Inchcock Today – Wednesday 11th July 2018: Stubbed Toe, My left arm goes blue, England Lose and the mind wanders off on it own course… Tsk!


Wednesday 11th July 2018

Catalan: Dimecres 11 de Juliol de 2018

0445hrs: I jumped awake, without knowing the reason. I had a feeling it was far later that it was, and a bit of the panic frenzied into my mind – Was I too late to get the DVT clinic for the blood tests.

Whoopsie O1AA Saw the scrawled note I’d left for myself on the computer screen. Disentangled my torso and limbs from the £300 second-hand recliner, got up knocking the TV remote, mobile phone and an empty cheese curl packet onto the carpet, stood up and crushed a cheese curl, scratched at the itching blotches on the arm – drawing blood, stubbed my toe on the Ottoman, and retrieved the note from the computer.

I placed the note along with the Anticoagulation Sheet in the jacket pocket so as not to forget them later. Then got the Health Checks done and medications were taken.


3Wed02Got the blotches ointmentated, and what a mess it was again.

Lethal that ointment is, I wonder if it is even biodegradable!

It just seems to stay there on the surface of the blemishes and skin and not absorb into the flesh at all?

3Wed01One or two of the really dark red spots had returned on the chest.

The arms seemed to be the same as yesterday.

The only lousy itching was coming from the arms and throat area at this time. Having just written this down. The shoulders are now prickling away and in need of a good scratching too! Tsk!

I got on the computer and began to finish off yesterday’s post. With the time being limited, and the need for ablutionalisationing ready for the hobble to the hospital needed soon, I rushed it a bit. I hope I haven’t made any errors in it.

Got it done and made a small mug of tea3Wed03.

Crickey, to say that there is no sunshine at all, it was really close and warm in the kitchen now.

32°c – 91°f.

I had a look in the gap between the outside cellophane sheeting and the windows, to see if I could spot any of the alien ironclad mini 3Wed04beetles lurking about. I couldn’t see any there, but a few dead ones were on the ledge.

I then made a start on this diary up to here.

Then had to go to get the ablutions tended to. I did not want to arrive too late for the blood test at the City Hospital.

With the weight suddenly increasing I should really have a strenuous hard hobble today. I’ll have a stiff walk to the hospital.

Got the ablutions tended to and medicated the areas in need. (Harold’s Haemorrhoids, Belinda’s Blotches,, and Little Inchies Lesion).

3Wed05I took out what would have been before they reduced the size of the waste-intake tray, two black bags of rubbish, but now needed five smaller sack bags, and three recycle bags, that would have taken one before.

Into the elevator to find half of the lights were out of order. Not that this bothered me at all, the cage shuddering did though. Tsk!

3Wed06Across the road and looked back to take this sunless photo of all three of the buildings from the bottom of the gravel hill path.

Got up it the incline with no bother, even Anne Gyna hardly let me know she was there at all.

Got a good pace going (For me) and kept it up all the way up and through Woodthorpe Grange Park pathway.

The mind wandered off with its usual fretting about varied things and problems. So much so, that 45 minutes later as I got to the turn for the hospital, I realised I had not taken the camera out once.

Got into the waiting area and collected my numbered turn-ticket and sat down. One heck of a long wait this morning. My fault for leaving later than I’d planned, through my spending so long on the computerisationing. But, I got a good session in on the crossword book.

Eventually, 149 rang out, and in I went. Got a trainee today. He dug in a bit deeper than usual, but no problems or Whoopsiedangleplops ensued.

Thanked him and handed the bag of nibbles over. Another nurse said in reply to my saying “Some nibbles for your tea-break”; “They’ll last about 20 seconds” and laughed.

I departed and went to catch a bus into the City Centre.

When we dropped off the bus on Milton Street, a single decker bus was parked half-way around the corner of the Shakespeare Street traffic light. Several men in hi-vis jackets were directing the traffic, no idea what had occurred, but as usual in Nottingham, there were no Police Officers in sight. In fact, I didn’t see one anywhere today!

3Wed07I poddled to Tesco and consulted my shopping list. I got the milk and some oven-bottom-rolls and a TV paper for next week. But they didn’t have any fresh peas, spring water or ice-cream cones.

A bit of a shopping trip flop, indeed.

Out of the shopping centre (mall) and walked up through Trinity Square.

3Wed08The Newly opened Curious Manor eatery, in the brand new part of the food court, did not exactly seem to be making a roaring trade. Sad innit?

I limped down Kings Walk onto Upper Parliament Street.

The impression and looks on the Nottinghamian’s face offered a depressed and 3Wed10unbothered or uninterested feel to the place.

Maybe they were more concerned with whether the shops will have enough stock in for them to shoplift and where and who to fight with tonight after the match with Croatia?

I had a walk around the Slab Square.

Some entertainments were being erected there 3Wed09again.

The sky was so beautiful.

Not that the mobile using populous seemed interested.

Many looks of complete boredom and disinterest mingled amongst the odd drunk and loud sozzled students.

This young Nottinghamian Pavement Cyclist was doing wheelies on the corner of King Street and Queen street. A V bend that is very dangerous, with many buses and delivery lorries coming around at all times. He got away with it and was not hit and crushed under the wheels of any vehicle. Just as well, cause there were no policemen or even imitation ones anywhere to be seen to help.


3Wed11aAs I got to the L9 bus stop at the top of Queen Street, I took this photographicalisation of the Little John clock tower on top of the Nottingham Council House.

As is usual, this 5 minutes past the hour L9 was very late arriving.

By the time one lady and I got on the vehicle, I was feeling well drained. I kept nodding off on the bus en route. I was fortunate to wake up in time to get off at the right stop. Hehe!.

Walked along Chestnut Walk back to the apartments, taking these pictures.


3Wed12aWhoopsie O1AA I got to the flats, and Mo was there in the foyer. We had a natter and laugh. She spotted the state of my left hand, something which apart from it itching, I had not seen.

In the lift, I had a closer look at it. The whole arm had swollen and gone a sort of blue-red in colour. Hello, I thought, this doesn’t bode well for old codger? Hehe!

3Wed12aaGot in the apartment, and the heat again hit me as I entered through the door.

Got the bits I’d bought put away.

Got some mushrooms on the boil. 

I stripped off to keep cool and to check out the blotches/blemishes elsewhere on the body.


Apart from where I had apparently been scratching, they were no worse than they were earlier. And, the left wrist and hand had gone down and back to more normal colouration, pale and anaemic looking.

I did the applying of some of the Clobetasone Ointment and then had a read of the leaflet that came in the box.

3Wed16An interesting side-effects list:

  • An increased skin infection. Gorrit!
  • An allergic reaction. Gorrit!
  • A feeling of burning, irritation or itching when the ointment is applied, Gorrit!
  • Rash, itchy bumpy skin or redness of the skin. Gorrit!

I just love this next one…

  • Increase in hair growth, appetite and changes in colour. Got some! Hehe!
  • Thinning of your skin that might damage more easily. Gorrit!
  • Weight Gain and high blood pressure. Gorrit!
  • Bone can become thin weak and break easily. Oh, heck!
  • Non-translucent lenses in your eyes. ?

Made a start on updating this blog. It took me three hours to get up to here, Shaking Shaun’s visit didn’t help me progress as quickly as I would have liked.

I noticed on the web, these sub-title headlines on the Nottingham News page:

  • Girl, 13, stole two bottles of champagne from John Lewis.
  • Teenager appears in court in connection with stabbing in Intu Centre.
  • Student released on Curfew for stabbing 27-year old and possessing cannabis.
  • Man, 72, arrested for stabbing the 27-year-old in Lower Parliament Street.
  • Four arrests after a gang fight in Sneinton.
  • Police address mamba use and rough sleeping in the town centre.
  • Ten years for man who abused two girls ten years apart.
  • A man has been arrested and charged with criminal damage,
    after a window at Nottingham’s Tourist Information Centre was smashed. Dembo Sillah, 21, of Beauvale Road, Nottingham, is set to appear at Nottingham Magistrates’ Court on 24 July 2018.
  • Football related disorder will not be tolerated in Nottingham. Hehe!
  • Man charged and remanded to court after two police officers were attacked.
  • Appeal after stabbing in St Ann’s.
  • Man arrested following an assault in Radford.
  • Grandad, 70, in court after growing cannabis to ease arthritis.
  • Inmate threw urine over prison wardens to pay off spice and mamba debt.
  • Masked teen locked up after stabbing boy, 16, on his way to sit an exam.
  • Man held hunting knife to woman’s throat in Long Eaton.
  • Nottingham is the most crime-ridden university city outside London.

Depressive innit? Humph!

The upcoming football situation with England, proves my irresolute, in two minds, undecided, unresolved, ever in a dilemma frame of mind. I’d love it if England could beat Croatia and then France to win the World Cup. But I fear so that France is having so much luck in this competition, and are so hard to beat. I find myself accepting  England will go farther, and am so proud of them for getting this far.

Got the Health checks done.

3Wed30First things first, I’ll get the nosh sorted in time for me to watch the match later.

Again, I didn’t manage to eat anywhere near all of it but did enjoy what I did have.

I got settled into the £300 second-hand recliner and settled to watch the match and listen to Herberts banging away upstairs.

I wasn’t surprised at the result. But, as I said earlier, I was impressed with England getting this far in the competition. I do not think that Croatia can beat France, but I pray that they do!

The blotches and blemishes were still itching, but the blue colouration and tingling were far less than yesterday. I think they might be receding at last. Which is good news, cause then I can go to the PPS Steaming day on Saturday with BJ. 

I was concerned about how and why the left lower arm and wrist went all blue and hurting earlier. But no bother since. Isn’t life confusing? Hehe!

I fell asleep later again. The old brain had gone off on one it’s self-regulated panic and fretting about anything and everything mode once more.

Windows Update Again: Life is complicated enough, without this! Argh!

I just got a message up when I started the computer…

After the last lot, when Grammarly went bonkers, I couldn’t find the passwords that had disappeared, CorelDraw had to be reinstalled, the computer started saving photos to a file of its own choice, and could not delete from DropBox without a file being deleted from everywhere… It made me poorly!

Just thought I’d mention it, like.

Now. wherever are my tablets?


Argh! More Windows Updates. Suicide becomes a little more appealing! Hehe!

Inchcock Today – Tuesday 10th July 2018: Contagious Blotches kept me indoors, again. Tsk!


Tuesday 10th July 2018

Russian: Вторник, 10 июля 2018 года

0345hrs: I woke up, and immediately found my brain active and operational in a positive, analogical, cognitive and conceptual thinking mode. So many thoughts were arriving for my consideration; but this time, important ones. Brexit negotiations, death and would a France v England World Cup final bring about Brexit battles, being the most interesting of the considerations needing tackling.

Then, suddenly I needed to visit the Porcelain Throne, and these interesting for once thoughts, faded, never to return.

The evacuation session was another messy one. I got cleaned up and checked out the condition of the blotches.

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The Clobavate 0.05% w/w Ointment was applied. What a mess it made too. It just didn’t seem to soak into the skin at all. I can feel it on my hands and fingers, even after trying to clean it off with bleach and disinfectant. It seems to spread to anything else I touch. Mind you; I have gleaming, shiny keyboard buttons now! Hehe!  Preventing the tea mug from slipping from my fingers ain’t easy, either. Tsk!

I then got the Health Checks sorted.


2Tue04The hemadynamometer worked the first time.

The readings so far this week have been showing as pretty regular and close to each other.

I took the usual morning medications with an added Dia-Stop capsule.

There’s still no appointment for this weeks blood test come through. So, if it fails to arrive, I will go to the City Hospital DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) clinic for the blood check. The surgery will no doubt tell me off for not going to them as they say I should. If this happens, I intend to tell them calmly; “If you do not send me the test results and new medication dosages for the week, and no appointment for next weeks examination (Which they have not done yet) – what am I expected to do please?” Smug and possibly going to get in trouble again mode adopted! Haha!

2Tue06Whoopsie2 I feel obliged to offer some advice, to fellow Klutzes at this stage. 

If you have trouble opening and extracting the bubble-packed Anti-Diahorrea capsules, it is best if you use a metal gauntlet glove or kitchen towelling to protect your digits, before getting all het-up and tearing at the foil. Just a thought. Huh!

2Tue07I got the last of the fresh garden peas podded. The Polish mushrooms cleaned and cut up, and both into the pan on a low light.

Seasoned them a little balsamic vinegar, onion salt and a bit of mint.

No idea how they will come out tasting, but I’m definitely getting more adventurous with the flavours nowadays.

Whoopsie2 As I got the computer in to start this post off, The Liberty Virgin Internet went down. Thankfully it came back on minutes later after resetting, but a little slow still.

I got caught up to here and then finished off and posted yesterday’s blog.

Made a graphic of the new Government Cabinet and added, a ghost-like William Gladstone, Churchill and Thatcher to it, for a bit of fun.


Checked the comments on WordPress, then went to the Reader page.

Odd noises from above, of a nature that I’ve never heard before.

But of course, I am not complaining, just mentioning it. No point in my risking getting another telling-off and sneered at from the Nottingham City Homes Mangement for my quoting the truth about the noises. As the Obergruppenfurheress Management, told me; He is doing nothing wrong, just following his hobby of model making, and I’ll have to put up with it. I don’t want to lose my home. Oh heck, I forgot there that I was told not to put any conversations I have with any Nottingham City Homes Management, employees, representative or agent on my blog. Sorry about that, I’ll cross it off.

Getting late in the morning now. Went on to Facebooking next.

Whoopsie2 Virgin Internet went down again – Tsk!

All quiet on the upper front! (Herbert BBJ). Getting tired now. (And fed-up with the internet going down?!)

2Tue08Went in the get the oven on for the frikadellens. The plan is for the frik’s, cheesy mash, peas and mushrooms for the nosh. Might have some gherkins and tomatoes as well with it.

Made some notes scrawled on a sheet of the pad, to place on the computer screen so I should see it in the morning, and not forget anything. (We’ll see, Hehe!) I realised when I’m done it, that the making up of the bag of nibbles was missed off. So, I got them done and in the bag straight away.

Whoopsie2 Damn it! The blotches on the ribs have started to sting without them being touched, and not very pleasantly. I’m in just the PPs, so I hope when I put on a shirt, things don’t get worse. Sod-it! I thought things were going to be alright with this problem, too. Stupe!

Did the Health Checks and tool the medications. Applied the Clobavate 0.05% w/w ointment. I hope I don’t slip or fall over if I do, I slide to the other end of the flat! Talk about greasy. I used the paper towel to try an get it off of my hands, but the stuff seems intent on staying where it is and running elsewhere when it melts in the heat and runs down onto the PPs and body parts below? Grumph!

Whoopsie2 Got the meal prepared eventually. It took me ages! Nearly letting things slip out of the greasy ointmentated hands occasionally. In fact, I later dropped a mug, but luckily it did not break.

Now, after the ointment is applied, the stinging continues and the itching is getting worse. Pee’d-off with this!

2Tue09Got the meal served up. I made the cheesy potatoes with a little too much cheese, and it came out almost liquid. So I drank it as opposed to eating it. Hehe!

Heck of a job cleaning things afterwards with the slippery digits and limbs from the ointment. I wonder if that Novichok nerve agent has the same formulae? Hehehe!

2Tue10I noticed that in the dirt stuck in between plastic sheets and the window, several of the mini-armour-plated beetles had taken up residence. Can’t get to them without tearing the plastic, and I don’t want to do that.

Did the Health Checks etc. to the tune of some entertaining Tippy-Tappy, bang, knock-knocking and clunks from Sir snotty can do no wrong Herbert above.

But of course, I am not complaining, just mentioning it. No point in my risking getting another telling-off and being sneered at by the Nottingham City Homes Mangement for my quoting the truth about the noises. As the Obergruppenfurheress Management, told me; He is doing nothing wrong, just following his hobby of model making, and I’ll have to put up with it. I don’t want to lose my home. Oh heck, I forgot there that I was told not to put any conversations I have with any Nottingham City Homes Management, employees, representative or agent on my blog. Sorry about that, I’ll cross it off.

Whoopsie2 Settled down to eat the lemon yoghourt and sudden itching from the blotches needed scratching, and I shot to get my hand to the side of the rib-cage for a good rub, and a finger went into the dessert pot. Great, now I have the just applied ointment, and yogourt mix making the skin clammier than ever!

Extracted the body from the £300 second-hand recliner, and back to the kitchen for a clean-up. Noticing en route how hot it was, despite there being no sun out at the moment?


33°f in the front room and 38°f in the kitchen.

I just knew (EQ informed me) that France would beat Belgium in the World Cup semi-final. So decided not to watch the game. But of course changing channels on the TV, I came across the match and stayed watching it.

So, England has to beat Croatia to get in the final v France. And then, if they do that, a miracle will be needed for them to beat France. I can hope, of course, that’s all.

I noticed the legs and ankles were now itching as well.


Aha, looks like the blotches have now started to spread down to the ankles now?

Blissfully, I nodded off fairly quickly after this.

The flashing light from the phone woke me up. I was in a confused state when I answered it. T’was Big John Wayne (Pete), ringing to ask if I want to go to the PPS (Papplewock Pumping Station) in-steam on Saturday. I really did want to go, but just hoped that the contagious blotches would have cleared up by then. I explained to John. The other thing to think of was he could pick me up at 1230hrs, which will mean a late arrival home. So I will have to take all the paraphernalia to cope with bladder, bleeding, medications and medicating stuff with me, and hope that staying out so long will not set other ailments going. I’m concerned about these possible problems, as I am about the Skegness trip, too. It’s horrible when one cannot just go where one would like without all the fears and complications in going out for a day. I thanked him for the offer and promised I would let him know about going or not on Friday.

I lay there after the call, stewing in self-pity, fretting and depressed.

Sleep would not return for hours. The shakes, itching and brain ensured this. Not felt so down for a long time, but why?


Inchcock Today – Monday 9th July 2018


Monday 9th July 2018

Scots Gaelic: Diluain 9 Iuchar 2018

0030hrs (Approx.): I woke, wearing just the PP’s, out of the recliner, ran down the twenty-four flights of stairs, smashed straight through the foyer doors, and ran outside (With the shattered glass repairing itself and reforming as I ran on). None-stopping, constant movement, going through the tree copse, I ran up the gravel hill path into the park, almost gazelle-like. Dozens of dogs chased me, each with a ball or stick in their mouths and their tails wagging. I ran all the way to Skegness, through rain, snow, blizzards, and sunshine… Fell down a sewer, the lid breaking-up and seemingly made of chocolate, ate a bit of it as I tumbled down the shaft, and smashed into a tunnel, with sarcinarious pit ponies working. Then I woke up for real!

Astonishingly, all the above details I found later, mostly legibly scrawled on my notepad. I thought I fell asleep quickly again, but couldn’t have, or I would have recalled making the notes, undoubtedly?

0450hrs: I bestirred into a semi-lifelike state, and lay there a few moments, half expecting to find I was still dreaming again. An odd, addlepated start to the day!

I was soon battling my way out of the £300 second-hand recliner, and the first Whoopsiedangleplop of the day was discovered.

1Mon01b 1Mon01b I was gobsmacked when I noticed what was in the waste bin, indicating the amount of nocturnal nibbling that had taken place.

Oh dearie me! Oy-yoy-yoy!

Shame and self-loathing modes were adopted! With Depression-Mode on stand-by. Tsk!

1Mon03I then trudged into the kitchen, and although there was no sunshine outside, I was surprised to see how high the temperature was.

31°c – 87.8°f. This reminded me to look for a suitable fan, 16″ oscillating as advised by TFZer. Sandie.

The first of many short, sharp wee-wees was taken. 

If it is my own Doctor Vindla and they can fit me to see me today, I must remember to 1Mon02mention this to her when I show her the blotches and get a diagnosis and hopefully some advice from her. Although, the shingle-like-blotches are not so bothersome this morning, and looked to be calming down now.

1Mon01b Although, there were some new spots that at first, I thought were some of the alien tank-like built mini-beetles. I went to brush them off, and one of them bled a tiny bit. So, I assumed they were bits that had been leaking a little bit and had dried up, as things get betterer. Not a pretty sight to look at all the same. Hehe!


1Mon01aGot today’s Health Checks done.

1Mon01b Going to take the medications with a mug of tea, and luckily I noticed that I had made a mess of making this weeks pots. I’d put the night in the morning row of pots! Readjusted them. Then made up the Excel record of last weeks Health Check results to take with me to the surgery.


Made a start on this diary up to here.

Too early to have a shower for fear of disturbing my neighbours. No time to get on with updating yesterday’s post, or I might be late getting to the surgery. And, being as I have to beg to see if the doctors will look at me without an appointment, and sit around waiting if he or she can, I do not want to get there late.

So, already being stripped of everything bar me PP’s, I went to the wet room and did the teeth, had a much-needed shave. Then come 0800hrs, I can have the shower and do the medicationalisationing of the lower regions front and back. Hehehe! Back in a bit, I hope. Adept planning, this yer know! Hehe!

Worked on this post. And then, got in and had the shower. After which, I checked on the Blotches Conditions.

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Sorted the waste bags, three small ones for the rubbish chute and one big recycling bag for taking down to the caretaker’s room door along with two empty jars for the glass bin.

As I got ready to depart, an equanimity, almost a serenity of sorts overcame me. Not my usual outlook on life lately: but anything mentally with me nowadays appears to be permanently changeable. Does that read right to you?

The itching around my blotched areas was definitely more active and annoying.

1Mon07cOut into the sunless sky, a very nice cool breeze about today.

Along Chestnut Walk, by the new build, Winchester Court, the Warden and Social Hut to the end of the road, and turned right down Winchester Street hill.

The ailments were all being kind to me, apart from the Plates-of-Meat. This will I imagine, be 1Mon07ddue to the lack of hobbling I’ve got in over the weekend.

Passing the blackberry bushes coming through the wire mesh fencing, I noticed these two insects on the same leaf.

For some reason, I pictured two gun-fighters walking down the centre of the leaf, ready to draw! Haha!

I limped on, the feet getting worse with every step and wishing I’d taken an extra pain-killer earlier. But there you go, Nemo Mortalium Omnibus Horis Sapit. Roughly translated; “No man is at all hours wise!”

1Mon08As I went up the hill towards Carrington, at first, I was so appreciative of the Nottingham Pavement Cyclist who had (Kindly I thought) got off of his two-wheeled transport and was pushing it instead of riding.

When I zoomed in, I saw his chain had come off of the bike. I did not adopt a smug mode or laugh. Honestly!

Over the brow of the hill, and down Mansfield Road to the Sherrington Park Surgery Medical Practice.

Only one patient in the waiting area, three reception staff, a Doctor and Nurse Ann were all chinwagging as I approached the lady at the reception. I briefly told her of my dilemma and concerns. The three attendants held a huddle-talk, and one of them told me to take a seat, and the Doctor will see me when she gets time. I thanked them and got myself seated and the crossword book out.

I was doing so well with it, it was almost a shame when Dr Vindla came and summoned me into her surgery, after only ten minutes. Bless her!

I’d written down exactly what it was I needed to advise her of, and I would not forget or miss anything off, or over-waffle to her.

1Mon01b Fair enough, okay, I’d left the note at home. This could happen to anyone! Moyshe Kapoyer!

It seems I have a VZV (varicella zoster virus), but Not shingles. Doctor Vindla put two prescriptions through her computer straight to the chemist for me. One for Cetreben Cream and one for, what she told me was excellently useful Clobetasone Butyrate cream. 

Of course, I knew there were four items on my reminder note, but being as I had not taken it with me, the other three will have to wait a bit longer. Tsk! I thanked her and left on my way to the chemist to fetch the prescriptions. She added, any changes, you must come and see me again.

Made my way to Carrington Chemist, took my time, the feet were getting even sorer and painful.

Told the young lady that Dr Vindla had forwarded the prescription about fifteen minutes ago, and had a walk around the shelves while I waited.

1Mon01b The assistant returned to me with one tube of Cetreben cream and told me they have no Clobetasone Butyrate cream, but I can come and collect it in two days time. This got the hackles up! I spoke slower and clearly, with I think, letting my annoyance be known through the tome of my voice, and said: “I’ve been with this chemist for fifteen years now, I had to move into semi-sheltered housing miles away, but have always struggled to get here as an appreciation of how you used to look after  me. If you knew the bother and hassle I put myself through to come here each time, you’d know how this wrangles me!” The unfortunate thing looked mortified. She went off to speak to the pharmacist. He rarely talks to me. She returned to tell me they had some Clobetasone Butyrate Ointment, but no cream and the contents are identical. I pointed out that if one was cream and one an ointment, by that very fact, they could not have identical contents? She was baffled and asked if I want to take the ointment. I told her I have no choice!

She fetched the tube of Clobetasone Butyrate 0.10% w/w Ointment. I offered a thank you and left. I seem to have gone from a malleable to mulcible mood today.

1Mon09Out and over the pelican lights then up the road and called into Lidl to get some milk. Another Nottingham Pavement Cyclist shot by close to me. Most aggravating!

I got to the self-serve tills with a fair bit of fodder.

Washing up liquid, bleach, lemon and lime still water. Caramel bars for the Social Hour nibbles. Three lemon yoghourts. Tomatoes, mushrooms and a jar of Mint Sauce with balsamic vinegar. Of the thirteen items scanned, eleven had to have the none-speaking, tutting and sneering assistant reset the machine. Lidl management prospect there, methinks.

1Mon10Got to the bus stop, and a loud, disturbing borborygmus shook my whole innards. Yet, moments later it had cleared. Not to return again?

Got into Sherwood and made my way to the bus stop. I had a twenty-minute wait, and then only for the 40 route vehicle.

The next L9 that would have lifted me right to the flats was 40 minutes away yet.

1Mon11That last bit of a walk from the bus stop on Winchester Street Hill up the hill to Chestnut Walk seemed to take a lot out of me.

I stopped at the L9 bus stop and had a natter with a gal from Winchester Court who was waiting for her son to arrive to give her a lift.

I hope he arrives in time for her, sweet gal is Brenda.

1Mon12Then on to the foyer of the flats, and sat down with Mo, who was doing her washing in the laundry room, for another chinwagging and laughter session.

The itching around the blotches suddenly increased again.

Gawd, the heat hits you in the face when you get into this flat!

1Mon13Got the fodder put away.

Made a drink with some of the cooled spring water that I added some raw lemon juice too, to cool off yesterday. Lovely!

The left arm had grown some more blotches since this morning. I got the Clobetasone Butyrate 0.10% w/w Ointment opened and started to apply some.

1Mon14No wonder my Doctor Vindla had requested cream and not ointment. It would not soak in or dry, a right mess I got myself into.

Again the itching was driving me potty.

Then, I found that blotches were spreading to the right arm as well.

Any bets on how far the blotches will spread? Hahaha!

The old scars from the heart op are now changing colour every now and then. They tend to change regularly, 1Mon14acream, pink, blues and odd orange at the moment? Still, its summat to keep you interested, innit?

The heat is stifling now.

Time is getting on now, the weariness growing.

I’ll have a go on Facebook while I’m still awake. Mustn’t forget first, though, it’s Sandies Birthday, I’m sending Certificateher something differnt this year, a dolls house for her to play with. ♥X♥.

Gotth nosh in the oven, sliced seasoned potatoes.

Having canned pork knuckle with it, tomatoes, gherkins

Facebooking was done.

1Mon17Did the Health Checks and took the medications.

Noshed served up.

Seasoned potato slices, apple, a variety of different coloured tomatoes, dried fried onions and a can of Pork Knuckle.

A 9/10 taste rating given for this one.

Yet again, getting to sleep was not easy.

Even when the brain went into ‘I’m not interested’ mode, I remained laying there watching banal TV programmes, with the occasion passings of wind and scratching at the blotches.

No idea when I eventually dropped off, but I remember the 2200hr news coming on the gogglebox.

TTFN each.

Inchcock Today – Sunday 8th July 2018


Sunday 8th July 2018

Javanese: Minggu 8 Juli 2018

0455hrs: Woke with memories of a horrible dream lingering in my head. Another of those where I go back and repeat errors, bad judgements and mistakes I’d made over the years. In these nightmares, I know full well and am aware of what I need to do to correct the long gone failings and embarrassments this time, but I’m unable to get it right. Most disquieting.

The grey-cells began to form into a semi-cohesive more relevant mishmash, and I became aware of the mini-crop circle that had appeared on my chest between my man-breasts. This prompted me to get the camera and go into the kitchen to take photographs of the mystery and to see the state of the blotches this morning. Whatever it was or caused it, certainly scared-off the blotches from that little circular area of flesh? Haha! 7Sun02The itching was worse, but I think this was because they are beginning to clear up, perhaps, because the pain from them was far less. Mind you, I haven’t got any clothes on yet!

Signs of nocturnal nibbling were found in the waste bin on the Ottoman. Naughty!

Then the memory from last night and the great England victory in the World Cup came back to me. I almost felt like looking it up on the web to see if my memory was correct or not.

I got the Health Checks done.


7Sun03The results were all looking good, I thought.

For some reason, while I was sorting out the medication taking, my mind drifted back to my younger days. Which I can remember; but not if I’ve left the tap running, or the light on, or the cooker on. What a klutz!

7Sun07When an embaphium had to be used to measure the doses. And although memories of those days were not particularly happy for me, Mam and Dad fighting, no pennies for the meters, my being sent to different neighbours to cadge a spoon of tea, cup of milk, some sugar or whatever: It still retained the odd bit of pleasant memories. Tsk!

7Sun050600hrs now: No sunshine out yet. The temperature was at 30°c – 86°f.

The humidity was well within the green range, although I do not know exactly what this indicates. I’ll have to look it up.

Note the picture?

Yes, I was young once. Hehehe!

7Sun06cI got the potatoes in the crock-pot on a low setting and podded some fresh garden peas, both ready for either the lamb shank or Pork Ribs to be enjoyed with them later on.

The blotches have now begun to itch a little more, even under the armpits, but the pain when I cannot resist scratching at them is far less than yesterday.

Got the computer going and began to make this blog.

Then went to update the Saturday post.

0820hrs: Sounds like Hebert (Big Superior Untouchable John) is getting his machinery out again to work on his models. But of course, I am not complaining, just mentioning it. No point in my risking getting another telling-off and sneered at from the Nottingham City Homes Mangement for my saying about the noise. As the Obergruppenfurheress Management, told me; He is doing nothing wrong, just following his hobby of model making, and I’ll have to put up with it. I don’t want to lose my home. Oh heck, I forgot there that I was told not to put any conversations with Nottingham City Homes Management, employees, representative or agent on my blog. Sorry about that, I’ll cross it off.

I’m out of advance drafts for the diaries now. So I went onto Coreldraw to create the page top graphics.

WDPA4A Sister Jane rang me as I started to work on them. A jolly chinwagging was interrupted when I lost the signal. I gave her a couple of minutes, then I rang her back on the mobile… which turned out to be a very costly affair. Because I waffled on a and on. Tsk!

I rang off, and three hours and forty minutes later, I had got the graphic’s done and saved. Now for the job of setting up all the drafts. Good job I enjoy doing this blog. Haha! And Herbert gave me some entertainment in the form of knocks and bangs as I did it. But of course, I am not complaining, just mentioning it. No point in my risking getting another telling-off and sneered at from the Nottingham City Homes Mangement for my saying owt about the noise. As the Obergruppenfurheress Management, told me; He is doing nothing wrong, just following his hobby of model making, and I’ll have to put up with it. I don’t want to lose my home. Oh heck, I forgot there that I was told not to put any conversations with Nottingham City Homes Management, employees, representative or agent on my blog. Sorry about that, I’ll cross it off.

This is going to take a long time to get done. So it is too early to get the nosh sorted yet.

I pressed on with the draft making. And oh boy, it took me another three hours to get them all finished, sorted and saved. Well passed my head-down time already. But, I had not checked for any comments, gone on the WordPress Reader or any TFZer stuff.

So tired-out, but I had a bash on Facebooking.

Virgin went down, and I lost everything beyond this point.

I cried.

Inchcock Today – Saturday 7th July 2018: Another not seeing a soul day: but that, is good, in case the blotches are contagious. Like England at winning matches!


Saturday 7th July 2018

Kannada: ಶನಿವಾರ 7 ಜುಲೈ 2018

0425hrs: Woke up in yet again, a different mood, health, and temperament. Gone was the alienated, abandoned feelings, to be replaced with an acceptance of my deficiencies in coping with life, and apathetic, lustreless approach to doing anything about it.

I sensed that Arthur Itis was going to be a problem today. No complaints mind, he’s been very kind recently.

As I wistfully started to get my body out of the £300 second-hand recliner and as the mind began to wander one if its pointless finding fault sessions – it returned to concentration-mode as I sensed the sudden and urgent need to get to the Porcelain Throne as expeditiously as possible.

By gum, that was lucky, just made it in time! Messy, Trotsky Terence affected again!

5Fri38Cleaned up, and off to the kitchen.

No taps, cooker or lights left on this time.

There was no air coming in from the beautiful light blocking, sealed up new windows, of course.

Sweaty, the blurred view and lack of light getting in really cheers us up.

5Fri35The thermometer of the dirt covered filthy ledge read 98°f – 38°c.

I love the way they put the plastic up, and trap the dirt already in there.

I’ve now got a collection of plasters dust, beetles, flies, condensation with a splattering of down-heartedness lingering. Hehe!

I was getting the Health Checks things gathered for use, with great longanimity I thought. And had to nip off for a wee-wee; back to the short, sharp painful ones again today.

6Sat06Little Inchies fungal lesion had been bleeding, so will need attention shortly.

WDP02C Coming out, I checked the letterbox and found mail from Nottingham City Homes/Willmott-Dixon in the flap. It waffles on to explain things, telling us they have decided to give us the restrictor keys. Of course, there were no keys to be found anywhere! Huh!

They make the place look scruffy, obstruct movement, are fiddly and what chances of us losing the awkward keys? Haha!
2016-07-26 04.49.36
Never a dull moment, no rest, no respite from the bombardment of self-covering information about the changes from Willmott-Dixon and Nottingham City Homes for us coffin-seekers.

Still, it helps keep our minds active and bodies too. I suppose!

6Sat04I gave the blotches an examination.

They seemed to be on the decline, less painful, but itchier. (I say, slightly showing my lack of common sense, memory capabilities and judgement, Haha!)

At last, I got with the Health Checks. The pulse was a little high this morning, all else looked good.


Feeling a little perkier now I’ve got something done. I decided to get the peas podded and into the saucepan for cooking later on, and potatoes in the crock-pot.

6Sat05WDP02C Thus, showing my utter scaevity! I ask you; How just? How does one get a paper cut type wound from shelling fresh garden peas! No knives involved, no metal?

Ah, well, at least the peas I nibbled while doing them were tasty. Hehe!

I got started on this blog as far as here, then went on to updating yesterday’s post. Hello, Duodenal Donald is stinging now, or is it Anne Gyna? Tsk!

Herbert above is giving it some wallop this morning again. But of course, I am not complaining, just mentioning it. No point in my risking getting another telling off from the Nottingham City Homes for complaining about the noise from the exonerated: manumitted, absolved, cleared, vindicated, exculpated, pardoned, forgiven, let-off, protected, acquited, discharged, guiltless superior loud gentleman. As the Management, told me; He is doing nothing wrong, just following his hobby of model making. I don’t want to lose my home. Oh heck, I forgot there that I was told not to put any conversations with Nottingham City Homes Management, employees, representatives or agent on my blog. Sorry about that, I’ll cross it off.

Eventually, I got Friday’s updated and posted.

6Sat24Close to the match time now, so I’ll get the nosh made up.

I ate the tasty meal while watching the game on the TV.

The memory of the fodder faded as the match progressed.

What a performance from England.


For once, we had a lot of luck and a goalie on brilliant match-saving form!

6Sat07Message for teams left in the World Cup:
France: Please don’t let them win!
Belgium: Please let them beat France
Croatia: Please let them play badly
England: I beg for a win!

Haha! I can hope and pray!

6Sat25I noticed some more of the nobbly bruises coming up on the legs again. Humph!

As for getting to sleep, it was almost an impossibility.

That England winning, and in such style too, was being replayed over and again in my brain.

Well gone midnight before I nodded off. Tsk!

Inchcock Today – Friday 6th July 2018


5Fri001Friday 6th July 2018

2018年7月6日金曜日 Japanese

Whoosie3W01 0215hrs:  Woke with an unwontedly sprightly outlook on life. Extracted my body-mass from the £300 second-hand recliner, stubbed my toe and knocked the tray off of the Ottoman. Lost my unwontedly sprightly outlook on life!

Whoosie3W01 My stomach appeared even more bloated and misshaped this morning. But there is no increase in weight overall? The blotches had spread to the other side of the rib-cage. Those on the throat were more painful for some reason. Dried spots of blood that had come from the Fungal lesion on the PP’s. The old heart-op scar was almost glowing?

If the tummy grows any more,

Will I get through the flat door!

Any parts left, not feeling sore?

Then my outlook will be so poor!


Into the kitchen, a grim-looking view from the window. Dark, dank and sweaty. I had both windows open as far as they would go, but as for fresh air – oh, No!

The tummy is definitely blown up more, but gone all misshaped at the same time?

Had a drink of spring water to take the medications with. Strong stuff this Co-op still mineral water with line& lemon flavourings you know. The Trental tablet disintegrated the moment it got in contact with the drink!


5Fri002The sphygmomanometer worked the first time, resulting with in-range readings too!

Whoosie3W01 I felt a bit of a meshuggeneh when I changed the batteries in the machine. Taking the old ones out, and two of them shot out, one hitting me on the nose, both disappearing from sight.

It’s surprising how a tiny AA battery can sting when it clouts you on the nose. Hahaha!

After a search and seek mission, I found one of them in between the cooker and cabinet. The other one, I will try to locate again, later on. Huh!

Off to the Porcelain Throne. Another messy evacuation, but not as bad as yesterdays. During this session, as I sat there, I thought I heard a rather loud (It must have been loud, I didn’t have my hearing aids in) susurration. Where it came from I don’t know.

The yonderly mind wanderings were absent without leave, up to now, today. I knew that I was to go and see Jenny and Frank, to pay for the day trip to Skegness trip in August. What I had planned to do was go shopping but decided not to, I have enough fodder to keep me going… Ah, I do need milk, though. I might walk up to Lidle – when again if I do, I’ll spend and buy stuff I don’t need. There was something else too, but I’m danged if I can remember what it was.

Whoosie3W01 Suddenly, I was wamblecropt! It only lasted for about two minutes. But I thought the innards were about to explode! Then it was all calm again, and this made me ponder. (It has been known before, me thinking I mean. October 1963 it was, I reckon. Hehe!) Is this a clue to the cause of, or linked to the blotches?

Got the computer on to update the Thursday post. Got it done and posted off.

Checked the emails, and Sister Jane said the blotches look like heat rash. Understandable that. As she puts it “Make sure you drink lots of tap water in case you’re dehydrated in this hot weather especially with being “sealed in”!!! Luv Jane. Bless her!

Made a start on this blog.

Tim from New Mexico commented: “It looks like a heat/sweat rash, but if the rash turns to blisters, then it could be shingles. Shingles are usually very painful. To treat heat/sweat rash, the Mayo Clinic suggests using Calamine lotion to soothe itching, and Anhydrous lanolin, which may help prevent duct blockage and stop new lesions from forming. If it gets worse, you may need to get a topical steroid from your doctor or pharmacist. If it itches, try not to scratch it.”

I felt honoured and grateful to get two dollops of help with a problem. Thanks, Jane and Tim. I’ll get to a chemist today and try to get the medications to rub on it. Well, where I can reach anyway. Hehehe!

Went on to the WordPress reader, then comments.

TFZer page on Facebook. Got some done, but time shot by, and I needed to get the ablutions done. All went well, even the medicationalisationing of the fungal lesion was done without too much of the usual excruciating agony. Haha!

I took the bags to the waste chute, and it was now operational.

Back and grubbled about making sure everything was done and nothing left on, like cooker, lights, etc.

Whoosie3W01 Made my way to the lift door. And realised I not taken the shopping list with me. Back to the apartment and collected it.

Whoosie3W01 Got to the cage door again, and I didn’t have my hearing aids in. Klutz! Back to the flat. Got them in and returned to the lift foyer once again.

Whoosie3W01 Even I found it hard to believe, but I had forgotten to take the Cash with me to pay Jenny with. Back to collect it. I’m wearing out the carpets here!

As if I ever thought this meshuggener would get anything right first… or even second try! Tsk!

Whoosie3W01 Got Jenny and Franks flat and… Foolishly, I handed over a ten-pound not to the lady instead of two, to pay the £18 cost! I felt such a twerp! I corrected my error and apologised. She was most understanding about my Whoopsiedangleplop.

Made my way down to the ground floor and out into the road. To the glass recycling bin and deposited my cleaned empty sauce and beetroot jars in the recycling tub.

5Fri005aThe late coming out sun started to appear as I crossed the road.

A little way up the gravel hill path, I stopped under one of the trees and turned to take this photographicalisation. I thought later it came out wellish.

I pressed on up the hill, with Anne Gyna letting me know her animadversion of my hill climb. 5Fri006But, as soon a the ground levelled out, she (Anne Gyna) was okay again with me. There was no need to rush about, and I was in my safety zone and own limits as I meandered along through the park on the footpath.

30 yards or so away. I spotted this crow and took the first photograph in Auto mode. Then as it seemed to be settled, I selected the food button and crept a few feet nearer. I was setting the zoom, and MrCrow decided to launch himself off of the tree trunk. I clicked quickly and hoped for the best. He gave me a laughing-at-me-caw and clucking sound as he flew off. Hehe!

Another effort I’ve made this morning that didn’t come out too bad. Through luck though, not my skill. Humph, but still.

I limped on down and onto Mansfield Road 5Fri006aand over the hill into Sherwood. Narrowly avoiding being hit by this Nottingham Pavement Cyclist.

Whoosie3W01 I walked down to the Boots Chemist and joined the queue at the dispensing end of the shop. My turn came up, and I explained all about new Shingle-like ailments and asked if they had any Anhydrous Lanolin for sale. I showed her a photo of the rash. The lady went to have a look on the shelves and returned a few minutes later. Then went and spoke with a dispensing woman, and returned again to me. She asked, what tablets I am on. Soon as I got to mentioning the Warfarin, she stopped me firmly. Saying: “There is no way we can advise or offer you any alternative medications. You must see your doctor straight away. (Which I knew I could not get an appointment with so quickly). She added; You might try a larger Boots branch or independent chemists, though.

Whoosie3W01 I thanked her and made my way to the Chemist near Hadyn Road. I explained all about new Shingle-like ailments, showed him the photo and asked if they had any Anhydrous Lanolin for sale.  No, then he asked what medications I was on. Again, when the Warfarin was mentioned, he said he could not give advice to anyone wanting medications, who are taking Warfarin. I pointed out the area around the throat to show him. He said he was sure it might be Shingles. I must make an appointment to see my doctor straight away! (Which I knew I could not get an appointment with so quickly). I thanked him and left.

5Fri007Over the road and back up the hill to the Lloyds Chemist at the top of the way.

This Nottingham Pavement Cyclist nearly had me, and few other pedestrians too.

Whoosie3W01 I joined the queue and waited patiently until a lady came to me. I showed her the photo of the rash and explained all about new Shingle-like ailments, and asked if they had any Anhydrous Lanolin for sale.  No, but was almost sure it was not shingles, but might be Varicella Zoster. I must see my Doctor straight away. I’m getting fed-up with this!

5Fri008Thanked her and went to catch a bus into Arnold, where a larger Boots store and a couple of independent ones are located.

Unfortunately, so is Asda (Walmart), The Market and the Fulton Foods Shop. A feeling that I about to be a silly-billy and spend too much came over me.

What a moyshe kapoyer I am!

5Fri009I caught the bus within a few minutes of getting to the bus stop, and twenty minutes later I was in Arnold, walking into the Market Stalls.

As you can see, this Market has died a terrible death. There was a fruit and veg stall, a second-hand one, and a cheap ladies products one left now, that’s all.

I looked it up later. It seems that: April this year – Council bids for a £1.25m fund to transform Arnold Market. Gedling Borough Council hopes the money will turn the area around, including making more of the space open to the public, improving facilities and increasing retail space. Does this make any sense to you?

Whoosie3W01 I plodded to the large Boots Chemist, and I explained all about new Shingle-like ailments, showed him the photo and asked if they had any Anhydrous Lanolin for sale.  Nope, then he asked what medications I was on. Again, when the Warfarin was mentioned, he said he could not give advice to anyone wanting medications, who are taking Warfarin. He thought it might be Shingles, but not the Varicella Zoster. I should make an appointment to see my Doctor ASAP.

I wandered down the road and called in the Fulton Food store. I came out with a packet of Bath Oliver biscuits. I’m almost sure I heard Jenny talking favourably about the other week perhaps these might be a nice Thank-You from me. And I got some of the Scottish Shorties that I am so fond off, at a bargain price too!

5Fri011Whoosie3W01 Out and over the road to the Asda Store. Where I slightly overdid the weight for carrying and spent just £10.18 in doing so. Got some cheese curls, BBQ rice cakes for a raffle prize at the social hour, a TV magazine, a mix of flavoured still water, another packet of the shorties, some potatoes, bread and a soft drink. I did forget to get the milk I went to buy in the first place, though. Feh!

The feet were stinging now. But the real ailments were kind to me. Even the blotches were less itchy and painful.

Got to the bus stop, and had only ten minutes to wait for the next L9 bus home. I got the crossword book out.

When the bus arrived in Sherwood, several of the flat’s tenants got on. Welsh William, Pete, Ray, and Roy among them. I put away the crossword book, in anticipation of a good laugh and chinwagging session.

5Fri012But no-one spoke to me. Tsk!

They all shot off up the road in front of me when we all got off the bus. Hehe!

When I arrived at the flats, Welsh William and Pete were still waiting for the lift to come.

I got a few insults and a cheerio off of them. Hahaha!

Into the apartment and did the Health Checks and took the medications.

Got the fodder and nibbles for the social put away.

Updated this blog.


Health Checks.

Got the nosh sorted. A chipless and potato-free affair it was.

Decent rating of 8.8/10 given for the Flavour Rating score.

Did the last Health checks and medication taking was done.

6Sat07Watched the match, Brazil v Belgium. A fantastic result.

The goalie kept them in the match. Amazing!

The saddest part of the day; is that France got through as well.

Tempered somewhat, with Uruguay’s wrestlers going out of the competition.

I fear that France might go further. Charles De Gaulle, Oswald Mosley, François Hollande and Napoleon Bonaparte would be proud of them.

As for England, I am so impressed and full of praise for them getting this far, and of course, winning a penalty shoot-out too!

The mind indeed went on the rampage, worrying and fretting wise.

  • The blood test, will they book me in early or late?
  • Will they book me in for a Thursday and block my Social Hour again this week?
  • Are the blotches, heat-rash, varicella or shingles?
  • Will I remember to get some spectacles to replace the pair I’ve broken?
  • Will the strangulation operation date clash with my day out in Skegness?
  • Might I snuff-it in the airless heat of the flat?
  • Will the fungal lesion bleed, or bladder leak and ruin my day out at Skegness?
  • Why am I looking so much fatter with the blown up stomach, when my weight has gone down?
  • Will I remember to fetch the new prescriptions?
  • Can I cut back on the chips?
  • Can I cut back on the nocturnal nibbles?
  • Will I get carried away with this blog and miss the Englan match?
  • Can I remember to get some milk tomorrow?
  • I must remember to get the laundry done soon, but will I?

On and on relentlessly, the concerns, lack of self-confidence, fear of humiliations and nervous lack of self-loathing mingle with my desire for social contact… Luckily, I was shaken out of this when I went for another short-sharp-wee-wee and stubbed my big right toe on the porcelain. Poor old platitudinous, me! Hehe!

Recherché, elegant, refined or sophisticated I will never be. But is it too late to do summat for others, spread a smile or laugh? I think not!

Well late again before I nodded off.

TTFN each. As my Auntie Nelly and Uncle Tom used to say to me: It’s never worth more than two cooks on a Wednesday, if you hold your mistletoe with your left hand on Christmas Day morning and smile at folk! (Bless her!)

Inchcock Today – Thursday 5th July 2018: New ailment discovered! The Creeping Blotches. Oy Vey!


Thursday 5th July 2018

Italiano: Giovedì 5 Luglio 2018

0400hr: I’d laid awake for a while, worrying over the blood test appointment timing and day, missing the Social Hour again, Little Inchies Lesion bleeding, not going outside for four days, the tremendous heat, the boils coming back on the chest and neck… Hang-on, I’ll rephrase that, (It’ll be quicker than going through the whole list); I’d laid awake for a while, worrying over anything and everything. Hehe!

Lots to get done today, my enthusiasm and drive, being in a pessimistic, cynical, and fatalistic mode. I was mourning yesterday’s little spurt of semi-contentments departure.

I caught myself by surprise when I found I was out of the £300 second-hand recliner and stood up, without any Whoopsiedangleplop or Accifauxpa withing a minute or so. The ailments being kind, just a cracking headache and a half, and the lesion had been bleeding and dried. So that will need some careful cleansing and medicalisationing session. Argh!

4Thu001Off to get the Health Checks and medications taken.

When I got in the kitchen, pleased that I had not left any taps running or the stoves on; the heat hit me.

The newly sealed up windows which I’d left as open as I could overnight, were letting no air into the place at all. The plastic outside was covered in plaster and various other unknown materials. The kitchen thermometer read 34°c – 80°f. Is that safe or what?

4Thu01This made me go and check the new gizmo handed out by the Nottingham City Homes Obegruppenfurhers, in the other room.

It seemed the humidity is was well into the green zone, but the heat was into the high-risk area. It’s nice to know HCH care about us by handing out these little monitors. If you mention this being in the red to anyone, they answer: “Yes, I know, all the others are the same!” Haha!

Eventually, I got the Health Checks done.


4Thu02The reading came out looking okay. But it took the hemadynamometer four tries before it worked. Wonder if the excessive heat affected it?

The summoning for the Porcelain Throne usage arrived.

It was another messy job.

While in there, I thought I’d get the ablutions sorted out. As I anticipated the lesion repair work was nasty. But the bleeding soon stopped after medicationalising things.

Being early in the day still, I had a shave and stand-up wash at the sink. I felt a bit better after that.

4Thu04I got the black and recycling bags sorted out, and gathered them up to take down to leave at the Caretakers door.

Well, fancy that, one of the elevators was out of action, again.

I went down and noticed how it was much colder in the lift cage. I wondered if a tenant might have moved to live in the other lift to escape the heat in the flats? Hahaha!

4Thu05Outside I deposited the black bags and white recycling one near the bottle bank bin and the door.

The chute doors being replaced with new ones with a much-reduced size of entry scoop means we have to put only a little bit in each black bag now, or they will not go in the drawer.

4Thu06Can’t be helped I know. But it makes more hassle for us, just when we are in the middle of the upgrading mayhem, too.

I took a photo straight up from the front of Woodthorpe Court.

I imagine the place will look different when the Willmott Dixon lads and the subcontractors start work today.

Back up to the flat, and got the computer on. Morrison is delivery coming soon.

Made a start on this blog, up to here.

Botherations! Both Anne Gyna and Duodenal Donald are giving me some grief now. Tsk!

Began to update Wednesday’s post. Got it posted off.

 No Morrison delivery yet, so I checked the time on the email.

WDP001B Shlimazel! I put the order in for next Thursday, the 12th, not today! I’m getting worse.

Duodenal Donald is easing off, but Anne Gyna is still botherational!

4Thu07Got the things together and set out on the walk to the surgery in Carrington.

Sunny day again, but there was a bit of a breeze with it.

I called in the Nottingham City Homes, Winwood Heights, Stabsgefreiteress Wardens Temporary HQ, WC, Willmott-Dixon workers breakfast and tea-break room, Sarcasm & Insult distribution area, Tenants Socialisation Area, Telling-Inchcock-Off Zone, Crockery and pottery to be stolen from, and residents Portakabin. Jenny was busy setting the needs for the Social Hour. A quick natter, I handed a raffle prize and some nibbles to the lady, bless her she will make sure there are handed out for me.

I got a decent pace on, for me and was soon coming into Carrington and the Sherrington Park Medical Practice.

Got in and a new lady receptionist was struggling to find my appointment, she said something to the other lady who replied: “Oh, it’s Mr. Chambers… just book him in!”.

I did a crossword and a bit before I call beckoned over by Nurse Nichole. Again she was swamped, but she took the time for a few words of chattering about nothing with me. X. Handed her a treat and left some nibbles for the reception staff on the way out.

4Thu08As I left the surgery, I felt a bit of discomfort on the right side rib area. It was definitely not Anne Gyna, entirely different sort of agony. Hehe!

A Nottingham Pavement Cyclist nearly had me over as she passed by.

I went to the Chemist to ask him when the prescriptions will be ready next. He said Friday 20th July. I made a note of this.

Then I went to the Lidl store to get some things that were not going to be delivered by Morrisons due to me cock-up with the ordering. Humph!

£20 lighter, I left with two bags of shopping, which I was struggling to carry.

Caught a bus back to Sherwood and had a walk around. Got some pod peas from the Co-op, and had a look for saucepans and lids in the second-hand shops. I didn’t find any.

4Thu09Got to the bus stop where Doreen and Roy were sat waiting for the bus. We had a good laugh.

Many Nottingham Pavement Cyclists about today.

I called in the hut, but only a few folks were left in there. I handed out an ice-cream cone or Orange sucker to the Wardenesses, thought it might cheer them up.

Back to the apartment and put the fodder away.

I stripped-off, the heat is worse now than earlier in the flat.

WDP001B This is when I saw what caused the pains in my right rib area.


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Do shingles look like this?

Got this updated to here, then went on WordPress Reader section.

4Thu13aaWDP001B 1500hrs. I just noticed some marks, blotches whatever they are, coming on the right side of the ribs as well now.

I can’t see the back. Hehe!

I think they are going to join up. The new ones are redder and only spots, not yet turned into blotches.

Went to get the Health Checks done.

The top of the back is itching and stinging now? Oh dearie me.

Spent hours on Facebook getting caught up on it.

Got the simple nosh in the saucepan. Baked beans with sliced tomatoes, Hoisin sauce, and extra tomato juice, mini sausages added and two small cobs to have with them.

Jenny reminded me about the payment for the Skegness trip. Apologised to her, as I had taken the cash with me this morning and was going give it to her. But her twinkling eyes put me off. Hehe! I’m to take it to her flat in the morning, 0900hrs.

4Thu21Served up the meal.

Taste-Rating of 8.2/10 given, very nice.

Did the last Health Checks. And it dawned on me, that the stomach has swelled so much over the past few weeks, now the blotches have arrived, people are telling me I’m putting on weight etc.

But, unless the scales have broken and got stuck, I have not actually gained any weight?

Weariness came at the usual time, but it was so severe, I’d nodded off before 2000hrs.

Inchcock Today – Wednesday 4th July 2018


Wednesday 4th July 2018

Indonesian: Rabu 4 Juli 2018

 00445hrs: Woke, the flat stuffily warm, and me wringing in sweat. Panic-Mode was adopted when I thought I must have left the oven on again.

WDP02C The removal of my mass out of the £300 second-hand recliner was a painful, toe-stubbing, knee and elbow joint knocking extraction.

But on getting into the kitchen, the oven was all turned off.

WDP02C The views were non-existent, absent, from both sets of windows. Being limited by the new “Sweat-the-old-Codgers to death and cut off their air supply” cellophane coverings on the outside.


3Wed02I consulted the kindly Nottingham City Homes provided monitoring thingy for humidity and temperature.

Again the temperature was showing just over 30°c. I looked at the kitchen temperature (I can understand this one better, it is in both Centigrade and Fahrenheit), the kitchen read: 80°f – 23°c.

I tended to the Health Checks and medication taking.


3Wed04aI think the readings were a little more even this morning. I updated the Excel record.

WDP02C On my Realising after I’d taken the clip, that I’d set the number formatting wrongly on the Weight column. I changed it to 0.00, so the details will show on tomorrow’s, I hope.

Made a brew, and was pleased that the brain had not gone off of one of its usual meandering, fretting and wrongly judging and assessing things.

0545hrs: I started to sort the photographs out for use and storage and had to visit the Porcelain Throne.

I wish I could think of another (Without being rude) word for messy, gooey and sticky are not quite right, but this session was all three, again. I did have a ponderous few thoughts on the inaneness of life while I sat there. Worried over the doctor’s blood test difficulties and remembered I must get some more toilet paper.

Much cleaning and cleansing needed. On the bright side, no bleeding from Haemorrhoid Harold, stinging, yes! Hehe! Little Inchies fungal lesion had been leaking again, but, nothing unusual there.

I got up to here, then went to finish yesterday’s diary and get it posted off.

0925hrs: Got it sorted up to date (Here).

Went on Facebook to catch-up. WordPress perused good stuff on there again.

1035hrs: Went to make a mug of tea, then returned to start on some TFZer graphicalisationing.

1312hrs: Got the graphics done and posted to the TFZ site.

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3Wed29aGot the meal prepared and served up.

Excellent nosh, most worthy of a Taste-Rating of 8.8/10.

Did the washing up and nipped the wet room to utilise the porcelain Throne. Messy again.

 Did the Health Checks and took a Dia-limit capsule with the medications.

3Wed30It is sad not being able to look out of the windows.

Mind you, compared to the old one big window, even if I could look out at the vista now, it is a very sad imitation view. All the thick edges of the glass blocking out a lot of scenery and light.

Settled down to watch som TV.

I decided to try and watch a film, that was on late for me. Why I did this I don’t know, but I nodded off what must have been dozens of times for a minute of so, but would not turn of the TV? I woke for the last 20 seconds of the film, and the credits came up.
