Inchcocksk Today. Thursday 15th August 2019: Flatbound day, messy!

2019 Aug 15

Thursday 15th August 2019

Macedonian: Четврток 15-ти август 2019 година

Menachem Begin was born this day in 1913

00:00hrs. I made a start on this blog. With the EQ telling me that the Stroke Physio leader Jennifer coming to talk, and questionnaire me, was not going to be an enjoyable visit – also, something seriously Whoopsiedangleplopish was on its way, and I would not like it! I had a positive sense of the reliability of both of these EQ warnings! My earlier feelings of a contented blitheness now disintegrated.

Doing this post was far less hassle than doing yesterdays, that I did before midnight. Then again, there were no photographs to go in it yet. The trembling fingers had ceased, and there was no Neuropathic Schuhplattler or stomping from the leg, either! A positive and welcome change!

My newly acquired allotriophagy came to the fore, in my decision to have a piece of pork pie, a tomato, and a mini-bag of Cheese Curls for breakfast!

I was well shattered when I got this far and decided to try and get some sleep in to catch up. The previous two-nights have been terribly messy with a total of only about three hours sleep! I put this down to ‘Turmoil of the Mind,’: a disturbed brain that cannot cut-off the echinate waves of worrying, fears, self-loathing, a total lack of confidence… a psychological-mind-block! I just thought I’d mention it! Humph!

I tried to do a panoramic shot with the Nikon camera of the moody looking sky, but I failed on every try. Pee’d-off with myself, I tried one last time, going down instead of across, I got this as a result. But it wasn’t what I was hoping for.

I put the TV on, all rubbish showing, to help me nod off. I was soon in the land-of-nod. I stayed there, blissfully for about four hours. Gratifying it was, and I woke up with a renewed faith. But the EQ warnings were niggling away at the grey-cells! Limiting my enjoyment of the new-found mood of semi-contentment. I got the handwashing on the airer and made a mug of tea.

Oh, bother! As I walked through the door, I felt the water on the soles of my feet! The heart sank! An instant fearful depression came over me, with a touch of self-pity thrown in. I’ve Christened it as Inchies intimate, in-depth ‘Depressionalisational Period!’ Hehe!

As I traced the water flow, the unwanted mind-blast started off:

  • Why am I the only person in the 240 flats, who had an infestation of boll-weevils?
  • Why am I the only tenant out of about 240 flats, to have his electricity cut-off for nine-hours by the Willmott Dixon sub-contractors, by accident? 
  • Why am I the only resident to trip over Malcolm’s outside doormat last month?
  • Why was I the only tenant to get his carpet ruined and plaster left on his furniture, curtains, kitchen tops, and floor, by the Willmott-Dixon sub-contracted plasterer?
  • Why was it only me alone, that had to have his new heater resited so he could open the cupboard doors, and now has holes in the wall and floor that need financial attention to put right? 
  • Why was I the only old chap in the flats, to fall off of the L9 bus while alighting the same?
  • Why am now a World Champion Toe-Stubber?

And the most relevant question, why was I concentrating on long-gone cock-ups and chronic-bad-luck, with the current Whoopsiedangleplop still in need of being investigating? The queriest thing; ‘Am I losing it altogether, here?’ Hehe!

The water I found was not only coming from the twice-this-week repaired cold water tank. But worse, as I was sorting out the mess, I found that the socks and shirts underneath in the airing cupboard had all got soaked through and were musty smelling!

I made up four bags of musty-foul-smelling clothes from the airing cupboard. The shelf that was alright before the two visits from the plumbers earlier in the week was collapsing now! The bags of previously good socks, jammies and shirts were taken and put down the waste chute!

Standing cold water was cleared from the top half, the floor and the airing cupboard. The wet, but not too smelly socks and jammies, were gathered together and the bath towel added to the rest of the clobber, and I went down to get them in a washing machine, with tons of Wilko Y-Lang freshener crystals. I returned to the flat and was about to carry on with the blog, having set the timer for 30-minutes, when Jennifer from the Community Stroke Team arrived.

An unsettling interview took place, exciting. Many questions answered. Details were given over, personal, medical, and problems being suffered. The EQ kept telling me not to go to the meetings. But, I agreed and thanked Jennifer. I should think about an hour-and-a-half was spent at the session with the lady. She told me the sessions start strictly at 09:30hrs and will last until 12:15hrs, on Tuesday 3rd September, and will be strictly controlled to a routine each week. Welcome, Exercises, Relaxation, Refreshments, Health & Wellbeing topics, and Activities? Rigid rules, I like that!

Shame that I can’t use the bus passThe late finish means nothing else will get done on Tuesdays, now.  She told me to cancel or change all other appointments for Tuesdays. That’ll be exciting – scary too! Haha! I asked her where precisely the meetings were to be held. She said; St Andrews Church and Castlegate Church Hall. Chaucer Street/Goldsmith Street. I’ve written this on the notes I’m leaving. She added I was to look it up on Google!

I thanked Jennifer, and off she went. When she had gone, I realised the washing was still in the washer! I hobbled down as quick as I could and got it in the dryer. Luckily this inconvenienced no one, Phew!

I checked the water leak, and place paper towels around so that I could see if any more water was escaping. I may have been caused when the repairs were done, as I could not see any more escapages? I got on with updating this post.

I took a couple of shots from the horrendously hard to get at for cleaning, light & view-blocking, new kitchen window. The second one, showing the scene-blocking extra-wide, photographer’s nightmare sticking out ledge.

Argh! An hour or so later, I realised that the clothing was still in the dryer in the laundry room! I fumbled about and got down to the laundry room, expecting that someone would have removed, and rightly too, my clothing from the machine. But it was still in the drum. I removed the things and put them on top of the casing to sort out. I’m getting adept at using the walking stick to retrieve the socks at the back of the dryer. Haha! It took a while to get the socks sorted out into pairs again.

Back up, and got the kettle on, and took a wee-wee of the SGSS (Short-Gently-Sprinkling-Spraying) variety. I was suddenly in quite an intransigent mood, determined to sort out if the water leak needed reporting or not! Blown if I can work it out. But it looks like no extra leaking from last time I checked?

Back to updating this blog, and…

I went through the rigmarole of off and on again, resetting the crap virgin box. Then saved everything I could, turned everything off, gave it ten-minutes and all back on again. Although very slow, the net came on.

I did the ablutions. The well-stubbed, unlucky middle toe, was a bit easier pain-wise.

It was the mental side of things I was struggling with today. Hehe!

I felt all unsettled, with the things going as they have been. The lack of and disorganised sleep, the psychological mind blocks, the water leaks, the laundry cock-ups, the uncomfortable interview, Liberty-Global’s lousy service. Plus,  the EQ always being right is annoying and niggling, as well! Humph!

I’m tired again, and its nearly head-down time. With so much not being done as well. I’ll get the nosh sorted and eaten. I’ll probably fall asleep eating it. Grumph!

Getting the nosh prepared, and had a walk onto the balcony, as the sun looked to have come out with a vengeance. But, I was not fooled into using the veranda widows after all, as the wind was howling through the gaps in the panes. I took these shots from the kitchen window instead.

Oh, the beautiful sky and clouds! A nephologygist (Like wot I am) delight!

I carried on updating for an hour or more. But it was already beyond mu head-down time, and fatigue arrived. I got the nosh prepared.

Well, the nosh turned out to be a much better one than of late. McCains overcooked chips (fries), fresh garden peas, ball-bearing textured beetroot, pickled gherkins, apple slices, Gorgeous tomato sandwiches on Milk Roll bread, and Pork Farms (Very fatty) pork pie sliced. Followed with a little pot of Lemon Mousse. Overall, a Flavour-Rating of 7.8/10.

Washed the pots, then did the handwashing. Checked the leaking from the airing cupboard storage tanks again, and no new water found! Fingers crossed.

Then I got my over-bulbous, rachitic body down in the £300, second-hand, sickly beige-coloured, sometimes not working (like now), rickety, c1968, rusty, almost intolerably lumpy, recliner, and immediately started the nod-offs and waking seconds later!

I had to get up again an hour or so later, to use the EGPWWB (Emergency Grey Plastic Wee-Wee Bucket), for an unexpected, almost lachrymose wee-wee of the ELPSOA (Extra-Long-Powerful-Spraying-Out-Allover) variety. I had a look at the stubbed-toe as I resettled into the unsteady recliner. By gum, it had settled down a lot at last!

Then again, thinking about it, I had not been out for a hobble today, had I? We’ll see how it goes tomorrow when I have a walk to try and get a small saucepan with lid, to replace the one I had incinerated. Mmm!

The nodding-offs and waking minutes later, started again!



By Inchie

73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!


  1. Doug Thomas – Alliance, NE – I retired from nearly 36 years in a factory that produces hydraulic and industrial hoses. That is the short of it. The most interesting thing I've done is serve in the US Army as a motion picture photographer. I was stationed in then-West Germany in Kaiserslautern, Kleber Kaserne, in the 69th Signal Company (Photo). I was sent all over western Europe filming military exercises and other less interesting things. This enabled me to become a "bier kenner", someone knowledgeable about beer. Haw! I was much younger then, and could handle the wear and tear. The most interesting thing that happened to me happened in 1980, the first day of the new year: I spotted a rara avis in my backyard. A phainopepla, a member of the silky flycatcher family! It stayed around for two months, long enough for me to photograph it through a garage window not more than 2m from a birdbath to which it came each day. The photos, sent to the state ornithological organization and their rare bird report committee, established me as the first and only person to have seen this particular bird in my state. Records for my state go back to Lewis and Clarke's western expedition, so that gives you the context and perspective through which other birders view my record. You should too! It was a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence. It lead to a decade of uninterrupted bliss, tracking down birds in the field with other people of a feather. The worst thing that happened to me is called Wegener's granulomatosis. Oh dear! This is where it becomes difficult! WG is a form of vasculitis that you have for life once it develops. It has no known cause, though scientists work as I write to try to determine why it occurs. My story is long and I am tired: More details later! It is a fatal disease without proper care. With proper care, people still can die! One last detail: a weggie (pronounced "wegg-ee"), is a person with Wegener's granulomatosis. It is an Australian construction, to the best of my knowledge, and suits me better than being known in perpetuity as a "WG patient". In 2016, a Wegener's flare mostly wiped out what kidney function I still had, and I went through a two month process of hospitalization and rehabilitation before I could return home to my two cats, Andy and Dougy. My neighbors across the lane took care of them while i was gone, with a childhood friend who substituted for my neighbors when they had to be out of town. The major change brought about by the flare: I now am on dialysis three times a week. Fortunately for me, my local general hospital has a very modern, well staffed dialysis unit. With a nurse-to-patient ratio of nearly one-one, it is the best of five dialysis sites I've been in. The recliners are even heated! Since these units are typically kept ice berg cold, you can see I feel like I am in heaven! (Well, not yet, but you get the idea!)
    weggieboy says:

    Wooo… What a day, Gerry! My personal favorite toe to stub is the left little one. Whn in hospital, I got to use a plastic urinal to collect my output. Hate the urinal, but I was encouragedI still have any kidney function. There’s the silver lining in that cloud! (I underestimated how much output I have when they asked, another happy note to that sad tune!) Isn’t it wonderful growing patina?

    1. Inchie – Nottingham. UK. – 73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Now awaiting Cataract & Glaucoma operations. Tsk! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!
      Inchcock says:

      I’ve gone all pale!
      Buy no point to wail,
      I wee in a pale,
      But often I fail…
      TTFNski mate,

      1. Doug Thomas – Alliance, NE – I retired from nearly 36 years in a factory that produces hydraulic and industrial hoses. That is the short of it. The most interesting thing I've done is serve in the US Army as a motion picture photographer. I was stationed in then-West Germany in Kaiserslautern, Kleber Kaserne, in the 69th Signal Company (Photo). I was sent all over western Europe filming military exercises and other less interesting things. This enabled me to become a "bier kenner", someone knowledgeable about beer. Haw! I was much younger then, and could handle the wear and tear. The most interesting thing that happened to me happened in 1980, the first day of the new year: I spotted a rara avis in my backyard. A phainopepla, a member of the silky flycatcher family! It stayed around for two months, long enough for me to photograph it through a garage window not more than 2m from a birdbath to which it came each day. The photos, sent to the state ornithological organization and their rare bird report committee, established me as the first and only person to have seen this particular bird in my state. Records for my state go back to Lewis and Clarke's western expedition, so that gives you the context and perspective through which other birders view my record. You should too! It was a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence. It lead to a decade of uninterrupted bliss, tracking down birds in the field with other people of a feather. The worst thing that happened to me is called Wegener's granulomatosis. Oh dear! This is where it becomes difficult! WG is a form of vasculitis that you have for life once it develops. It has no known cause, though scientists work as I write to try to determine why it occurs. My story is long and I am tired: More details later! It is a fatal disease without proper care. With proper care, people still can die! One last detail: a weggie (pronounced "wegg-ee"), is a person with Wegener's granulomatosis. It is an Australian construction, to the best of my knowledge, and suits me better than being known in perpetuity as a "WG patient". In 2016, a Wegener's flare mostly wiped out what kidney function I still had, and I went through a two month process of hospitalization and rehabilitation before I could return home to my two cats, Andy and Dougy. My neighbors across the lane took care of them while i was gone, with a childhood friend who substituted for my neighbors when they had to be out of town. The major change brought about by the flare: I now am on dialysis three times a week. Fortunately for me, my local general hospital has a very modern, well staffed dialysis unit. With a nurse-to-patient ratio of nearly one-one, it is the best of five dialysis sites I've been in. The recliners are even heated! Since these units are typically kept ice berg cold, you can see I feel like I am in heaven! (Well, not yet, but you get the idea!)
        weggieboy says:

        Creative, still! LOl1

  2. Timothy Price – I specialize in daily art, documentary and promotional photography. If you have a special event such as a musical production, play, concert, etc. or have a product or fashion that you need photographed, or you are a performer, musician and artist in need of promotional photos please email me or call.
    Timothy Price says:

    The simple answer to all those questions is “Things are against you.” Water leaks are especially irksome. Really great looking meal.

    1. Inchie – Nottingham. UK. – 73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Now awaiting Cataract & Glaucoma operations. Tsk! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!
      Inchcock says:

      Ah, I remember all your hassle with the roofing now.
      I’m so glad it got sorted. I don’t like the idea of you mountaineering again! Hehe!

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