Inchcock Today – Sun 23 June 2019: A fiddly, messy, irritating Sunday. Ah-well!

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2019 June 22

Sunday 23rd June 2019

Estonian: Pühapäev, 23 Juni 2019

03:55hrs: The dreams I had been suffering nocturnally, varied, but all had a connection to failure and pain. (Nothing surprising there, then! Hehe!) I’d not made any notes but could recall a few bits of them. The first, I think, had me up on a church roof, trying to paint a flèche, in the pouring rain and high winds. As was expected, even in the dream, I fell off the ladder… and found myself in a cave underground, with a long queue of people in line, to be beheaded? Dalek type beings approached me and bemoaned my late arrival, it seems I was the executioner? In another nightmare, I was yet again being chased through corridors of a fire damaged or bombed office block, being pursued by a gang of yobboes, one of the lads from my last being mugged episode was in there somewhere. I ended up jumping off of the roof, and landed safely in my old brown coloured Robin Reliant, and started to worry about not being able to fit my three-wheeled walker in the car, along with utter confusion as to how I been doing it earlier?

I soon gave up on trying to gaining anything worthwhile from the memories, and removed my body from the cobbled together, c1968, sometimes working, second-hand, tatty, crude, grotty-tatty beige coloured, £300, recliner. Gained my balance, and with the stubbed toe being much less painful, I made my way to the wet room and the Porcelain Throne. I was unaware of it until I got in there, but I had gone without the stick! Such was the unnatural lack of pain in walking. I prayed that the leg would not start its dancing routine off. Which, fortunately, it didn’t! (About time too, after yesterday’s series of Accifauxpas and Whoopsiednagleplops!)

I was very careful not to stub 7Sun03the toe. The session went well, not too messy, no bleeding, no accifauxpas, and not as painful as they have been recently. I still resisted getting any hopes up, that things might be going right for once! But it was almost a pleasant experience for me. Haha!

A rinse, and off to the junk-room and kitchen, to take the medications and tend to the health checks. A 7Sun10little apprehensive about the weight, after last nights naughty orgy on the nibbles.

WD 0.15.80 So, off to the Steptoe & Son-like junk-scrap, rubbish room, and got onto the scales. Oh, dearie me! I seem to have gained a pound or two. Humph! After a few minutes of introversion, brooding, soul-searching, and introspection, full of catagelophobia, I dragged myself to the front utility room (bedroom, office, computer, sock-glide, finger-grazing and bruising balcony door openings, landline phone, TV and reading room, etc.) and gathered the walking stick, then to the kitchen.

The view from the unwanted, uncleanable7Sun01, anti-photographer, light & view blocking, wind letting in, can’t see anything below from, new windows, was bonny, despite the lack of any sunshine yet. This picture made me feel somewhat inadequate and negative for a while. The realisation that I can no longer take a walk through the beloved Tree Copse hit me. I considered trying to take a hobble up the hill through the copse later, but the risks were too 7Sun02significant to risk. This saddened me!

I got some sliced mushrooms in the crock-pot. Hopefully, they will be cooked in time. This expensive cooker is nowhere near as good as the old one that blew up on me. Still, it hasn’t exploded on me yet. Haha! 

I had to use the EGPWWB (Emergency Grey Plastic Wee-wee Bucket) twice within a few 7Sun11minutes. They were both of the SSBSWW (Short-Sharp-But-Sprinkly-Wee-wee) type.

The health check results were all fine this morning: Sys 126, Dia 61, Pulse 72, and the temperature was 35.1°c, no problems there!

I made a brew and took it with me to the wet room to do the ablutionalisationing.

7Sun15WD 0.15.80 Spotting a couple of EIBWBBBs (Evil Ironclad Boll-Weevil black biting beetles) near the shower-drain, I utilised some killer-spray. I was not sparing with it, either!

WD 0.15.80 Cleaning the teeth, and the gums bled! That needed a lot of rinsing before they stopped.

7Sun11aWD 0.15.80 It was apparent to me that the INR Warfarin level must still be on the high side. I had the slightest of nanoscopic, hardly noticeable, tiny, little, cuts under the chin, and that bled excessively too! Why all this bleeding so profusely? The INR level?

I may take just a half of a Warfarin tablet in tonight‘s dosages. 

7Sun07The right hallux (big toe) was in far the best shape it’s been in for months now. Which is typical, just five days away from the appointment to have it looked at and the toes cut. Like the leg-ulcer, it took me eight weeks to get that seen to, and it had all but cleared up on its own by the time I got the appointment. Huh!

I got dressed and called at Josie’s flat to make sure she still wanted her fish meal at 13:00hrs, but there was no reply.

Back to the apartment, and filled the remaining space in the recycling box, and made up two black bags for the waste. As I left to take the black bags to the chute, I pressed Josie’s bells again, still no answer. She is probably in the shower or asleep, perhaps, but not knowing is worrying. I nearly went over as I opened the very stiff-opening door to the chute room, and realised I had not taken the stick with me. Tsk! Klutz! 

Back in the flat and collected the box of recycling material, grabbed the walking stick, and made my way down to the foyer. Where I enjoyed a natter and a laugh with May. We were joined by Shirley and left the tow of them chatting and went out to the caretaker’s door with the box, and returned. Back up to the flat, and rang Josie’s bells again that sounded wrong, Haha!) – Nope, no answer?

I eventually made a draft and got on with this, Sunday’s Inchcock Today.

Sister Jane rang, bad line, so I’m not certain about what was said. I called at Josie’s again while Jane was on the line, without any luck. Tsk!

On to the TFZer Facebooking next.

WD 0.15.80 I tried again to catch Josie, and she answered the door this time. But she’d had a funny turn, the room spinning. She does not want any dinner. (Naturally) She just wanted to sit quietly. I was just glad to see her okay, although poorly. I said I’d leave my door opposite hers open, and anything I could do, please walk in and shout or ring the bells, and don’t hesitate, please.

With mixed feelings, I returned to the flat. I did some more TFZerisationing. In between checking on the potato in the oven, initially to have been for Josie, 7Sun38but now I’ll have it. I was going to have my meal during the England ladies match on TV.

WD 0.15.80 But had it earlier than planned. The potatoes needed some black spots removing when they were halved and the flesh mixed up severely with some grated Leicester cheese, in the basin, with gusto for ages. Added a little Lurpak butter and sea salt. The filled husks put back in the oven for about an hour or so, to brown 2019 Mar 2them off.

I added a sourdough baguette for the last ten minutes. Got the plate served up, with lettuce, sliced mushrooms, gherkins, and tomatoes. The Limoncello dessert, I didn’t eat, I forgot about it and did not risk eating it when it had turned so warm, I dished it in the bin.

But, a worthy nosh flavour rating of 7.8/10 was given.7Sun35a Got the pots washed.

WD 0.15.80 The England match against Cameroon was watched, and although I am so pleased they won the game, it was a disgrace and blight, with FIFA to blame, VAR, the Referee, and he Cameroon players for the Farce!

Dizzy Dennis forced me to get in and stay in the second-hand recliner. All my already limited oomph was lost.