♫ How do you Solve a Problem like Marissa! ♫

MarissaWell, yer see I met this gal called Marissa at the local Locarno Dance hall like.

I can tell yer, me heart went thumpety thump soon as saw her like.

1954 it wer, March I think.

Well, me being an imitation Teddy-Boy, I thought she’s not going to be able to resist me yer see.

So I approached her, asked for her name and asked her if she wanted to dance innit.

Bit of a jive like.

I thought she liked me because she kept laughing at me.

I did alright fer about two minutes when me wig started to slip – Tsk!

She walked off in a huff saying something but I didn’t catch what she said because I’d took me hearing-aids out first like.

Marissa2So I followed her to her table where she was drinking Root Beer and Guinness with her mate Shirley.

I asked her if everything was alright like, she replied:

“Oh yes. I like it when a short-sighted midget comes up to me and his hair falls off his head as he passes wind has BO and can’t see without his glasses!”

“Is that all?” I said. I can get some new glue fer me toupee, take some medicine fer me wind have a bath and get contact lenses gal… problems solved midduck!”

I couldn’t understand why the expression of bewilderment came over her face as;

She stood up and belted me with very passable right hook, kicked me in the goolies, tutted and walked off?

Women eh?

7 thoughts on “♫ How do you Solve a Problem like Marissa! ♫

  1. I find this hard to believe Inchy! The truth is, I really do like it when a short sighted midget approaches me and his wig falls off and he farts and has BO. Therefore, I don’t think I ever belted you, although it’s hard to recall as I often go out drinking on these nights with my friend Shirley and none of us remember much the day after. Well, sorry for any act of violence that may have occurred, although… come to think of it… those pictures do look sort of odd…

  2. You see Marissa was so desperate to go to Satan’s Christmas party she set off too early and the worse for drink turned violent – what are we to do with you Marissa…really!

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