Anarchist planning to set up a World Government

A momentous, portentous, meeting took place in a shed in Lancashire shed early last week. We believe a Martin Shuttlecock may be the instigator as the meeting reported was believed to have been held in his shed.

After a meeting of six unknown men, they decided to form a World Government.with his choice of prospective candidates,

How, why who they are, is not clear yet.


If you can supply any details, please forward them via the comment section to the FBI, ATF, CID, Interpol, McDonald’s or any of the Secret Services below.

It is unknown which of the militants is to take over which department yet.

Caroline X of the WWE, warns people of the nefarious habits of this anarchic group of alcoholics. She told our reporter: “Take care and be very wary of approaching any of them. Some drink wine, some smoke tobacco, most of them are addicted to beetroot, one has been made redundant from work five times, one is too clever by half, one eats kangaroo for his breakfast… oh yes this mob need monitoring. Mr Obama is aware and about to take action!” As soon as he has consulted with Mr Cox, his advisor.

Inchcock Today Thu 12 May 2016: Weekly Windwood Shed Social Hour today

Thursday 12th May 2016

Woke around 0540hrs and the knees and legs felt pretty good. The recliner shuddered a bit when I lowered it. 

Vague memories of dreaming about falling off of roof ledges or something like that?

 Sharpishly moved to the porcelain room and pain again in passing, but no bleeding?

Took the medications with a cuppa and I got onto the laptop to conclude yesterday’s diary and start this one off.

The Morrison delivery arrived and I struggled to put everything away due to lack of storage space and my foolishness in ordering too much stuff. Huh!

I had to rearrange the can cupboard to get the tins to fit in – now watch them fall off the wall!

Ablutions tended to and I took the rubbish sacks to the chute and then wobbled along to the Winwood Community Shed, meeting some of the girls going there on the way. Found put one of them had her birthday today. Luckily I had one of the new unopened umbrellas with me. So I gave it to her as pressie like. Not many folks in attendance today.Jenny and Frank, who were going to the dentist, showed interest in borrowing the Nottingham Pictures book gone to the dentist, Eddy not attended.

Jenny and Frank, who were going to the dentist, so would not be participating in the Social Hour, showed interest in borrowing the Nottingham Pictures book I was taking to show the tenants.

Photograph from an earlier session

I handed out the nibbles, and what few of us were there, seemed to have fun initially.

Toni arrived late, with her arm in a sling and marks on her forehead. I’m sorry no one informed me earlier, I could have gone to visit her and try to offer comfort. She told

She said she was getting on a bus when the driver pulled off just as she was getting down to sit on a seat and she feel banging her elbow and head. Poor thing! This upset me and I forgot to take any photographs as I wanted to let her get it out of her system as she told me all about it.

Deana, the coordinator, visited and I handed her the letters I’d received for Margaret the previous tenant and the Polish Country loaf I’d got from Morrison’s like as a treat for her.

The meeting broke up early, and we had a chinwag with her for a while. Then I made my way back to the flat.

Crude labels that help

Got in made a cuppa and got on with sorting out the glasses and marking them to avoid future confusion.

It might look a bit naff and crude, but now I shouldn’t struggle so much and get myself into a pickle when choosing whichever pair I’ll be needing?

I marked them as:

Read (Reading)

BF (Thinking of Bifocals, but they are actually Varifocal I think).

Long (Distance)

Sunlong (being a pair of Prescription Sunglasses I bought a while ago before the Internet started.) Hehe!

Then I nipped down to take the Photograph Book to Jenny and Franks flat, no one in so I put the book and folder through their large letter box.

Back up to the flat and updated this diary.

The weather has been beautiful today, but the others told me it will change later and tomorrow. So I decided to have a walk out through Woodthorpe Grange Park with the camera. Then remembered I’ve to fetch the prescriptions so decided to have a hobble into Carrington to do so.

As I was about to turn off the laptop, Windows Downloads started coming in. Took ages so left the laptop turned on.

Back soon. (I hope)

Called at the Community Shed to see Deana, lovely lady, as I hobbled on my way to the Chemists. A little two-way laugh, and I was off again.

The next stop en route was to take a photo of the Dogweed, or was it Chickweed? I’ll have to ask Lynton again, and my memory, or lack of, is worrying me lately.

Walked down Winchester Street and up Mansfield Road and down into Carrington. It was a little hard going, the sun was getting hotter.

Called in the Chemist and collected the prescriptions, almost filled my bag with em. Hehe!

To Lidl, got razors, bag for laundry (cause my current one is getting a little wether-worn now), some English tomatoes, a Nottingham post (to see if my letter about Pavement Cyclist had been printed, it hadn’t), and some pots of Lyle’s syrup flavoured porridge.

Had a short dizzy spell while perusing the shelves.

Out to the bus stop and to Sherwood. Where, being so late in the day, I found there were no link buses to catch back up to the flats. Hey-ho!

So I walked to and up through Woodthorpe Grange Park and down to the flats.

I stopped and took in the wonder of nature for a while. And, there were no pavement Cyclists, very few dogs walking their owners, the wind was gentle.

The flora fighting through, the grass was getting thicker and I had a ‘Wonder Moment or two’.

Life and my living were starting to be appreciated for the first time in ages?

Then I wondered if Steve Age UK will ever get back to me to sort out the bank payments and debit thingies, and I lost the warm feeling and sense of thinking things might be improving.

Got in the flat and found the laptop had still not finished updating the Windows updates?

To the throne in the WC, no joy again. Oh, ‘eck!

Still, not complaining, though, Little inchy and Haem Aroids were not bleeding, Arthur Itis was being very kind indeed, Anne Gyna no too bad at all, the right wrist and arm only giving a little bother, Rea Flux also being kind to me, but a couple of dizzy spells while walking back to the flat worried me a bit.

The updates finished loading and the machine reset itself.

Got the nosh prepared. Easy one tonight. Boiled then minted potatoes, Bread thin ham sandwiches, tomatoes and beetroot.

Followed by a lemon yoghourt, and took the medications.

I had hoped to have some of the red peppers with it, but once again I tried and failed, to get the lid off, huh!

I reckon it will be out of date by the time I embarrassingly remember to ask someone to help with getting the top off of the jar for me! Hehe!

The recliner chair was jumping a bit again when I moved in it?

Watched some Rumpole of the Bailey episodes from the DVD and was soon ready to get my head down.

Slept well, despite the dreams.

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