Sun 12 July 2015: Vicious draughts and the Perspicacious Visitation from Duncan

DraughtsSunday 12th July 2015

Up at 0415hrs. Reckon I got a good six hours kip in or thereabouts.

Nippy this morning – Brrr!

I stood a moment looking out of the kitchen window and felt severe draughts coming from the corner.

I felt around and located where they were coming from – no wonder I can’t get rid of me cold is it?

Took me quilt and throw from the kitchen into the bedroom and made a cuppa, got this laptop on and took a photo of where the draughts are coming from mainly. Including out from the draw and cupboard. Doctored it with arrows indicating the worst of the draughts this morning in Coreldraw X7.

Bits of memories of dreams I’d had come to me and I wrote them down:

Vaguely recall long queues at an ice-cream stall on a beach, people wearing rain coats hats and had umbrellas but it didn’t seem cold and wasn’t raining… I was not in the queue but hid in some sand dunes with some binoculars and a giant flask of tea, each time I poured a cup I fell into it?

WC’d, little Inch bleeding again, and the haemorrhoids joined in. If the wrist bruising doesn’t get any better, I’ll mention to the nurse at me INR blood tests tomorrow. Huh!

Made a cuppa and took me medications.

Still early so I did some Facebooking and checked and replied to me emails.

Did some graphicalisationing on Coreldraw X7 – getting used to it now – it’s the Serif Draw X6 I can’t get me head around.

Although the hot water wasn’t really hot enough to run a bath – I did. Had a quick shave (Yes, I cut missen again, under the chin this time fer a change like). Used me new non-slip mat – bit messy getting it fitted each time to use it and it really is not big enough, but there you go – hey-ho!

As I lay there for a few minutes, aghast at how me body was deteriorating like, I espied many paint splashes on the bath taps and sink from where I was – I counted them bit gave up at 100.

When I got out and started to cut me toe nails with great difficulty and pain, I spotted that painter had also spotted the wall heater  pedestal toilet and all the accoutrements with paint as well.

I miss Paul the painter yer know – but his memory will linger on for years… or as long as I last like. Hehehe!

Cleaned up the bathroom, got me togs on and made another cuppa, back on this laptop to update while I wait for Dunc’s arrival.

It’s still cold here this morning – I can see the trees a-swaying violently outside.

Did  graphic for Mike Steeden to use – involving Claret and the drinking of it!

Went down to meet Duncan and he arrived a few minutes later.

DSCF0089Went to greet him in the car park on the front. We got the chair out and up and ensconced in the flat in no time.

Dunc’ showed me how to sit in it the chair without falling out of it. Hehehe!

Gave him a chance to say his fond farewells to it like. Haha!

We had a jolly good chin-wag that I enjoyed immensely.


Duncan here as he peruses the state of the place for me… good egg he is yer know!

Dunc’ brought me some seed and meal-worms for me pigeons, curried beans, Marmite crisps… I thought it was Christmas! Very decent of the man, and a decent man he is too!

After much talking and nattering, Dunc took a photographicalisation of me as I couldn’t resist trying the swivel chair he had kindly donated to me.

DSCF0094Duncan took a photograph of me as we were on the windy balcony, trying to escape it seems?

I managed a weak smile as I clung onto the bird repellent meshing.

But by Jimminee cricket it were so windy and cold out there.

We soon returned back inside – Brrr! 


A swarve Inchy has his first trial run in his new swivel chair, tended over by Duncan acting as his Carer. Hehe!

I tried to look casual in the photo, yer know relaxed, cool, at ease – so I battled to get me legs crossed and put on a convincing ‘I’m in no pain’ expression as I showed-off in me new chair ta Dunc had brought all the way from Birmingham just for me.

Dunc had to help me uncross me legs afterwards like – oh the pain! Hehehe.

Much laughter stories and anecdotes later, when it was time for Dunc to travel back to Birmingham, I thanked him for his kindness and support and then: CityRain!!!

Not me this time – Duncan!


Thank heavens the keys were there!

Could he find his car keys – No!

We got down to his car, where he thought they may still be in the ignition. Thank heavens they were there!

Thus proving that Dunc and I have a natural affinity! (If that’s the right word?)

I’m not saying what it is… as if I needed to?

Waved Dunc the Lad off. Sadly.

Decided I was hungry enough to have a decent nosh today when I got back inside the flat.

DSCF0099So, updated this diary and then got me lamb and veg nosh with added roast parsnips and some of Duncan’s curried beans wot he’s brought me prepared for demolishing.

Tiredness and weariness suddenly overcame me, I could do nothing but savour the taste of the nosh and relish the memories of Duncan’s visit.

Took me medications, and got me head down – but I kept waking up every few minutes it seemed for some reason?

Gave up at 0120hrs and rose made a cuppa and updated this diary.

So weary and tired, but content despite worrying about all the things that needed doing that weren’t getting done.

Cheers folks.

4 thoughts on “Sun 12 July 2015: Vicious draughts and the Perspicacious Visitation from Duncan

  1. What a wonderful day you had Inchy. Forty years ago, give or take 10, I could have folded my legs like that. If I tried it today I would be pretzel shaped for the rest of my life, or until they fell off for lack of blood supply, whichever came first..
    You have a love new chair, and it looks so comfortable. A nice swivel arm chair for your first piece of furniture, hopefully followed soon by more pieces that can be found at thrift stores.

    • Your right again Angel. I’m still suffering now for showing off and crossing me legs! Haha.
      As soon as I can get the repairs done gal, the carpets can be sorted, then the search for economy furniture – computer bench, bed and table to eat off are first on the list. Charity shops will be my search areas. Take care please. Gerry X

      • Can’t get in much trouble while I’m sleeping Inchy, at least I hope I can’t, so I’m doing a lot of sleeping now that I don’t have any critters to keep me awake. I’m feeling some pain now too, in my shoulders. No pain at all while I was moving all those boxes and pulling stuff off the shelves, but now that it’s all over and I’ve earned some rest and relaxation, I have some definite owies in both shoulders. Not even going to try to cross my legs. I would be pretzel shaped for life. You’ll make it Inchy, I have confidence in you, Then we’ll work on me, if I’m still able to move, and not sitting in a corner somewhere going “a[bwoa , abwoak , that’s all folks”, or something to that effect.

      • No critter eh Angel – well that bits very good news I’m pleased to hear (even without me hearing aids in – hehe).
        “Not even going to try to cross my legs. I would be pretzel shaped for life!” That statement had me in tucks gal, brilliant wording. Good luck lass, thinking of you. X

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