Inchcock Today – Wednesday 25th July 2018: Hospital Blood Test, and Two Visitors!


Wednesday 25th July 2018

Belarusian: Серада 25 ліпеня 2018

0330hrs: I woke with a self-gallimatia filled brain, waffling, challenging, fearful of, confused, scared and apprehensive about everything that wandered within range of my paranoia. Ashamed at my own failings. Did I say that?

But, this did not last for long. As the grey-cells formed into an excuse for a semi-logicality-mode, I remembered (Well, I saw the sign I’d left to remind myself about it hanging over the TV screen) that I have to go to the City Hospital for by INR DVT Warfarin blood test today – as the doctors had again failed to make me an appointment with their Nurse. So I can expect another ‘telling-off’ for going to the hospital for the tests – Tsk!

I forced my body mass out of the £300 second-hand recliner with a surprising amount of ease and minimal hassle from any of the ailments. The multiple bruises on the left leg made it a bit delicate and stiff, but as of now, this is the only trouble. Fantastic start to the day.

Got to the kitchen without any toe stubbing or knocking anything over. No Shaking Shaun or Dizzy Dennis hassle, aught, other than the bruises on the left thigh.

The results were about the same as they have been for five checks on the trot now. Sys a smidge low, but nowt to fret over methinks.

I took the morning medications.

The machine supplied by Nottingham City Homes that shows the humidity and temperature of the flat were showing perfect for the first one, and too hot for the heat. Nothing new there then. Hehe! No point in mentioning it again, all we get told is “It’s the same for everyone!”

I got on with updating the Tuesday Post.

I got sidetracked when I discovered I needed to suddenly and urgently use the Porcelain Throne. I needed all of my new found legerity to get to the wet room in time, and it was only just in time, that I got in position on the throne. Just avoiding another accifauxpa, by the narrowest of margins. Phew! Messy again, lots of cleaning up needed for the porcelain and me. Tsk!

Back to the computer and finalised and posted the Tuesday diary.

I got up to make a mug of tea, and the bruised areas on the left thigh were stinging. I considered whether I should go later and catch the bus to the hospital to avoid the pain of walking all that way. But I decided against it, hobbling there would let me get some exercise in and this should help to keep the weight from increasing any more, I thought.

Popped onto Facebook.

Ironclad biting beetles found in the kitchen and wet room!

I got the ablutions tended to, black bags, empty sauce bottle washed and recycling bag all collated.

Took the bags to the waste chute and got in the lift and down to the ground floor.

Took a snap of the electronic notice board, and went through the foyer outside.

Left the recycling bag at the door and put the bottle in the green bin.

A lovely breeze was blowing, a warm, muggy type of one, but it helped all the same with the heat.

Carried on up the gravel footpath and into the Woodthorpe Grange Park.

Spotted some Nottingham Street Artwork that had been created in and on the littler bin near the cut-through passage.

The whiff from it indicated the possibility of uneaten Indian take away, was to be found underneath the rest of the crap in the box.

For a moment the dogs and owners, most pedestrians, the cyclists and playing ankle-snappers, all seemed to disappear as I plodded on down to Mansfield Road.

I stopped under the clumb of trees I usually have a rest at and searched, camera in hand, looking for any birds or wildlife I might see, to take a photographicalisation.

But the branches were free of life, s far as I could tell.

Then as I went to move on, I noticed the lady with her rescue greyhound, making her way towards me.

That was so kind of her. She allowed me to fuss the adorable dog for a bit, well, a lot. Hehe!

There is something about this animal that forces me to love the little thing. The woman even got him to pose for his photo.

Bless both their cotton socks!

I was cheered further now, after that bit of fuss giving. I pressed on with a renewed vigour, despite the plates-of-meat stinging something awful. Down Magnus Road and as I passed near the traffic island, I noticed the Nottingham Prison towards the end of the road (White building).

This brought thoughts of the murder and three stabbings in those walls last week.

Down Edwards Lane and left onto the ring-road.

The lawn tennis courts looked rather sad. (Later a chap told in the blood taking queue, that we are at risk of floods with the coming storms on Friday? Oh, dear, I must look this up when I get home.

I came across a lump of broken off tree-branch on the footpath.

It had a giant beetle on it that shone almost luminescently.

Another alien? Hehe!

I got a hell of a shock as I started to move on after taking the photo I can tell you.

I almost jumped off the ground!

This Nottingham Pavement Cyclist shot by me at the fair rate of knots, and so close to hitting me!

Still, she probably didn’t even know she’d done it.

I leant over the bridge above the rubbish filled, almost to the Nottingham Street Artist standard, river Leen.

As far as I could tell, there was nothing new in the water, no, there was a McDonald’s box that I had not noticed last week. But the display seemed to have been rearranged?

A few yards further on, there were several dead bumble-bees. Last week after seeing some of these unfortunate things dead on the street, I meant to check what time of year they die off; if indeed, they do. I’ll try to remember when I get home to check this time.

I found this later: Bumblebee nests grow throughout the season and produce new males and queens in autumn. Throughout the life of the nest, a large number of smaller worker bees help the nest to grow by collecting nectar and pollen – these are the bees that you see out and about in summer. These workers only live for a few weeks, and then sadly die. It’s therefore entirely reasonable to see a small number of dead bees in the garden. So long as you still see live bees in the area, then it’s unlikely to be something new that we should be worrying about.

I got in the hospital and took a ticket and sat down, got the crossword book out and awaited my turn.

I was pleased to assist a chap who was struggling with the ticket machine.

I got one crossword finished with having to check on one answer. Then another without having to peep at all! Smug Mode adopted!

A long wait today, can’t be helped. When my number came on the board, I trotted into the room, gave the lady my paperwork, confirmed name and address, and she set about taking the blood.

As she was doing this, the fire alarm activated. But the blood would not stop bleeding after the test was done! Various people came into the room to remonstrate about why we had left the building. Tsk! The nurse but on to big balls of cotton wool plaster to the arm and told me not to carry the bag with the right arm, and keep an eye on things, and ring three-nines if it starts bleeding and I can’t stop it. I gave her the bag of nibbles and departed.

Seconds after taking this picture as I left the building, the few people in view turned into a mob of dozens as they all started to flood back into the building.

I assumed the fire brigade had attended and given the all clear.

I had to stand to one side while the crowd of patients, porters and doctors returned inside.

Empty outside now, apart from a security officer in the car park.

Cars were still driving in, as a fire tender arrived.

By the time I had moved out of the way onto the narrow footpath, two more fire-tenders and a ladder had arrived!

Fortunately, as soon as I arrived at the bus stop, a number 40 came, excellent timing.

Only a short journey back to the flats.

When we arrived in Sherwood, everything seemed jammed up traffic wise.

Isn’t it annoying when this happens, and you don’t know why? Hehe!

It took us as long as it did to get there from the hospital, to move down the hill to the traffic lights.

Walked up to the apartments from the bus stop, the feet now worse than ever, but I am not complaining at all; No dizzies, shakes, Anne Gyna, Arthur Itis, Duodenal Donald or Reflux Roger bother at all.

I think the workers were on their dinner break, for they were few and far between.

Just thinking how lucky I have been today. Now there’s something that doesn’t often happen!

I know, give it time. Haha!

It reminded one a little of a battlefield as I made my way along Chestnut Walk back to Woodthorpe Court, with ideas of making a brew.

I gave the caretaker a smile and hello. He was in his usual fashion leaning on something and using his mobile phone. Just as well I didn’t expect to get any reaction to my greetings, cause I didn’t get any.

Having successfully manoeuvered my way to the foyer and up the lift, without seeing a soul, I made the mug of tea and checked on the arm. Taking off the sticky-plaster and cotton wool balls, I found not a trace of any blood?

I stripped down to the Protection Pants.

Got the Health Checks done and medications taken.

Started on sorting today’s photographs taken and the updating of this post.

The door chimes rang out, and Warden Deana walked in. I’m glad I didn’t strip down all the way now! Hehehe! She did laugh, bless her! Then did the alarm tests, the fire alarm in the flat and the wrist Health Alarm checks. Both Okay.

Back to updating this blog up to here. Then updated the TFZer page on Facebook.

On to the WordPress Reader section next.

Got the dinner prepped and did the last Health Checks.

Got the meal served up.

Hash Brown Fries, tomatoes, gherkins and the last of the Cumberland mini-sausages.

Settled to watch TV while eating it.

I fell asleep (Blissfull) with the headphones on. Woke up and went to the wet room.

In walked Frank. With the headphones on, I had heard the door chimes. Hehe! So, a second person gets the shock of seeing me in just the PP’s. The chap had bought me some Pork Farm Pork Pies from Jenny. That was so kind of them. I thanked Frank, and he departed, perhaps a little shocked at seeing my stomach dominated mass with scarred dangly legs. Must have been a shock to the lad. Sorry, Frank. Hahaha!

I think the half-hour kip earlier must have been what stopped me getting to sleep again afterwards. Well gone midnight before I managed to get off into the land of Nod!


By Inchie

73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!


  1. Timothy Price – I specialize in daily art, documentary and promotional photography. If you have a special event such as a musical production, play, concert, etc. or have a product or fashion that you need photographed, or you are a performer, musician and artist in need of promotional photos please email me or call.
    Timothy Price says:

    I see you flat has assumed body temperature again. Surely uncomfortable at 40% humidity. Dog petting is good for you, maybe you can find more pooches to pet. We have volunteers who walk around with therapy dogs in our local airport and let people pet them and play with them to help calm their nerves before flying off. Sparse but well arranged meal.

    1. Inchie – Nottingham. UK. – 73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Now awaiting Cataract & Glaucoma operations. Tsk! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!
      Inchcock says:

      Humidity and temp might change if the weather forecast is right. Thunderstorm Warning put out for this afternoon and evening. And here’s me, Tim, with no way of photographing through the damned sealed-up windows! Tsk and bother! Hehe!
      But they have been known to get it wrond weatherwise before, fingers crossed it come while I am awake and I can nip down and out of the lobby to get some shots. (If it comes).
      The fussing of dogs and cats is something I miss. Great idea at the airport!
      I got fed-up lately of my not finishing my meals, so tried a smaller one. Of course, the noctrnal nibbling followed. Tsk! Haha!
      Cheers Sir, taketh care, thanks.

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