Inchcock – Wednesday 17th October 2018: Visited Sis Jane, shopping, hospital… flaked-out. Hehe!


Wednesday 17th October 2018

Wednesday 17th October 2018

0004hrs: I roused into a life of sorts, and sat there pondering. By last night, I’d readied the bag for the hospital, Jane and Pete’s treats in another container, the times of the buses written down, £4 in change, to buy an early morning bus ticket, new batteries in the hearing aids… Oh yes, the brain seems to have woken up at the same time as my body for once, and it was part-functional. Enough to inform me of the dire need to remove my body from the £300 second-hand recliner and get off to the Porcelain Throne with all haste.

Which I did, and the extraction from the recliner went well. No accifauxpas or Whoopsiedangleplops… until I got to the wet room… Tsk!

Inhibition prevents me telling you what happened in detail, suffice to say I was a little too slow in getting there, and embarrassment reigned.

After the clean-up, I noticed that there were seventeen dead Evil ironclad Boll-Weevil black biting beetle bodies and two living ones over the wet room floor.

On the way to the kitchen to do the Health Checks, I popped, Sanmex killer spray can in hand, into the spare room. Where I found dozens of dead Evil ironclad Boll-Weevil black biting beetle carcasses on the unwanted light and view-blocking new window shelf.

Then, the right eye started smarting again. I’m sure there is something stuck in there under the palpebra and hope it is not a baby Weevil. Hehe!

Got the medications taken with a Dia-Limit capsule added. Then did the Health Checks.

Before I could take the medications, I was back to the Porcelain Throne for round two. Almost fully liquid. I was so glad I responded without hesitation at the first signs this time. I washed and decided to take two Dia-Limit capsules instead of one. Being out for so long, later in the day, I wished to avoid any Accifauxpas at Sister Jane’s or the hospital.

Made the brew of tea, got this post done up to here. Then I settled updating the Tuesday Inchcock Today. 0230hrs: Got finished and posted off.

Went on WordPress Reader. Then on to Facebooking.

Back to the Porcelain Throne for round three! This is not good, and does not bode well for my travels today!

Got the diary done for Tuesday. That took me several hours.

Time to get the ablutions done. Sorted the bag and checked everything needed was there (hopefully) and rechecked the bus times.

Set out along Chestnut Walk on the way to the bus stop on Winchester Street.

Stopped to take this early morning photograph of the new build unit. Then realised I had to get a move on, to get to the bus stop before 0735hrs, and pushed the old legs and Anne Gyna as much as I could, but I did arrive with a couple of minutes to spare.

Unfortunately, when I perused the timing board, it informed me that the next 40 bus was due in twenty-five minutes! This Schmendrick had done it again, and cocked up the timing somehow What a plonker!

I decided to walk down the hill to Mansfield Road and catch a bus there. At the bottom of Winchester Street, I took this picture of the traffic light junction.

But it came out all blurred again? I might have been a bit shaky myself, being so annoyed at me for getting the timing for the bus wrong and hurrying down the hill?

I caught the bus, it was a single decker one, and I have never seen so many people crammed in ever before! However, I was lucky enough to get a seat amazingly. I dropped off at Victoria centre and walked to the Parliament Street number 7 bus stop – where my luck changed! En route, I noticed two things that were of no surprise really… Hehehe!

The bus arrived at the same time as I did at the shelter! En route I thought I might be a little too early for Jane to be up, Pete would be though, he fetches the newspapers every morning early.

Now gone 0800hrs, I thought if the Iceland shop is open, I can nip in and get some bread and milk. I can carry them with me easily enough to the hospital later. Got off the bus, and to my surprise found the shop open. I called in and came out with wholemeal rolls, a packet of Scottish shorties and some pigs in blankets crisps to add to Jane and Petes nibble bag.

Started the hobble to Jane’s mansion, and rang her to make sure I had permission granted to arrive so early. No answer, she rang back bless her and sent Pete down to unlock their front door.

When I arrived, I was greeted with a look and hand movement that said “Already! Do you know how early it is?” by Jane, through the window of Pete’s workroom upstairs. (This is the room where his computers and super-up-to-date camera are used for his studying of how to keep his designer stubble perfectly presented, Hahaha!) Jane is not a natural early riser! It may be due to her alcohol addiction. (Hehehe!)

We had a wonderful natter and chinwag. During which, Albert, the last cat remaining came in, and for the first time ever, he did not run away when he saw me. This makes him so precious, being the longest survivor. It got me thinking of Fooey, who passed away last, and I decided I would make a WordPress post later, with the photo’s I have of him, in his memory. I loved that cat.

We watched a squirrel coming for his regular supply of monkey nuts, and being attacked by a magpie! Jan and Pete both retain a youthful appearance, as you can see in the photo above, and are most comfortably off financially, are fitter than me, go out for slap-up lunches, drinks, theatres, etc. and better looking than wot I am. But I’m not jealous, of course. Hehehe! Joking aside for a moment, I have a lot to thank them for, so I’ll do it here in public – Thanks Jane and Pete for all the help given!

Here is a photo from Pete’s new fandangled latest up to date camera, with photo editing on the camera used to tweak it for fun. You have to laugh, I did anyway! Hahahahahaha!

Thanked the pair of reprobates, said my farewell and off to the bus stop. Again, as I arrived at the stop, a bus came, a Bingham one, I think it was. No crowds on this one, comfortable seats and it dropped me off in the city centre like Pete had told me earlier, on Friar Lane.

So I nipped into the Poundland store, where I was lucky enough to find some of the Sanmex Beetle Killer spray at £1 a can, so I bought six of them. Some nibble stuff for tomorrow’s raffle and social hour.

I had a while to go afterwards before the bus to the hospital was due, so I had a hobble around the slab square a bit.

There were not a lot of folks around compared to usual.

The gloominess and dissatisfaction with life showed up on many of their faces. This may be due to the retailers joining forces and setting up a communication link with others in an effort to counter the shoplifting epidemic, perhaps? Just a thought!

There were so many Nottinghamian Pavement Cyclist about. I got a shot of this contumacious young ‘Herbert’ on King Street.

The improvident nature and dangerous actions of these rapscallion miscreant Nottinghamian Pavement Cyclists, I find so dangerous to the elderly, children,  partly-sighted, disabled and the hard-of-hearing… in fact, to all pedestrians. But do the authorities care? Do they do anything about these bullies-on-bikes? All I ask, is they slow down, and even push their bikes when pedestrians are so close. As opposed to this antisocial, callous, inconsiderate young rascal, who weaved his way between the people, endangering and threatening them on their pavement! 

I caught the bus to the City Hospital.

As I passed the KFC outlet on Mapperley Top, I noticed yet again, that there were only two cars, most likely the staffs, in the car park. The drive-through lane was free of any vehicles or customers. I hope for their sake that things get busier at night, maybe? How long can they stay trading, with such little trade?

I dropped off at the bus stop only 200 yards from the clinic I needed.

Logged in with the unreceptive receptionist, who seemed to use hand signals, grunts, tutting, and head shakes in place of words. Very cleverly, mind you! Credit is given!

I sat down at the finger pointed too seating. Just as I was going into a cogitabund mode, a young lady came and collected me, depositing me in a corridor and checking the details on the paperwork. At most, 30 seconds later a nurse arrives and injected something into the back of my hand. I was moved on a wheelchair to another room, and a doctor came in and explained to me what was about to happen. Then into another treatment room and I was positioned to allow access to the problem area, face down. An injection in the arm; and that was it… I have not the foggiest idea of what took place then.

I’ve no idea what drug they injected, but, I intend to ask for the same on my next procedure! Hehe! Oh, yes it was good! I woke up sore, as expected. I was visited by several people who chatted to me, giving advice, paperwork and an appointment for next week for a check-up. (I think) Asked about how I felt with general and specific questions. I told them the truth, ‘Great, thanks’; which I did. I was told there will be nothing to remove, and the stitches would self-destruct on there own, and it would be alright to continue using the cream after 24 hours if needed. Very clear up to here, but it all gets a little vague after this point. Until I found myself stood at the bus stop in the grounds when things came back into reality. I’m sure I started to talk-away to someone in the queue.

 By the time I was back at the flats, I was feeling extraordinarily high in spirits. Although, I cannot remember taking this photograph of the workmen putting back the Woodthorpe Court sign on my block of flats?

I can remember talking to, Mo, I think it was in the foyer as I went inside. I’m sure we had a laugh or two.

I was still feeling on a high when I got into the flat. But the almost euphoria-like sensation was on the way back down. Shame! I suppose other things must have taken place that will remain a mystery until someone tells me later in the morning. Haha! Got to make an appointment with the doctor for two-weeks to have ‘things’ checked over.

Got in the flat, no wee-wee needed! I used the mirror to investigate things at the rear-end. Not easy, I can tell yer. Humph! As soon as I saw the covering, the instructions given me returned. I was not to remove it until the morning, unless a bodily movement was required, which thankfully it was not, then replace the coating, until the morning.

Emptying the bag, I found the medications I was given, one tonight, one in the morning. I’ve never had a pot of tablets with only two in it. Well, not a cup, but thick foil.

Did the Health Checks and took the first of the two giant blue tablets.

A cold nosh (as planned). Wholemeal cobs and cooked ham with tomatoes and potato thins. If it was the anesthesia or not, I don’t know. But this meal went down so well, I gave a 9.45/10 taste rating! Also, there was very little discomfort and no pain at all from the rear-end. Things felt good!

I must have nodded-off into the land of Nod. Cause I woke up with the entirely eaten dinner tray on the other chair, some six hours later.

By Inchie

73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!


  1. Timothy Price – I specialize in daily art, documentary and promotional photography. If you have a special event such as a musical production, play, concert, etc. or have a product or fashion that you need photographed, or you are a performer, musician and artist in need of promotional photos please email me or call.
    Timothy Price says:

    They put a memory blocker in anesthesia so you forget what they do to you. Probably a good thing. Good rant. It’s a wonder a lot of fast food places stay in business, but then they must get lots of business when we are not looking. Decent looking meal for a post-op feast.

    1. Inchie – Nottingham. UK. – 73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Now awaiting Cataract & Glaucoma operations. Tsk! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!
      Inchcock says:

      Ah, that’s what do is it? I’m glad they did then! Hehe!
      Dang pavement cyclists!
      I think (Diners and takeaways) may get night trade from the students. There are a lot of them, I’ll check, mate. University of Nottingham 44,329 – Nottingham Trent University 28,842 – Nottingham University (12 campuses) Unknown – Nottingham College 41,000, City College 69,400… enough, too many to check! Haha!
      Have a good day, and please if you get time, fuss the furries on my behalf, will you. I fank you!

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