about, without the slightest idea or decipherment of what was milling about for a few minutes. Then again, somehow, and for some reason, this did not bother me in the least. It was not distressing, disturbing, or even frustrating to me? The fact that this unique event had happened did concern me a little later on in the day, however.

6Sat14The usual need for a wee-wee came later than usual. But it was enough to convince me to get my well-torsoed body out of the £300 second-hand, gungy-beige, rickety, on its last legs, c1968 recliner, and off to the wet room. There were no toe-stubbing or dropping the walking stick on the toe this time. It was another of the SSWW (Short-Sharp-Wee-wee) variety.

I hand-washed the socks and left them soaking in the sink in liquid soapflakes.

6Sat13Off to the kitchen, where I noticed the weather was raining and misty.

Luckily for me, I remembered last nights Accifauxpa, when I took the morning medications instead of the evening ones, when I suffered the mental-whoopsiedangleplop and mix-up over time and what day it was. At least I knew where I was. Tsk!

6Sat15I got the kettle on and fetched the socked and rinsed them, and added them to the nowhere near dry oven mitts on the flat clothes airer.

I challenged me aboulia over what, if, which of the morning tablets I needed to take. After much faffling, pondering, and a surprising bit of ratiocination, I decided just to take one of the Warfarin of what should have been last night doses. How I arrived at this decision, I’ve not 6Sat10the foggiest idea, but it sounded right to me at the time. 

I made a brew of Assam tea and went to the multi-tasked front room. (Office, Computer room, balcony room, bedroom, Sock-Glide Torture room, and Stroke Physio Exercise room) and took another shot of the weather outside.

Which was still raining, but less misty now. 

 I got the computer going to update, finalise, and send off the Friday post. And a call to the Porcelain Throne arrived. So, off to the wet room again. The evacuation was the usual struggle to get started, followed by the now familiar ‘Plonk’ or thud and a splash with water spraying up onto the bottom.

WD 0.0.128a 6Sat16When I stood up, what gobsmacking colour things were. The same colour that the Humber Desert lorries were painted during the second world war, a  sort of light beige. I ought to mention this to the doctor if it comes out the same colour again. Which reminds me, I still haven’t heard anything about the Doctor referring me for a paediatrician? I checked out the legs. Whatever it was that was coming on the right 6Sat17leg shin, yesterday, had now gone? The fluid retention was coming back.

Although even now still tender, the stubbed toe when I fell over in the kitchen looked much improved, however. I got the finger and hand shakes just as I was taking this picture of the feet. Tsk!

Back to the utility room, and pressed on with doing the updating of the diary. The fingers were still getting the electric-like shakes, and this persisted for an hour or more. It’s never lasted this long before. But, they did tell me at the ulcer clinic, that there was nothing they could do about the Axonotmesis, and it will only get worse. So, I have been warned. The stroke might have brought it on more quickly? Most annoying and time-consuming all the correcting time needed!  Ah, well!

I got the oven on low, ready for preparing Josie’s weekend meal later on. Then made a start on this blog. The fingers were back to normal, with only a few-second shaking bout every now and then. After a few hours, I decided to get the ablutions tended to, so put the computer off as, since the last Windows Update, it will not go into Sleep-Mode again! Humph!

I made up the rubbish bags and called to see Josie and tell her when they would be ready, about 13:00hrs. She thought I looked a bit peaky and took the bags to the waste chute for me. I thanked her and we had a little chinwag, then back to the flat to get Josie’s nosh prepared.

WD 0.0.128a Not very successful with the cheesy spuds, I’m afraid. I dropped one, and the husk broke. I saved the flesh, but the skin on the floor had to be dished. So, then I found they had not been cooked through properly. Any amount of bashing would not get rid of the lumps. So, I scooped the skinless potatoes into an oven dish and baked them for ages, but it was not very good. In fact, I think my worst effort ever! This got me feeling a little down again. The meal looked okay in the end, but the lumpy potatoes to the edge off of it for me. The smoked herring in tomato and veg sauce, garden peas and mushrooms were fine. I delivered it to her door and explained about the cheesy potatoes.

6Sat29An hour or so later, I got my nosh cooking.

A feeling of exhaustion arrived.

Josie rang the door chimes and returned the dish and tray. She said the potatoes were fine, but I think she might have been being kind to me. Hehe! I handed her a pack of the lemon wafers for afters, she likes them as much as I do.

I got the nosh ate up, but the sudden drop in health meant I didn’t really enjoy it. By the time I’d eaten it, washed up, and took the medications, all I was capable of was sitting there watching TV, with the occasional short involuntary kip now and then. After one of these nod-offs, I decided to watch the DVD film, Equaliser 2 again and tried not to nod-off this time.

Of course, I nodded off.

I woke around eleven o’clock PM and got up. Still feeling a little groggy for some reason? Always the weekend, when there is no staff on site to help, innit! Hehe! Never mind, if things get bad I can use the Alarm Alert Wristlet button.