Inchcock Today: Wednesday 6th June 2018


Wednesday 6th June 2018

Norwegian: Onsdag 6. Juni 2018

0350hrs: I woke up passing repetitive, most persistent elongated winds from the rear end, the stomach-churning, feeling dizzy and with Shaking Shaun in attendance.

My first thoughts were; “Hello, what’s going on here?”

Within minutes, things had calmed down (Thankfully!). The shakes and dizzies had departed, only the tummy grumbling persevered. Soon to be joined by Anne Gyna.

The early morning struggle to get free of the £300 second-hand recliner was achieved with relative ease today. Off to the kitchen to put the kettle on and get the Health Checks done.

Which had to wait a while, as I noticed the nose had been bleeding again. Off for a wee-wee and clean-up the facial features (Hehe!), and found that Little Inchies fungal lesion had suffered as well. But Harold’s haemorrhoids were not leaking, stinging, but not bleeding.

I got the computer started.

Back in the bedroom/front room to get the camera, and I spotted that Noisy Herbert was up and about.

I could see the light from his metal foundry and noise producing room above was lit up and offering a threatening of noise to come scenario. This caused me some concern.

Notice the reflection of the computer screen in the top picture? Unintended.

Back to the kitchen and I managed to manipulate my way through the tangles of security wires, through to the 4-inch gap as I opened the window as far as it would go.

Lumix out, and up to the right, I noticed that Herbert’s balcony floor had been broken. A bit scary to think that all there was keeping the old balcony from falling away while we stood on it, were a few metal rods and 2-inches of cement.

I took a final photograph of the misty morning view.

Then remembering that the staff at the surgery had booked me in for another late appointment at 1140hrs, my spirits drooped. I’m sure they do it on purpose, the swines. If they do it again, I’m going to stop giving them any nibbles. Not that this will make any difference to them.

Eventually, I got to do the Health Checks at last.

The pulse was down even further this time and an odd set of pulse readings up to now this week. Mon 82 – Tues 101 – Wed 73 and now 78. Up and down a bit lately?

I made up the log, so I could take it to the surgery for them to throw it away, ignore it, or use it in the WC.

Suddenly, crucially and with all haste available, I had to get to the Porcelain Throne. Bit of a panic, I don’t have the foggiest idea how I managed to get there in time. But I did, only just, mind! Messy, sloppy almost liquidified. Splashes and squirts of considerable force meant I lost a lot of time cleaning up afterwards! But, at least the piles had not been bleeding. While doing the cleaning and antisepticalisationing of the wet room contact surfaces, I remembered I must get to the Deep Vein Thrombosis Clinic at the Queens Medical Centre soon, to get a replacement DVT First Responder Attention Card.

I got the Tuesday Diary finished off and posted. Went to the WordPress Reader, and replied to a comment.

Then began creating this post.

Got the nibble bags made up, paperwork in the jacket pocket, crossword book in the bag and had a wee-wee. I must remember to get to the Chemist as well, for the missing antacid medicine. Got the rubbish bags sorted and ready to take to the chute.

Got the ablutions and medicationalising tended to. Took the black bags with me on the way out. Pressed the call button on the elevators, and watched in amazement as the cages of both lifts, shot up and down missing me off for a good while. Eventually, I saw the doors glide (Well, more a scrape) open, it had arrived.

Unfortunately, at this time I realised I had not got my hearing aids in. Shmeggege! So back to the apartment and collected them. Got the lift quickly this time, and as I was going through the Foyer, there were Penny and Gladys (I think), two great, lovely ladies.

We had a laugh, joke, and natter for a few minutes. Then I had to set off. I met the plastic mending lad who I expected to arrive yesterday. He said he was poorly yesterday. One Day Man-Flu perhaps? Hahaha!

Along Chestnut Walk, and down Winchester Street hill. On to Mansfield Road in Sherwood, where this naughty Nottingham Pavement Cyclist came by a little too close for my comfort.

Give him credit though, after I called out my displeasure at his actions, avoiding using any bad language of course; the lad got off and pushed his bike along until there were no more pedestrians nearby him. Thank you, young man!

I carried on up the hill, and blow me, another Nottingham PAvement Cyclist came passed me even closer and more speedily!

I shouted out a Thank You, and he questioned my parentage and gave the one-finger salute, and just carried on.

Got to the surgery and logged in. Another new receptionist was on duty this morning. Shortly after I got the crossword book out, my delight was confirmed, it was Nurse Nichole who called me into her room. A few laughs as she sorted me out, gave her her nibbles bag, thanked her and the then dropped a bag off for the receptionists on the way out.

These flowers in a garden near the surgery had so many odd-looking small dark bees feasting on the pollen. I assumed. If anyone wouldn’t mind telling what flowers they are, I’d appreciate it. So pure white, beautiful!

Down into Carrington and called in the Chemists. I told the young lady about my not getting the bottles of antacid in with my prescriptions last week. She skulked off to talk to the dispensing chemist, who did not speak to me at all. She returned to tell me they have none in stock at the moment, but will order some? My EQ said to me that the naughty little Shaygets of a pharmacist knew the medicine was not on the bag of prescriptions before! She added that I could try Friday or Monday when they should have been delivered. This all sounded dodgy to me! I told them that, “I’d been without any medicine for two days now, so what’re another five days agony to worry about.” I need not have bothered. All I got back was vague, blank, empty, hollow, puzzled expression as she wandered back to the chemist. What a credulous, yet gullible person I am!

I left the shop feeling a little like I’d been conned again and went in the Lidl shop. I came out with Strawberry Ice Cream cones, Plain yoghourts some cheese twists, seasoned sliced potatoes and a tray of Hasselback Potatoes. No, I’d never seen or heard of them before. Contents listed as, potatoes, rapeseed, flaxseed, sea salt, black pepper, natural flavourings? Spice extracts and sunflower oil.

I used the self-serve tills and was struggling to find the cheese twists to input, and a young man came to me and calmly showed me where to see them in the system, and inputted them for me. With a smile, no sneering, snorting or dirty looks either! They won’t hang on to him for long, he’s too sociable and helpful for Lidl.
I thanked him, paid the bill and went out to get a bus back into Sherwood.

I got off of the bus and popped over the crossing and called in the Wilko store. I got some Dia-Limit capsules. Stress relief tablets, another bottle of the liquid soap flakes and something for the raffle prizes at the social hour meeting at the Nottingham City Homes, Winwood Flats, Unterscharführeress Wardens Temporary HQ, Willmott-Dixon workers breakfast and tea-break room, Sarcasm & Insult distribution area, Tenants Socialisation Shed, Telling Inchcock off Zone, Things like crockery and pottery to be stolen from, and residents Porta-Kabin, tomorrow.

I’ve never seen these before, flowers yes, I got one for Jenny a while ago, but never Tomato seeds are grown in a can?

Could be interesting. Hehe!

I called in the Co-op shop in the hopes of finding some fresh pod peas, and they had some in stock! Yehaa!

Caught the bus up to the flats, and met Cyndy as she got on the bus, a chinwag with a lady on the bench.

Then walked towards the flats and Cathy came out to hand me the DVDs she had been watching, bless her.

It looked like an Air-Conditioning unit was being fitted on the second floor.

Of course, it might have been anything really.

The Willmott-Dixon lads looked to be fully occupied and busy, scattered about between the two old courts and the new build.

I hobbled on and got into the building and up in the lift.

When I was getting out of the elevator, I noticed the lights were on inside the shaft. So I took a picture in the gap in the floor, so we know how far we have to go if the lifts fail. Hehe!

To the flat and by then I had to scuttle about a bit to get to have a tinkle in time. All was well, though.

Did the Health Checks. 

I got the food purchased out of the bags and took a photograph or two of them.

As I was doing this, the doorbell rang out. It was the plastic’s lad, come to make a mess for me and leave the curtains where I can’t get them back up or down. Bless the little scallywag!

He was only here for about fifteen minutes or so. Here are the results:

But he is a likeable lad and is being driven mad with all the changes and alterations to his schedule, thus moans from tenants, he keeps getting. No complaints from me, though. Oh, maybe the curtains? Hehe!

At last, we can see the progress being made at last. But having the electrician in to do the fitting of the Fire Sprinklers is very unnerving. As I’ve mentioned before, the chap who fitted the wet room for me, was brilliant! Cleaned up as he went along all the time. And he had to take out the bath, drill into the remove the old floor and lay a new one, do the tiles, etc. It took him seven days on his own. The electricians who came to link up the power, and they made more mess in 12 minutes than the other chap made in a week of working.

So it should be understood that I actually fear the electricians being let free in every room and the hallway to fit the sprinkler system. Oy vey!

Then, of course, we have the new fire alarm and the… Never mind!

It looks like a battleground in selected areas. Haha! Only joking folks.

I got on with updating this post, did the last Health Checks and got the meal prepared for digging into with my ever-decreasing number of teeth. Hehehe!

I hope the new Hasselback potatoes are okay. Wasn’t Steven Seagal called Hassleback in the brilliant Under Seige film? I might watch this on DVD tonight instead of the Gogglebox.

Served up the nosh. By gum, those Hasselback spuds were delicious! The garden peas were not as sweet as I expected them to be. The cheese twist was delicious, though.

Overall an 8.9/10 taste rating.

I removed the cotton wool and plaster from the blood vein area. I noticed that the tiny black specs on the mole or spot (whatever they are called) above, had returned. Crossing my fingers that this one does not disintegrate and cause problems like the one did last year.

I shan’t bother telling any medical staff at the surgery, I know that I’ll get one of the two regular comments. Either “Keep an eye on it!” or, “What can you expect, with all your problems and being on Warfarin” Hey-ho!

I got settled again and watched the Under Seige film on DVD. Kept falling asleep and having to rewind, but I got through it in the end.

I hoped I don’t become wamblecropt, with eating all those gorgeous potatoes. (Belch!).

By Inchie

73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!


  1. Timothy Price – I specialize in daily art, documentary and promotional photography. If you have a special event such as a musical production, play, concert, etc. or have a product or fashion that you need photographed, or you are a performer, musician and artist in need of promotional photos please email me or call.
    Timothy Price says:

    Young pharmacy types don’t understand the pain and agony people needing medicines are in. It’s a strange phenomenon that is. At least you got to see Nurse Nichole, which seemed to perk you up enough to get great photos of bumblebees (presuming the bumblebee shots are post Nichole). Enough said about the fire alarm. Nicely arranged dinner.

    1. Inchie – Nottingham. UK. – 73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Now awaiting Cataract & Glaucoma operations. Tsk! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!
      Inchcock says:

      Cheers, Sir.
      I wonder if we have any owls in the park nearby. I’ve never heard any, but that is not surprising.
      I keep hoping one day to catch and photograph one of the birds that occasionally fly by the window, but they never do when I’ve got the camera ready! Tsk!

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