Inchcock Today – Sunday 9th July 2017

Sunday 9th July 2017

Welsh: Dydd Sul 9 Gorffennaf, 2017

0500hrs: The Strange Awakening.

I woke, very late for me, and found I had my feet up on top of the £300 second-hand recliner and found the DVD remote control, the camera and the box with last night’s medications, not taken and a pencil, all of these were laying on my ample multi-fold ridden belly? The curtains were open, yet I recall closing them last night.

And, why the heck would I have all these things laying and in my folds of my belly? The remote perhaps, if I fell asleep using it?

As soon as I moved, both Arthur Itis and Anne Gyna attacked! Arthur, obviously because of the ridiculous position I’d left the legs and knees in. Why Anne Gyna had a go at me, I don’t know.

I painfully straightened the knees and legs, and gurgling issued from the innards and an urgent mission presented itself – I must get to the Porcelain Throne ASAP. – I’m afraid I didn’t make it on time. Oh dear!

The session although lasting only a few moments contained, Splashing, gushing, spurting, squirting and pebble-dashing of the porcelain and me. Humph! It took me ages to get the room, and myself cleaned up. Still feeling a bit queasy, now.

Took the morning medications and made up the pots for next weeks doses. Needless to say, I was happy I still had some of the Morrison Acute Diarrhoea Derek tablets and took one with the other medications.

Carried out the Health Checks, during which I had a wee-wee… twice?

Sys 163, Dia 86, Pulse 89, Temp 34.9 and weight 14St-8.8lb.

Made a mug of tasty tea.

On the horizon, out of the kitchen window, I thought I saw smoke.

I’m still not sure what it was even after looking at this photograph?

Noticed they had cut the grass in the bottom field so I might be able to get out and have a wander through the Copse later, take some nature pictures perhaps… hello, the rumbling innards have started again. Back to the Porcelain Throne.

The session went alright, not so messy this time at all. But Anne Gyna and Arthur Itis were still having a go at me. Tsk! I suddenly felt so old for some reason?Then I thought about the things I have to do this coming Monday. Only the prescriptions to collect and see one of the Obergruppenfureresses about the bill from the 3 phone company demanding a months rent again. And this, after Obergefreiteress Julie had told them last month that I wanted to cancel the contract.

Then I thought about the things I have to do this coming Monday. Only the prescriptions to collect and see one of the Obergruppenfureresses about the bill from the 3 phone company demanding a months rent again. And this, after Obergefreiteress Julie had told them last month that I wanted to cancel the contract. Huh!

Also, I have to fill in a City Care Satisfaction Survey about the nurses who did the Enoxaparin injections for me, five pages of this.

Also, the Police Pegasus Contact Management Update needs doing, only three pages though.

Got the computer on and started this diary off to here. Then finished off yesterday’s log and got it posted.

Had a wee-wee. Went into the kitchen to get some more antiseptic wipes and spotted two things out of the window below.

Only one double-line-parker this morning, and I think there is an animal I spotted in the bushes?

Opened the Emails and replied responded and did some WordPress reading.

Did some Facebooking, then created a graphic or two for the TFZers site.

This one, for a celebration of Sandie Lentz’s Birthday. I hope she has the best one ever! Lovely woman:

This one of a group of TFZer lads making a fuss of Eve. I was quite pleased with one, it took a few hours, but I like it and hope the others do too.

Started another graphic off, and the Amazon man arrived with the parcel, containing the hearing-boosters and lid remover.

What followed was such a farce, failure and frustrating hour and a half, that I am going to make a single post about the mayhem, blood, injury and property damage caused while I was sorting out and getting the items assessed!

I’ll do it now while I’m still angry at myself!

Done it.

Far too late up for me, now. Feeling all drained again.

Got the meal cooked and did some Facebooking while it did do.

Just smoked bacon with BBQ sauce, a bit of sourdough bread and (At last I got to try out the Chinese mushrooms) fungi.

When I had to stab holes in the lid of the jar when I failed to get it off with the new wonder lid-removal tool from Amazon, I was lucky enough to have an empty beetroot jar to transfer the fodder into. Not big enough, so I had to throw some away, though.

They really were delicately tasty, mind.

Shame about breaking the mirror, I keep looking, expecting it to be there. Hehe!

I’ll have to get another one soon, or I might be deprived of looking at my distinctively handsome and attractive young face.

Took the medications and did the Health Checks.

I think the weighing scales might be broken?

Settled down after the meal, to watch some exciting programmes on the TV. Huh! Nod-off, wake, wee-wee, nod off, wake, wee-wee, television viewing, nod off, wake…

To make more frustrating, I was having dreams on each nod-off but could remember nothing about them. Grr!

TTFN all.

By Inchie

73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!


  1. Timothy Price – I specialize in daily art, documentary and promotional photography. If you have a special event such as a musical production, play, concert, etc. or have a product or fashion that you need photographed, or you are a performer, musician and artist in need of promotional photos please email me or call.
    Timothy Price says:

    I’m sure Amazon has all kinds of mirrors on prime! Were the Chinese mushrooms worth all the carnage you went trough to get them opened? The smoked bacon looks very good. I get those stupid surveys at times. Half the questions don’t seem to apply, and I would ask totally different questions anyway. Depending on my mood I either mark everything as great and say they were wonderful or mark everything as 1 and tell them they sucked. Once or twice I have received rather frantic phone calls over the 1 scores and telling them they sucked. Good to know they read it. That’s a lot of mowing from your aerial shot. I assume they didn’t do it by hand, like I do? They probably should hire a goat to keep it mowed. Nice set of graphics. The birthday girl should be thrilled.

  2. Inchie – Nottingham. UK. – 73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Now awaiting Cataract & Glaucoma operations. Tsk! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!
    Inchcock says:

    I tell myself yes, it was worth all the effort and Whoopsiedangleplops to get the lid off of the mushroom jar, Tim. But I’m fibbing to myself! Hehe!
    I’m bravely going to see Obergruppenfurher Julie, who I got to phone the cell company last month and cancel my contract, to tell her that I have received another monthly bill from them! I anticipate a reception that will be non-enthusiastic.
    See you later, if I’m not hospitalised. Hehe!

  3. Orbb Spider – Long time reader, turned book blogger. Come with me on a journey through the literary cosmos as I wander through diverse genres. Let's talk story and take a deep dive into plot points.
    orbb80 says:

    Very odd awakening. Dinner may have been a bit light, but looks tasty <3

    1. Inchie – Nottingham. UK. – 73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Now awaiting Cataract & Glaucoma operations. Tsk! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!
      Inchcock says:

      Cheers, Corin my petal.
      I am wondering if it was this meal that started Trotsky Terence’s return?
      I’ve been up about 2 hours now, and three visits to the Throne… Oh heck! Hehe!
      TTFN XXX

      1. Orbb Spider – Long time reader, turned book blogger. Come with me on a journey through the literary cosmos as I wander through diverse genres. Let's talk story and take a deep dive into plot points.
        orbb80 says:

        It’s certainly very possible, wishing you the best <3

      2. Inchie – Nottingham. UK. – 73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Now awaiting Cataract & Glaucoma operations. Tsk! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!
        Inchcock says:

        I fang you! XXX

  4. Doug Thomas – Alliance, NE – I retired from nearly 36 years in a factory that produces hydraulic and industrial hoses. That is the short of it. The most interesting thing I've done is serve in the US Army as a motion picture photographer. I was stationed in then-West Germany in Kaiserslautern, Kleber Kaserne, in the 69th Signal Company (Photo). I was sent all over western Europe filming military exercises and other less interesting things. This enabled me to become a "bier kenner", someone knowledgeable about beer. Haw! I was much younger then, and could handle the wear and tear. The most interesting thing that happened to me happened in 1980, the first day of the new year: I spotted a rara avis in my backyard. A phainopepla, a member of the silky flycatcher family! It stayed around for two months, long enough for me to photograph it through a garage window not more than 2m from a birdbath to which it came each day. The photos, sent to the state ornithological organization and their rare bird report committee, established me as the first and only person to have seen this particular bird in my state. Records for my state go back to Lewis and Clarke's western expedition, so that gives you the context and perspective through which other birders view my record. You should too! It was a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence. It lead to a decade of uninterrupted bliss, tracking down birds in the field with other people of a feather. The worst thing that happened to me is called Wegener's granulomatosis. Oh dear! This is where it becomes difficult! WG is a form of vasculitis that you have for life once it develops. It has no known cause, though scientists work as I write to try to determine why it occurs. My story is long and I am tired: More details later! It is a fatal disease without proper care. With proper care, people still can die! One last detail: a weggie (pronounced "wegg-ee"), is a person with Wegener's granulomatosis. It is an Australian construction, to the best of my knowledge, and suits me better than being known in perpetuity as a "WG patient". In 2016, a Wegener's flare mostly wiped out what kidney function I still had, and I went through a two month process of hospitalization and rehabilitation before I could return home to my two cats, Andy and Dougy. My neighbors across the lane took care of them while i was gone, with a childhood friend who substituted for my neighbors when they had to be out of town. The major change brought about by the flare: I now am on dialysis three times a week. Fortunately for me, my local general hospital has a very modern, well staffed dialysis unit. With a nurse-to-patient ratio of nearly one-one, it is the best of five dialysis sites I've been in. The recliners are even heated! Since these units are typically kept ice berg cold, you can see I feel like I am in heaven! (Well, not yet, but you get the idea!)
    weggieboy says:

    Here’s a gadget that costs little and you may well find listed in Amazon-UK. It breaks the vacuum seal on glass containers. I don’t know if the YouTube video link will work there, but it shows a one-armed man using the gizmo, with success.

    1. Inchie – Nottingham. UK. – 73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Now awaiting Cataract & Glaucoma operations. Tsk! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!
      Inchcock says:

      Cheers Sir.
      I dare not try the video, I’m having troubles when opening video links for some reason with the computer?
      I’ll look into this when I do another order with Amazon, it offers free delivery with orders over £25. But I’ll try it then.

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