Inchcock Today – Tue 1st Oct 2019: After-Stroke Physio, Canon Camera problems, lots of Nottingham Photos in the rain!

2019 sOct 01

Tuesday 1st October 2019

Maltese: It-Tlieta 1 ta ’Ottubru 2019

02:05hrs: I stirred into ersatz existence, with fears, worries, and concerns filling the brain. I really didn’t feel up to taking part in the After Stroke physio session, nor did I look forward to the early morning trip to get there. This despite a decent five-hours kip! My E.Q. knew something as going to go wrong!

Almost in a morbid mood, I extracted the blubbering body from the £300 recliner, got my balance and the stick, and set off for the emergency grey plastic wee-wee bucket I’d left in the kitchen. Giving myself a very pretty looking middle-toe-stubbing that came up all red/brown in an instant! I may have silently released a few naughty words. This is not going to help me enjoy the exercise class at all! Grumph!

I moved the drying handwashing on to the airers, as I want to wear the shirt today.  Then took the medications and made a brew. Straight onto the updating of yesterday’s post. A lot to get done, with doing nothing but mope and nod-off when I got home from shopping on Monday.

Within five minutes, the gloriously crap Virgin Media started to play me up. Getting the updating done seemed to take hours and hours – that’s because it did!

But, it got worse, as I began to try and send off some links, etc., I only got one done, and…

I gave up and turned everything off, and got the ablutions tended to. Which bought me more pain and hassle! Oy Vey! The sink took ages and two bottles of drain unblocker to free! The WC cistern had to be filled by hand after using the Porcelain Throne, and the session was messy, I think that Trotsky Terence is back again! Little Inchies Lesion was bleeding badly. Stubbed the same middle-toe again, against the damned fear-installing sock-glide! I didn’t get to upset, for the warning from the E.Q. meant my acceptance was more comfortable to show. At least the legs looked a little better… with the bamboo socks on. Hahaha!

I tried the internet, and it was working but very slowly…

Then, after about ten minutes…

I gave up. Luckily I checked the time of the buses before the net failed on me.

I gave up altogether, else I might miss the bus. Not that this would be anything different for me, I’ve missed it on the last two After-Stroke sessions, so I anticipate with how today’s luck is going, a third time.

To early to take the black bags to the chute cause of the noise.

I got dressed and depressed, I duly dourly departed. Boy, I’m fed-up already! Oh, thanks to Mr Liberty-Global, Virgin Media Mogul Fries! How does he keep his job? Ah, Mafia or Illuminati backed, I expect! Fries, will be in charge of causing the needed chaos and making the proletariat rise-up?

I’ll try for the 07:06 bus, then I can call at Tesco to get some Puff Pastry Fingers and find out what time the Bargain shop opens to get some of the gloriously-tasty Ventagliette biscuits, all planning you know. Hehehe!

I put a packet of the Ventagliette biscuits in the trolley, as a treat for my fellow stroke recoverers at the physio-torture session. Haha!

All readied, a check again on the notepad for the times of the number 40 bus, and off out, and feeling perky, in spite of the dull weather and Mr Fries best efforts to depress me!

Out into the rain, and dropped the recycling jars in the green bin.

My jars were the only non-alcoholic ones in the bin. Gawd, I’m jealous! Humph! I walked gingerly along Chestnut Way, avoiding the lake of rain and leaves. The drizzling rain was not heavy, there was little wind, and it was not cold with it at all, just wet. He-he!

Near the right turn onto Winchester Street, I noticed the had come up with a different Health & Safety plan, for the missing sewer (Well, I think it is) cover. ‘Cone-Over-it’ style.

I pressed on down the hill to the bus stop. I turned and took this photograph. It turned out a decent one, I think, caught the atmosphere if that’s the right word.

At the third attempt, after two missing it, I caught the bus, it came within five minutes.

The story of the trip was interesting, to say the least:

I got on the single-decker bus, about ten passengers, including myself. Deposited my overly-flabby body on a side-saddle seat, and collapsed the three-wheel guide trolley. By the time we had gone about five bus stops, and halfway down Wells Road, there were I counted, 24 people standing, and that’s not counting the ankle-snappers I could not see. The three-wheeler was in between my legs, and both it and I were squashed against the window behind me, Hehehe! The driver picked up some more passengers at the next two stops, and it got ridiculous! I don’t think anyone had room to sneeze! The driver had to stop picking up people, and we arrived in town. The unloading of the tellurians was painful and in a stampede fashion. Every one of the fifty or so people passing by me to get off the bus kicked, or knocked the three-wheeler, that banged against the left knee, (Rheumatoid Arthur Itis was not pleased with this!), and jolted the right shoulder against a holding pole! I cowered and tried my best to pull back to give them more room, but was still battered and bruised when I got off last, thanking the driver and off into the welcoming rain! Hahaha!

I did admire the schoolkid’s ability to keep using their mobile phones while the battle ensued, though. One squashed up near to where I was sat, never stopped with her texting throughout the journey, and was still on it when she trod on my already-stubbed right toes as she alighted the bus!

I made my way to the Tesco in Victoria Centre (Mall) and bought a few bits. I later found that the Seaweed Snack was so different from the ones I usually get. They were sweet and sickly tasting! Eurgh! On the plus side, the only Hi-Temp crispies they had on sale, were the ‘Hot’ ones, but I bought one to try it out. And that was superb!

A chap came to the till behind me, smelling of what I thought must be Ganja or Mariuana, and off his rocker. He had stuff in his basket, all treats no essentials, and never stopped talking, most of it gibberish, bless him. Not too hot, really even for me!

I paid and departed through the Milton Street entrance. The rain was slightly more torrential than earlier on, I found some partial cover, and took this shot of the new McDonald’s, with a few customers in, at around 08:10hrs.

The rain eased off a bit as I made my way to the Poundstretcher Store, in search of some nibbles for the After-Stroke Team and patients, and some more Ventagliette biscuits, to replace the one I was about to donate at the physio session.

As I approached the Poundstretcher door, there was the chap who I saw in Tesco, begging. And he was enjoying a roaring trade, I’ve never anyone being given so many donations in the few minutes I stood to watch, in my life. It made me think for a second… It’s better than working, no job hunting, and if this is anything to go by, a good income, tax-free, too! But, of course, I shouldn’t say things without knowing about the circumstances of the chap. Sound business mind, all three folks in this picture, gave him cash. Jealousy! Haha!

I dived in the Poundstrecher shop as the manager opened the doors. I made for the biscuit shelves and got some packets of the irresistible Ventagliette biscuits, and more. I came out with four packs of crackers, Wagon Wheels for the nibble bag, chocolate Hobnobs, and cream bikkies for the Stroke team. A jar of Baxters Red Pickle (That I cannot open, Tsk!), an oven-glove for £3.99, and paid at the checkout.

Then as I left, I had photographicalisationg session around Milton Streer:

Then made my way to the St. Andrews with Castlegate Church hall, for the Physio session,

Took a picture of the old no longer in use Guildhall Courts building.

Then, passing the Trent University main building en route. There seemed to be hundreds of more students about this morning, all seemingly late as they were rushing about almost bumping into each other as they were on their mobile phones. Hehe!

I arrived, a little early for the Physio Torture Session (Ha-ha!). Which drew looks of scorn and displeasure! Five minutes later, a second arrivée came, and was welcomed heartily? The session only had seven folks turn up when it began. Many chairs had to be removed. Hehe! But, the course went well, all bar the knee bending exercises, which were painful in the extreme, thanks to the football-crowd-like bus journey injuries I’d collected in getting there. Oy Vey! I was pleased to see Precious turn up later to join us.

All through the session, I noticed the extraordinarily large and frequent movements from the students, so did the patient physio nurse, Charlene. She’d worked out that they kept moving from one building to another, about every 40-minutes! And some of them were not on their mobiles! Mind you, it was raining. I took this photo on the left, through the window of them. We never did find out what was going on, someone mentioned a change of semester. I’ll have to look that one up, it probably means term? I’ll see if I remember to find out later.

We ended the session after they ate and did not like the nibbles (Oh dearie me!), with some games of bowls. Although each one of my efforts was abysmally way off target, I enjoyed the session and gave congratulations out for those who won or came close. Relaxing game, as long as you weren’t bothered about winning, Haha!

We parted a happy little crew. Two patients even answered my cheery farewell and hope’s to see them next week! Although fair enough, one was with a grunt! Hehe!

The end-timing was unfortunate in a way. It left me with 55 minutes to wait for the next L9 bus home. So I meandered down into town, foolishly to call at the Poundland shop, again!

As I poddled along Goldsmith Street, I could see an obstacle in the distance, that was going to prevent my safe passage to Market Street, a parked lorry delivering to a pub or club. Not that I can blame the driver, what choice does he have, but to park full-on the pavement to unload? Which, if I had carried on, would mean my having to get off of the footpath, risk a conflict with a tram! I got to the drop in the pavement and crossed over to the other side of the road. A bit dodgy getting the three-wheeler over the tram line, mind you.

I walked to Upper Parliament Street, crossed over and down Market Street. Where I took the chance to take this shot that I thought was interesting and different. It shows the street cleaners working away on the pavement, and an even more dangerous Motorbility (Not Disabled!) scooter, scooting down the hill. I’ve seen this gentleman before a few times, and his driving is a threat to humankind! Straight ahead and ‘Sod-anyone-in-the-way, style. I was glad to be on the other side of Market Street! The couple in front of him had to move a bit swiftly!

I arrived, a little damp, at the shop and had a hobble around, coming to the self-serve checkouts with far to much stuff than would fit easily into the bag or carrier. Mishegosh! Twiglets, black bags, pressies chocolate bar, antiseptic disinfectant, a BLT ready-made sarnie, and yet another bottle of drain-unblocker. It seems I am having to use a container at least every day to keep the wet room sink drain free enough! Humph!

I was in no rush, though, plenty of time to catch the bus. I had a dodder around and through the slab square. Perhaps it was the rain, but everyone I passed had a look on their faces that revealed, sullenness, grief, rejection, and disconsolateness. Even the youngsters. Ah, worrying over Brexit perhaps?

Up Queen Street and under the bus shelter to wait for the L9. Wich arrived promptly and soon loaded up with passengers en route. It was a fraught trip today. I say this, cause it was battle to stay awake! Yet again I nodded off several times but didn’t miss the Winwood Heights stop. Haha! I got off last, as usual, the others all stampeded through the drizzle and disappeared into the Winchester Court entrance. Many using it to gain access to the link-passage to Winwood Court, and then the one to Woodthorpe Court.

I hobbled, shaking off the rain, and in through the Winwood Court lobby, and down to the Woodthorpe lift lobby. Up in the elevator, and into my apartment, and emptied the bags out. The oven gloves looked a bargain.

I took the medications, had an unnerving LPSAOS (Long-Powerfull-Spraying-All-Over-Splashback) wee-wee. Then got the handwashing sorted, and hanging to dry.

Stripped off, had a wash, and started making the nosh. The door chime rang out. It was Josie, bless her, giving me some tomatoes, greens and cans of tuna. I felt a little bad being only in my PPs, but I hid behind the door. I did feel a right fool!

I really wanted to make a start on updating this blog, but the energy had drained, the joints ached from the Physio session, and tiredness overtook me.

The meal was the BLT sarnie, two home-made dagwood sarnies, greens, tomatoes, beetroot, seaweed and a bit of pork pie meat. It was not a brilliantly conceived meal. But it went down well (Flavour-Rating 7.5/10) before I fell asleep with the tray still on my lap! And stayed asleep for at least six hours!

By Inchie

73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!


  1. Timothy Price – I specialize in daily art, documentary and promotional photography. If you have a special event such as a musical production, play, concert, etc. or have a product or fashion that you need photographed, or you are a performer, musician and artist in need of promotional photos please email me or call.
    Timothy Price says:

    You had a good day out in the rain. Survived the trip to Physio and survived physio as well. It’s amazing how kids can be so glued to their mobile devices. Nice set of photos in the rain. Decent looking C+ meal.

    1. Inchie – Nottingham. UK. – 73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Now awaiting Cataract & Glaucoma operations. Tsk! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!
      Inchcock says:

      Cheers, Tim.
      When I got to sorting photod out, dozens more photos than I took on card, near duplicates? Putting a screen snippet of tem on next post.
      Hpe sll well.
      TTFNski Sir.

      1. Timothy Price – I specialize in daily art, documentary and promotional photography. If you have a special event such as a musical production, play, concert, etc. or have a product or fashion that you need photographed, or you are a performer, musician and artist in need of promotional photos please email me or call.
        Timothy Price says:

        If you got it set on HDR it will make duplicates from light to dark. If you got it set on burst, you will get many near duplicates depending on how much you move the the camera before the burst is complete.

      2. Inchie – Nottingham. UK. – 73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Now awaiting Cataract & Glaucoma operations. Tsk! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!
        Inchcock says:

        Thanks, Sir.
        I’l try to work out what I’ve done. All too confusing for me. Hehe!

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