Inchcock Today – Wednesday 31st July 2019: Indoors day – no problem though, the rain was persistent!

2019 July 31

Wednesday 31st July 2019

Italiano: Mercoledì 31 Luglio 2019

23:50hrs: I stirred, rather too enthusiastically really, I immediately made a grab for the walking stick, (In need of a wee-wee!) knocking over a bottle of spring water and the Pain-Gel tube, off of the Ottoman! Freed my cumbersome blobby overblown, crassulent stomached and skinny limbed body, out of the £300, c1968, rickety, rinky-dinked, rattling, rusty, second-hand, recliner. I kicked the empty plastic bottle on the way to the EGPWWB (Emergency Grey Plastic Wee-Wee Bucket). The bottle rebounded back as it hit the shelving, and very nearly fell into the bucket! That would have been a right good laugh. But it didn’t. Almost a worthy of printing humorous tale there in the making. Hehehe!

I had a USUWSS (Ultra-Slow-Uncontrollable-Weak-Sprinkly) wee-wee. No control over anything again, I had to just wait for the end to come. Checking every so often to see if things had stopped flowing yet. Well, flowing is too strong a word, more sort of a scintilla of a trickle. That best describes how things went. Tsk!

I took the bucket with me to the kitchen and reviewed the handwashing hanging above the sink. As I appreciated how wet it still was, it dawned on me what the time was! I’d risen a little too early again. But, I got four hours of sleep in, so not too bad.

I got the kettle on, took the medications and got the sphygmomanometer from the medical drawer, and did the health checks. Very pleasing, almost perfect results this morning. Apart from the body temperature, which remains a little low, at 34.2°c. Olive oiled the ear-holes, sprayed the eyes and rubbed in some pain gel on the new unfathomable as to why pain in the lower arm. But, not to worry, these things happen. Took the Macrogol sachet in water. These don’t taste as pleasant as the Movicol ones, but they are much more effective. I’ll say…

As I was taking the tea into the computer room, I had to divert to the wet room for a Porcelain Throne session. What a blessed relief! The easiest evacuation in weeks!

I washed and got to the computer, and looked up this (to me) wonder-drug. I got this information: Compound Macrogol Oral Powder has electrolytes that help to maintain your body’s normal levels of sodium, potassium, and water while you are being treated for constipation and it works by softening your faeces, making it easier to pass. In general, this drug is used for the treatment of constipation, especially if you have been constipated for a long time. And boy, have I! “The faecal impaction diagnosis should be confirmed by appropriate physical or radiological examination of the rectum and abdomen”? – Side-effects: Too many to fit in my blog space! Hehe! Of course, I understood all of this advice. (Inchcock-Fib-Detected!) 

I got the computer on, and read a WordPress comment from my photographicalisational hero, Tim Price.

Who kindly gave me the story behind the Dagwood Sandwich meals, like the one one I had last night.

As he said later; Unless one is familiar with the comic, a Dagwood sandwich is meaningless. He gave this link to it:

Dagwood Sandwich Explained!

I delved into updating the Tuesday post. The fingers, hands, arm, shoulder, and legs were all in a good mood, and only gave me the hassle in small quantities and not very often, in fact, they were the best-behaved more than they have been for ages! But I mustn’t get too excited. Haha!

After getting the blog all finished and posted off, I treated myself to a mug of the Glegettie Best tea! The rain was coming again, and I ventured into the balcony, to take a couple of moody photographs.

I made a start on this post next. The nerve ailments all being kind to me still. The rain was still falling, but much lighter now.

Then for a break, I went on the TFZer Facebooking and photo galleries to update. Wat a marathon session that was! I’m tired, drained, feeling hungry (The corn flakes might get attacked next) and happier than I have been for a while.

The corn flakes; that turned out to be Honey-Nut corn flakes, they did get attacked! Hehe!

After I had taken the photograph of the rare Inchcock breakfast, the fingers began to play up again, and I inadvertently took another new picture. Ah, wellski!

I pondered on how to cook the remaining shoulder steaks. After much dilly-dallying, and humming and hawing, I opted for marinating them in black bean sauce, for a few hours. Then cook them in the oven. I added a sprinkle of mixed herbs on top of them. An experimental effort that I hope comes out alright. I’ve some freshly-podded garden peas soaking in a saucepan with a spoonful of demerara sugar in the water. A giant potato, to be chopped up and mixed with some cheese, to round off the meal. If I bite them, I’ll have some of the Asda (Walmart) ball bearings as well. Oh, I mean, beetroot. Hehe! But that’s a long way off yet.

The rains still fall, and the digits were still dancing and jumping!

So, I watched some car crash clips on YouTube while I ate the corn flakes. Ah, the luxury! I even had a rice cake to follow!

Washed the pots, had only the third wee-wee in over eight hours! Every one of them of the newly arrived substandard USUWSS (Ultra-Slow-Uncontrollable-Weak-Sprinkly) variety.

I went on CorelDraw to do some more graphics and Thoughts in advance.

First though, another wee-wee, of the same style, USUWSS. I think I’ve had about four watery evacuations since cleaning the bucket, and the bucket isn’t a quarter-full yet!

After the wee-wee, I went out on the balcony and took a picture of the rain outside. No window opening, I was doing so well this happy up-to-now day, I didn’t want to risk losing any chunks of any finger, to the metal spring-clip opener!

Then, I got on with serious work of graphicationalisationing! I got a couple of each completed before the fatigue, set in.

I got the dinner made up and served. Cheesy potatoes with red Leicester cheese, gherkins, red and yellow tomatoes, rock-hard beetroot, fresh garden peas, and two shoulder steaks with BBQ marinade and mixed herbs. 

It took a while to prepare, (and a long time to clean up afterward). But I ate it all, over a long period of time. It took some getting through. Hehe! A Flavour rating of 7.2/10 given. I thought I’d better not eat any bread, so I had a couple of the rice-cakes.

As I was doing the pot washing later, all hell-let-loose with the CIDP (Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy). However, even at the time, I appreciated it going easy on me while I grahicationalisationing earlier. The leg seemed to be trying to do the occasional Locomotion, Hokey-Cokey and Tango dancing! The shoulder was keeping the beat, rhyme with the pin! The finger-ends alternated twixt no feelings and electric shock-like jumping. The arm shooting about was uninterested in joining in, this time.

Over about a ten-minute period, I dropped and broke the blue cereal bowl, sent the washing up sponge-stick flying, let the washing-up liquid bottle slip through my fingers, and lost and nearly fell over the walking stick! There might have been other mishaps, but this is all I can recall at the time of typing this! It was a long time this attack. I actually felt tired-out when it finished. But I wasn’t down about it, after all, the earlier parts of the day, the nerves were most gentle with me, really.

No handwashing was done, too weary, it would have to wait. I was convinced that once settled down, I would easily nod-off. But, no! After two hours of Colin Cramps and a new tummy upset stabbing at me, I got up again, and made a brew, a few swigs of the antacid medicine, and then made a start on updating this blog. Humph!

By Inchie

73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!


  1. Timothy Price – I specialize in daily art, documentary and promotional photography. If you have a special event such as a musical production, play, concert, etc. or have a product or fashion that you need photographed, or you are a performer, musician and artist in need of promotional photos please email me or call.
    Timothy Price says:

    Corn flakes are always a good snack. Cheesy potatoes and steak look good, but it only got a C rating. Dark photos of the parking lot. Come on leggies let’s do the locomotion. Then the hokey pokey, and a one note samba.

    1. Inchie – Nottingham. UK. – 73 years of age, pretty ugly, short, bald, pot-bellied, in ill health. Decaying physically and morally. Metal ticker, Duodenal Donald, Saccades-Sandra, Arthur Rheumatoid Itis, Hernia Henry, Hard of Hearing Hank, Bad eyesight Boris, Reflux Roger, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Neurotransmitters Not-working Wendy, Bladder Cancer Chris, Stuttering Sandra, Haemorrhoid Harold, Shaking Shaun, Dizzy Dennis... there are others, but I've tired myself out, now! Hehehe! Oh, then I had a stroke! Now awaiting Cataract & Glaucoma operations. Tsk! Failures, Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplops are my Forte... Hehehe! I love making folk smile when I can. TTFNski!
      Inchcock says:

      It’s them pork shoulder steaks, Tim. Or rather, my inability to cooke them right! THe cheesy-pots were perhaps the best tasting without the husks, that I’ve ever done. (But, that will may well be, due to the masses of cheese I put in, Hehe!)
      I rememer the name of the dance The Stomp, but don’t know how it went. Stomp seems such a perfect word for how the leg goes sometimes. Well, stomp and stamp! Haha!
      I like the one-note Samba. I’ll use that next time the leg dances.
      Cheers, Sir.

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