Inchy: Thur 21 Dec: The Psychotherapist Appointment – that wasn’t!

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Nocturnal pouch, lighter this morning.

Rain and howling wind when I opened the kitchenette window. Caught a few refreshing drops of cold rain in the mush. I did laugh!

: I struggled to get the diabetic socks off of my legs. Causing a mini  , which cost me a lot of time and pain cleaning up, before I trod it all over the floor. Which didn’t work cause I trod it all over the floor and then the hallway as I fetched the vacuum!  
I didn’t actually spit, but came close!
I only had one cut shaving, but it was a fairly decent one, requiring the application of the Brut aftershave a few times before I stemmed the flow.
For once, and this is very rare indeed, I only had one short . Which barely lasted for about three seconds! Great! I’m anticipating some follow-up sessions, though.
The Red Eye was hardly noticeable! But as the carer mentioned later, it is above the eye that he can see it?


I sorted the waste bags.
Then got onto the computer to try to get some blogging done while I had the time.

. arrived. He’s got a lot on today, but he didn’t mind. The new ankle socks were looked at, but we continued with the diabetic long socks, which after creaming the lesions were put on, then the ankle straps. Then the leg straps… then repeated on the left leg. He did a good job of them today, and I was able to get the inside-outside slippers on easily enough, bless him. I was going to ask him to help me get the trousers on, but decided against this, differed that I am, when I recognised that I would not be able to empty the day catheter while the trews was on, so didn’t. I’ll get them on later. Hopefully, without any s.
 Then empty the pouch just before the battle to get the trousers on. But feel sure it’ll go alright.

was bleeding, and I had some red skin on the leg near the top of one of the straps. So they got a bit of medicationing from me.

I did a bit of work on this blog after finishing off yesterday’s. Then started to collate the things needed for the hospital visit.

Being the idiot I am. I set of down in the lift to get to the foyer on the ground floor, the elevator doors opened… and I realised I’d left the camera and hearing aids up in the flat – Wot a Burk! So, back up to the apartment. (It sounds classier than the flat, Hehehe) Could I find the hearing aids that I know I’d left on the ottoman? No! Well, not for ages, eventually finding them in the kitchen on the window ledge. I shot down so as not to miss the lift from Easy Link.
The driver was the pleasant lady who took me to the hospital. Lovely gal. She had two other passengers on the bus, I tried talking to them in greeting, but the two were not responsive, poor things, still I tried to give them the odd nod and smile en route. I was dropped off first at the Audio Clinic. I got a little confused when I got out, but the lady made a joke of it, she is sweet. I asked if she would be picking me up to go back, and she said no. So I insisted she take a drinkie and nibbles from the . Why she asked me. I said ’cause it’s Christmas, and I’ll sulk if you don’t take some. She laughed and obliged me.
I thought there was time to take some photographs of the front of the building…
In my earlier semi-panic to find the hearing aids, I’d forgot all about getting . Boy, I was getting weed off with myself!
Into the Psychotherapist Appointment…
That wasn’t a Psychotherapist Appointment!
I’d looked forward to it so much as well. A chance to explain all my difficulties and problems to someone at long last. But No! I should be so lucky! The lady on reception casual said, “Oh, we put the wrong department on the letter, did we?” As she was reading it! That and the earlier cock-ups lessened my spirits.
I took a seat as instructed and waited for my name to come up on the new panel on the wall. It seemed ages before my turn came, but I was in no rush.
I thought I’d have a go at the crossword book at least I’d remembered to take that and a pen…
But not my reading glasses!
Some days are destined to go wrong… well, in my case, every day is, and does! 
My name came up and a young lady came to fetch me to her room. I was there not for the mental condition, but to have new hearing aids tested and supplied!
I fear I could not resist telling her and showing her the letter, and of my disappointment and followed up with all the hassle with the computer, the landlines, the new TV, and the Emergency Alarms all going down. She wasn’t interested at first, but by the time I stopped the moaning and groaning, I’d converted her to show sympathy for me at least. Hahaha!
She did a magnificent job of testing my ears, and the new aids are working brilliantly. She was told earlier of my inability to replace the tubing nowadays and told me to ring for an appointment and come in and they will do it when needed for me. She also gave me some batteries to take with me. Lovely-jubbly!
When I got out to the waiting, reception area, ~I knew there would be another cock, I’d made five and these tend to come in threes – I’d forgotten what time the bus was picking me up. I could not see the front door from the seating area. The thought of going out in the terrible winds that were blowing was not good. On the way in, we saw many rows of dustbins that had been blown all over the place in Sherwood, City Centre and the college area. In fact, when I went out to see if the bus had arrived, the hearing aids were nearly blown out of my tab holes. Also, I could feel the pressure of the filling-up catheter bag in the trousers, most uncomfortable. I dare not go to empty it, in case I missed the lift…
Then a receptionist man came to me, I must have been showing signs of concern or something, and asked if he could help with whatever the problem was. bless him.
He then fetched a high chair and put it in their foyer, so I could watch for the minibus arriving. Which it did an hour & ten minutes later. Steve, I think the driver’s name was. He’d looked after me before. So I insisted he have some treats as well. When we got back to the flats… erm, apartments (Haha!) How I got those hundred yards to the foyer door without being blown over, losing a hearing aid, or being hit by the twigs, empty bottles and bags in the wind, I don’t know. 

I was so glad when I got inside.

Home photos taken. I think they are in chronological order, as they came on Kodak Tim. Here they are:

First photo when I got in.
Drizzling starting.
The pouch just emptied.
Excellent colour!
Drizzling still…
As it was an hour later…
Aha, stopping at last.
returned the laundry for me.

Very nice nosh. Flavour: 8.3/10.
Wobble on here, so tried again.
Ah, this was a better effort!

I hope so! Cheers!

I’m still miffed at not seeing someone about my neurological problems today. 
Since getting home, I had a and a few . AGAIN! I left the hot tap running and the water ran cold. Then also, yet again , while trying to get the heavy large quilt folded. A landing on the knees affair, so it could have been far worse… still painful mind, with &  
the main victims of the incident.  on his next and last call, folded the quilt for me.

Best of Luck, each!

INCHIE: Saturday 1st April 2023

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Not a Dr Who or Hammer House of Horrors tale!
It could only happen within the Confines and Mysteries of 72 Woodthorpe Court, with the ghosts, wraiths, spectres, cacodaemons, apparitions, and other grotesquenesses that haunt the hallways and lobbies searching for Inchie; to curse with bad luck, create ambiguities, abstrucities, perplexities, misfortunes and botherations, to scare. worry and confuse me! This was one of their best efforts yet!

Last night’s scary quick growth of the leg lesions, and the sudden leaking of water from them, got even worse during the day. They eased off in the evening… for an hour or so, then…

New growth coming between the toes, and fate gave the papules a suitable pareidolia face to laugh at me! Hehehe!
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Up at 06:30, wiped the water from my leg and foot. I’m getting good at this after doing it all night long instead of sleeping. Humph!

Some blood in the , that’s because we still do not have any s delivered!

First of three visits to the , all messy again!.
Oddly, and reminiscent of the Dr Who episode, The Waters of Mars…

Not only the leg lesions but the eyes and nose were running???

Carer Sam arrived. The missing medications and catheter bags had not arrived yet. She brought the laundry for me and kindly hung up the dressing gowns for me. Then a little chin-wag. Thank you!
Took two snaps of the depressing weather.

Carer Jo-Anne came. Had a laugh as she medicated me.

Prepped the nosh for this evening. Cooked some imitation lamb and a can of vegetable soup, well seasoned to marinate all day. Put them all together, and Carer Ayowole arrived.

Had a good cleanup of the lesions on the leg.
They seem to be getting smaller now but still spurting water.
I can still see the face on the leg.

Sister Jane rang, still in bed, bless her.
She and hubby Pete are going to the football match this afternoon, then off to enjoy the Halle Concert at night. Nice!
We had a good natter. Told her about the leg leaking. Hehehe!

The wee-wee had changed to a decent colour.

Concentration is gone, getting tired, and the eyes are getting dimmer, as is usual at this time of night.

Carer Chloe arrived; nice to see her; it’s not often she calls on me. Had a giggle, and she checked the dates on the fridge foods. (Three binned)

The lesions are getting even smaller now.
Still pouring water out, though, but not all of them?

I turned on the oven to heat up ready fir the potatoes to go in.

A middling colour, not too bad.

Got the pots n the oven and turned the saucepan heat on the lowest setting to warm up ready for the spuds to go in, in half an hour or so.

Turned off this computer; as I did so, I could feel the water trickling a little quicker down the leg – another night of no sleep in the offing? Humph!.

Back in the morning… if I’ve not drowned in the night. Hehehe!

The nosh came out well…

I dined like a King… Well, maybe not!
I can’t imagine King Charles with a tray on his belly, scoffing vegetable soup with extra potatoes for supper? Nor eating it with his leg with the mystery papules leaking water, stuck up on a chair that needed him to keep wiping it, as he kept spilling the gravy on his dressing gown, chest and chin. Hehehe!

At least the short-lived water-releasing papules; two days up to now, are leaking far less. But worryingly, it looked in the morning like some new ones were coming… and a few on the right leg now, too!

Yours, from the old moaner, killed by the NHS, Doreen Dementia, his mechanical aorta valve, Peripheral Neuropathy Pete, Dracula Depressions and/or lack of catheter night bags to stop his bladder infection.
I mention these in the vain hope that someone will show an interest in what actually saw-me-off, in the end.  when I’m gone. A bit late, I know, but wouldn’t it be lovely to come back to see other’s reactions?

Here are a few I could guess at:
Unnamed: “Huh, I don’t know how the old scrote lasted so long!”
Unnamed: “I told him to go to the doctor!”

Bank Manager: “Inchie? Who was that then?”
My ophthalmologist: ” Ah, one less in the queue for a cataract job!”
Dementia Neurologist: “I never actually saw him, but the nurses say he say he was in need of help. Didn’t get it did he? Shame!
Local Pharmacist: “He’s dead? Hahaha!
Doctor (GP): “Deceased? Ah, that’s a blessing for him; but more for me!”
Audio Clinic Receptionist: Oh, pity. He was almost deal yer know!”
Otolaryngologist: “Do you know, I never had a patient with more solid packed-in earwax in my life. I liked him. When getting the wax out, I’d call my colleagues to show them… they never believed that so much could have come from just two ear canals!”
District Matron: “Yes, I’m sorry we couldn’t have supplied him with his much-needed medications and Catheter night bags. As he said himself; ‘At least when I snuff it, someone else will stand a chance of getting some night bags in hopes of relieving their bladder infections.”
 Automatic, Inc. (WordPress): Didn’t he used to write that crappy blog?
St Peter: “Christ, I’ve got to put up with him now…”

Morning, all!

Inchcock: Thursday 10th November 2022

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0450hrs: I stirred back into fabricated life. And it was Thought-Stormless! This has not been known for months now. All seemed calm in the bonce, too! Was she on holiday? And where was worry guts, ? Even was not the slightest bit interested in me! was the only ailment that was giving me trouble. As for even , she was noticeable by her absence! I was almost in a laid-back mode… I think. Not been like this for many years. What was going on? Had I been drugged or something?

I almost casually escaped the clutches of the c1968, £300 pound, second-hand charity-shop bought, crumb-containing, odour-retaining, Harold’s Haemorrhoid-testing, nauseatingly beige coloured, non-working, virus-breeding recliner, and moved over to the NWWB (Nocturnal-Wee-Wee-Bucket), suffering slightly as rushed to avoid any accidents with of PMAD (Post-Micturition-After Dribbling) trying to start of its own accord. Then had t wait for ages for the PMAD (Post-Micturition-After Dribbling) to stop!
Yet I seemed to take this all in my stride. Off to the kitchen to make a brew… Still no Glengettie available, but some should be coming today from Amazon.

I leant out of the kitchen window to take these two pictures.
The sky, and then the Chestnut Way car park below.

While I was mashing the mug of Thompson’s Signature tea, the oddest thing happened: I felt the micro-shuddering in the right leg, and I was convinced that there was about to be a Right-Leg-Dance routine kick-off. But no! Instead,   burst into life, which ensured that the freshly made mug of tea was knocked over. I had the right mess to clean up!
As I was getting down to do so, an burst forth, which had me down on one knee! During this, I banged the top of my head on edge of the kitchen top and knocked the papule! How it didn’t come off I don’t know, but I was glad it didn’t…

Then noticed I’d left the hot tap running in the sink again, and the water was stone-cold! Yet, still, I remained cool and calm. So, no hot water to use for the ablutions for a long time yet.
So, I got some water in the large saucepan and put it on a low light. Putting the freshly-filled saucepan back on the stove, and had another, albeit only for a few seconds this time, of the routines. During this, I split some water on the stove, me and the floor! I was beginning to get a smidgeon uptight now! Well, can you blame me?
I made another brew of Thompson.s Punjana tea. While it was brewing, I got an itch around the papule on my head. Removed the hat and went to scratch it…

In the event you get an itch on a papule – do not scratch or pick at it.
Especially if you have an old dilapidated wristwatch on that has a split buckle with sharp bits sticking out.
Just thought I’d mention it, like.

I made up some waste bags, put them near the door, and got the computer on.
Checked the Emails, and I’d got this come in from Amazon. Confirmation that the Glengettie teabags are arriving today. Oh, good!
I was not too keen on the ‘Arriving today by 10 PM’ bit. But still, they are worth the wait. It’s just the thought of my managing to stay up that long that worries me. Still, they may come earlier than that! Optimism now, what next? Hahaha!

I got on with updating the Wednesday blog. I started reasonably well, but as time went by, I worked my way back into making errors, mistakes, and wrong corrections. Plus, a few Blanks didn’t help me much.

I was working my back to things being normal (Farcical, with a hint of brain-deadisms), I think?

After about three hours, I’d got the blog finalised and posted to WordPress. Things seem to be changing from my waking up in almost high spirits and sinking back to the usual quotidian ways.

As I was Pinteresting some photographs… and…

Thanks to Smoke & mirrors: (someone who draws attention away from often embarrassing or unpleasant figures or issues) man Mr Fries’s inability, even when getting paid a $23.7M salary, to get an internet service to work, I went to take some photographs.
Even more determined this time to get some zoomed-in photos of the moon that showed something of the moon’s surface.
Another failure! As anticipated and expected.

Can I blame the hazy morning sky? Hehehe! No? Fair enough!

Played from the door chime. Of course, when it went off, I suddenly realised I had not unlocked the door yet.

I hastened to the door and unlocked it. The picture on ‘s face said it all. “There’s no hope for him!” Hehehe!
Richard got the medications sorted out. He’d heard about my farce at the hospital yesterday. We had a laugh about it, actually. Then he went through the paperwork they had sent me home with and identified the things he thought I ought to remember, and wrote them down on the whiteboard for me.
He took the waste bags with him on the way out. And made for his bed, I hope he can get some R&R along with it. A grand lad.

I got a landline call; I think she was saying that I needed to make an appointment for an ECG before they could refer me to someone for help with dealing with getting me help with . I couldn’t understand why, but apparently, they are not too happy with the blood test results from last week? Oh!

Then we made an appointment for Wednesday 16th November at 14:30hrs.

Thanks to Fries, the internet was still not back on. So, I used the time to try and call Deana to arrange lifts for Wednesday the 16th to the doctor, and Thursday at 10:00hrs to Bulwell, returning at 12:00hrs. I couldn’t get her, though. I put these in the calendar and on the Whiteboard.

I got on the now working again internet, and then made a start on this blog. It was slow-going, no doubt about that.

Tried to get through to Deana once more, but no luck.

I was deep into pressing on with this blog, and sounded, and in came Esther. That was the end of any concentrating. Hehe! But Esther, despite talking to me from the other rooms, got the laundry down into the machine and returned.
She rang for me to arrange the two lifts I needed. Thank heavens she came! That gave me some ease of mind, not having to worry about them. And they could do both, thankfully for me. Phew!

I managed to do some more work on this blog for an hour or two.
Rang, and in walked Carer Charly. She was in a rush and a half.
Got the medications sorted, but we could not find the Peptac bottle. I found one in the prescriptions drawer. Maybe we used the last of the other bottle, but I can’t remember. still, we have enough. I’m just annoyed that I can’t remember about it.

I checked on the potatoes in the oven, finding I had not increased the heat sufficiently earlier on. Tsk!. I took this picture from the kitchen window while checking on the nosh. It came out a lot lighter than what it was but shows the varying colour of the skies. Greys and blues, ah, Mother Nature!


Amber and the High-Norm rating again!
No idea how they work these things out, but I’ve only got one (SYS) in the green, same as yesterday (Temp) – but the results were so much lower and betterer! Beats me, but I like it!

I got the food served up, got down in the£300, used, second-hand shop bought nine years ago, c1966 built, discomfiting, alarmingly Kharki-beige coloured, crumb containing, TV remote hiding, not working recliner. Meal on my knee and turned on the TV. That was a waste of time. All those channels and nothing worth watching were on.

So I thought I’d get the radio on and started searching for the headphones. After several minutes of failure (I get used to these, you know), my memory kicked in, and I remember breaking the headphones when I sat on them last month! Hey-Ho!

Back to the now not-so-hot meal. believe it or not,  than what yesterday’s nosh did!
A simple meal for a simple-minded, dithering old bald, confused senior citizen. Just baked potatoes with vegan butter and sea salt.
The bread thins had gone really dry, so they were not eaten. The BBQ sauce was dipped into by both the sausages and potatoes. The tiny pot of Soya Lemon Yoghourt rounded off the meal. A Flavour-Rating of 8/10 granted, even if it was a little cold.

I washed the pots, and I resettled into the £300, second-hand, c1968, charity shop-bought, eyesorely-horrendously grungy coloured, Harold Haemorrhoid-testing, easily-falloutable from, unfit-for-use, not working, recliner, in search of Sweet Morpheus. And I was soon of into a dream filled (can’t remember what about) sleep for about an hour…

I woke up in so much pain it took my breath away at first. was rampant in both calves. I repeatedly got up and tried to hobble about, to try to free the tightness. I failed, of course!
Every time, it eased a little, back in the recliner, feet up, and within minutes it started again. Several times I tried the Phorpain gel massaging. I even took some Paracetamol; that didn’t help either. Then a Codeine… I woke in agony that often it was getting to me. I was at my wit’s end with it.

I was taking what must have been for the tenth time, a hobble and stretching exercise, massaging, more pain gel, another Codeine 30g… I know I was taking too many, but the unbearably of the this morning forced me to try anything at the time.

I gave myself a  as I utilised the NWWB (Nocturnal-Wee-Wee-Bucket). That meant the positive end of any further aspirations, ideas or hopes of sleeping again! Not that I had more than an hour at most!

Letters, emails, comments and text messages, with any help that can be offered, on any ways to prevent this from happening again, or ease the pain at least, would be much appreciated.
Thank you!

Inchcock Today: Not a Good One!

We’ll start with the Ode,
Cause I’m tired and old,
Sorry, there’s no centrefold…
Oh, dearie me, I just scowled.
Just stubbed my toe; I let a naughty word go…
Read about another murderer being paroled!

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Hope this one gets a smile or even a laugh…

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Today felt like the longest day – ever!

0525hrs: I sprang awake with the usual verbal Huh! In mental confusion and a mind-muddle. That’s also a regular awakening scenario.
However, I was soon out of the c1968 recliner. And after a regulation wee-wee; The brain seemed to come partially together, and I remembered both the Amazon order was coming today and the delightful Carol to do the washing in place of Esther. The Amazon order should be the gigantic bottle of Ben’s hickory smoked barbecue sauce on its way to me. I adore the flavour of this one. It may not as strong as some other sauces are, but it’s smoked to perfection! And along with the wonderful Stubbs Hickory Liquid Smoke, will be used in the chilli I make. This passes Josies and my taste buds test to a tee! I also use it on the veggie burgers. Oh, I do live well… That might be a slight exaggeration. Hehe!

I checked the state of the plates first, not the dinner plates, my plates of meat, feet. They looked good, but they were painful underfoot. Having said that, They’ve been a lot worse, so I’m not going to grumble!
For some weird reason, I remembered the mould on the bottom of the shower area. I got the Mr Muscle Spray and used it all, covering the affected area. Then thought I’d leave it for the recommended 15 minutes and, naturally, I forgot all about it. Ahem! !

I made up the waste bags, then I cleaned the cooker top… I did think about cleaning the oven… but, well, you know how it is… Hehehe!

Arrived and inquired as he came through the door what that smell was. At this point, I remembered the mould spray I’d lathered the wet room and floor with. Richard went in, looked around and turned to me with that famous half-smile and a he is, look on his face! He pointed out that I’d used shower gel, not a mould cleaner. He helpfully told me to nip down to Sherwood and buy some. Hehe!

It was so late in the night that by the time I made a start on this blog, my eyes were making it so hard for me to see properly. The notes on the ‘remember-pad’ have wriggling letters and words, so I’ll have to either guess or ignore what I cannot decipher. Sorry!

I’d not heard from HRH or Billum for a while. I was a little worried, so sent an email asking how things were – with hopes that they were okay. I love them both; they have such great personalities and are caring people.

Little did I know of what lay in store for me today. Ups and downers and more frustrations through things I did wrongly cost me dearly in time. I was up all day and night, trying to make things right again. Humph!

Carol, the ex-carer, who is standing in for Esther, came in, but of course, I could not hear her. Good job that I wasn’t using the bucket or medicating any bleeding areas at the time. I mentioned that it would be best if she pressed the doorbell before coming in. I spoke very matter-of-factly so as not to hurt her feelings. She apologised, and I said there is no need for that; you were not to know. She’s a lovely lady. She took the laundry for washing and said she will return. Bless her.

Now all the scribbling I’d done for over 14 hours was getting harder to read. I think I see “To the waste chute with Richard… Stubbed Toe and then mixed in. Back at the flat – Carol returned with the washing. But there is a lot of writing that means nothing to me now. Grungleturds! Carol and I had a natter, and she left the bag in the junk room for me. I still haven’t got around to taking the clothes out as hung up yet! It’d been the sort of day.

I do remember a … Oh, yes! As Carol was leaving, I, yes me! Realised I’d not paid her yet! Which I did, post haste… well, as soon as I found where I’d left my money, that took the edge off of my smugness, Hahaha! Another line of nothingness on the pad.

As I sat down to check on the Amazon delivery tracker, Anne Gyna kicked off, and she made a good job of it. So much so that like yesterday, I took gulps of Pentax, and having taken an extra Beta-Blocker, I dare not take any more, so took a Codeine 30g, but she’s been at me ever since. Even now, so many hours later, Anne is letting me know she’s still there, and it’s nearly midnight now! Being worried about Billum and HRH isn’t helping, I suppose. Worra day!

I then sorted it out. Better late than never.
The figures looked okay to me, and the body temperature was almost spot-on. Surely the NHS result configurator will show this time a lower overall figure? I put in the numbers on their site, And sure enough, I was nearly in the amber zone. Yee-Ha!
I had an email come in while I was making this graph copy. It was from the wonderboys at Iceland – telling me the order is on its way, but with a few changes – confusing ones at that!

At least I got some No-Bull mushroom steaks and Vegan Ice cream. Not that I needed the ice cream at all; after finding out how much I’d already got in the freezer when I put the goods away later when they arrived. Well, would it be impossible to put them away before they arrive? Hahaha! It’s also so sad that the best burgers, the No-Moo brand, have stopped being stocked by Iceland – The Gits! I can’t find any of the other shops that are stocking them! Humph! The Iceland order arrived. The chap went through and put the food bags into the kitchen for me.

I thanked him and offered a cold drink for both men. Vodka and lime and a G & T were selected.
I had an extra problem on my hands now. Reading the short life dates on the chips, potatoes, burgers and what was the other thing? I forget now; it seems like days since the delivery to me, with no sleep for so long. Grumps!
I got the things in the fridge as quickly as I could. I needed a bit of jiggling about to make everything fit in there.
I spotted the vegan cheese that I bought earlier. Must get that used up.
You see here on the left what I mean about my being overstocked on the vegan ice cream? That is because they  (Iceland) have stopped selling the No-Moo burgers, and I suspect that the ice cream might be the next to be abandoned. I have little confidence in Iceland’s system.

Got on the computer, at last, to start finalising yesterday’s blog. I can see another early morning to bed job for me again. But soon got disturbed. But on this occasion, I welcomed it, for it was Carol returning the laundry. This is when I got smug at remembering I’d not paid her, then looking somewhat of a , when it took me five minutes to find my cash so I could pay Carol. Tsk!

I found that two letters had been posted; one was the DVT Warfarin Anticoagulation figures and doses. The other was from the CT4N transport.


Some of the writing on the leaflet from CT4N I could read. The graph with the prices for each trip out and in, or in and out, was clearly seeable. So, I assume I can use my oldies bus pass to get the cheaper rate, I think. So, it will cost me £9 for each of the 24 sessions of the Diabetes Training or whatever it’s called.
I must see Deana tomorrow to see if she’s arranged a lift for each session for me. Cause I reckon it says I’ve got to ring them for each trip? The eight A4 double-sided pages on rules and actions needed to use them (DT4N) are just too small to read. I think I can feel Cataract Cathleen laughing inside my head. Hahaha!

He’s now playing away at drilling, and knock-knocking, with the occasion clattering sound effects. Not getting on well with the blogging at all here. However, I did finally get the Monday post done and sent off, 14 hours later than usual, to WP. Email links were sent out, and then the “Oh, Susana” tune chimed away.

It was the Amazon delivery. Well, a part of it anyway. The extra-large super-duper Ben’s hickory smoked barbecue sauce, my taste buds were tingling at the thought of it! It is mouth-wateringly tasty!
I think I must have got something wrong again when I ordered the writing pads. I’,m sure I used the steel ruler to measure that t the page size would be the same as the ones I’m using now… but no!
You see the pack of eight pads next to the BBQ sauce bottle – eight pads! The bottle of Ben’s is thicker than the pads are wide!
I think my Arithmophobia let me down again somewhere along the line in ordering these. Ah, well, I’m not really surprised. I’m just so annoyed with myself again!
Then the biggest time-coster of the day…
Last week, I made up some of the tabs, like the Whoopsiedangleplop one above, in this colour, ready to use here. I can even remember when I did them. Straight after, the metal-tasting reflux came up, followed by a scary Dizzy Dennis bout. Within minutes things improved, but although I was close to getting my head down, I stayed up all night CorelDrawing and creating the tabs. (Truth is, I was weary of sleeping in case the reflux came up again). I am a cowardy-custard!) So today should have saved me time, not cost me it!
I went to use the first one and realised I made them all the wrong size. I thought at first, slightly annoyed again, I’ll just have to edit each one with a new size; time-consuming, yes, but a damned site better than having to spend literally hours making a new set… I thought. 
❶ I didn’t realise that the editor only allows you one edit per photo per graphic, and I could not alter them. ❷ But before I could start to create a new set, I had to clear the blog gallery of all the old ones, so they wouldn’t clash with the new ones! So, I did! ❸ Then, take all the old ones off of the hard-drive file to lighten the load on that, so I did! ❹ Double checking that the file and gallery were free of all the old ones, and at just the wrong moment shook me silly; I’ve no idea what I might have pressed as the cursor shot across the screen… but Corel Draw closed itself down!  I genuinely think I might have cried! ❺ As if she was mocking me, kicked off!

❻ I stopped, and a Dracula Depression fought its way through the pain to get at me. And a sad Inchy just sat in the chair here, saying nothing, but the Thought-Storms were raging. I felt so sorry for myself, then I felt ashamed, and it was me sinking to a new low… ❼ Silly, but I believed a mug of tea would somehow help and went to the kitchen to put the kettle on… ❽ I didn’t make it, for fortuitously I got a en route… which made me even angrier, I’m not one for getting angry, but this time I think I was; everything blurred for a short while as if I was walking through fire and smoke… I’m not joking! The pain I was in must have triggered some defence mechanism I’ve not had before. For I suddenly resolved myself not to be beaten – and returned to the computer, and admittedly with a certain amount of incertitude, restarted CorelDraw. ❾ Of course, then I had lost the last saved version of the file! So, I saved this saved version to the old name, and things looked good. Hope was in the air! ❿ Then, all I had to do was pray that neurotransmitters and SSS didn’t bother me again and spent well over two more hours getting the new set of tabs completed!
I’d not had a shave or wash; I was in agony and so tired… yet this new spirit of resistance won the day, and I could get on with this blog once again. A SUPER . But was soon disturbed, in the nicest way…

By Cheeky Charley, the cheerful tonight carer. Because last night, I had dropped a tablet, tonight she hand-fed them to me, one at a time. She washed my stomach, where some blood had dropped earlier in the day when bile came up, and Charley made sure I was feeling okay before she left, all chirpy and gay! I think tonight she was going on the Girlie-Night-Out, and if so, I bet she was the star of the show, wherever they went. Hahaha! ♥

Back to the blogging grindstone, but a happier lad… well, I say lad… I was so worn out mentally, but Anne Gyna eased off at last, and then I had a break and checked on the emails. To Billum and HRH Lisa, they had replied to my email, letting me know they were okay and recovering from a nightmare hospital visit for Lisa. The nightmare was the hotel they were staying in. So much noise they could not get any sleep. Youngsters with their music and noise. Which is so sad. Between the three of us, who all suffer from sleep deprivation, and all three of us get it at the same time! I’m just thankful their absence was not caused by illness or accident; they both have more than enough to cope with as it is. This news kept me going. I checked the email again.

Billum let me know a bit more of his Whoopsiedangleplops. HRH and he went through. A sad Tale of Woe. We three share that trait. Hehehe!

Evening All!

Inchcock’s Retrieved Dairy, Photos & Odes


My scribbled reminder notes were lost! Well, I say lost; I tore them up thinking they were Wednesdays. Gragnangles! So detailed facts are missing will be missing.

Sphygmomanometerisationing revealed SYS 148, DIA 62 and pulse at a reasonable rate of 79mpm. Pleased with these numbers, I entered the results in the NHS Cardiac Check You Rates site & then made this little graphicalisation, just for the fun of it  (Yes, I’m just a child at heart… and a 99-year-old, bodily) Hehehe, Extra pleasing to be only just in the red, for three days now.

Of course, with my bungee-jumping, gym work, hill-climbing and daily push-ups, The wee-wees started coming. Each one

Taking the advice from HRH Petal-Lisa, a kind. She’s one lovely lady from Cincinnati, The Manor Laboratories: I took the evening’s Seed Oil Hemp capsule and a squirt of under-tongue CBD. Yes, I know it’s morning, but I forgot to take the last night, it could happen to anyone… Ahem!)

In the past fifteen minutes, I’ve wee-weed a further four times. Every one of them, annoyingly with much. So irritating! I had a quick chat with my animal family in their bed-box tray on the cabinet. Incidentally, HRH Petal-Lisa, my ether Angel made each one for me and posted them from the USA for Christmas! ♥ We’ve never met, but somehow through the ether, Lisa has got to know me well. ♥ Thanks, my Angel!

The Iceland food arrived, causing me a fair bit of pain! The driver put the first four bags in the hallway for me and the last one (on the left) close to the doorway. Several 2-litre bottles hit my knee on their way down to hit my toes, and picking them up, I stubbed my big toe again! Whereunto he’d been treated and gone, the bottles fell out of the bags, and I had to be standing next to them when it happened, of course.

I got the frozen foods into the freezer; well, it seemed like a logical move – Hehe!). No No-Bull veggie burgers or Spring Water were unavailable yet again! The bread was substituted.
I’d got some 2-litre bottles of limeade and lemonade as substitutes for the water. Sorted out the other bits and took the waste to the rubbish chute. And, getting the bags in the opening, I cunningly dropped a bag that landed on the leg ulcer. It inflamed it for a while, but the ankle was still much better than yesterday! The legs, feet and toes are not so chubby, either. I gave myself a knock on the shoulder coming out of the room.
Memory blanks from here on for a while; I can recall taking this night shot late on. Not taking the Hemp, so staying asleep was not possible; always jumping awake. So I got up and made a much-belated meal. It was a good one, mind you. Flavour Rating; 8.2/10.
Followed by an orange jelly, and I sprayed all around it with a vegan cream substitute. Jolly good that was too!
WordPressing for hours, ended up doing it until 04:00hrs in the morning, so sleep deprivation continues.
I can only blame Dementia Doreen!

FRIDAY 22nd JULY 2022

The thoughts for this Ode matured…
After Inchy stubbed his toe and simpered…
And logicality and reasoning were suspended,
Commonsense and judgement were temporarily abandoned…
Inchies creativity stuttered and wandered!

The English language was primarily disregarded,
His few remaining grey cells working, both tottered…
Suddenly captivated with the thought of being sepultured?
Inchy was never educated or cultured…
His trepidations, worries, and fears, are never resolved…
How come he has never been happy, content or cavorted?
Here is his Ode, although it won’t be extolled!

My mind used to be like a constellation…
Grasping facts, and figures, offering help and confirmation,
Making things efficient, through thoughts and modification,
Famed for my excellent, calm use of conceptualisation,
Seeking improvements for all, through rumin
Then the Stroke, brain power went into absquatulation…
Next; Peripheral Neuropathy, arithmophobia, ‘Damnation!’

Now paramnesia, memory problems… depression!
Suffering many a mental aberration…
Fears, worries, oppression, no passion!
Shakes and shudders, aches & pains, tumbles, concussion…
Vascular Dementia Doreen, giving me mental fossilisa
My life needs some lightness, feuilleton!
Making decisions and choices need extra persuasion!

Food prices rocketing; I can no longer afford my stilton…
Gone are the urge, ability and cash for any perversion,
No strength for any insurrection, rebellion or subversion,
Wee-weeing too much, the odd Porcelain Throne explosion…
Stuck indoors with my misery, apathy and mental inertion…
I hate my good health and mental abilities desertion…
Failures and accidents come in an endless succussion!
Friday next i
s my first Diabetes Coping session!
Have to go now; it’s time for creams, injection and medication,
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

   Yea, Gawd of heaven! I know the recent Blood Pressure readings have been good for the last few days, only just in the red zone, but today, the SYS was 111, the lowest ever recorded in my life! And in the green area!!! DIA at 57 was down 5 points, and my Pulse rate was down 8. .

Oh, boy, I’, in the green,
The lowest that it’s ever been!
Amazing, fantastic, I mean…
This really blew my brain…
I hope tomorrow it’s that again!

Got the session done with a visit from Dizzy Dennis in the shower, short and sharp, all over. Probably caused by my diabetic polyneuropathy, compared to anything else, because it started so sharply and ended the same way. Minutes later, I needed to return to the wet room to use the and what a struggle that was. Talk about resistance!
The swelling in the feet was no worse, and the ankle ulcer much easier for my getting around,
I got on with the blogging updating and spent an hour or so at it, needing three wee-wees during that time… then…
I went into the kitchen to put the kettle on, and the heat and smell of burnt plastic greeted me! I’d put the kettle on earlier but had not heard the whistle to alert me it was boiling!
Had to use the oven gloves to get the warped, melted plastic handle and lid-lift kettle, and I dropped it into the sink, filling it with cold water straightway! Then had to clean mess up; the cooker, floor, bag up the kettle and the melted bits and apices that had dropped off, putting things in the sink. Then wrote this sad ode to the kettle. (Mad? Me? Yes!)

The morning Carer arrived, Valerie. I gave her her choice of cold drink from the fridge, and she took the caste bags from earlier to the chute for me (Not the kettle, I took that, in case any sharp bits cut the Carer),
Checked on the ankle ulcer, and it was getting a little fighter?
Half an hour later, it had gone down and all calm again?

Cragknangles! Off to the wet room to clean up, medicate, and get new PPs on. Hehehe!
You can’t win… well, not me!

Crowell Manor Laboratory Visit

CROWELL MANOR LABORATORY 102-Optical Solutioning

Crowell Manor Laboratories

The scientist & owner of the 46 laboratories, Billum; Master of Computational Finance, Master of Science in Teaching now retired. Has put his developments in his underground laboratories of a Time-Machine and Automatic Pickled Walnuts Slicer developments, experiments and creation on hold, all in the name of empathy and care of blogger Inchcock. Why? I’ll tell yer…

Billum invited Inchcock to come to his scientifically outstanding latest additional laboratory, dedicated to Medicationalistical ailments in the elderly. Having read the news about the Nottingham pensioner was having with his Cataracts, Glaucoma and Saccades in the sad old twits blog. He’s got plenty of his own, yet magnanimously and with great beneficence, Billum offered Inchcock to visit and “Have your Eyes Checked” in Laboratory 102, dedicated to Optical Solutioning! A marvellous offer and gesture, which the old Nottinghamian jumped at the eleemosynary offer. (Not literally, of course, jumping awake, yes, he can and does do… I’m waffling off of topic here again; sorry!)

Someone so far away, with his own ailments to cope with, and cares for others… That’s Billum! On arrival, they fed me, washed me, and we were soon going down to Laboratory-102. A fantastic, amazingly dazzling reception area… I think that his son Alan is the one who deals with the building side of things.

Billum’s other half, HRH Lisa, came in and gave me a sexy, pulse-prompting dance routine to the sounds of 1970s music. While Billum checked on Google, I assume to refresh his memory on cataracts, glaucoma and saccades?

It seemed like no time; it does when you are enjoying yourself. Before Billum took me through to his newest Laboratory-102.

He started his examination of my eyes…

Amid so many tests, prodding, probes and the usage of, to me, unidentifiable optical machines, some that played music, others that hummed, I smelt the perfume of my beloved (but don’t tell Billum) Sweet Petal, HRH Lisa… it was tantalising and moved my loins. Or maybe the painkiller that Petal Lisa gave me caused hallucinations? It contained Codeine, CBD and Cáñamo Hashish, whatever they are, but I felt no pain; they worked a treat!

I was spoilt rotten afterwards!


They sat me on a luxurious settee,
That was warming; they were lovely…
Served biscuits and a mug of Glengettie tea,
Petal Lisa came in and sat with me…
Billum was typing his assessment, you see…
The cats jumped up on my knee,
Petal Lisa, gemtly kissed me… ♥
I realised the tests done by Billum, for free!
I asked Petal Lisa if she wanted an adoptee?
Billum came in his report in hand and calmly…
Said, “It’s’ alright, you’ve got two eyes, not three!

That sort of puzzled and confused me…
Billum gave me a large bottle of CBD…
I went to take a wee-wee…
It didn’t flow very freely…
I said I know I’ve two eyes anyway…
Billum added, rather pleasantly,
Well spotted, and sent me away!

I make these blogs for Billum and Lisa, my Petal,
Not for anything that is epithetical…
But to raise a laugh, which to me is congenital,
For Billum, Alan and my precious Lisa Angelical!
I believe a laugh is as effective as hexobarbital,

Enough of this waffle,
I need another pittle,
Usually a painful trickle…
But releasing it is vital…
But having a laugh, trying to be comical…
To me, is worthy and commonsensical!
Even in this ode, that’s pathetical!

 Part of Inchcocks Make Them Laugh Series

Inchcock Today: Crowell Manor Laboratory

Inchcock Today

I apologise for the change in content and style. This is due to ailments, and many computer problems.

I am glad I got this graphic finished in time. Precious HRH Petal Lisa & Professor Billum, (And Nibbles, the gorgeous pussy) in one of their laboratories at Crowell Manor. Wonderful people!

I hope they and you enjoy it for a laugh.

I am due to go to the hospital on Tuesday for the first consultation about cataracts, glaucoma and saccades in the eyes. So, if I don’t get posts done, you’ll understand why. Thanks!

I hate to disappoint my lovely, kind, swarming hoards of followers. And apologise again to both of you. Hehe!



Inchies Diary Photographicalisations


Approx’ 17:00hrs. After putting in the eye drops, I cleaned my spectacles and let them settle; I then sprayed the eyes with the cleanser refresher. Not that it made a lot of difference.

18:50hrs: Took a Sunsetting snap. The weather was warm with it. The wind getting up a smidge. I may have obtained these pictures from the kitchen window out of order. I do a lot of that nowadays!

Around 19:30hrs, I had to get up for a wee-wee. I do a lot of that nowadays as well. Hehe! I’m glad I did, though. I caught the last view of the sun, and I did it without any red spots showing in the frame.

This shot I must have taken earlier, or the next day mayhaps? Also, I’ve forgotten what it was and why I took it. Hope in beating the onset of Dementia, Doreen, is fading.

Obviously, even to me, this shot was taken from the balcony of the Chestnut Walk end car park. The red van man parked in his regular spot, on the chevrons, next to the no parking painted on the floor.

The next day’s picture of the Chestnut Walk ends car park. The white van at the back has been there for some weeks now, if not longer? Red van man still claiming his naughty parking space.

Ah, we are on yesterday now (Tuesday). I remember making one of the worst meals I’d ever done. I’d forgot that I’d put the chunks in the slow cooker, peas in the saucepan, and potatoes in the oven with all the kerfuffle. And pressed on with the blogging for another six hours or so. Tsk! When I realised, late on in the night, I did my best to rescue a meal out of them. The chunks and peas were terrible and untasty, having all the flavour cooked out of them. The potato skins were too hard to eat; a little of the flesh was edible, just about, with the  Worcester sauce I put on them. Flavour rating: 2.5/10!

(Tuesday): Not many, the SD card Reader reduced to load many others. Grumph! I got these on by going into CorelDraw and importing, then saving them, exporting them to the Inchcock file, and then loading them onto the media file. A frustrating, time-wasting effort. But we wouldn’t like to miss the Red-Van-Mans parking, would we?

I had another look from the balcony, and Red-Van-Mans van, looked like it hadn’t been moved.

So, I finished the blog many hours later than usual.

The evening sunset was late coming again. but I stayed awake to get a photographicalisation. Not that I could sleep anyway. Sweet Morpheus seems to be absent a lot this last few days.

The evening carer arrived, and she sorted the tablets for me. Washed some pots and took the waste bags with her when she departed. Thank her muchly. ♥

Yet again, Sweet Morpheus was cruel to me. I hope he’s kinder to HRH Lisa, at Crowell Manor, in Fort Thomas. 💕 I wonder if the Lesser-Red-Spotted Billum is still lesser-Red-Spotted? Let me know, Billum.

Then Colin Cramps gave me an attack in the legs and feet… he enjoyed his visit I think… I didn’t! Hehehe!

The Nottingham Lads’ True Tales of Woe

The Basement Laboratory at Crowell Towers

Designed & Created to be funny & get a smile or two!

With this morning’s (Wed) bleeding problems…

and the computer ones, too, by the time I got around to making time to think of what to do with today’s blog; the day had almost gone. However, I was determined to get summat sorted out to publish.

So I got a graphic that I’d started long ago, of HRH Lisa and Lesser Red-Spotted Professor Billum, in their basement laboratory, and titivated it, adding some, that I think amusing bits.

I hope you like it.

The Basement Laboratory at Crowell Towers

I added myself visiting.

Hope it goes down well! 💚

Inchcock; a bad day!

Regretfully, today I have got myself in a tangle with the computer, CorelDraw (What a mess I’ve got there!); and the card reader on the computer has still not been mastered to find out a way to get it to recognise the SD cards.

Add these to the ailments Duodenal Donald and Shaking Shoulder Shirley, and they have me beaten. Not to mention Cataract-Kathleen, making things nigh-on impossible for me with the CorelDraw problems. I’m depressed smidge now.

Yesterday I started a graphic for HRH Lisa and Billum. Not as detailed as I wanted it to be, but I hope they get a smile out of it! So I fumbled my way to finishing it, so I had something to blog.

I’ll keep trying to get the photos sorted; a weak effort, sorry.