Inchcock – Sat 1st Dec 2018: Not one of my better days. Hey-Ho!



Saturday 1st December 2018

Somali: Sabtida 1da December 2018

wd 0.0.255 23:55hrs: I bestirred without the brain engaged I think. I sensed a reluctance to be activated from the grey-cells. Contentment for everything to end. I must be getting tired of losing the fight against depression, fears, and worries.

Slowly the mind cranked its starting-handle, and I noticed the empty plate and tray from the nosh, lying half-on, half-off of the easy chair next to the £300 second-hand recliner. On which I was laid out, in the exact same position as I fell asleep! TV remote control snuggled between my massive flobby torso and the arm of the chair, and a pen and pad (unused) in the fold of flesh created between my chest the bulbous wobbly bloated stomach.

The thoughts kicked in, and instantly, I began to feel all chastened, timid, vulnerable, and apprehensive at the same time. Trying to find a reason or cause for this, was of course impossible. My decaying ageing brain was floundering. Tsk!

The moment I attempted to physically move my oversized Falstaffian body, with its avoirdupois stomach attached, the need for the Porcelain Throne arrived at grease-lightning speed. Off to the wet room. The solidness and unwillingness of the evacuation enabled me the time to enjoy reading a few pages of the Clarkson biography book. On the bright side, the Fungal Lesion was not bleeding on this occasion. Good! Washed and anticepticated the hands and contact points, taps, handles, etc. and off to the kitchen to fo the Health Checks.


6Sat04Apart from the weight, all the other readings were down on yesterdays first Health Checks. The temperature was down a fair bit. Good or bad things? I don’t know. Tsk!

I got the kettle on and had to nip back to the wet room for an SSWW (Sort-Sharp-Wee-Wee) As I carried out this function, I only saw one of the EIBWBBBs (Evil Ironclad Boll-Weevil black biting beetles). Ah, might they be on the wane at last? Or are they up to their battleground chicanery and subterfuge tactics again?

6Sat02The view from the kitchen window again inspired me. So I used this scenic early morning photographicalisation for a little witty-ditty for the top of this page.

It was colder than it looked when I opened the window. Spitting a bit of rain as well. I bet that will get in through the gaps between the glass on the balcony.

I got the Friday diary updated and posted off to WordPress. Then went on the WP Reader.

I got this post started off, in between a few more SSWWs. Tsk!

Went onto Facebooking to update the picture albums.

Got the ablutions tended to.

Dec01cI made a start on the Willmott Brown Funny Doctored Graphic post. The latest ones created and added them in the Willmott Brown album on my Facebook page, and a post in WordPress.

wd 0.0.255 Another cock-up with the Excel Personal Diary that I tried to correct. But after hours of trying to, I had to give up again. Deleted it entirely and worked on an older on to update it. Twelve hours gone of my day already and not much achieved.

I hate weekends!

6Sat23Decided to get the nosh prepared, got the mushrooms and Anya potatoes out of the crockpot, ham, dried roast onions, tomatoes, balsamic vinegar beetroots, apple and Limoncello on the tray, and it happened again. The telephone burst into life!

wd 0.0.255 It was Brother-in-law Pete, he showed concern that I had not sent him the link to yesterdays Inchcock Today. I checked while I was nattering with him, and sure enough, I realised I had not! I felt a little confused as to how I forgot to do this. We chattered a while, I thanked him for letting me know and his concern, and got on with sending the link off.

wd 0.0.255 Which, unfortunately, was when Dizzy Dennis and Shaking Shaun attacked.

In the morning, when I came to create this blog, I fear from this point on, the memory was very scarce, No scribbled notes found, like usual. So, I’m not sure what happened next, but I do recall Little Inchies Fungal Lesion bleeding, and I think I must have gone over or knocked into something, cause I woke up in the night with a lump on my head, but only a little one. Hehe! Tsk!