Inchcock Today – Sunday 11th June 2017: Horrible day, felt a right Eedle-Doddle!


Sunday 11th June 2017

Malay: Ahad 11 Jun 2017

0435hrs: Greeted by Duodenal Donald as I woke and lay there doing my best to recall the dreams, but only vague memories of a dustbin lorry and giant live jelly babies walking the streets, lingered? No idea!

Disentangled me from the £300 economy second-hand recliner ASAP and off to the Porcelain Throne for a heavy duty evacuation session. A lot easier again this morning. The cut I got shaving yesterday had stopped bleeding leaving a beautiful pattern of blood in the shape of a question mark on and down the cheek to the neck. (Just thought I’d mention it like, Hehe!)

7Sun03I noticed how grotty the wetroom floor looked. So I got the second mop and bucket out and gave it a good scrub up. I have two mops and buckets you know? I bought the expensive rotating to dry the head one cause it looked easy to use (As it turned out it was far easier to stub my toe on as it happens). Found it did not work on the knobbly floor of the wetroom and had to buy another.

7Sun02aReturned to the chair and again, there were signs of ‘Tidbit Nibbling Activity’ overnight, Again! Crumbs, empty crisp packet, vine tomato stems… Tsk!

Into the kitchen and viewed the murky morning outside.

It soon cleared up and the sun started to break through.

7Sun01aSpotted where I’d been at the tomatoes overnight.

Took the medications, made a mug of tea and got the tablet pots sorted out for next week.

Health Checks completed, all looking good apart from the increase in pulse and the weight!

7Sun02bGot the peas and potatoes in the saucepan and added water and vegetable seasoning for them to soak until ready to be boiled.

Had a wee-wee and got the computer on and started the diary updating to here.

Posted yesterday’s off, then did some WordPress reading.

Onto Facebooking then.

Duodenal Donald keeping on bothering me and for no reason a sudden depression hit me? I feel terribly low, no gusto, no interest… Oh dear.

7Sun04aI’ll make an early meal, see if that cheers me up.

Although the fodder tasted nice, the spirits did not improve at all.

A fatigue of sorts dawned after gobbling up the meal.

A shadow, a curtain, a genuine tiredeness, weariness, drained. Felt a right Eedle-doddle, as the Scots would say. (Always loved this phrase)

Hence, I did nothing but watch the TV and dose off, watch the TV then dose off… for the rest of the day and night.

Felt awful when I sprang awake many hours later to find it was not even time to go to bed yet?

Very odd, pointless, confusing, uselessness, worrying, a semi-obliviousness day of vague nothingness? Hehe!

5 thoughts on “Inchcock Today – Sunday 11th June 2017: Horrible day, felt a right Eedle-Doddle!

  1. Did you steal tomatoes from yourself in your sleep? Giant jelly babies and dustbins in the street. Sounds like a good line to a song. Decent looking meal. Sorry you had a horrible day.

    • Thanks, Tim.
      It’s funny, but like this morning (Monday), I knew I had been dreaming and grasped that it was a complicated and interesting dream (EQ?), but I could not recall any real factual details of them? Another time, I make notes with a pencil on the pad, as recommended by your other half – and either cannot read or decipher them or if I can, I find lots of details that prompt the memory. (Does that make sense Tim?)
      The meal went down well mate.
      Take care.

      • Makes perfect sense. If you can make sense out of anything written down in a state of slumber, you are doing great. I can’t even read things I write down in a complete state of alertness.

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