Inchcockski -Tuesday 17th November 2020: A cheerless, chagrined, challengingly, changeable day.

TFZers at the Cottage ♥

Tuesday 17th November 2020

Estonian: Teisipäev, 17 November 2020

23:35hrs: I stirred back into mock-life, frit myself as I passed an involuntary eruption of flatulence and in a hurried kerfuffle, I got my mahoosive, wobbly-bellied body out of the recliner, and straight towards the wet room, in an urgent need of the Porcelain Throne. (Not catching by balance first or taking Metal Mickey with me  – but I got away with it, Phew!)

I got in the wet-room post-haste, without any falls, bags or dizzies. Whipped off the PP’s and once again the movement stopped of its own accord, seemed to get stuck, and I reached for the crossword book. But a minute or so later, it started again, eagerly! The complete evacuation was over in about a minute!

But the Dioctyl® capsules seem to be working more effectively against Constipation Konrad this time. I’d say it was a 2-0 win against Trotsky-Terence this morning. A messy affair mind, I had to clean up, and the product produced needed a refill or two from the sink, to clear things away. Hey-Ho! The most important thing at the time, was it was far-less painful, and only a few specs of Harold Haemorrhoid’s blood.

Panicky waking moments to the day, but the pleasure of the release from pain made up for it, and I was almost chuffed for once. But resisted going into a Smug-Mode yet, knowing my luck this cannot last for long. Hehehe!

After taking the photo of the tank being refilled (Not a bad job that, with the right hand as well) Go on then, into Smug-Mode. I notice that for some unknown reason, the right arm was much redder, than the rest of my body? I took this snap of it, I don’t know why.

Then, I had a wash and antisepticised the touch-areas, and off to the front room to get the Health Checks done. The Boot’s old type BP sphygmomanometer read 61 for the SYS, which was fair enough, I thought, certainly lower than the previous few days. Smug-Mode retained!

The body temperature was also okay.

I did not take the morning medications, because I found the pot with the evening tablets still in it. (Oh, things might be returning to usual here!) I’ll take the morning ones later on when the Warfarin has had time to weaken as they are digested. I can’t remember why, but some iota of memory told me to.

I went to check that I’d not left the tap running again, (I do that sometimes yer know, Humph!) and took this slightly moody but half-decentish shot of the morning view of the sky and sleeping population’s dwellings, houses, flats, apartments, alleyways. There are even two manufacturing businesses out there still trading!

 Not all of them will be kipping, the NHS staff will be risking their lives coping with the Coronavirus pandemic, delivery persons out and about. Burglars, muggers and drug-dealers, naturally! Not forgetting the uniformed Nottingham City Policemen, I should think that half of the force would be out there somewhere. But I couldn’t spot either of them. Hahahaha!

I got on with the need to get some templates made up, I was well behind with everything with all yesterday evenings interruptions. It took me about four hours to get them all finished, and I was beginning to feel a bit drained.

I think the Furesomides were working well too, I needed to have repeated wee-wees throughout the session. Altogether, they would not have filled the kettle, they were dribbling weak efforts. So, I made the first mug of Glengettie of the day and returned to the computer.

I made up a few graphics to go on the templates, and finished yesterdays blog, got it posted off, Pinterested a few snaps, and caught up with Facebooking. Went on the WordPress Reader, then I answered some comments from my cyber-friends.

I made a late breakfast, very nice too! But couldn’t eat it all.

Checked on the Google Calendar, that Morrison’s are delivering today, twixt 13:00 > 14:00 hrs. When they have arrived, if I am still got some mental and physical energy left, I must make one up for next week, if I can get a delivery slot, that is.

I stopped to get the Ablutions done. A stand-up job with it being too early to use the noisy shower. It well as smoothly as it has done for weeks. But, Gawd knows how, but I forgot to have a shave? I’ll tend to it later, Tsk!

The body was extremely ashen again, but the feet were still much less affected by the saying off, it seems, ulcers and papules?

Hello, off to the Porcelain Throne again. A repeat performance of the last one, but no bleeding this time. Good, innit?

I made another brew of tea, Thompsons Punjana this time, and tool the belated morning medications.

Around 0740hrs, a call came in on the landline—a recorded message, from a fast-talking, none-stopping female. I could make very little out of what she was saying, but I did pick-up; the word Prime, and £79 something from your account? Help!

I attempted to make an order for Iceland for next week. But had to settle for one for next Friday 20th, between 08:00 >10:00. No Chilli Con Carne, but I tried some meatballs in BBQ gravy instead.

Then, I had a look at what Morrison slots were available. Bit of luck, I got one for next Tuesday! 0900>1000hrs!

All sorted out, pleased now that no more hassle, mind you, today’s Morrison one hasn’t arrived yet, better say nowt!

I got the waste-bags made up, and got them In a box on the three-wheeler. A bit of a struggle to get it out of the door, but I coped – the scrape on the back of the hand against the door frame is nothing to a man like me. Ahem!

I went back to check on the spuds in the slow cooker, also to check I’d not left anything on that shouldn’t be, like heat or the taps) Not confident? Me? Hah! You’re right!

I got to and in the waste-room, put all the bags down the chute, came out, backwards, and to the lift. As I was awaiting the arrival of the cage, it dawned on me, I’d not banged or walked into anything, and the ailments were no bother, Zilch hassle! Very worrying!

I got down to Jenny’s floor, and there were no shoes outside the flat. So, no point in pressing the bell, so I put the carrier on the floor and back to the elevator, which soon arrived, and down to the ground floor with the recycle box atop the three-wheeler trolley walker.

This top photograph shows the view of the lift lobby as I got out of the cage!

I poddled along to the end on the corridor, see here in all it’s majesticness and splendour. It’s been so long since I’ve escaped the 12th-floor

I turned right into the main lobby, and out to temporary freedom, to get the cardboard and plastic in the green bin.

I turned around and had a lookup to the left along Chestnutnut Walk, then ahead of the car park and the gravel hill path up into Woodthorpe Grange Park.

I took a picture each turn I made, left, across and to the right, they are all on that order on the right here.

Nice to get out and do some photography after such a long time.

But I could not take too long, as the Sainsbury order delivery time hour is three hours away, and I have to get back up in case they phone up, or the intercom goes off.

The three frames all have something other in common, other than they are all of Chestnut Walk – they are all barren of any tellurians as far as I could see, a lonely, sad sight this site! Hehehe!

I swiped myself into the lobby doors, with there odd bits of stuck on notices about the works and Coronavirus, and sticking half-way open door. Struggled a bit top get the front wheel of the trolley-walker-guide over the raised grippers on the floor.

I got in and had a perusal of the notice come blackboard that was not black. A whiteboard I think, with the rub-outability function for marker pens, to see what I’d been missing.

It was advising the tenants on the lower floors the lockdown will turn into a lock-in on odd days, while they lay the new lift lobby flooring on their levels.

I bet someone will come out and tread in the setting cement again. Haha!

I meandered through and into the ground floor lift lobby. I did see the odd harassed looking worker rushing about while I waited, but no tenants anywhere whatsoever.

It’s a good social life here, you know!

I was taking this photographicalisation of the electronic notice board, and the lift cage arrived – no one in it to chat or say good morning to.

I was soon back up in the cell… I mean, flat.

I put the guide away in the corner and had a little natter with Scruffy and Katie.

My pets, don’t you know! Donated to me Scruffy from Canada and Koala Kate from Australia TFZers after I’d had the stroke. Bless them! ♥ Makes me so cared for that did, all those miles away, not surprising I love em!

Jenny rang to tell me off for leaving the treats for her, Doris, Frank or their charities as she wanted to,  at her flat door. We hat a natter which was super, but I was wary of not hearing the intercom in case the Morrison delivery arrived. But it worked out well, just as she rang off, the intercom came to life!

I met the man at the door, and he proceeded to put the goods into the box, and bag for me. Slipped him a can of Vodka and lime, and dragged the folder into the kitchen to sort them out. Well, what crap substitutions again!

It looks like they have made money out of me according to how it reads above? Swine! Gits! Basta… Never mind! I got some terrible substitutes. Gin & lemon – I got Gin & tonic, Red Potatoe battered cakes, I get the McCains salt and pepper chips again, which are crap-tasteless! Shaving foam, Chilli con Carne subs.

But the daftest thing was my own fault. I really thought I had ordered a pack of six salt & black pepper rolls, Hehehe! Each roll was like a small loaf! I thought Jenny would be able to use them for someone, so I rang her and took them down to her flat.

Then got the stuff put away.

Peed off now at me, that is the third time I’m tried to order the

Battered sweet red potatoes from Morrisons this year, and every time they have subbed the totally not red potatoes, not battered either, shit McCains salt and black pepper pathetic crap… crap… crap!

Still, it doesn’t bother me too much. Huh!

I finished hoarding the unwanted goods, swearing and name-calling verbally at Morrisons, last week it was Sainsbury’s. Globranglings!

I had no choice other than to throw the shit-chips away or eat them, so I abandoned my plans for a CCC (Chilli-Con-Carne) and got the sickening tasting, soggy, bland, crap, rubbish unwanted McCains chips, substituted for Sweet Potato cakes in batter, in the oven.

While they were cooking, I took these three zoomed-in pictures from the unwanted, unlike, light and view-blocking new kitchen.

The top one should have shown you a Christmas tree-lights. But, in my usual Cock-it-up fashion, it came out all horrible and unclear. (I’m good at taking photographs like this. Hehe!)

I burnt a finger-knuckle getting the Morrison’s sickeningly imitation, pretend, substitute for Sweet potatoes in the batter. And got the sordid, bland, gunk of kak, chips, I wouldn’t have anything else with them, knowing they would only taint anything else on the plate with their disgusting sweet sickly flavour.

I got some of the Milk Roll loaf bread, (Oh, a thank you to Morrisons for having some Milk Roll in stock, and not substituting with nail polish, or firelighters, nice one, cheers!) and I put a drop of BBQ sauce in the dish, to try and mask the taste of the chips a bit. But that was a Morrison own-label brand sauce, that made things worse!

The garbage-chips looked as bad as they tasted. Very grim! No flavour rating is given unless something like ‘Flavour Rating: Minus 10’ would be grammatically correct? I only ate a few of them, gooey chips, flavourless apart from the black pepper, the sauce was probably made from bleach and drain cleaner, and I went into a nasty, wanting revenge mood!

When I’d got the cleaning up and the ablutions all done, (although no shave again?) I got down to watch the TV, but I knew I would not need this medium tonight for flaking-out into the arms of Sweet Morpheus, I was drained, the eyelids were drooping. I needed something to satisfy my unhealthy morbidity, frustrations with nothing going right, and temporarily bring some good thoughts into my grey-cell box.

  I did imagine I was a Mafia-boss and was making plans of attacking Morrisons and Sainsburys, to get revenge for the way they have treated me this past two weeks. But guilt, and certainty that I was losing-it, stopped my progress, and Morpheus arrived to enfold me in sweet peace. 

I woke an hour or so later, and was sure I heard music? But I didn’t even bother to do my usual hunt around when I’m woken by these unknown clatters or bangs, for fear of something had fallen, or leaked, or whatever, to cause the sound. I was not interested. 

But, could I get back to sleep? No! Soddit! Grumbleackers!

6 thoughts on “Inchcockski -Tuesday 17th November 2020: A cheerless, chagrined, challengingly, changeable day.

  1. At least your breakfast looked decent. Too bad about the bad fries. The CCC is helping move things along? “The top one should have shown you a Christmas tree-lights. But, in my usual Cock-it-up fashion, it came out all horrible and unclear.” Actually, I love that photo. It has an excellent composition, it’s abstract, but clear enough to make out the trees. It’s a really successful cock-up. That’s good you have Kuala Katie and Scruffy to keep you company. Solitary confinement is not good for you.

    • Cheers, Sir.
      A bit up and down lately.
      I’ll try to explain what’s just happened: I turned to look up at Koala and Scruffy, told them without speaking “Tim likes your photo…” and that precise moment, Sccades Sandra kicked off – and gave an impression as my sight for foggy and blurred, that they were both moving their left arms, perhaps waving to you? This might sound potty, (fair enough), but it happened. Hahaha!
      Daccades has been giving me some hassle today.
      Cheers, mate, all the bestest!

  2. Morrison’s appears to be the most unreliable sustenance source, a minus 10′ rating is, by my reckoning, places it at the bottom of a ten-foot hole. What kak, indeed. Does it remind me of our present Kakistocracy? Yes, it does indeed.
    Caca is the Latin spelling, I suppose that kaka is close enough for Morrison’s. Now, that reminds me of waking up of a morning to find that I’ve been metamorphosed into a giant Kakalak.

    “A fart by any other name would smell as foul”.

    Looks like four (4) other people have already used that expression, according to the above search.

    Wishing you betterer foodage, Sir!

    • We is certainly a sad set of citizens, ruled by politicians we vote for, usually in my case, voting for the ones I think might be the least harmful to us. It dosen’t work. Haha!

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