Some Fings wot Nottingham folk don’t say any more – not nowadays…

I’m sorry if some folk find these hard to understand – a little like me wiv women?

Lost words phrases and comments from Inchcock’s passed.


Lamented saying: Yo cun cum to ma place, mam un dad r awt fort night!

Translation: You can come to me house, Mother and Father are out all night.

Comment: Never to be heard again methinks?

Lamented saying: Sorl yer gerrin!

Translation: That is as much as you are going to get.

Comment: School dinner lady talk?

Lamented saying: He onts sum hossmuck innis boots!

Translation: He is of rather small stature.

Comment: Short-arse is another option to use.

Lamented saying: Yowl cumoff wurst!

Translation: I fear you cannot win.

Comment: Cummin off  wurst… that I was very good at!

Lamented saying: Yer norrayin no tuffees!

Translation: You cannot have any sweets.

Comment: That was Dad all over… but I still loved him.

Lamented saying: Gizza croggie!

Translation: May I have a crossbar ride with you on your bicycle?

Comment: You just don’t seem to hear that phrase nowadays.

Lamented saying: This beer tastes like massi-watter!

Translation: This beer tastes like cat urine.

Comment: Unsure how Nottinghomians started using the word ‘Massi’ for a domesticated cat. Apparently nowadays it means someone who is ready for sexual intercourse? That leaves me out of the equation then .

Lamented saying: Aya masht midduck? 

Translation: Have you made the tea, dear?.

Comment: What my beloved Suzie would ask when she got home, nearly every time she got home.

Lamented saying: Phowr yo stink chronic yo do!

Translation: By golly your spoilt nappy does smell horrendous.

Comment: I’m informed this is what Dad used to say to me with great regularly.

Lamented saying: Arkattit! 

Translation: Listen to the rain.

Comment: All the Meadows folk used this terminology when it belted down.

Lamented saying: Wiggorn ev uz dinnuz! :

Translation: We are going to have our dinner.

Comment: Not that I got a cooked dinner very often…

Lamented saying: Gerrup yo, elsal bat yatabb!

Translation: Get up, or I may have to use violence to make you.

Comment: Dad’s encouragement for me to get out of bed.

Lamented saying: Fyo dont doasIsay al get yer Mam back!

Translation: If you do not do as I say, I’ll find your Mother and bring her back home.

Comment: An intimidatingly blood-curdling threat Dad used when I played him up or didn’t do as he asked – it worked too!

Lamented saying: I don’t wannit fro it int Trent!

Translation: I do not want that child, throw him in the river Trent!

Comment: Dear Mummys first words to the midwife when I was born.

Lamented saying: Arwee ayin chips else bunt tatuzz?

Translation: Will we be having chips or baked potatoes?

Comment: Well it wer chips when I had a choice.

Lamented saying: Wi or wi’yaut vingar?

Translation: Is that with or without vinegar?

Comment: Of course it wasn’t vinegar, it was brewed condiment.

Lamented saying: Yer greet wassock!

Translation: You great idiot!

Comment: Yes, been called this often enough as a youngster… and later.

Lamented saying: Keep tu coursey!

Translation: Stay on the pavement.

Comment: Now this is very rare nowadays.

Lamented saying: Downt piggle ut yer scab!

Translation: Stop picking at your scab.

Comment: I think piggling was also used for little and or unimportant as well?

Lamented saying: Yowl koppitt!

Translation: You will get into trouble.

Comment: Yes, I did too – far too often!

Lamented saying: Wottyowant? 

Translation: What would you like?

Comment: I know what I’d like… but the body wont let me…

Lamented saying: Eers yer pay packet yoof!

Translation: Here is you wages for the week Gerry.

Comment: Ah… those were the days…

Lamented saying: Dus yer fancy a lyrral romp?

Translation: Would you like to mutually couple with me?

Comment: Hmmm?

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