Inchcock Today – Mon 29 July 19: Visited the Doctor. Desticating for most of the day. Hehe!

2019 July 29

2019 July 29

Monday 29th July 2019

Mongolian: 2019 оны 7-р сарын 29, Даваа гараг

02:00hrs. I woke in need of what I believed was an urgent wee-wee! Out of the rickety, £300, second-hand, unsightly, frayed, grotty-beige coloured recliner, got up, caught my balance and utilised the EGPWWB (Emergency Grey Plastic Wee-Wee Bucket). It felt cold this morning, proper nippy.

Where I remained for a while, doing my best to encourage and force the strenuous LRWSS (Long-Reluctant-Weak-Stinging-Sprinkly) wee-wee to evacuate. The thoughts meantime, were of the Doctors visit, take the list of questions to ask with me. If I get a prescription for the Bisoprolol beta-blockers and or Mivicon, I must fetch them straight away from the Carrington Pharmacy chemist. Get bread, tomatoes, milk and yoghourt from Lidl.

When the evacuation eventually stopped, not that much flowed, well, stingingly sprinkled, I had a rinse and got the soaking handwash from last night, onto the airer.

I got the health checks, Sys 145, Dia 54, Pulse 88, and Temperature 34.1°c done.

I got the clothing etc. put in the wet room, ready for the wash and shave later on. No photographicalisationing yet, as I wanted to make a start on the blogs, as going out will leave me little time later on to catch-up. So, I did! I finalised and sent off the Sunday Inchcock Today.

Then, made a start on this post up to here. Next, I went on the WordPress Reader section. Then, the flipping hands, fingers and shoulders kicked off, and the errors, cock-ups and shaking, and never-ending correcting of mistakes, began! At least they allowed me to do yesterdays blog without hindrance.

1Mon03I went on to create some templates in advance (Although only two, but still, better than none) Hehe!

I stopped for a breather from the limbs hassle and went to the kitchen to make another mug of tea, to replace the one on the computer desk, that had gone cold and uninviting in the extreme. Haha! 

I got the camera and took some terribly crude photographs from the new unwanted, thick-famed, light and view-blocking windows, that the panes cannot be reached for cleaning.

I took several shots, in different modes, but these are the only two that came out anything like acceptable. The shaking hands were not to blame totally. I used the left-hand to operate the camera on these two. Not as good as they should be, but still! I even cleaned the lens with the very costly Lenspen and brush, but it made no difference. Blurry results. I Did my bestest.

I had a go at updating the Facebook photographs. Had to rush it though, it’ll soon be time to get the ablutions tended to. Must leave at 08:00hrs and no later, to make it to the doctors on time. I didn’t like rushing about but did enjoy doing that.

WD 0.128.100 Windows updates arrived, so I left them running. Off to the wet room to get the ablutions done. Dressed, made up the nurses nibbles, into the three-wheeler. Took the waste bags to the chute. The updates were still running! All spruced up, and I was off on a hobble to Carrington and the Sherrington Park Medical Practice!

1Mon07Outside and walking along Chestnut Way, I took this snap of Windwood and Winchester Courts. As you can see in the picture, the Nottingham City Homes, Winwood Heights, Oberstess Wardens Temporary HQ. WC, Holding cells. Rumourmongering Clinic. Sarcasm & Insult distribution area. Tenants Socialisationalistic Area. Telling Inchcock off Zone. Crockery and pottery to be stolen from location, and residents porta-cabin is still there and in use. At the end of the road, Obersturmfhreress and Ex-Relfux magazine model, Deana was arriving at work, we exchange pleasantries. I asked it was this week when they move into the new building at Winwood Court. She thinks it will be next week sometime. I hope to be able to get to the opening ceremony.

1Mon07aAs I turned right onto Winchester Street, the fruits were well-advanced. Likely they had been encouraged by yesterday’s rain, perhaps, maybe… or not.

WD 0.128.100 The white van was still parked on the kerb, meaning I had to walk on the road again. I think it was the same one as last week, in fact, it looked like it had not moved at all. Should I report it? It could be a stolen vehicle? But the idea became a velleity, as often happens with me and my ideas, plans and thoughts. Huh!

I went down the hill at a swift rate of knots. Mainly because I could not control the three-wheeler, with the brakes being so abysmal. Hahaha! 

Walking up the hill on Mansfield Road, I thought some more shops had closed down on both sides of the road.


1Mon09The pace slowed a bit as I a got to the hilltop, picked up again as I almost lost control of the trolley a couple of times. No doubt about it, this trolley doesn’t like going downhill at all!

AS I got down into Carrington, on flatter land, after checking the time on my second-hand £2 watch, and seeing I had the time to spare, I took a breather for a few minutes.

1Mon09aWD 0.128.100 I’m glad I did. Some of the most beautiful flowers in a garden nearby almost spoke to me! I certainly chatted to them. Which drew a look in my direction from the postman who appeared from the house, that said: “Gawd, it’s always me who meet the loony who needs the attention of the men in white coats!” Hehehe!

Down the hill and into the surgery. A lady was in front of me, and she seemed agitated and or confused over something. I gave her a warm, friendly smile, by way of saying, “No problem, I’m not in a rush!” While the receptionist was helping the lady, I drew away so as not to hear too much, and on the reception counter at the end, a handwritten sign explained: With the closure of XXXXX medical practise, we are busier than ever and ask for your patience… etc. Someone had written on the top leaflet; “I noticed!” Hahaha!

I got seated with the trolley in front of me and had a bash at the crossword book. You see, I am learning little ways to limit the effects of the neuralgia a bit. I cannot hold the text in the right hand when it starts shaking, which it was doing on and off at that moment. But, however, nevertheless, regardless, all the same, and with that being said, I automatically parked the three-wheeler where I did, so I could rest on the handlebars. Clever stuff, eh? Alright, it’s not then! Humph! I did rather well on the puzzles this morning. It was a while before I was summoned by Doctor Vindla to her treatment room, which gave me more time to show off my puzzle-solving skills… only to myself, of course. It is sad, innit? Cackle! Titter! I asked the lady if I could have the sample tubes for next week, and busy as she was, she got me some.

I got seated and started with the medications not being delivered and how and why the shaking limbs made me run out of Bisoprolol and had to go two days without any! She kept her stone face on, so I don’t know what she thought.

I also mentioned my problem evacuating on the Porcelain Throne. That cracked her face into a brief but definite smile!

She looked a little sideways at me when she read my notes; Movicon? I haven’t issued you any! “No, the stroke ward gave me some and let me take some home, telling me that as long as it stayed in date, I could take two a day, only if needed!” No hesitation, she sent the prescriptions for both through to the Pharmacy.

Lona, then took my blood pressure and other tests, while I was telling of the problems with the neuralgia. It worried me a little, when she said; “Neuralgia?” She went on to the computer. It seems I have CIDP: Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy, as well? She wanted to know who had told me I had Peripheral Neugalgia? I could only say the two nurses who saw me at the clinic, no names remembered. I mentioned my depression and anxiety, no feedback, other than how often to you feel like that. I thanked her and out to give the receptionist a bag of nibbles to share out.

Then over the road and down into Carrington and the chemist.

WD 0.128.100 A sombre sight indeed. The paper shop had closed down on Mansfield Road! A grand chap as well! So sad. I suppose that with Lidl now selling papers, it was too much for him to compete with.

I went into the Pharmacy and told them of the prescriptions. The three of them got together in the back, giving me odd looks for ages. Then they came forward and asked me if I’d been to the Doctors this morning. Me answering, “No, I’ve been to the cobblers!”, didn’t help things much! They gathered again, and whisperings took place, with the suspicious looks given in my direction a few times. Finally, at last, ‘the one who I call ‘El Snotty’, brought a big bag containing he said, the Movicon and Beta-blockers. I couldn’t help it, I said; Now you can be late again, without worrying next time! He made out not to hear me, or perhaps he really couldn’t, who knows. He said something else, and it was my turn not to listen to him. I sillily thanked him and left. I only went a few paces, then I returned to ask what it was he said to me as I left. Gushing now, he said something that took four times as long as the original talking did. But, it was good, he showed patience and compassion. Again I thanked them all and gave the girl some nibbles.

WD 0.128.100 Off to the Lidl shop down the road. I got to the self-serve checkout with Golden blush tomatoes, Scarlet tomatoes, a can of peas, Bavarian smoked ham, Mackerel fillets for Josie at the weekend (bags of life on it), Crispy bacon, brown Stotties, and some shoulder steaks for tonight’s nosh1Mon10I’ll do them in the slow cooker! I had to buy a carrier bag, I’d left the one I purchased at Asda in the four-wheeler trolley (Humph!) An assistant helped me pack the cart and bag! But the card would not be accepted on swipe! As luck would have it, I remembered the number and put it in, and it worked. I hope I will not be charged the £12.17 four times!

I caught a bus up to Sherwood, where I remembered to go in Wilko, to see if they had any of the Gorilla tapes, so I could mend the flap top that had come unstitched after I had three-wheeler for three days! They also had the £3  fragrance I like on offer at £8, not £12! Too good to miss, I got three of them as well. This caused problems, carrying-wise, I had to buy another bag! So, I had a carrier on each handle then, Tsk! Fool! As I left the store, an ignorant git of a pavement cyclist shot down the hill, weaving through the few pedestrians about, but he found them. Grr!


As I limped painfully up Mansfield Road, on my way home through the Woodthorpe Grange Park, I bumped into Jenny and Frank going into Sherwood, from the park. I was 1Mon12not in a good state, but I was so glad to see them both. Looking good too! Yee-Haa!

Up over the top of the hill and down to the park gates. I took a snap of the three-wheeler as I entered the park footpath. (Note the state of the wheels, clean!)

They soon got all muddied up with seeds, 1Mon13leaves and grass. In fact, it has hard to push the trolley with all the gunk on the wheels!

WD 0.128.100 A Sterling Moss enamoured Nottinghamian Footpath Cyclist came down the incline at such speed, I felt the draughts as he flew by me! By the time I’d stopped and got the camera out, he was nearly at the gates at the bottom of the pat1Mon14h!

At the top of the hill, I turned right to go down the gravel footpath back to the flats.

You can see here, and guess what a time I had having to clean the flaming wheels before I dare enter the foyer of Woodthorpe Court entrance.

1Mon15WD 0.128.100 I wanted to cry, really. Heheh! It took me ages, back pain, a dizzy-spell and a whole roll of kitchen towels to get the thing clean enough to enter the place. Then I had to avoid the trails of the stuff I had just cleaned off of my trolley, on my way to the flat!

But, I was glad I cleaned it first.


The Movicol turned out to be called Macrogol? But what I could read of the ingredients, they were very similar to each other.

I emptied everything out of the bags. How I managed to get this lot home with the trolley, amazed even me! Haha! I got the shoulder cooking straight away in the crock-pot. Then got the fodder etc. stored away. (No signs of any wee-wees needed!)

1Mon30I spent three hours updating this blog. Then got the nosh prepared and served up!

Oh, dearie me, not onw of my bestest efforts at all! The cooked beetroot was okay. A taste rating of 4/10 for everything else.

Did the washing up, then got te handwashing done. Left it hanging to dry.

Settled to watch a Creek episode on DVD.

Then to watch TV. Zzzz!