Wed Sept 15: Inchcock Today: Galavanting

Wednesday 2nd September 2015


Boy I must have been so tired yesterday – I slept for over ten hours!

Woke up with bits of me dreams in my mind, but couldn’t find me pen to note them down before they’d drifted into the ether – even the notepad had disappeared, maybe I ate them during the night? Humph!

As I tackled getting up off the floor and me quilt, many of me ailments reminded me they were still there:

The skin cancer wound, I think that was because I’d spent so long laying on it like. Anne Gyna letting me know it’s going to be a painful struggling day in her usual stabbing fashion – Arthur Itis not keen on me moving at all – Duodenal Ulcer telling me not to eat any of the wrong foods today, or else! – The haemorrhoids leaking blood, and the reflux valve in no doubts about it’s intentions to make me suffer today! But sod em all, I’m going out later to have a look for some luxury fodder and a walk around town with me camera! There, take that! Hehe!.

After a painful porcelain visit I made a cuppa and took me morning medications. Laptop on and finished yesterdays diary off, started this one and did a graphic to use later.

It still surprises me how I can be here in pain and yet singing away to myself? Bonkers perhaps? Silly question, I knew the answer to that before I thought it. Haha!

Found me wrist-alarm and hearing-aids alright. (Bragging again here you notice?)

I’m looking forward to seeing Fooey tomorrow when I go to see Jane and Pete. Who incidentally have opened my house deeds and read through them. I’ve had them for around 46 years, unopened ready for the day I can move for me to read first. I have no idea why I felt a bit hurt when I found they had opened and read them through? I might be reverting to me childhood here?

Took me midday medications a tad early – mainly due to me accepting the time on the wall clock (That lies on the floor) as correct, before realising the battery had died.

Took the rubbish bags to the refuge chute then got missen spit and polished and ready to catch the bus to Nottingham. I was going to see if I could get extension cables for the headphones and USB multi thingy fer the computer.

Brolly in me bag, bus-pass in me pocket and hope in me heart, forward I went in search of the meaning of life and blackcurrant flavoured lollies… I lost it there, sorry. I’m back now…

IMG_0004Had a chin-wag with some other tenants and set-off on the bus into town.

The sky looked threatening this morning. But wonderful all the same.

Took a photograph about half way to town.

IMG_0005As we were almost at the stop in town, the bus stopped in a queue of traffic and I took a sad photographicalistion of the buildings…

And the amazing lack of peoples.

Wandered down to Maplins and got me things for the computer and headphones.

IMG_0008Walked to Jessops and got some advice on me camera.

Even Clinton Street was not busy today – very odd I thought.

Hobbled along Upper Parliament Street and onto King Street to catch the L9 bus at the top bus-top near the Post office.

IMG_0010Took a photo showing the Council House and ‘Little John’s’ bell tower against the skyline. (On the right)

I waited for the five minutes before the L9 electric powered bus arrived and I boarded it, again not many folk there on the bus either?

As I sat there I looked up across the road and spotted the gargoyle like statues at the top of the walling.

They were rather pretty I thought, and tried to imagine how someone got the erected so high up there all those years ago.

IMG_0011Zooming closer I saw some of the brickwork had parted – hope they don’t collapse.

We moved off and on the way to Sherwood.

When the bus stopped at the pedestrian crossing, I noticed that even the Pawn-Broker, Money Loan and We buy Gold IMG_0012shops had no customers in them, and they usually have some in whenever I pass normally.

Got back to Woodthorpe Court and visited the porcelain.

Got some nosh on, and connected me extension cable to the headphones and tried them to see if they worked. They IMG_0013were okay.

Got me nosh served up and digested.

Lettuce, fish in batter, chips, garden peas, beetroot, chicken bits and fresh apple, with some bread thins.

Followed by a lemon mousse and iced lolly.

Laptop on and updated this twaddle.

Did some Facebooking and graphicationalisationing for later.

Got washing ready and took it down and started washing machine, one of the two washers was free, one of the driers was free – then a git tenant came and put her stuff in the one free drier. Naughty selfish girl! She didn’t need the washer just the drier, and it says clearly on the notice if you are only drying clothes do use machine if both washers are in use! Tsk! Humph! Huh!

I came back up to the flat did a bit of sorting of one of the dozens of carrier bags to do. Got me crossword book and returned to the reception area to pretend to anyone passing that I can do crosswords, while the washer washed. Hehe!

Went back down and moved the stuff into the drier when it finished.

Had a walk through Woodthorpe Park into Sherwood, to get a Beetroot and Apple Bloomer to take for Jane and Pete in the morning.

01topa2aInteresting little walk it wer:

When I got to the top of the hill and turned down the footpath towards Mansfield Road there was only one person on the path apart from me like it just had to be another Nottingham Pavement Cyclist!

Got me loaf me loaf for Jane just as two fire engines and three police care sped towards the town.

Got back on the footpath through the park and a motorbility-mug nearly had me as he came from behind so close it made me jump. Tsk!

Then when I got higher up another Pavement Cyclist took me attention away from a man’s dog that tool an unnatural interest in me groin area!

Walking down the gravel path on the hill to the flats, I just avoided a Whoopsiedangleplop as I slid on some wet leaves.

However, I did get back safely to the flats, took me washing out of the drier and up to the twelfth floor and home. I think that’s the first time I’ve called the flat home? Things must be improving a bit eh?

I looked at the paperwork from when I bought me last camera and it said if I apply before 7 Sept to Panasonic, I can claim £60 back! Well thought I, I’ll give than a go.

01topa2IMG_0015So I put away my togs and got onto it…

Two hours later I worked out how to apply and found the correct page to do it on and when I filled in the application form, I got this message on the left.

Confusing innit? Jessops tell me I’ve got until 7th Sept and the Panasonic site tells me I have to wait 28 days after registration is completed – so I registered. Ain’t life difficult? I’ll call in Jessops tomorrow and ask them what’s what.

I’ll take this camera with me just in case owt crops up that might be suitable for the Bird & Flower Facebook site that I can try to take a piccy of. This camera is Zx30, the other one is Zx5. Whatever that means like. I’ll take the opportunity to ask them how I can get the date back on correctly, cause I got it wrong first time I tried. Huh!

I tooked a photo of the skyline from the kitchen window on the newer camera.


Took me medications with a cuppa, very late though – Huh!

Must clear-up and get me head down now – don’t want to miss the first bus in the morning when I go to Jessops and then to see Fooey, & Jane and Pete now I have their permission to visit.

Night all.