Inchcock – Mon 29 Oct 2018: Feeling betterer this morning – Mini-Hobble into Nottingham – Photographs galore taken!

Sept 21a
Evil Ironclad Boll Weevil Biting Beetles still attacking! Humph!

Monday 29th October 2018

 Yiddish: 2מאָנטיק 29 אקטאבער 018

2345hrs: I stirred into imitation life and found myself a bit baffled at how well I was feeling emotional, after yesterday’s horrible afternoonmare of gloom, depression, and self-pity had taken such a hold over me. But I was glad the dysphoria had evanesced into the ether and was no longer making me feel dark and gloomy within. However, my self-malevolence had also departed, for which I am well-pleased.

The brains thoughts became prolix-like. Darting from one subject, brainwave or idea to the next in seconds, never finding or working out any resolutions or clarifications, no taking decisions or adopting or creating any plans.

The need for a wee-wee arrived. By the time I had disentangled my over-ample, clinically obese stomach and torso from the £300 second-hand recliner, a need for the Porcelain Throne had been added to my immediate requirements.

A surprisingly large amount of the evil ironclad Boll-Weevil black biting beetles was on the wet room floor. Tsk! Dang things!

The evacuation was almost enjoyable. No bleeding or pain emanated from Harold Haemorrhoid whatsoever. And, negative signs of Diahorrea Derek at work. Great!

As I washed my hands, it dawned on me that there was no hassle from Arthur Itis, Anne Gyna, Hippy Hilda, Reflux Roger, Hernia Harry, Back Ache Brenda or Duodenal Donald either! A rare but nervous-making concerning, situation, for someone with my luck… or lack of success usually. Hehehe!

When I do the bug spraying next in the wet room, I must get the floor mopped up well beforehand. The effect of the bug sprays is discolouring the place.

I felt a certain degree of alacrity creeping into my frame of mind.

Into the spare room, to find that the evil ironclad Boll-Weevil black biting beetle regiments in this room, had attacked with a Camisado-Camisade patrol. So many of them on the unwanted light and view-blocking new window ledge, but they were at least all dead ones.

The kitchen only had around ten corpses of weevils and two of LadyBugs.

As I took this picture out of the unwanted light and view-blocking new kitchen window.

 Then Reflux Roger started to give me some hassle. Sudden Big unforced breaths.

I got the Health Checks done. Then onto the computer to update the Excel graph record.

I’m off for a Warfarin blood test at 0900hrs in the morning. I must mention the high readings to the nurse. And, the blank spells and dizzies, too.

Another wee-wee, and back to the computer, and got the depressing Sunday diary finished and sent off to WordPress.

Made brew and made a start on this diary.

Then onto the WordPress Reader section. Next TFZer Facebooking. Then a mug of tea and a few (Honestly!) Scottish Shorties biscuits.

I took this photograph, supposed to be a panoramic shot, but it didn’t come out right. (Something that Mother said about me, that… Hahaha!) But it showed the frost and ice covered; landscape, houses, and roads on the high ground. I love it that you can see the footmarks across the bottom field where the out-very-early dogs had been walking their owners.

I got three small black bags of refuse made up to go to the to the waste chute, later when I get back. Too early to make the noise now. Then I made up a white bag of reusable rubbish, and put two glass jars in the shopping bag to go to the caretaker’s door on my way out.

Got the ablutions tended to. No shower this early in the day, of course, too much noise.

Did the medicationalisationing of the areas in need. Haha!

Hearing aids in, the right glasses on the head, picked up the new-to-me second-hand £2 wristwatch – Oh dear, it had stopped! I could see the battery-man in town later and get a new one; so I put the watch in the jacket pocket so as not to forget to take it with me…

I’m afraid to report that I put it in the wrong jacket pocket! Klutz! I set off down the lift with the bag and jars.

This map is of the mini-marathon walk/hobble that I took.

0730hrs: I dropped off the bag and glass, and set off along Chestnut Walk… the very icy slippery road and pavement in front of the apartments.

I hope the car windscreens thaw-out for the tenants before they get up and out. You’ll have noticed the parking on the double yellow lines I suppose? Rules have been removed for the period of the upgrading work with there being so few spaces available.

The sun kept trying to get through, not that it was warm enough yet to help with the thawing process.

This single leaf of the thousands laying frozen on the corner bit of grass at the corner of Winchester Street caught my eye. I cannot recall why I took this photograph. Something to do with nature, I suspect.

I plodded on down the hill. The sun got stronger. The ailments were not harmful to me at all at this stage, and I soon began to enjoy my perambulations.

Until I neared the traffic light junction with Mansfield Road. This ‘Herbert’ of a Nottinghamian Pavement Cyclist flew by me from behind at high speed, and close enough to startle me a bit.

My prayer that he slips on the ice then falls off and is mangled underneath the wheels of a pantechnicon lorry, were not answered. Tsk!

The traffic in Carrington was almost at a standstill on and off. I think at one stage I caught up with a static red cat in the queue!

It was getting warmer now, or rather, not so cold? Haha!

Starting to walk up the steep grade on Mansfield Road, then the next even steeper hill near the Rock Cemetry, created a lot of hassle and discomfort from Anne Gyna and Hippy Hilda for me.

As I passed by, I could see the moon still in the sky – amazing! So I took this picture.

As soon as I started on the downhill stretch to the flat Milton Street and beyond, the ailments gave me a welcome rest. Unfortunately, the plates-of-meat were beginning to sting something awful. Ah, well, you can’t win ’em all.

The plates and in particular the fibrous corn and callus on the left foot were up to at least Pain-Defcon-Three now. Haha!

The traffic was building up as I got into the City proper, onto Milton Street.

I did some window shopping for a while. Observing that for some reason the Nottinghamian Citizenry that came into view, looked to be far less troubled and depressed than they did on my last hobble to town… and with it being a Monday, this surprised me.

I called into the Tesco Metro store and bought a packet of wholemeal cobs. Paid at the self-serve till.

Did even more nosing around and window shopping.

Then made my way down King Street into the Slab Square.

Where they are constructing some amusements etc. for Halloween and or bonfire night, at least I assumed that is why.

Nowhere near open yet, the Ghost Train – Ghost Gator ride was massive!

Still, I kept seeing smiling faces on the Nottinghamians. Very disconcerting this was, I began to question my sanity.

I took a shot of the Debenhams Store and Long Row. Showing the scarcity of members of the Nottingham shoplifting, alcoholics, muggers and druggies, populace.

I made my way to the Fletch Gate branch of the Poundland shop. A certain lady is living in the flats who loves Pork Farm Pork Pies, and if Poundland has any, in I was going to treat her to one. Which, luckily they had in stock. Not so lucky perhaps, I came out with an overloaded bagful of other stuff as well! Most of an edacious nature! Yold! Chocolates, Social Hour Nibbles, cheese biscuits, Ritz, and a bag of Jelly Babies. But to be fair. 90% of them would be used as pressies for Christmas. Another £16 spent.

I paid at the Self-Serve till – and it was not until I had put them all through, that I realised it was a cash-only checkout. When I explained this to the lady assistant, she gave me a well-rehearsed, but welcome look that said: “Ah, poor old fool!” She cleared the till and took me to a Cash Card one, and even put the things through for me. Bless her Cotton Socks!

I thanked the woman sincerely, departed and went back to the Slab Square to take some more photographs.

It was a little dangerous around there now. Pavement Food Delivery Cyclists were starting to appear.

And the delivery lorries and vans and cash-in-transit wagons needed an eye keeping on them too!

A bloke came up to me and gave me a free newspaper.

Then a youth who reminded me of a drunken student in wearing posh clothes, and muttered some words that I could not understand. Not in a foreign language, I reckon he was drugged up or drunk. “Oblski darum owd un?” It sounded like a question. I replied: Oh no, but thanks!” He just walked away decidedly wobbly. No hassle at all.

I made my way up to Queen Street. The ever-changing lighting prompted me to take three photographs as I hobbled up the hill to the bus stop.

I caught a 40 bus back, cause I’d just missed the L9. Being early in the day still, the driver got me home to Winchester Street so quickly. With the now really-aching feet, I crossed the road and walked down to the Winwood Height Complex. (Sounds posh dunnit?)

I didn’t see a soul, worker or resident all the way down Chestnut Walk to the Woodthorpe Court. Not that this mattered, all I wanted now was a wee-wee. Got in the flat and Mo was sat in the foyer. We had a chinwag and laughed, and she picked a nibble from my bag.

When I got to the wet room, things had gotten into a pickle. I hadn’t managed to hold things in thoroughly. So after the belated wee-wee, a washing session and change of PP’s was needed. For once, I was not as embarrassed like I usually would be? Washed things and to the kitchen and did the Health Checks and medication taking.

Got some mushrooms in the saucepan, and the oven warming up for the bacon later.

Sister Jane rang, and we had a chinwag of an enjoyable nature. I can’t remember her telling me off about anything. Hahaha!

There was a break in the nattering session, cause I could not remember if I’d left the saucepan on high heat or not, and had to go and check. The pot was on a low light… but I’d left the tap running. I didn’t tell Jane. Hehe!

The drizzling began outside, and the sun took a rest. Compare this panoramic shot above of the one I made around 0700hrs this morning? The sun came out half an hour later again. Odd weather.

I caught up with the Facebook Photo Album updating.

Got the nosh served up.

Wholemeal bacon cobs, mushrooms, gherkins, and little tomatoes.

A 9.5/10 Taste Rating.

Went to clean the pots up, and the view of the fiery looking sky was grand.

So, I took a regular frame and then three zoomed in ones across the skyline.

It looked as if somewhere in Nottingham was getting a bit of localised rain. (Pic 3).

Settled onto the recliner to watch a Die Hard 4 DVD film and… Zzzz!

By Inchie

73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!


  1. Timothy Price – I specialize in daily art, documentary and promotional photography. If you have a special event such as a musical production, play, concert, etc. or have a product or fashion that you need photographed, or you are a performer, musician and artist in need of promotional photos please email me or call.
    Timothy Price says:

    Lots of great photos today. That was quite a lightning shaped trip. Happy the nicely arranged dinner got an A.

    1. Inchie – Nottingham. UK. – 73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Now awaiting Cataract & Glaucoma operations. Tsk! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!
      Inchcock says:

      Cheers, Tim.

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