Incanescent Inchy’s, Wednesday 13th January 2021, diary

Wednesday 13th January 2021

Polish: Środa 13 Stycznia 2021 r

00:30hrs: I stirred, and much to my delight, as I nudged my Himalayan-like, wide-ranging, whacking-great, generously proportioned, wobbly-stomached body from the c1968, recliner, I found that Nicodemus’s Neurotransmitters were behaving themselves, as I got on my feet almost easily!

But I knew better than to get too excited, (Hehehe!) I was feeling in an irrational, unjustifiably, upbeat mood? Even though the stinging from Anne Gyna, BPB (Back-Pain-Brenda) and CCP (Cartilage Cathy’s Patella) were currently giving me pain.

Was it the five hours of uninterrupted sleep? My EQ, which usually indicates, well warns me of only of the rough stuff, bad things, unlucky incidents/episodes that are coming my way, and is always right – Now seemed to be making me aware of something on the way, that may be fortunate or even enjoyable for me? This message/indication is hard to read, it’s the first time I’ve ever had one that seems to be for my advantage? It has given me an uncomfortable, sort of fraughtness, a nerve-wracking, ominous feeling. Surely there cannot be some fortune coming my way? Still, I can always hope!

As I was getting the kettle on, the innards burst forth with a rumble of great magnitude, followed by a long gurgle. Off to the Porcelain Throne, I trotted!

Oh, dearie me! No doubt about it, the DESB (Daily-Evacuation-Stakes-Battle) between Trotsky Terence and Constipation Konrad for supremacy, was a complete 4-0 victory for Trotsky this time! What a messy affair! As far as I could tell, there was no bleeding, though. The cleaning up took a lot of effort and time. Tsk! Incomprehensibly, considering the almost semi-soup-like evacuated product, poor old Harold’s Haemorrhoids, were stinging like heck?

I had to apply some Germoloid in great quantity, to calm things down. Washed the mitts and back to make the brew of Glengettie. I took this shot of the view, using the Canon camera. Which doesn’t usually take such night shots well, as a rule. I checked on the mince in the slow cooker. It looked smelt and tasted good enough for me to rewarm for tonights, well, this afternoons nosh.

Did the Health Checks next. Starting with the Chinese manufactured Boot’s Sphygmomanometerisationing. Aha, at last, the SYS had come down, the DIA and Pulse had both shot up. The pulse considerably from yesterday.

The Chinese made Harpin Xian Di contactless thermometer reading, was once again a good one, well in the green, safe zone.

At this moment, Nicodemus’s Neurotransmitter nerve-end decided to kick-off going on strike. This was unfortunate, cause I had the mug of tea in my right-hand taking a sip, with the camera in my right – I had no chance at all! The tea went towards the floor, as I moved my feet out of the way, it proved fortuitous for me; The mug hit my belly and bounced onto the Ottoman, which is padded, it rolled gently down between leather and the chair, not breaking! Note that I did not appreciate it at the time, cause of the cleaning up I had to do! Nor did BPB! Looking back, it could have been so much worse.

Going back to the computer, I noticed the Nottingham City Homes supplied, humidity and temperature machine. It was showing humidity at well below the green area. But I wasn’t sure what it meant? Lack of air? I’ll look it up late. (He says confidently!)

Brew of tea at hand, I set off up[datong the Tuesday blog. Which took me over 5 hours to complete! Nicodemus, being the cause of this delay. So many times more than ever before, I had to correct and recheck things. I’ve probably missed no end of mistakes!

Argh! More windows updates coming in! The problems caused by the last ones fresh in my mind, I was worried! I ignored them and carried on.

I got the updating finished, and went to celebrate, with another mug of tea. But when I got in the kitchenette, I saw the state of the floor – all those dropsies I suppose, that I had not cleaned up very well. A mixture of frustration and guilt took over the brain, and I decided, well, someone did, to get the floor cleaned. I tried to do it piecemeal with the bowl and flat mop, but it wasn’t working! So, I got the big mop and bucket out and had a semi, imitation, pretend clean up of the floor.

Not a perfect, or even close to a decent job was done. But it’ll do for now. Too early to hoover anywhere, the noise would be too unfair on my neighbours.

As I was getting ready to go back into the main junk-room to the computer, I swear I heard someone talking to me from the hallway. I was convinced someone had come in through the front door and called my name out? Heard it as clear as a bell! A female voice it was!

I went into my Sherlock Holmesian Mode, I went to investigate, all was in darkness, no one was seen? I opened the door, and auto-motion lights were not on, so it couldn’t have a been real voice? Am I going bonkers?

I changed into my ‘Lack of Confidence’ and ‘Questioning my sanity’ modes. What’s going on? Was it the Mysteries of Woodthorpe Court, with the hobgoblins, spectres, gnomai, phantasms, ghost, succubuses, the grotesque succubae, extraterrestrials, ectoplasms, or the Fata Morganas, that have been sent to taunt, irritate and terminate my already limited saneness of mind? Of course, it could have been the Grim-Reaper.

Ah-well, I sent the new post to WordPress. Pinterested, a couple of photographs, then went on Facebook catch-up. The WordPress Reader section next. Then onto the commenting.

I had a look at the Your-Area newsletter for Nottingham. Top of the page, was instructions for lockdown in Sherwood, specifically:

I don’t recall seeing this notice in the magazine before.

I found the latest figures, not good, is it?

Nottinghamshire, it total, has had an increase in Covid-19 cases of 591, in one day! A really gruesome bit of news that is!

The Pop0lice have arrested someone, albeit a 16- year-old lad, for a serious stabbing incident.

Most of the reading was of a depressing nature, I’m afraid.

I stopped and went into the kitchen, to check on the Chilli-Con-Carne in the slow cooker again.

This time, this Jenny bought one, was far less fatty than the one I bought from Iceland earlier. I moved into a hob saucepan, and put some peas into the mix, then got some red pepper sliced and into the slow cooker, to add later on. Ir was looking good to me! I returned to the computer and updated this diary further, as far as here.

About an hour later, I went to check on the peppers. Only to find, I had not turned the electricity on at the socket! It’s times like these that I feel a right idiot! 

I finished making the CCC (Chilli-Con-Carni) and got it served up. It was delicious, I took a photo of it, it looked so good! Unfortunately, in the morning I realised I’d left the SD card in the computer! Gnatwrangles!

Getting to sleep was difficult, thought-storms, fears, embarrassments, guilt etc.