Inchcock Today – Wednesday 15th May 2019: Whoopsiedangleplops at a minimum, but some daft ones had!

May 15

Wednesday 15th May 2019

Welsh: Dydd Mercher 15 Mai 2019

02:45hrs. Woke after a cramp-filled night. Got out of the £300 second-hand, c1968 recliner; not without pain. The legs and feet were still suffering from the marathon hobble and physio exercises. A wee-wee of the regular lately, SSPWW (Short-Sprinkly-Painful-Wee-wee) variety, using the EGPWWB (Emergency Grey Plastic Wee-wee bucket). It’s getting a little worrying, this lack of liquid-movement. I must ask the nurse today, if it is safe to take a Furesomide, with the legs not being too water-filled.

I made my way to take the medications and brew up a mug of tea. I made up three waste bags to take to the chute when I can get time, and no visitors are expected so I can get out.

Got the computer going, but… The magnificent Global Liberty Virgin internet kept going down, and it was so frustrating. Grr!

Finished updating the Tuesday blog, and got it sent off. During which I had three SSPWWs. A call to the Porcelain Throne was answered. Ye-ha! Evacuation at last! Painful, but I was so happy!

Made a start on this blog. Got the top two graphics made up, and the template, and kicked off, getting as far as here. The time now, for the ablutions, A shower, and shave, etc. I know I shouldn’t use the shower this early, but I really need to freshen up. Phew! Hehe! 

Back in a bit.

06:43hrs. I’m back. All clean and refreshed, clothes on, Ankle-Support at the ready. Made a brew, and again on the computer (still making more regrets than beefburgers eaten by Elvis!). Two more pathetic SSPWWs taken during the ablutionisationing.

Worked on another draft template as I waited for the Carer. Who Shadas (The Care Supervisor) told me, could now arrive twixt 07:00hrs and 09:00 hrs. The carer (Umar) came at 06:55hrs, I was most pleased with that. He soon had the Ankle-Support on for me.

INR Nurse arrived early to do the Warfarin INR blood taking for me.  Then a nurse arrived, who had been booked in for 10:00hrs arrived early. Talking mostly about moods,

Smashing, if I rush  (go slightly quicker… perhaps), I can get the 09:30hrs bus. Hey-Ho!

The new hearing aid being useless, I put in the SpecSaver crap ones.

I got to the bus stop on Chestnut Walk. A hearing aid literally popped out of the right lughole and bounced several yards into the gutter. I retrieved it and put it in, but it was like the other one; of no use. No interest was shown in any gossiping with me at first, (Or maybe I could not hear what folks were saying?). Some residents came around later. Mary, Christine, and Stew shared a laugh on the bus to Arnold with me. Although it was a smidge on the farcical side as conversations go. All three of us either had no hearings in or those in were damaged. Good job the lip-reading skills are not entirely useless. Haha! 


I took some snaps (above) while waiting at the bus stop.

I got off in Arnold, determined to try and get an extension cable for the broken one at home for the headphones. Of course, my having a talk to Mary, threw me off kilter, and I never got any cable. What a schlemiel!

Went in the Asda store, and wandered about, coming out with: a tin of chopped tomatoes with herbs, a milk roll loaf, rice cakes, mature cheddar cheers, cooked beef slices, and a tin of garden peas. The atmosphere in the store was terrible. I sensed a gloominess, satiated with a defeated discontentedness. Not from all the customers and staff, but a large proportion. When I did hear someone laughing, it made me want to investigate.

The closed down retail businesses I saw when I got out, added to the pessimism that abounded.

Paid at the self-serve till, and came out to nip over to the Fulton Foods store, to see if they any bargains, but they did not. But, I met Mary who was getting some flour, so we stayed together, had a look about and went to the bus stop on Front Street. Stew joined us later, and a conversation of great jocoseness was shared. I’m sure all of us were guessing what the other one was saying. Haha!

Mary watched the three-wheel-trolley-guide for me, while I took some photographs on Front Sreet.

Caroline from the top residential home got on the bus en route. I had a natter to her when we got back to the flats. Then went with Mary and Stew back to Woodthorpe Court.

Got in the flat and realised there had not been ant wee-wees required. But once indoors, that did start again – persistently. But they were of the SSPWW variety. Scarcely a few fluid ounces each time. Humh!

Got the fodder put away, and got the mushrooms sliced and in the crock-pot on the high setting.

I decided as I noticed a machine was free, to take the laundry down and get it going. Which I did. Got the clothes in an started, then returned upstairs, well, the lift to the flat. Where, I spent a while on the Porcelain Throne – with abject failure. Things felt hard.

By the time I got cleaned up and out of the wet room, it was time to go down to move the clobber to the dryer. Which I did. I was a little dubious about the rattling noise as the drum went round, and the filter was filthy, so I cleaned it first. I’ll mention this to Julie when I see her next. Up to the apartment, and got the computer on to update this blog. Until it was time to go down again, to collect the washing.

It’s surprising how big the amount of washing seems when it is dirty. The cleaned washing took up only a  half of the red bag, after being folded. I cleaned the drum and filter.

Got back up in the flat. I’d used the three-wheel trolley to put the bag on, instead of using a stick. The good thing about this was I did not leave the stick downstairs. Hehehe!

I got the togs put away, and got the oven on to do the chips in later.

I was soon back on the updating of this post.

Another summoning to the Porcelain Throne proved another failure! Hey-Ho!

I made a brew and took the evening medications a little early, including an extra Senna. I hope they soon start working! Forgot this time, not to take them with a hot drink. Schmuck!

The landline phone light flashed. It was Nurse Sue from the Stroke Team. She had called earlier, but I was out! I realised what might have happened, or to be more precise, I recognised how I had made a Whoopsiedangleplop – even if I didn’t understand how. Having had three helpers this morning, and three appointments being on the calendar, I thought I would be free to get out to the shops. I thought the second lady was Sue, coming early. Does that make sense? I may have got confused with the INR nurse. Oh, I did feel bad about it. I verbally lambasted myself! The gal will be calling again, on Friday at 09:30hrs.

The tea had gone cold now, so after another SSPWW (Let’s save time, and just assume the wee-wees came averaged two an hour for the rest of the day). Hahaha!

The view from the unwanted, light & view blocking new kitchen windows that have extra glass that needs cleaning, but can’t be reached, and needs step ladder usage to take a shot of the road below, was stunning.

There were precious few folks about anywhere nearby this late afternoon.

I was in the usual, feeling shattered mode again. Always the same in the afternoon for me.

Hello, another call to the Porcelain Throne. Back in a bit!

Ah-Ha! Movement! I sensed wrongly that things had been firm, but they were messy. So, at last, the Senna-Strikes! Hehe!

I made a start on the nosh, and got some chips in the oven cooking. The meal was smelling and looking fair enough, but the appetite let me down again. I didn’t eat a lot of it. The words from Care team leader Shadas, and Sister Jane ring in my ears, “You must lose Weight!”

Got the shakes as I was doing the pots, but avoided an accifauxpas okay.

Very tired, I got down really early.

I noticed the left leg was more bloated, and the right one was almost skinny? Might the Anoxonotmesis have some bearing?

The cramps came on again later, but not as bad as the last two nights; then again, I have not done so much walking.

Fell to sleep, but kept waking up for the most misleading and pathetic wee-wees ever! A few drops weakly dribbled out each time, then nothing. Until I would wake again later, and repeat the process. Most aggravating.

Eventually, they stopped bothering me, and a good four hours kip followed before I woke again, and it started all over again! Tsk!

By Inchie

73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!


  1. Timothy Price – I specialize in daily art, documentary and promotional photography. If you have a special event such as a musical production, play, concert, etc. or have a product or fashion that you need photographed, or you are a performer, musician and artist in need of promotional photos please email me or call.
    Timothy Price says:

    Look liked blue skies and maybe some sunshine for people being in gloomy moods. It’s nice you got to a little hobbling around and socializationing in with Mary and then stew. Decent looking meal.

    1. Inchie – Nottingham. UK. – 73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Now awaiting Cataract & Glaucoma operations. Tsk! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!
      Inchcock says:

      Cheers, Tim.
      Nurses galore yesterday, fout gals and an Inchcock in the flat yesterday! Hehehe!
      Urine infection, nurse sorted and fetched me some antibiotics. Super-care!
      Loved the furries, by the way.
      Cheers, Sir.

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