Inchcock Today – Sunday 4th June 2017

Another terrorist killing incident, in London


My heart breaks with the hatred. I was in two minds whether to bother with this insignificant diary. After a long time pondering, I shall do so, with apologies to the victims and their families and friends, and a prayer for an end to the atrocities.



Sunday 4th June 2017

Deutsche: Sonntag, 4. Juni 2017

Woke at 0320hrs: Must have slept well up till then, the tray with the dirty pots from last night’s meal was still on the chair next to the £300 second-hand recliner. Nice not to have to keep responding to the Trotsky’s for a change, hope I can pass something other than blood today, now the Trots have been speedily replaced with Constipation Konrad!

Got the things for the second laundry room visit of the week, and set off down and got the washer loaded and going.

Nice looking morning outside the foyer doors.

According to the forecast, this is likely to be the last decent day for a while – wind and rain are a-coming our way they say!

Back up to the flat and got the third load of clobber ready.

Did the health checks: Sys 159, Dia 76, Pulse 78, Temp’ 34.9 & Weight down to 14.8 – Looking all good. Felt I might be able to get some action from the innards, particularly since some wind was escaping, so I visited the Porcelain Throne – No luck.

Down with the other gear to the laundry room. Moved the first load from the washer to dryer, set it going and loaded the washing machine on short-mode.

Up to the flatlet and got the things ready for cleaning the windows in the living room later on.

To the Porcelain Throne again, all wind and no matter again – Hehehe!

Back down the lift and the washer had finished, and I had cunningly put the stuff that would dry quickly in with the second wash – then transferred it to the dryer already in use, that had half an hour or so left to run. Cunning stuff, I thought! Back up to the apartment and did the washing in the sink.

Down once more, and the dryer had worked a treat, all the stuff was ready before the cycle actually finished.

Washed the machines inside and out, cleaned the filter and folded the gear and into the bag, swept up the floor.

The dressing gown came out alright this time, and no odd socks again.

Up to the twelfth floor and put the things away, then got on with doing the windows, during which I got the message to try again on the Porcelain Throne, from the innards. Not so much hassle this time, only took about ten minutes, compared to yesterday’s half-an-hour, that was not too bad. But Haemorrhoid Harold was flowing with blood again… Not surprised really, that had just squashed by Harold’s cling on’s must have been the widest and longest ever known, perhaps the size of an H-bomb? Hehehe! Felt like it to me. Tended to the cleaning me up and swabbed all contact areas with the antibacterial wipes, and returned outside onto the balcony to carry on with the window cleaning duties.

Got the outside done in a fashion and started on the insides. I used the lemon and vinegar.

They didn’t look too bad on first viewing.

Made a brew and took the medications along with one additional  Senna tablet and one Codeine Phosphate for the pain from the bum. Sorry, hehe!

Got the computer on and as I sat here, and proudly glanced at the newly cleaned windows now the sunshine was coming in through them… Oh dear, the streaks! Tsk!

I went onto the BBC News Site, and read the news of the terrible atrocity in London. Made me feel sick.

Grammarly was not working properly on Firefox at all. Very frustrating.

Spent hours trying to delete the unwanted categories and tags, in the hope things might run better, but I think I’ve made it worse.m Humph!

Got this post started and updated and posted off yesterday’s diary.

Got the meal on the cook. Mini beef pie, making some gravy to go with it, potatoes and waffle balls, fresh pod peas, tomatoes… well that’s the plan anyway.

Emails, WordPressing and onto Facebooking – although the programme was playing up a bit again.

Spent hours doing a TFZer graphic and lost the lot of it when CorelDraw 2017 crashed again, it did this three times. Tsk!

Argh, The fodder!

The well-burnt beef pie was rescued, made up the meal and mixed the gravy. Not one of my best efforts gravy-wise tonight, though, Tsk!

Nice, gave it an 8.9/10 rating. Generous that!

So tired now after the early start, and I think a little frustrated with having to stay in all day.

No more calls to the Throne, just that one today, although, I tried a few times voluntarily, but failed to move anything. Hehe!

Did a quick freshen-up to find Little Inchy’s Lesion had reddened and was very tender, but thankfully, not bleeding.

Took the belated evening medications, and took one Senna afterwards.

Settled to watch the TV. A messy session, nodding off so often, changing channels, drifting off again… I don’t know why I didn’t just turn everything off at the first nod-off. Sailed off again for a few hours this time, and woke in urgent need of a wee-wee. Then went through the stubbing the same toe en route to the WC, and then again on the way back to the £300 second-hand recliner.

Little inchy was still very tender, so I cleansed thing up and put some of the Cetreben Cream over the lesion and took an extra Codeine Phosphate with a cup of milk, which I then dropped on the floor.

I must move that mop and bucket in the wetroom. The plastic on that foot press on it seems excessively hard to me! Haha!

TTFN folks.

By Inchie

73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!


  1. Timothy Price – I specialize in daily art, documentary and promotional photography. If you have a special event such as a musical production, play, concert, etc. or have a product or fashion that you need photographed, or you are a performer, musician and artist in need of promotional photos please email me or call.
    Timothy Price says:

    It’s a sad world we live in and what’s really frustrating is that most of the elected officials are in denial over terrorism. They find climate change, which they can really do nothing about, more important than security, which they have complete control over. You have a balcony. I guess I didn’t catch on if you’ve have been doing photos from the balcony or just sitting out enjoying the rain and such. I remember Benny Hill had a quote in a sketch where he said “Not her best. Not her best at all!” Sounds like that might be applicable to your dinner tonight.

    1. Inchie – Nottingham. UK. – 73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Now awaiting Cataract & Glaucoma operations. Tsk! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!
      Inchcock says:

      It makes me think when I go into town and see so many foreign folks walking about nowadays. They have been here for years, but of course, the recent events make you notice just how many there are more.
      Can you blame them, when the Government allows them entry and houses them for free and allows them to send money home to wherever they came from for the other family members? I don’t blame them, I blame the Politicians who refuse to accept the dangers, murders and atrocities that their policies have encouraged. For the first time in my life, I’m considering voting in the Thursday elections, for a far-right party.
      I waffled a bit again there, sorry.
      Benny’s words described the meal spot-on. Hehe!
      Taketh care.

  2. Doug Thomas – Alliance, NE – I retired from nearly 36 years in a factory that produces hydraulic and industrial hoses. That is the short of it. The most interesting thing I've done is serve in the US Army as a motion picture photographer. I was stationed in then-West Germany in Kaiserslautern, Kleber Kaserne, in the 69th Signal Company (Photo). I was sent all over western Europe filming military exercises and other less interesting things. This enabled me to become a "bier kenner", someone knowledgeable about beer. Haw! I was much younger then, and could handle the wear and tear. The most interesting thing that happened to me happened in 1980, the first day of the new year: I spotted a rara avis in my backyard. A phainopepla, a member of the silky flycatcher family! It stayed around for two months, long enough for me to photograph it through a garage window not more than 2m from a birdbath to which it came each day. The photos, sent to the state ornithological organization and their rare bird report committee, established me as the first and only person to have seen this particular bird in my state. Records for my state go back to Lewis and Clarke's western expedition, so that gives you the context and perspective through which other birders view my record. You should too! It was a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence. It lead to a decade of uninterrupted bliss, tracking down birds in the field with other people of a feather. The worst thing that happened to me is called Wegener's granulomatosis. Oh dear! This is where it becomes difficult! WG is a form of vasculitis that you have for life once it develops. It has no known cause, though scientists work as I write to try to determine why it occurs. My story is long and I am tired: More details later! It is a fatal disease without proper care. With proper care, people still can die! One last detail: a weggie (pronounced "wegg-ee"), is a person with Wegener's granulomatosis. It is an Australian construction, to the best of my knowledge, and suits me better than being known in perpetuity as a "WG patient". In 2016, a Wegener's flare mostly wiped out what kidney function I still had, and I went through a two month process of hospitalization and rehabilitation before I could return home to my two cats, Andy and Dougy. My neighbors across the lane took care of them while i was gone, with a childhood friend who substituted for my neighbors when they had to be out of town. The major change brought about by the flare: I now am on dialysis three times a week. Fortunately for me, my local general hospital has a very modern, well staffed dialysis unit. With a nurse-to-patient ratio of nearly one-one, it is the best of five dialysis sites I've been in. The recliners are even heated! Since these units are typically kept ice berg cold, you can see I feel like I am in heaven! (Well, not yet, but you get the idea!)
    weggieboy says:

    Reconsider the vote. Are all immigrants and their families born in country terrorists or just a tiny segment? The panic Trump caused among a sufficient segment of Americans about murderous “illegal immigrants” and “radical Islamic terrorists” ignored the reality that extreme right wing native born Christian (supposedly) WHITE men have killed more Americans than immigrants of any category (who have a lower crime rate, statistically and ironically, than native born Americans or Muslims or any stripe. Look at the mess he’s created since assuming the Presidency, how he’s abdicated American leadership in the world to Europe, China, how he made a total ass of himself on his recent travels. As tragic as the recent terrorist attacks have been in your country (…and my heart aches for the losses, too, as do the hearts of all decent people everywhere…) responding the assault with another extreme is not the answer, not in a country where basic human rights were first expounded in the Magna Carta! (Sorry for the rant.)

    1. Inchie – Nottingham. UK. – 73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Now awaiting Cataract & Glaucoma operations. Tsk! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!
      Inchcock says:

      I only thought about it fleetingly. I could never do that in reality, Sir.
      A little rant does you good sometimes. Hehe!

  3. Orbb Spider – Long time reader, turned book blogger. Come with me on a journey through the literary cosmos as I wander through diverse genres. Let's talk story and take a deep dive into plot points.
    orbb80 says:

    A real shame with the recent activities in the UK, my heart goes out to everyone out that way <3

    1. Inchie – Nottingham. UK. – 73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Now awaiting Cataract & Glaucoma operations. Tsk! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!
      Inchcock says:

      Thank’s Angel. XXX

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