Inchcock Today Tue 1 Dec 15: Damned Dizzies!

Tuesday 1st December 2015

Woke at 0415 hrs in need of the WC, Little Inchy painful and belting out blood and needed a lot of attention to stop it this morning.

Horrible night again, spent more of it awake than kipping. Tsk!

P1020553Laptop on and finished the Monday diary.

Took me medications.

Regular visitations to the bathroom throughout the morning.

Had another dizzy spell and decided to email the GP for an appointment to tell her about these returning.

The Morrisons order arrived, got the frozen in the freezer but ended up with too much to get into it – left the others in the bags in the Hallway.

Got me laundry ready and took it down and got it in a machine. Expecting the Iceland order too later, so stayed downstairs outside the laundry room so i could see him arriving. Took me bottles to the bank down the road.

P1020554Ask a lady arriving to do her washing if she wanted me chips and ice-cream I couldn’t get in the freezer. Went up and fetched it for her – she had taken out me washing from the drier for me and I’d left me bag upstairs so fetched it. Good job the lifts were working today.

A bloke arrived wanting use both washing machines, me first enemy made at the flats when I said he was not supposed to use both at once.

P1020555The Iceland man cometh and delivered.

The lady told me to take me chips to the lady in flat 52 on the ninth floor, so I did.

Then got me nosh on and put away me clobber, and stored the fodder.

Laptop on to update this.

P1020556Got me nosh, and what a nosh too!

3 Potato pancakes (Two inside cheese cobs), sticky chicken on sticks thingies, chicken nuggets, carrots, peas, sweet potato chips and tomatoes.

Ate the lot of it!

Checked on email to see if I’d had any reply from the  doctors but no.

P1020558Tired to renovate the plaque I’d brought with me from the old place. A mate who I worked with when he had freshly arrived from Kingston, went home on a visit and brought me this back as a thank you.

I nicknamed him Tony and he stuck with it. I wonder where he is now?

Had another dizzy.

Sister Jane rang on the land-line. I can go visit them in the morning but I must get there before 1100hrs. So I got the bag ready with the nibbles and treats, made sure me bus-pass was in me pocket – oh, and while doing this I found the Co-op card I’d lost. It was in me new sleeveless jacket pocket. Huh!

Little Inchy had been bleeding again.

Sat down after cleaning up from the nosh preperationing and put the TV on – surprised that there was much on that I fancied looking at… fell asleep…

2 thoughts on “Inchcock Today Tue 1 Dec 15: Damned Dizzies!

  1. have to avoid reading your posts for next couple of days, inchy – got some tests at hospital Friday and, starting today. only allowed to eat bread (white) and butter, and rice (white) – sigh!

    looking at those pics of your food is going to be torture ! 😥

    • Oh my gawd Dunc – how horrible for you mate.
      I hope things work out alright for yer cocker.
      Good luck and best wishes Sir.
      May the Force be with You!
      Try to keep me updated.

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