Inchcock Today – Tuesday 6th December 2016: Irritations, vexations, nuisances and annoyances, one of those days!


Tuesday 6th December 2016

 Samoan: 6 Aso Lua Tesema 2016

“The bellicoseness of essential communicational daily activities is wearing me down.”

Kept waking and nodding off again several times, the body telling me I needed to go for a WRWW, the mind telling me I needed sleep? The body won in the end, and around 0310hrs I tackled the job of getting out of the £300 second-hand recliner chair.


I’m getting organised now with the sleeping arrangements.

Hehe! The new thick cushion under the beautiful warm cover on the recliner was very comfortable and made it far easier for me to extract my mass from it when I got up out of it.

There was no leaked water around the porcelain in the wetroom this morning at all? This will please the plumbers when and if they arrive on Thursday won’t it? Put me right in their black book… Tsk oh dear!

2tue03I put the towel on the airer number two in the hallway and turned it on. Ready for the ablutions later, bet it will be nice and warm. In fact, it is just outside the wet room door.

I might leave it there until after the shower and grab it straight from the bars, all nice and warm when I need it?

Getting nesh in my old age methinks?

2tue01Went to get the undies socks and warm shirt from the airing cupboard and used the new battery powered light I’d stuck on the inside of the door for the first time.

If nothing else, it helps me avoid catching my knuckles on the sharp edges of the pipes and wood plank splinters.

Of course, Dumbo here fitted it upside down, so the light comes on with the switch in the up position.

2tue04Took the medications, made a cup of tea, had a WRWW and got the computer going. Spent a good while on WordPressing and then checked the Google Diary for today and a few days to come yet.

Looks rather busy again for me. I’ve tried to arrange as many things that require me to be in the flat, for Wednesdays. Cause I have to be in then for the cleaners and foot lady Susan.

Did some Facebooking, mustn’t take too long over this, as I need to get the ablutions done by 0930hrs so I can make a steady hobble to Carrington and the surgery for the INR Warfarin blood level tests. I’ve got the nurses nibbles in the bag ready. Might call into Lidle and get some tomatoes and bread, then have to get back in time for the Builders meeting at the Winwood shed. Not that I anticipate being able to hear anything mind, but Obergruppenfurheress Deana wants as many of us tenants as possible to attend.

Got an email from Andy in Canada asking for details of the porcelain leak, which I supplied. His advice given was “Keep an eye on the floor by the toilet bowl – before you use the shower it should be dry.” And as the plumber said to the Doctor when he was called late at night about a leaking toilet, ” throw two aspirins into it and call me in the morning “. Cheers Gerry.

I love his sense of humour!

Iceland order put in.

Ablutions tended to and nipped to see Olive. She said to let them come anyway so they can check it out.

2tue05Off out to the surgery in Carrington.

I noticed these whatever they are on the bushes at the end of the road.

Dark blue berries of some sort, full of seeds, some appear new growth and some dying.

Wondered what they were like?

Onward down to Mansfield Road and left into Carrington.

2tue06A Sherwood Pavement Cyclist approached me, and I bravely took his photo.

A right hoodie, with a mask on as well.

Down to the surgery and did the crosswords while waiting my turn.

The nurse soon tended to me, gave them their nibbles and out down into Carrington. Where, as I passed the launderette, I saw BJ in there. Popped in for a chinwag with him.

Then into the Lidl shop and got some stuff, out to the bus stop and a bus into Sherwood. Called into the Birds shop and got a cream cake. Naughty!

I had a new type of dizzy spell, instant, frit me a bit.

Had a great chinwag and laughed with some lady tenants as we waited for the bus, and another on the bus. They were all going to go to the Winwood meeting at 1400hrs.

When we arrived back at the flats, the mist and fog had descended.


Put the fodder away, having a salad tonight I’ve decided.

Made a cup of tea and heard a noise I thought. Found out its letters coming through the mailbox. Both from Nottingham City Homes regarding the non-working storage radiator, which was reported on the 1st November, tended to on 30th November, failed to work and revisited me on  3rd December and is now working: Both letters inform me that they will attend to sort out the problem on Wednesday 21st December?

What? Eh?


They do confuse me!

Tried to repair the broken trouser zip – failed

Made another brew and updated this diary.

Caught up on Facebook.

Walked to the Winwood Centre Shed for the meeting. Packed solid, no chance of hearing anyone talking, so gave up and departed. As I returned, I noted that no one was in the laundry room, took the opportunity to fetch the remaining washing down and got it in the washer.

Up and got the fodder prepared, salad sort of, tonight.

Back down and moved the things into the dryer and started it. The filter had not been cleaned again. Realised I’d made a faux pas putting the new dressing gown in with the other stuff. Bit’s of blue fluff had attached them to every piece of clothing! I tried to remove some of then, but they didn’t have it.

The fog was mysteriously disappearing as quickly as it came.

Got the meal things prepared on the plate, Buttered cheesy topped cobs, beetroot, pickled mushrooms, Mixed Chinese mushrooms in olive oil, sliced tomatoes, mushroom pate on the plate and covered with foil. The saucepan of water was heating up ready to cook the Mushroom Tortelloni in when I got back from retrieving the laundry and went down again to the laundry room.

Oh dear, what a mess to sort out with the dressing gown bits seemingly infesting all the other clothes looking a bit like Smallpox! That will be for later, though, finishing the 2tue09meal is most important at the moment.

Boiled the Mushroom Tortellini in the salted water for the prescribed 6-7 minutes. Never had this before, and after I’ve eaten the remaining half of the packet later, I don’t think I’ll bother having again.

Tasteless, bland and mushrooms contained in the pasta was an insipid paste.

The rest of the meal, though, was grand and lip-smackingly good. Shame about the Tortellini.

My EQ didn’t vaticinate well for me tomorrow for some reason.

Having a WRWW, another instant dizzy spell hit me.

Settled to watch some TV and indeed I managed to for a couple of hours or so. During the commercial break just before Law & Order came on I drifted off.