Inchie Today: Monday 2nd January 2023

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I woke to the chirpy tones of from the door chime.
Immediately engaged. I thought I’d overslept, and the Carer was trying to get in…
The moment I pressed my right arm on the £300, bought eight years ago from the second-hand shop, Harold Haemorrhoid testing, repugnantly beige-coloured, crumb containing, virus-breeding, acne-giving, nibbles-hiding, rickety, itch-producing, none-working recliner’s arm… The shooting pains started from the mystery ailment again after a day of me thinking it was ebbing… These shooting or stabbing pains come when I use the right hand (Peripheral Neuropathy?) They said it would only get worse? I could not use the walking stick with the right hand; cause pressing down on it, raising the arm or bending.
This much-delayed me getting my balance and to the door. Where I unlocked it and opened it to see no signs of anyone?
Baffled & bemused, I went back to the recliner room, and by Jimminee, it was only 05:00hrs!

Walking without a stick, and carrying the night catheter pouch, decided to drain and remove the night bag. The bending to unfasten and drain it was another period of sharp pains in the chest… well, around the back they were now.
It’s going to be another pain-ridden day! Concentration going to go to pot, well, it had started. And with the balance being so bad; and the st
art of kicking off, my spirits sank.
I took the bucket and emptied it, rinsed and anticepticated it. and put the removed bag in three waste bags. All this I did in an automated fashion? Returned the bucket for use to empty the day catheter later.

I thought, being as I am up and aboutish, I’d better get the tended to. From getting into the wet room, I noted the time on the clock. By the time I’d got the stand-up wash with feet soaking in the bowl on the floor, shaved, washed, including the area that contained poor catheterised Little Inchie, hate rear end and associated danglers and crevices; then applied both Germoloids &  Germolene. Olive oiled the ear holes. Got a tiny amount of the eye drops into the right eye… but possibly 80% of it on the nose, moustache, chin and stomach. I’m not mastering putting the eye drops in, am I?
MedPhorpainThe catheter had made the Fungal Lesion bleed every morning and night, so after giving Arthur Itis’s knee, I say knee, not knees, cause I couldn’t get to the right one due to the paraphernalia attached… I then tackled the lob of trying to readjust the tape holding things in place that had gotten twisted… It’s still twisted.
This daily morning performance took me two hours plus to get done. Any wonder I can’t get the blog done?

I split a pair of Depend pants on the plastic closure thingamabob, and I tried another pair. But had an as I pulled them wide to get over the tubing, and it sprang back… and started the Fungal lesion bleeding again… which I’d just spent agony and time stopping it bleeding, so had to start doing the Dakacorting again!

And as for getting dressed, that was extremely painful. As the falls team showed me a year or so ago, I opened the trousers, dripped them, stood in with one leg, and used the picker-upper to raise the trews. Then on to the right leg… Hehehe!
Talk about struggle and suffering! !

Arrived as I was starting the computer. Great to see him. The lads got a dry tickly cough that’s playing him up something rotten.
Later I added a bottle of cough linctus to the Asda order for tomorrow)

Richard wrote things down for me to say to the Doctor on Friday.

After this, the pain got to me, I’m ashamed to say.
And I started mind-wandering. Didn’t do anything on this blog; working on yesterday’s for ages, and started on this in the late afternoon.
I kept wandering off to do other things. Emptied the cataract… no, that’s not right… Catheter day-pouch four times up to now.

Around 16:00hrs, made a concerted effort to find some cartoons to use.
Got a few and doctored them in CorelDraw to use over the next three issues of this world-famous Inchie Today blog. Followed by a massive number of people from all over the world. And they are both good people.

A photo here that I forgot to put on earlier.
Hard to believe, I know; Me forgetting something. A man of my perceptiveness, classical education, brilliant mind and… Well, never mind.

This insult shirt was a Christmas Pressie from Sister Jane 2 years ago. Lovely and snuggly-warm it is.

Also got this picturesque under-the-circumstances shot of the morning view that I also, as well as again, forgot to put on the blog earlier. Amazingly, I’d forgotten to do the Health Checks again. So, I did them.

I then set about making a meal. Ben’s BBQ rice, a can of nearly out-of-date mechanically removed chicken 15%, beef 4%, and soya 54% hot dogs to go with the rice with added BBQ sauce. A pot of instant mash with added cheese. Flavour Rating for this one,

of 8.2/10.

Went to get the pots washed and took these three shots over a period of about ten minutes of the just-gone sunsetting view from the kitchenette window.

Meridian’s last call of the day, a Health & Safety Check, Catheter changing, and Pentac medicine giving session, was performed by my friendly caring .

Pentac was given, and then the night bag was added to the day bag for me.

I’m still bothered by the hospital’s instructions for the Cystoscopy Procedure on Friday. I’ve to contact my Doctor, physician or nurse to find out when or if to stop the Warfarin prior to the operation. (As there will be a lot of bleeding).
I’ll ask Hristina n the morning if she can help me. Not hearing on the telephone or mishearing can be a problem for me

Yours: Fed-Up Inchie!

5 thoughts on “Inchie Today: Monday 2nd January 2023

  1. Ghost dinging on your donger at 5:00 am? Excellent photos. Great looking meal. Nice Richard came to care for you.

    • I assume it was the roughsleepers again, Tim. Or, mayhap me dreaming? Hehe!
      Today, up to now, is cracking example of Whoopsiedangleloppery! Tsk! Again!

  2. Another well-produced high-quality post, my friend. You provide me cheer at the beginning of this year, and relate news of what is actually going on in the UK these days. Gad-a-rama.
    Petal and I finally got to get out to a restaurant in town here (CrowellVille?). It is a new Italian restaurant that just happened to be near the hospital where she was getting some more testing done in preparation for surgeries down the road. ‘Tis the first time we’ve been out in this way in yonks. Even better, Lisa is up and about in Crowell Manor. A great day, as I am sure you agree.
    Regards to Richard for all his critically important work. I speak as a fellow Carer, of course.

    • You poet, you! Hehehe!
      CrowellVille… I like it.
      I watch ten minute od a Dirtyu Harry film (before falling asleep at the first sert of adverts), which prompts me to ask an Italiano Diner – What is Calamari please?
      Pleased you got out for a change. I had a meal out in 1972. Chinatown in London. But I don’t like ot brag. Hehehe!

      Does my heart glad to hear that Petal-Lisa is on the move – Grrreat! Love it! ♥

      Oh, medicationalisticalisationing, poor HRH copes far better than I do, bless her cotton socks. ♥
      I can’t even sort out if I should be cutting out the Warfarin or not and when if so, before the procedure? Bounced back; City Hospital, Doctors, QMC, DVT Clinic all referred me back to the City Hospital… who HANG ON: I waffled abotu this already, Sorry, Billum.

  3. So what about that City Hospital?? haha! I can take it Inchie! I will jump in there and say if your surgery is on Friday, take two days without warfarin – at LEAST. Bill is told to skip for 5 days when he goes but who knows how much is going to happen? Don’t over fret because if there is bleeding, there is a big shot of Vitamin K they will pump right into your IV and it will cause your blood to clot enough. Always – if your at the hospital, then the emergencies can be addressed.
    Billums and I were very tired yesterday and some from day before. We left a veritable mountain of dishes and debris. We don’t have a garbage disposal so I have a small trash can on the counter. Bill STILL likes to nicely take my dishes with napkins, tissues, dental floss… and then we ordered Chinese in (the three of us) and the plastic film and lids were all in the double sink as well. THEN, both drains were blocked!!
    So, as much fun as we had driving around our town and having our date, we agreed we would clean up that kitchen together! It’s nice being awake at the same times. And when I have to go somewhere and get myself looking appealing, I feel more like being alive. So, he loaded the dishwasher and I bullied my way in and set the dishes in such a way that coincided with the actual structure of the baskets and we ended up getting a lot more in there! While Bill was putting all of our silverware in the slots, I dug all the cat food, plastic lids, paper, and muck out of the strainers and managed to clear both sinks. Then I went on a washing rampage of all surfaces while Billums supplied me with requested towels, cloths and other aids. I wiped onto the floor since he was vacuuming! haha! He did that and I was going like a house afire, and bent way low, using my soapy wash cloth on the floor next to the cabinets where some many whoopsidangleplops land. At that moment, the dreaded organ shift into the hernia occurred! I had hot flash, sweats, shaky and I got up really fast and continued wiping but leaning forward so I think I pushed whatever slips out of that opening when I bend back to it’s original home. We had a great time and hours later had dinner. I wanted to share the good day with you my dear sweet friend. We always think of you and talk about you. You have a little giftie on the way and I hope you get it soon! OH! I also went to the new location in our berg of Servati’s one of the finest patisseries around! I got three mini eclairs, one chocolate bombe, a few tiger tails (our foot ball team is called the Bengals and orange and black are the colors) so these were glazed doughnuts which the lad loves (Alan). I offered him my leftovers from the restaurant and it turned out he ate Billums left overs so I had spaghetti and meatball for dinner! thank you for sharing your day with us! You are a touchstone my darling!

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