Inchcockum – Saturday 4th July 2020: Slowly downhill as the day went on. Humph!

TFZer Model: Nancy ♥

Saturday 4th June 2020

Zulu: NgoMgqibelo 4th June 2020

02:30hrs: My first hodiernal thought on moving my legs as I stirred into mock-life, was: “Why after days of the knees being so kind to me, has Arthur Itis suddenly returned with a vengeance? Then I realised what a silly question this was.

I reached for the tube of Phorpain 20% that  I keep expeditiously at the ready on the Ottoman for any bother with the knees or hands (Cramps or Arthur Itis). And massaged a dollop of it into both patellas areas. The hands, fingers and wrists got jealous at this I think, and they kicked of, so they were given the treatment as well.

No sooner had I done the embrocations, the need for the Porcelain Throne arrived, although not with any real urgency this time. So, I freed my laboriously, wobbly stomached body and skinny limbs from the c 1968, none-working recliner, and off into the kitchen, and made-up and took another dose of the Macrogol. Then to the wet room.

The evacuation started of its own accord but soon got stuck part-way again. Tsk! I grabbed the crossword book, and painfully waited for the pain-plus to start, when it began moving again. Eurgh, argh, and other antagonistic words were uttered, but things moved swiftly then. I think last nights double-dose of the laxative must have helped things along. But it was far from painless yet!

A good wash and wipe around, and off back to the kitchenette. Where I tended to the Health Checks. Starting with the usual sphygmomanometerisationing. The results looked good enough for me. The stick thermometer showed up as ‘Low’. I had another sachet of Macrogol, then made a brew of Glengettie Gold.

And took a couple of shots of the morning view. The first one on ‘P’ setting, but I had no idea what it stood for, but it came out in a different aspect-ratio, almost square? The other I did in ‘Auto’ setting, but it didn’t come out very well. But I don’t know if the Canon has a night setting, like the Nokia has, no, I mean Nikon has. That tells me on the viewer screen what it is set to when I change the settings.

I got on the computer and started jumping around from CorelDraw to the blog and back. I got myself a bit confused at times and forgot things I should have been doing. So I made myself concentrate on the updating of yesterday’s blog, and nothing else.

I went to make a mug of Extra-Strong Assam tea, and took a snap with the Canon, having changed the aspect on the settings, to 16:9. This is the resulting photo of the oh, so blue morning clouds. The wind was getting up, and just like yesterday, the damned ‘Hum’ got a lot louder. It must be terrible for anyone with normal hearing.

I got my pins up on the small swivel chair and gave the knees another dose of Phorpain Gelling. Arthur Itis is in a bad mood now! But other than the knees, the rest of the legs were looking in good condition suddenly. No Clopidogrel lumps and blotches at all. The veins seem to have mostly gone down from the surface? It’s all most confusing.

Posting his pools coupon before he won the £250,000. The next week, the Lottery!

Back to the updating, and pressed on until the blog was finished. Emailed the links, and had a message from Brother-in-Law, Pete. He’s not a born communicator, Hehe!  It read: “Thanks Gerry, enjoyed that! (the funny advice for him) “Resting today after all the testing and trials yesterday; they even took my DNA!” I warned him he’ll be trouble now if they give it to the Police Database. Haha! So glad he’s coping with it so well. Great!

Mind you, the chemotherapy treatment he’s been warned will mean a good chance he will lose his hair. The thought of looking like me, he was not at all keen on! I can’t blame him either, Hahaha!

I went to get the ablutions sorted out, and a decent session it was, too!

  • The teeth cleaning went with only a couple of dropsies, and no cut!
  • You may not believe this, but the shaving did have a few dropsies, but No Cuts!
  • The getting dressed, well that might be better not being mentioned. Dropsies, knocking stuff off of the cabinet, Dizzy Dennis, and a tumble getting the PP’s on. Sadly, not the best part of the session!

Hey-ho! I’ve had plenty of worse wash-ups. At least my magnificent torso glistened! Hahaha!

Then the intercom chimed and lit, admitted the chap, and the Iceland man cometh to the door. He dropped the carriers in the doorway for me. I slipped him a can of G & T, he said thanks, and off he trotted. I got the bags through to the kitchen and noticed the rather large pack of Quavers. 24 packets! How had I bought that size?

I got the fresh stuff out first. Checked to see if they had like Morrisons did and added any free maggots or insects with them. But no! They had selected bruised apples though. I tried one of the red seedless, grapes. I’d not tried these before, Egyptian, but they were okay. The mushrooms didn’t have too much dirt one them either.

The fresh pork Shoulder steaks looked lean enough, but the label with the instructions was damaged. The BBQ ribs box was also in a right torn state. The fish strips that should have been frozen were well soft!

I got the pork into the crockpot there and them, when I realised how warm they were to the touch.

The antiperspirant spray felt so light, I wondered if there was any in it? I’m sure the kitchen towel rolls were even less filled than last week?

Have Morrisons and Iceland both got something against me? The Swine! Ah, well, enough food in to last for ages now.

I set about making up the waste bags and replacing new ones in all the bins. I got them on the three-wheeler walker guide and took them out the waste chute down to the waste bins.

I had a bit of an unfortunate incident, getting into the chute room. I let the door slip while holding it open to get the trolley in. (Strong closing spring). The toes got crushed between the trolly wheel and the closing door! Swear? Me? Gangleboggleisations!

I got the bags dropped down the chute, and returned, even more limpingly back to the apartment. Only to find I had missed taking two carriers with me to the chute! Swear? Me?

I gathered the carriers and took them to the waste room again. Bungle-Grumplewuncks! I just used the walking stick this time and, oh, so carefully made it there and back safely.

Getting late now. I concentrated of getting this blog started off, up to here.

Checked the pork and mushrooms, added some canned garden peas to the mushrooms, and went on the WordPress Reader section.

Rechecked the food cooking, then went on Facebooking.

Noshing preparation time! The pork shoulder slices didn’t look very appetising, but by-gum they tasted fine. The fries, peas and tomatoes were alright, too.

I tucked into it, and think I enjoyed them.

Most annoyingly, I had a blank-spell. I came round an hour or so later (I think), with the TV on? At the side of me was a tablet dish, that was empty, so I assumed I’d taken the evening medications. Then thought I’d better check with the pods. I got out of the recliner and found my balance was not good. Off to the kitchen, with the greatest of care.

I found the pots and saucepans had all been washed and dried, the evening tablet pod was empty, so I’d taken them anyway. I’d turned off the taps and cooker. And Shoulder- Shuddering-Shirley started energetically giving me what for.

I got back down in the recliner and must have got up three or four times. With concerns and worries over, had I turned the tap off in the wet room? Was the door left unlocked, etc.? There was no chance of any kip at this stage, the mind was buzzing with inconsequentialities. Shoulder-Shuddering-Shirley made sure that any sleep I got was only for a few minutes, as she regularly did her best to dislodge the glenohumeral joint.

Lousy night!