Impute-Inchy, Friday 5th March 2021, Diary

A Touch of Class, from TFZer Nancy!

22:40hrs: I shot awake, with the thoughts of getting at least some advance templates done: For some reason, it was my day’s commitment, mission and incumbency! A resolution, willpower or even a dedication that has been scarce these last few months. Somehow, and I know not how – I knew I was going to get them done. Equally worrying was that I knew it was not going to be easy!

I even lay there on the recliner a while, planning a different way of setting them up that might save me some time. Fair enough, it didn’t work and cost me even more time… But. the fact that I thought about it, and tried, is the genuinely galvanising part.

But, first things first, a visit to the Porcelain Throne was needed. I manoeuvered my way out of the recliner, bit by bit, with comparative ease as well, caught my balance, and off to the wet room.

Well, this was an unexpected ding-dong of an evacuation. But it made a change. And for some reason or other, I was in a bit of a good mood with things at the time. Yes, it worried me as well! The same as yesterday, things took their time to start, and I got the crossword book out – another improvement here, I got one clue answered. Sad innit? One solution in three days and five Throne sessions! Tsk!

Once the movement began, it was one of the slowest I’ve ever coped with. And with so little evacuating as well. But Constipation Konrad was continuing his comeback, I think. Still, it was far less messy to clean things up afterwards! Mind you, the flaming cistern wasn’t coping with even such a minimal part-wet deposit! Several refills of the tank and many flushes later, I’d got it cleaned up, though!

I took the missed evening medications, and I did the Health Checks. Still, with an absolute determination to get the Templates done, there seemed no wavering on my behalf (Hard to believe, even for me!) I did the body temperature first on the easy-to-use Chinese, made in Hong Kong, contactless thermometer. Best reading for a few days methinks at 37.1°c The Chinese made Boot’s sphygmomanometer proffered the best readings for a while as well! SYS 148, DIA 68, and the PULSE at 88 bpm! The chart is looking like it’s improving somewhat as well. Temperature back in the green at long last!

A made a drink of Glengettie tea. It’s so lovely that the taste-buds are beginning to work again. Dang-nabbed AstraSeneka vaccine side-effects! Grrr!

I dedicated my time to getting the templates done and persisted for many hours before needing another Porcelain Throne visit. It replicated the first trip, but the tank actually took everything evacuated away, with just two flushes! I noted that the wrist alert bans had been trying to strangle me again! Hehe!

I returned to the computer and updated the Thursday blog. Not a lot needed doing. Emailed the link, Pinterested a few snaps, passed wind violently and started coughing something awful, and kept on doing so for a long time? Visited the WordPress Reader section and then onto Facebooking catch-up. I read and replied to the WP comments. A good came in today; that was nice.

Just before eight o’clock (Ten hours of Computing!) I’d got the templates finished! Yee-Haa! But no time for self-praising. For the ablutions had to be done, he would help me with sorting out the newly fire-proofed cupboard if the worker chap returns. And I need to get the waste bags to the chute and medical bottles to the recycling bin downstairs.

As I got into the wet room, I noticed blood on the jumper in the chest area? Hello, what’s this then? I asked myself. Well, you would, wouldn’t you? I discovered a cold or on the lip had caused the problem. Makes a change, Hahaha!

  • I dried up the leak with a kitchen towel.
  • Did teeth, and the split tooth started bleeding, so I had to dry that up, too. Only the one dropsy, mind!
  • Only three dropsies shaving. Two little nicks bled a bit, but nothing serious.
  • The nasal clearing went well, one dropsy!
  • The showering was started. But it became a smidge farcical! There cameth a landline phone call, that at first, I thought was coming for the radio show, ‘The Men from the Ministry’ on Radio Four Extra. By the time I realised this was not the case, and got my cold, coughing body out and to the telephone – it had stopped ringing!
  • Back into the shower, clouting my right shoulder on the door frame. Wich started SSS (Shuddering-Shoulder-Shirley) off, as well as BPB (Back-P{ain-Brenda) too!
  • So, coughing, sneezing, and in pain, I resumed the showering.
  • Repeated dropsies of the shower-gel bottle later, the telephone rang again! Now, I was getting a smidge annoyed!
  • Out of the warm shower, the landline stopped again before I could get to it! Grangleplops!
  • Back yet again to the showering, at least I got around this time without any injuries!
  • But Expuslivications! Only Neopathic Pete launched into one of his adventitious right leg Neuropathic Schuhplattler dances! A short but brutal flailing performance and I just don’t know how I stayed upright, but I did!
  • I was cold again, coughing, and Cathy Cartilage joined in! Gadzooks, Crockledimdogs! and Gnatwrangles!
  • Guess What? The bloody landline rang again!
  • This time, with the pain, shivering, and in particular, the knee, I didn’t even get all the way out of the wet-room before the phone stopped!

The washed yesterday diabetic bamboo socks had definitely shrunk! Humph! Oh, and the fluid retention seemed to be getting worse today? Am I bovvered? Nope!

I should have been a physical and mental wreck by the time I got out of the wet-room. But, No! All the Accifauxpas, Whoopsidenagleplops and injuries, bad luck, etc. Still, I was singing away to myself as I shivered. The cold sore opened up again, the coughing started one more, and Cathy Cartilage was getting worse by the minute… But was I bothered? No! As I was getting soap powder and handwashing, I pondered why I felt so uncaring, take-it-as-it-comes? An atypical abnormality, even an illusoriness confused, baffled me. But I was not going to let anything to get me down. Why? Something like this would usually get me all hot & bothered, but not today, Josephine?

I simply pressed on with the hand washing and got the heavy long-sleeve jumper, the bamboo socks and pyjamas bottoms all washed, wrung, hung and done! I used Surf Soap powder this time, it smells as good as the liquid one, and things seemed to clean up alright.

Then, I got the waste bags made up, added them to the walker-guide trolley box, and put the recycling glass into a carrier bag to take down outside to the green bin after using the waste chute.

As I got to the door, a much-dreaded letter had been posted, so I investigated. Huh! The Water Rates going up again now! Another integral part of the Government and utilities claw-back campaign to pay for the Covid-19? So, if I remember right, suddenly starting last week, I’ve had notifications of increases in costs for; EE Mobile, Liberty-Global Virgin Media, Internet; the rent and service charges are going up. British Gas has gone through the roof, the Bank has reduced my interest from 3% down to 1.5%, and the free bus service has been removed. I’m sure there is something else that I can’t remember! Yet, even this news of more costs did not get me down??? I wonder if I’ve died and no one has told me?

I struggled but got the walker out of the door and went along the lift foyer to the waste-room.

Aha! A new poster on the side of the lifts. Water Supply Interruption, no sorry, disruption. It’s for Friday 19th 2021, between 08:00hrs > 17:00hrs. I’m assuming it is for March, as the 19th is a Friday?  Onwards I plodded, no longer singing now, to the chute, but I was coughing better… Haha! I got the six bags down the tube and returned and got a lift down the bin outside. It was a little dim and grim in the ground floor lobby?

Down in the elevator and out to the bin. Handed the bottles to caretaker Stephen… Whoops, I mean, Robert!

And back up in the lift. In the lift lobby on my twelfth-floor, I noticed that the Art Deco all at our end of the hall had now been painted over, the same as all the other ones! I’ve put a photo from last week under this mornings, to remind you of the how pretty it was, but not for long.

Do you agree that the patchy art deco was different? It was growing on me each time I saw it, but no longer, now we share a bare baron wall, along with all the other floors. Tsk!

I got in the three flats lobby, Horse-Betting Addicted Malcolm, near lets, Forgetful Josie far left, and demented Inchcock far right.

Got the trolley indoors, and it was getting late for me, and the weariness was dawning. But, I needed to start this diary and get it finished if possible, or mostly anyway.

So, I pressed on, but the zest was dwindling as time passed by.

Blimey, it was suddenly ten to five at night! Boy, oh, boy, that’s about 18 hours I’ve been up and about! As I checked with my watch, I found that whatever is causing it, the wrist bands, soap powder, I don’t know, the Clopidogrel returning, maybe? But the bits of whatever on the arm were bleeding again. Mayhaps the Warfarin has gone too high? That may account for the lip bleeding so badly earlier? Mmm!

I stayed awake long enough to make an order for Morrisons, on Amazon, for tomorrow A.M.

I gave up on computing and got some sarnies made up for the meal. A dagwood imitation on bread thins, with ham and tomatoes, with mini pork pies and chilli chicken and a bit of Marmite cheese.

Apart from the terribly tasteless bread thins, the disappointing Anchor butter, the dry pies, the wet bland chicken, soft tomatoes, the Marmite cheese disc was tasty! Oh, and the lemon yoghourt was curdling a bit. Overall flavour rating, a barely deserved 3⅜/10! Gawd, it was lousy! 

Of course, I settled far too late to watch the Tales of the Unexpected. I put on a Heartbeat DVD, but in my state, I didn’t even get through five minutes of it and drifted off into a terrible (well, there were some good bits) dream-filled, disturbed slumber. I seem to keep waking and remembering bits, some that involved activities I can no longer perform but used to enjoy… then nod off dream again, and wake to ponder over what I’d been dreaming of! For some reason, I did not write anything on the notepad?

Ah, well!

6 thoughts on “Impute-Inchy, Friday 5th March 2021, Diary

  1. 37.0ºC on a temp reading is perfectly normal, so 37.1ºC is darn near perfect. Decent BP too. That was quit a bloody mouth/tooth ordeal. Sexy stockings and oak leaf. No water for 8 hours. That sucks. I suppose Friday the 19th is better than Friday the 13th, but 19 is also a prime number, considered an extraordinary number, and in ancient time it was the number for surrender. You are going to surrender your water supply on the 19th. That was quite a lousy Dagwood sandwich by you rating.

    • That made use my limited understandings, Sir. But I got it! Haha! Even with the numbers present.
      Ah, a bad job with the nosh, Tim. Which I was hoping to put right with soudough bread ordered from Morrisons and delivered this morning by Amazon – but No! THey brought the seedy malty bread, instead, Eugh!
      The delivery driver/shopper, left the bags outside, and I have done my health and spirits no good, by having to get the all up to the flat, which is how I now feel, a bit flat! Tsk! I have a day and half of welcome semi-contentment with a touch of happiness… and this happens, humph! Details in the IT later Sir.
      Hope allwell at your end, so as to speak. Hahaha!

      • Sorry delivery folk. I just got my first COVID Vaccine with the Pfizer vaccine. The vaccination is by the state. They are running people through a cattle chute process to shoot us. Moo!

      • I’m judt glsd for you that the AstraZeneca vaccine isn’t being used over there, mate. Hope no side effects?
        Haha! Rawhide! “Through rain and wind and weather
        Hell bent for leather
        ♫ Wishin’ my gal was by my side
        All the things I’m missin’
        Good vittles, love and kissin’
        Are waiting at the end of my ride ♫

      • Gold old Rawhide. No side effects. My shoulder is a little sore that’s about it.

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