Inchcock Today Fri 29 July 2016: Mixed sort of day, ups and downs yer know…

Friday 29th July 2016


The worst nights rest since I’ve been in this flat. Horrendous! The WRWW’s and dreams didn’t help either!

I really believed this part of the dream was happening in real life: Back at work, but working seemingly for many of the companies I had worked for, and in the army again in battle conditions? I was going all over the country in different vehicles searching for a factory, being shot at and mortared, when I found the plant, I got lost on foot, then the chase began. People of all sorts pursued me, shouting, swearing, shooting and throwing things at me.Then I was on a canal in a flimsy wooden rowing boat, fighter planes (Hurricanes) diving down and strafing me… 

Then I was on a canal in a rickety wooden rowing boat painted pink and blue, fighter planes (Hurricanes) diving down and strafing me… I sank and found myself in another battle in a high rise block, the binoculars I was using started giving out jazz music? 

The last bit I remembered is when I was in a canteen demanding Marmite on my meal and the lady growling and hitting me with large saucepan… Oh ‘eck!

0520hrs: I got out of the £300 rattling second-hand recliner for the umpteenth time for another WRWW, and trod on the torch that I must have knocked over during the dreaming, and down I went, Whoopsiedangledplopped again! No bleeding from ‘Little Inchy’ again.

Made a cuppa, cleaned the sink area and took the medications. Laptop on and back to the wetroom for a WRWW again!

CorelDraw X8 froze again. I was not feeling too good now, the ulcer being the biggest hiatus.

Weighed my slab of flesh on the visit for a WWHD (Failed) session – oh dearie me… 3lb increase from yesterday??? Surely the scales can’t be right I thought – then I recalled the nibbling I did early last night after the meal? Shame joined the pain in my disgrace and depression!

The WWHD job was not successful at all, painful, bloody and escaping wind ponged something awful!

Took a shower and freshened up.

Remembered that Olive had arranged for the cleaning team owner to visit later around 1000hrs to sort out what I need, what she can provide, and how much it will cost. Hope she can do the oven at least. I’ll ask if she can ‘Do-me’ for general cleaning once a fortnight?

 Carried out the ablutions and had a jolly good shower. Lemon soap today.

Got the shower seat ready for taking away. A smaller stool would do me much better than the chair, and not get in the way so much.

Made another brew and back on the laptop and updated this bit.

The Nottingham City Home’s Occupational Therapist Assessor is due in 15 minutes, to check the wetroom out.

An hour later, he not arriving, I popped in to see Olive, but she was not in. Trotted down to the Comunity Shed to see if I could find Deana to phone about the shower chair, but no-one in.

Spur of the moment, as I was walking back past the bus stop, I had a chat with a couple of tenants and caught the bus into Arnold to get the photos from Thursdays Tenants Social Hour printed.

For a Friday, Arnold Main Street looked a bit baron of people?

Went into Asda (Walmart) and got the photographs in the machine, paid for them, got the receipt and did a bit of shopping. Tomato puree, naughty shortcake biscuits and a sweet mini cheese topped cob. Paid up and to the kiosk to collect the photographs, only three this week.

Feeling tired as I hobbled up to the bus stop to catch the L9 back to Sherwood and the flats.

The assaulted bench seats were less one more wooden bar today I think?

Had a lovely chinwag on the bus, but the lady bid her farewells and got off shortly, and I fell asleep! As luck would have it, another woman, who was from the flats had got on while I was snoozing, and woke me up as she laughed me into consciousness for the bus stop we needed! I did feel a fool, but it got me chinwagging with her for a few minutes.

I called at Olive’s on the way to the flat, but she was still out, back to the apartment and WRWW. Missed the midday medications but took the evening ones early with a cuppa. Made a meal and took a photo of it – but when it came to me downloading it – it had gone from the camera?

The washing up took ages. The slow cooker I’d done the vegetables in was most determined in its efforts to cling onto them. I dropped the bowl taking it out of the sink Hehe!

Nipped around to see if Olive had returned. Her beautiful beaming smile greeted me and let me in so we could have a chinwag. She was a bit better than yesterday I’m glad to report. Eventually, she had to throw me out. Haha, not joking!

Back in the flat and a WRWW later, and feeling cheered by seeing, chatting and gossiping with  Olive, I thought I’d have a go at cleaning the kitchen windows. I got the cleaners and cloths ready, but caught me finger on the awkward mechanism to release the window to turn it round, and the resulting little lesion bled for a few minutes. This discouraged my efforts, and I put away the cleaners and cloths!

Washed and ready to settle down to watch some TV, and I looked at a lot too, for hours… between nodding off periods, which were probably longer than the actual watching TV periods… does that make sense?

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