A Little Trip To Merry Nottingham – Photographically & Poetically told


I arrived on Parliament Street, greeted by the smiling populace,

A cheery smile on every face,

Oh, how I love the place,

Mind you, I had my can of Mace!


I called in the Poundland shop,

Shoplifters were arguing, having a strop,

I didn’t want to eavesdrop,

So I didn’t stop!


I notice pedestrians crossing the road against the red lights,

But all was eerily quiet, no fights,

I bloke chucked out of Burger King, what a sight!

Another chap was as high-as-a-kite!

Then two gals started a cat-fight,

I ran away, and well, I might!

4Thu19cClumber Street, I rested, the knees were stinging and tight,

Along came two men, one on crutches, the other on a bike,

I told the biker, it wasn’t right,

Driving so close to me on a bike,

He told me to take-a-hike!


Why do folks do this, I wonder why?

Two imitation policemen stood nearby,

They said and did nowt,

Cause they have no clout,

I moved on and gave a sigh!

4Thu19ELong Row, above the Yorkshire bank,

1833, bet these were built with pride and swank,

But such architecture goes unnoticed, to be frank,

By youngsters, with acne and a look that is blank,

To them, workmanship & beauty is not worth a Franc!

4Thu19fLong Row businesses, failing so so much now,

This shop used to be Burtons food store,

Where you could buy pork, bread or a cow,

I miss it more and more,

I can still smell the meat, somehow,

Though we couldn’t afford it, we were poor!

4Thu19gAh, another pavement cyclist, for short, PC, I’ll call them,

One hand on his handlebar, texting on his phone in his hand,

He even spat out some horrible phlegm!

Some say they should be banned,

But not by the Greens or Lib-Dem!

4Thu19HA gathering of Nottinghamians resting,

Unemployed, students, and shoplifters?

The bored, the drunks, and Brexit debaters?

Look at their faces, it’s interesting,

They all glare at me, as if they hate us!

4Thu19iCity Centre, Long Row, and, the Slab Square,

Architecture by Fothergill Watson, who was the absolute best!

The man was a genius, with skill and flair!

Better than all the rest,

And, I’m only being fair!

4Thu19JQueen Street, I nearly got hit by yet another PC,

Delivering food, perhaps pizza, burgers, or a fricassee?

Maybe once again, one will run into me?

But I carry my taser, just in case you see!


This rubbish was wrote during an evil spell of the dizzies and shakes,

By Inchcock, while he ate his supper, of cheesy cakes.

I fank you!

Inchcock (In brief): Wednesday 5th February 2020: Gruelling-Grombling-Garblisations!

2020 Feb 05

2020 tttFeb06

Wednesday 5th February 2020

Swedish: Onsdagen 5 Februari 2020

00 Feb 06

WD 150.0.100 01:15hrs: I woke with the mind doing ut own thing again, and I genuinely feared the worst. Yet, within a few minutes, I was battling out of the £300 second-hand recliner, had urged and forced my misshaped, wobbly mass of a body onto its feet, and did few moves, bends and wriggles to test out the ailments, and was in recent form, I thought, anyway.

Arthur Itis and Saccades-Sandra apart. All the other indispositions, discombobulations ailments and infirmities, were friendly and calm with me. Naturally, this did not last for too long. AS I moved towards the kitchen, the call to the Porcelain Throne arrived. (Back to normal, which is not a bad thing). So, I diverted, and within about ten paces, I was in the wet room. Bearing in mind yesterdays farcical Whoopsiedangleplop, I made sure that the stick was not left anywhere I trip over it, this time.

3Wed05The evacuation almost had me cheering! It was that good! Not too big, not painful at all! And hardly any effort needed. No getting half-way and needing painful encouragement. And not messy! As I stood to do the necessary ‘paperwork’, I found there was no bleeding from the rear either!

WD 150.0.100 Then I saw the drips of blood on the floor. I knew straight away, it had to be from Little Inchies fungal lesion, and it was. Heck of a state to medicate and clean.

To the kitchen and took some Moon photos.




3Wed07I made some tea and took the medications. Then got the updating of the blog done. The saving was failing a few times, but this time, I thought it might be a WordPress problem? The updating took ages, mostly through having to keep stopping for Saccases-Sandra to clear. Many hours after starting, I got it finished. Phew!

08:00hrs, I went on the WordPress Reader. Then on the TFZer Facebooking. Time is my most significant bother nowadays. It takes so long to get anything done, my lack of mobility, the Neurotransmitters dying, the brain struggles to hold information, and physical activity takes so much time and is painful sometimes. The mind and body are reaching my capability and copeability level methinks.

After which, I spent many more hours on graphicationalising. Everything was taking so long to get done, with Sandra playing up, but at least the Fungal lesion didn’t open up again.

Eventually, I got started on this post. The time flew by. I went to see Josie, to check with her that she would like the Tuna with Coronation mayonnaise. But she was not in. I did some more graphicalisationing.

I ought to get the ablutions done, it’ so late now, head-down time is due.

I’d been doing the bit of cooking needed in-between computer work while Sandra was in a bad mood with me. The day has magically almost gone?

3Wed06I turned everything off and got the ablutions tended to. I called on Josie again first, while I’d got clothes on. No answer again.

The legs looked a bit different again, but not bad at all. I decided to stop and get the handwashing done first, then I can Josie again before getting the ablutions done. The washing completed, and off to the wet room. Called on Josie, no luck.

3Wed08The ablutions produced many dropsies. No proper Whoopsies, though. Another call on Josie, no luck. I checked on the Special tomatoes. I shan’t be eating them today.

Then got another silly idea, I could order some saucepans from Amazon. So I did. Coming tomorrow. So, another day indoors.

Got the nosh prepared and served up. I got settled in the £300, second-hand, c1968 recliner, got the TV on.

As I was taking the first fork of food, the phone flashed into life. Unbelievable, the times this happens!
It was the Haemostasis, TV (Thread Vein) and DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) Warfarin Anticoagulation Clinic at the Nottingham City Hospital. A very kind lady, asking about my problems, questioning me on various things, in an effort to understand why Warfarin levels were so unsteady. It was lovely to have someone to talk to about medical issues. Especially being as pleasant and patient with me as this lady was. The conversation kept getting broken up by my having to ask her to repeat things I didn’t pick-up, again she was alright and unbothered by this. Bless Her! She will send me an Email with her address on, so I have it and can message her with the results of the Doctors meeting and any changes of importance. I felt honoured and well cared for.

3Wed10aBack to the stone-cold meal, not that there was much to harm. Only the mushrooms, garden peas and potatoes were heated anyway.

Although cold, I still enjoyed it. Smashing! A taste rating of 8/10. Perhaps the joy of speaking to someone who understood and sympathised had put me on a high? But sleep was again late in coming, although the Thought-Storms kept off.