Inchcock Today – Friday 31st August 2018: Went to Bulwell to feed the Mallards – there were none there? Humph!


Friday 31st August 2018

Albanian: E Premte 31 Gusht 2018

0225hrs: I woke with a start – still feeling tired, and the mind racing away so fast, I forgot each subject, fear or worry I was having the second the next one came along to agonise over. Tsk!

0245hrs: Once again, the ailments seemed to be kind to me, but of course, I haven’t moved physically yet. Although mentally, intangible as they were, the maelstrom of thoughts, anxieties, and ideas steadily dissipated. To be suddenly replaced with Duodenal Donald as he kicked off with a vengeance rarely known. Grumph!

It was no surprise to me, recently my afflictions, malaise’ and infections have been catching me out with their changes in attack formations and timings. Hehe!

0255hrs: As I positioned myself to get out of the £300 second-hand whining-in-use recliner, furuncular thoughts developed when I caught my rear-end getting up. An initial investigation was carried out by touch.

Boils I think, right next to some of Harold’s Haemorrhoids! I made my way to the wet room for further examination. Not that I could see them of course. Four growths that I sense are boils, carbuncles, or maybe abscesses. But they are very minute in size, and often these things don’t burst forth and just seem to go away. I hope these will be those types. They are not really painful, just a smidgeon and then only when I catch the area. I hope I’ll be able to sit painlessly and comfortably on the computer chair later.

Washed and medicated the ‘spots’ with antiseptic cream. Got the dressing gown on (it was a little cooler this morning), and went to get the Health Checks completed.

Getting the kettle on, and the need for the Porcelain Throne arrived. Off back to the wet room I trudged. No movement whatsoever, but the sensation that things needed to be evacuated remained? Three full pages of the book later, I gave up.

Went to wash my hands, and found three of the Evil Boll Weevil Ironclad black biting beetles in the washing sink.


But I could not see any of the little buggers on the floor anywhere?

I spotted some mail on the floor near the door. A message from Jenny. And the INR blood test results with new dosages. The INR (International Normalised Ratio, also referred to as Prothrombin time (PT), and is a standardised measurement of the time it takes for blood to clot. – [Thanks to Tim Price]) was 3.4 which was almost spot on!

To the kitchen and got the kettle on.

I emptied the black bags and disinfected sprayed the insides and made up three of them to go to the chute later.

Just one Evil Boll Weevil Ironclad black biting beetle inside today.

I got him and executed the trespasser.

Made a brew and got the computer on and settled to make a start on this blog.

I got into it, and let the mug of tea go cold. Tsk! Went to make another one.

Blow me down with a feather duster! A single lone Evil Boll Weevil Ironclad black biting beetle was nonchalantly patrolling the top of the cooker. Cheek Already!

I decided that today, I would appease my ecdemomania, and have a hobble around Bulwell. This will enable me to get some of the Scottish Shorties biscuits, I hope.

I got up to here with this blog and went on the WordPress Reader section.

Well, Hell Bell’s, Liberty Global-Virgin Media Internet went down a few times!

Hard to believe, I know. (Sarcastic Mode Engaged) Tsk! and Humph! Ahntoisht!

Despite the best efforts of Virgin Media, I got yesterdays blog finished off and posted to WordPress.

Then, I went on TFZer Facebooking.

I got a graphicalisation for the TFZ site, Hobble in the Woods series made and posted off.

I like this one, hope the others do too.

Then, the danged Liberty Global-Virgin Media Internet started to go dead slow again, so I decided to get the ablutions sorted.

Had to rush a bit, with spending so much time on the graphicationalisationing. But it was refreshing deep-decoking session. Hehehe!

I popped up to Jenny’s flat and took the butter and oil with me. Handed it to Frank, and he gave me in return, a packet of Scottish Shorties that Jenny had got for me. Bless her!

I put the empty pickle jar in the bag, gathered the black bags and took them to the waste chute. Dropped the glass off in the recycling bin. And made my way along Chestnut Walk to the Nottingham City Homes, Winwood Heights, Unterscharführeress Wardens Temporary HQ, Willmott-Dixon workers breakfast and tea-break room, Sarcasm & Insult distribution area, Tenants Socialisation Shed, Telling Inchcock off Zone, Things like crockery and pottery to be stolen from, and somewhere to rest while waiting for the bus, shed.

The lorry on hire to Willmott-Dixon looked a bit threatening, but he stopped short before there was any danger of his crushing me under his tyres.


I went on what was left of the grass verge to take this decent shot of the Woodthorpe Court flats.

Beginning to look rather pristine, now.

I just hope the Evil Boll Weevil Ironclad black biting beetles I’d left rampaging through my apartment, appreciate the builder letting them in when they installed the new unwanted windows.

I was thinking of giving the weevils names? Only joking!

The grabber on the back of the wagon was soon busy removing concrete, soil and other undesired debris, aggregate and detritus from inside the compound.

Try saying that when you’ve had a few? Hehe!

The paddling-pool seems to be coming on well. Not really, but it does look like one! Harf-Harf!

I shared greeting with a few tenants en route to the cabin. Once inside I chinwagged with Warden Deans. Mable, Penny, Welsh William and two other gals and me had a good natter and laugh. The mobile went a few times, but I was not quick enough to get it out of my pocket before it stopped.

The bus arrived, a few talks with others on the way. I was soon dropping off in town, on Upper Parliament Street.

On Milton Street, I spotted this giant model bird, and I wondered what it was all about.

Got to the bus stop to await the arrival of a number 17 to Bulwell.

I was the only one in the queue, but it soon built up.

I saw a sign on the rubbish bin. It appears there are 31 of these Robins to find in the City Centre. I suppose there is a prize or something, to be won?

When the bus arrived, the Nottinghamian’s surge forward, ensured I was the last to get on the bus. Uncouth lot!

The route the bus takes, passes the end of the road where I lived before moving into the Winwood flats. The vehicle was getting a move on, so I was lucky the picture came out as well as it did.

The view took me back. The hassle, the muggings, the break-ins, the hospital… Oh never mind!

It made me feel glad I had escaped.

I think the bus driver, just might have been The Stig. Haha!

Off the bus, I cut-through onto Main Street.

More people about on this visit – but an atmosphere was lingering, my EQ picked up on it.

I suppose it is best described as the people seemed to be going about with bated breath and partial fear.

I went into the Fulton Food Store.

They had no Scottish Shorties on sale, so I had a look around, but found nothing I needed or was exceptionally cheap, so left empty handed.

I spent a while in the Market Place, but it is a sad place compared to what it used to be, all vibrant and full of laughter. Now it has pickpockets, a lousy choice of food and wears and it being watched by the police. I recognised a CID officer, Sergeant Redgate sat in a car.

I went to the Heron Food Store and had a nosey about. I came out with a box of tomato passata, smoked bacon and a packet of biscuits called Tasties, that looked like Scottish Shorties to me.

Over the road to the River Leen to feed the Mallards. But they were not to be seen anywhere?

Thankfully, a few pigeons saved the day and prevented me wasting my time, altogether.

Back to the Farmfood Store. Came out with Chinese mini-ribs, Glazed parsnips and some Scottish Shorties! Hurrah! With Jennies, I have enough for over a week now. Nocturnal nibbling not interfering, that is.

I nipped in the B & M shop. But came out empty-handed.

Off to the bus station and caught a bus to town.

Managed to get a half-decent photo through the bus window, of the amazing clouds in the very blue sky, travelling to the City Centre.

I’d only got a tiny bit of a hobble in today, but it is better than nothing, and I did enjoy it.

Took my time and pottered around, feeling almost stress-free.

And the ailments (other than Duodenal Donald and the plates-of-meat), have indeed been kind to me, so no complaints there.

I glanced up at the old Elite building as I passed by, where the gargoyles us to be on the roof. They really did give the place a touch of class. But, Health & Safety have forced them to be taken down.

Which is a shame, because three of the scaffolders removing them were hospitalised.

You can see in this photograph on the right, the housings on the top where they used to be on display. Newly cleaned and painted now.

I limped to Queen Street, just in time to miss the L9 bus back to the flats. Humph!

Ah-well, you can’t win em all!

I moved down to the number 40 bus stop. One heck of a queue there. The Nottinghamian’s were not a happy looking bunch of bunnies either.

When the bus arrived, and I got on, only one seat was free.

On the way, I struggled but did get out the camera to take another shot of the beautiful sky again.

I dropped off the bus on the bend in Winchester Street Hill.

Crossed the road without any bother, and started to make my way down the hill towards the flats.

You can’t see the new extra-care flats in this picture, with Winchester Court (right, nearest) and Woodthorpe at the back, both looked a lot better now that the Wilmott-Dixon lads were making progress with the upgrade.

Mind you, I think it will be another year before they are all done.

I called in the Nottingham City Homes, Winwood Heights,  Oberfeldwebeless Wardens Temporary HQ, Willmott-Dixon workers breakfast and tea-break room, Sarcasm & Insult distribution area, Tenants Socialisation Shed, Telling Inchcock off Zone, Things like crockery and pottery to be stolen from, and somewhere to rest while waiting for the bus, shed.

Chinwagged with Frank and he told me to go see Jenny.

So I did. I said my farewells and moved on out the other end of the building, out into the now hazy sunshine.

Took a shot of the new build and Winchester Courts as I was about to go into my beloved Woodthorpe Court.

I went to see Jenny first. She needed a telephone number of someone, luckily I had it on my mobile and supplied it.

Down to my flat, and had a wee-wee.

Seeing some Evil Boll Weevil Ironclad black biting beetles, in the sink. I nobbled them and went in search of any other of the damned things I could get.

On the wet room floor, were a lot of the weevils. So I got down to photograph the Critter Box victims, and much to my dismay, getting myself back up, proved not to be a natural or pain-free procedure. It started Duodenal Donald off worse than ever, and Anne Gyna joined in. (Albeit not so bad)

By the time I got myself ready to attack them, they were long gone – where to I has no idea. Humph!

To the kitchen to get the medications taken, and do the Health Checks taken.

I found three more of the little creatures in the washing-up bowl in the sink.

Did the checks and tablet taking.

Not doing so well now, am I? Haha!

I decided on bacon, passata and mushrooms for the nosh.

I chopped up some, of what Morrisons comically called and labelled as SMALL chestnut mushrooms.

Got updating this blog again.

Health Checks and medications sorted out. Then the Nosh was prepared.

Smoked bacon and tomato passata, with some of the wholemeal bread tins.

A simple meal to make, but it was delightfully tasty! 

A Flavour-Rating of 8.2/10 was given.

I decided to watch a Hetty Wainthroppe Investigates DVD – and watched it all the way through without any nodding-off!

I did the pot washing and found a dang Evil Boll Weevil Ironclad black biting beetle or two on the kitchen towel.

I turned to the TV to watch the Dog Whisperers, and the doorbell chimed. By the time I got out of the £300 second-hand recliner and to the door, whoever it was had long gone, no signs of any letters or notes or parcels?

Back to the recliner and into it, to watch the Heartbeat on channel 10.

Ten minutes later, and the doorbell chimed! Again, no one there when I opened the door. Tsk!

I soon fell asleep when the commercials came on the TV.

Later, I don’t know what time it was, the flipping doorbell chimed again. I ignored it.

By Inchie

73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!


  1. Timothy Price – I specialize in daily art, documentary and promotional photography. If you have a special event such as a musical production, play, concert, etc. or have a product or fashion that you need photographed, or you are a performer, musician and artist in need of promotional photos please email me or call.
    Timothy Price says:

    Seems like you had a little more normal day with ten whoopsiedangleplops. No Mallards? Stupid, inconsiderate Anas platyrhynchos Anatidae Anseriformes Aves they are for not showing up when you went to all that trouble to get yourself out, and go all that way to feed them. At least the Columbidae Columbiformes Columbimorphae Aves, AKA Pigeons, were considerate enough to show up.

    You got a lot of great street photos on your walk, and at least you weren’t assaulted by pavement cyclists (or so it seems). Your route on the map looks like some of the lighting in my photos from last night that I’ll be posting later this afternoon. It’s raining here this morning. Can you believe it?

    You are still the Lord of the Evil Boll Weevil Ironclad black biting beetles. With them starting to go for all things porcelain, I’d recommend taking care to check around the lid before sitting down.

    Looks like you found a good use for those portobello mushrooms in your tomato passata.

    1. Inchie – Nottingham. UK. – 73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Now awaiting Cataract & Glaucoma operations. Tsk! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!
      Inchcock says:

      Cheers, Tim. Blimey, those birds have some amazing Latin? names. Well found, I might use one in a later blog, please.
      Amazed at the similarity of the lighting and the route.
      Good advice about checking before sitting! Hehe!
      I usually put some Balsamic vinegar in the mushroom water, spices the taste a little methinks.
      Rain? What’s that? Not seen any for days and days now, over here? Haha!
      Sorry late in replying.

      1. Timothy Price – I specialize in daily art, documentary and promotional photography. If you have a special event such as a musical production, play, concert, etc. or have a product or fashion that you need photographed, or you are a performer, musician and artist in need of promotional photos please email me or call.
        Timothy Price says:

        Have fun with the bird names.

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