Inchcock – Fri 15 Feb 2019: Sanity, concentration and logicality abscond again! Hehe!


Friday 15th February 2019

Swahili: Ijumaa 15 Februari 2019

An indoors day today – cause of the rampant wee-wees! Furesomide, Tsk! Hehe!

00:25hrs: I could hardly believe it, I’d had seven hours sleep – and not a single wee-wee! Of course being the confident, positive person I am, I had a feel around where I lay, just in case. But all was well. As this strange fact sank in, the call to the Emergency Grey Wee-Wee Bucket arrived. I got out of the £300 second-hand, circa 1968 rusty rickety and often refusing to work, recliner, and was relieving the situation in the bin within a couple of minutes.

Meanwhile, Flatulent Frank kept releasing some tiny little ‘Escapages of wind from the rear end’ that reeked rather rancidly.  I thought out loud, It’s not going to be a good day again, is it.

I now have a new bruise on the right leg though, where I caught it on the Ottoman in my panic to gain access to the Emergency Grey Bucket in time. I also noticed how pale the skin was compared to Thursday morning. Looking at the hands and face, they looked pasty as well.

But, there was terrible itching and burning sensation coming from underneath the plaster on the leg. I reckon that is a good sign, I hope.

By the time I’d took a picture of the pins, I needed another wee-wee. They settled down in the SSSWWs (Short-Sharp-Sensationless-Wee-wees) again. If you just take it for granted that I had one every twenty minutes or so throughout the day. This, will save me a lot of typing, thank you. I’m getting fed up with washing my hands! Humph!

Then, Kidney Ache Kevin kicked off. Oy Vey! Worra start to the day!

I got the kettle on and made a brew. Then I had to make my way to the wet room, and Porcelain Throne. Oh, heck! Another Trotsky Terence style evacuation! This started the stomach aching as well as Kidney Kevin’s pangs! Between the ailments, pains, being flat-bound and this maddening itch under the plaster on the leg… No, I will not let things get me down! He says full of ersatz confidence! Klutz! I made myself sing under my breath and chose Frankie Vaughan’s ‘Don’t Stop, Twist’ to start off with. I went through a repertoire of Adam Faith’s, Billy Fury’s, Cliff Richard’s, Elvis’s, Rick Nelson’s and Nat King Cole’s before I’d finished cleaning up and medicating myself.

 The tea was well cold when I got back into the kitchen. Discountenance was creeping into my outlook. So, I launched into singing Frank Ifield’s ‘Wayward Wind’! Hehe!

Made a fresh mug of the Glengettie tea, and got the Health Checks done.

Mumbling Dean Martin’s ‘June in January’ as I set up the sphygmomanometer.

Ah, good news at last. The Sys has gone down. I still find it hard, despite my believing that it would be, that the dang BP when I went to the doctors yesterday was all fine… Hang on: I’m losing the plot here… Sorry. 

The itching and Kidney Kevin are still going away at their ‘Let’s Annoy the Old Git some more’ routines! I launched into singing Bernard Cribbins ‘Right said Fred’. This singing did not impress Flatulent Frank, as he continued with his releasing little ‘Phwerts’ from the rear end. For once, I hope no one calls at the flat! Phwoor! I’m not all that keen on being in here myself now!

I got some mushrooms, carrots, and peas in the crock pot with a spoonful of caramelised gravy granules in the water.

I had a cuppa and some Marmite biscuits for a late breakfast.

I got on with updating the Thursday post and got it posted eventually. An Email had arrived from the surgery in response to me telling them I could not make the 11:50hrs appointment they had made for me next Tuesday. Explaining yet again about my odd sleeping habits and hours.

 They returned with this.

Although this is too late really, I didn’t want to make any bother, so I agreed to Monday at 09:50hrs.

Feeling a bit down now. So, I started off with Nat King Cole’s ‘Unforgettable’.

Then the second Porcelain Throne visit of the day had to be tended to. Again a Trotsky Terence mode of evacuation. More cleaning up to do. Ay-yay-yay!

Back to the computer to make a start on this blog. Had to empty the Emergency Grey Plastic bin and sanitise it, again!

Cheered myself up a tad with Billy Fury’s: ♫ I want to be your lover, but your friend is all I’ve stayed, I’m only Halfway to Paradise… So near, yet so far away… ♫

Went on the WordPress Reader, and the comments section.

I went to the kitchen and took the medications. The two half-tablets were Furosemide. ‘Cause I had a full tablet last night. And half a CodiMorph, because I left out the full Codeine and paracetamol, despite the ailments. I was not in as much pain as yesterday and thought it would do me no harm in reducing them. Then, if things get worse later pain-wise, then I can get more effective relief. Does that make sense? No sooner done, than I had to hasten to the Porcelain Throne.

Oh, dearie-dearie me, Trotsky Terence was back with a vengeance! Duodenal Donald and Dizzy Dennis didn’t help make the evacuation any more acceptable. Tsk! What a mess I had to sort out! Huh!

Washed and medicated, and back to the kitchen. I felt in a semi-buoyant mood, why I didn’t know. I even started singing under my breath.

Then, I realised I had not actually taken the morning medications! What a Nebbish! To make things worse, as I took them, the stabbing stomach pains kicked off, and with the Kevin Kidney aches going, I began to feel a little… what’s the word? Erm, er… crappy will do! The pathetic ‘Feeling-Sorry-for-myself’ Mode nearly showed itself. But I managed to just avoid it, by going on the TFZer Facebook page to add photographs and exchange comments.

The wee-weeing alone will ensure this is another go nowhere far from a WC day. Hehe! But I was determined not to let the runs and ailments ruin the day! I shall get caught up on computer work.

The Sys had come down well for the first time this week.

I’d just utilised the Grey Bin, and had to rush back to the Porcelain Throne again!

Where in the heck is it all coming from? Smirk! I knew where it was reluctant to go, though. After flushing, the WC fills up with water oh, so slowly! I had to use water from the sink to encourage things to go down.

Could yesterday’s ready-made meal be to blame? The label declared it was Cheese & Bacon loaded Fries. Ingredients: Potato (59%), Milk, mature cheddar cheese (6%), Water, Rapeseed, Monterey Jack cheese (2%), Paprika, Garlic puree, smoked bacon lardons (1%), salt, water. And no fewer than eleven other ingredients/preservatives. But, it did taste great! I shall have to resist repurchasing this, just in case.

But it wasn’t all bad news on this visit. I did manage, with some difficulty, to get my socks and PPs (Protection Pants) on. I had to laugh at myself as I struggled to do so! Good job there is no CCTV in the wet room. Hehehe!

No sooner back in the main room, and the Grey Emergency Bin was topped up yet again! It was getting a bit on the full side now, so I emptied cleaned and disinfected it ready for further use (And it got plenty of that I can assure you!).

In between further wee-wees, I made a start on this blog as far as to here. Then went to update and finish off the long, complicated Thursday post.

I got myself in a bit of mess and pickle with the blogs, when a Dizzy Dennis visit sent my mind all over the place. I hope it comes out alright, and this one. Concentration shot to pieces and mind-confusion reigned!

Health Checks were done.

Got the late nosh sorted. I used one of the divided plastic trays to serve it up in. Odd, how the peas that came with the beef were so colourful, and those I did with the carrots and mushrooms in the crock-pot, so dark. But the home-cooked ones tasted much betterer!

By now, I was suffering from the throbbing leg wound and the uncooperative brain. I ate it all anyway (Not the mind… Hahaha!) I found the tray all washed up and no bits in the bin in the morning. Sherlock Inchcock strikes again!

I must have taken this picture of the sun going down, cause I found it in the SD card this morning (Saturday).

This one of the pin and ankle plaster, I do remember taking, though. As I settled down to lay there for hours waiting for sleep to come, I recall looking at the ankle and thinking ‘Would the photo show the throbbing?’ Hehe! I know this doesn’t sound right, but it was like a dull-throbbing that prompted thoughts of worms coming out of the flesh anytime now! Well, I was struggling to concentrate on things.

A terrible not much kip, night – but on the bright side, the Wee-wee demands eased off.

There may be mistakes in the blog – I was still finding concentration hard to come by in the morning when I updated it. If so, sorry about that.

TTFN each, taketh care.

By Inchie

73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!


  1. Timothy Price – I specialize in daily art, documentary and promotional photography. If you have a special event such as a musical production, play, concert, etc. or have a product or fashion that you need photographed, or you are a performer, musician and artist in need of promotional photos please email me or call.
    Timothy Price says:

    The surgery seems to have a think about inconveniencing you. That’s a well arranged, compartmentalized meal.

    1. Inchie – Nottingham. UK. – 73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Now awaiting Cataract & Glaucoma operations. Tsk! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!
      Inchcock says:

      I reckon the surgery is struggling to cope. Taken on too many patients in pursuit of profit, I imagine?
      It takes me back to a restaurant that served nosh up like this in the 60’s. Blown if I can remember which one it was. But I do recall the Woolies restaurant, its the only time I ate out regularly, I loved it!
      Give the furries a bit of fuss for me, please.

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